Awakening Daily Information Panel, Become a True Immortal

Chapter 227: Ten thousand feet long blood crocodile! Nine infants, nine souls, and ten thousand peop

[3: You looted the Tianchu Immortal Dynasty’s treasure house yesterday and obtained information. There is a soul stone in the Tianchu Immortal Dynasty treasure house, which has the effect of repairing the soul. 】

[4: You ransacked the Tianchu Immortal Dynasty’s treasure house yesterday and obtained information. There was a jade slip in the Tianchu Immortal Dynasty’s treasure house, which recorded the Nine Infants and Nine Souls formation of ten thousand people. This formation requires the souls of children born in the yin period of the yin year and the yin month, plus the blood sacrifice of 100,000 people. It can force a peak Nascent Soul expert to break through to the god transformation stage, at the cost of becoming a demon cultivator. 】

[5: You ransacked the Tianchu Immortal Dynasty's treasure house yesterday and obtained information. The formation eyes of the Nine Infants and Nine Souls array were disguised as shield-shaped magic weapons, and you put them into a storage bag. When Chu Yunxiao learned that the formation eye had been stolen, he was so angry that he vomited blood and was terrified that if this was leaked, he would be completely ruined. 】

[6: You saw the monster Nether Tiger yesterday and obtained information. The Nether Tiger has the magical power to communicate with the underworld, but you need to pay the price of your life to open the passage to the underworld. 】

[7: You touched the cloth bag sewn by Qin Xuemei yesterday and obtained information that the Ten Thousand Flowers Immortal Sect has obtained the inheritance of the ancient Baihua Fairy. This news was leaked by the traitor and has spread to the powerful Immortal Sect in Central Continent. There is a mysterious and powerful immortal sect in Central Continent that is eyeing the Ten Thousand Flowers Immortal Sect. 】

[8: You killed a Jindan monk named Wei Jianzong yesterday and obtained information. Wei Jianzong is a secret agent of the Daqi Immortal Dynasty. He got the news that the Daqi Immortal Dynasty and the Dayan Immortal Dynasty are conspiring to divide the Chu Immortal Dynasty, and have already Contacted the Taiyi Sword Sect in Central Continent to support this move. 】

[9: You thought of Chen Yi yesterday and got information. Chen Yi will arrive at Tianchu Imperial City tomorrow. He has a token of Wan Jianyi, the master of Taiyi Sword Sect. Wan Jianyi is planning to conspire with Chu Yunxiao to join forces to trap everyone. Qi Immortal Dynasty and Dayan Immortal Dynasty. 】

[10: You killed a golden elixir monk named Zhang Zujie yesterday and obtained information that there is a cliff called Longji Cliff in the Dayan Immortal Dynasty. A purple jade flower grows on the cliff. After taking it, It can increase the success rate of pill formation by 50%. It's just that this flower is guarded by a sixth-level peak monster. 】

After reading all the information, Qin Wang was greatly surprised.

He did not expect that the Wan Zhang Blood Crocodile was not dead, but was seriously injured and fell asleep.

It was the joint strangulation of twenty Nascent Soul Masters, and with the assist from Chu Yunxiao, a peak Nascent Soul master, even the God Transformation Master had to retreat.

But now, the Wan Zhang Blood Crocodile is seriously injured and sleeping. I wonder if there is a chance for a sneak attack?

Thinking of this, Qin Wang immediately found Wu Su and told him the news.

After Wu Su listened, he thought for a moment.

"It seems that the body of this ten-thousand-foot-long blood crocodile is extremely powerful, even comparable to a body-refining expert in the god-transformation stage. Everything in the world must have strengths and weaknesses."

"The body of the Ten-thousand-foot Blood Crocodile is strong, so its spirit will naturally be weaker than ordinary eighth-level monsters, and weaker than the spirit of humans at the peak of Nascent Soul. If the power of my spirit can return to its peak state, then I will help you control it. There is nothing wrong with a bloody crocodile."

Wu Su expressed his thoughts.

"It's just that in my current state, I want to return to my peak..."

Wu Su did not continue, but smiled bitterly and shook his head.

"I have something that should be helpful to you."

Qin Wang laughed.

He took out the soul stone and handed it over.

Wu Su was stunned when he saw the soul stone in Qin Wang's hand.

She never expected that Qin Wang would have a soul stone.

You must know that this is a very rare treasure of heaven and earth, and it only acts on the soul, and the supplementary effect on the soul is very strong. It can be said that even if the power of the Divine Soul is exhausted by a True Lord of Divine Transformation, it can be fully replenished with a Soul Stone.

This soul stone alone can restore Wu Su's soul to its peak state.

If True Lord Transformation of God knew about this soul stone, he would snatch it away at all costs.

Wu Su forced down the greed in his heart and looked at Qin Wang.

"Do you know how precious this soul stone is?"

Wu Su asked very seriously.

Qin Wang was about to answer, but Wu Su interrupted him directly.

"Just this soul stone can make the True Lord Transformation God owe you a huge favor. For True Lord Transformation God, this soul stone is a life."

Wu Su explained.

She knew that saying this would probably make Qin Wang change his mind and take back the soul stone.

But if she didn't say it, it would be contrary to her Taoist heart and inconsistent with the sword's heart.

Sword holders must naturally face themselves and have a clear conscience.

"So what? No matter how precious it is, it's not as helpful as you are to me."

Qin Wang said with a smile.

He wasn't lying, that's what he was thinking.

Ten birds in the forest are worth less than one in the hand.

Qin Wang knows that only by converting treasures into his own power as much as possible can they be truly useful treasures.

Otherwise, you will end up making wedding clothes for others.

Anyway, this soul stone is of no use in his hands now, so he might as well let Wu Su use it to restore his soul.

After all, whether it is spells such as the Cone of Shock or treasures such as the Barbarian God's left hand, in Qin Wang's opinion, they are not his strongest trump card.

To say that he is the strongest, it is only Wu Su.

If Wu Su returns to his peak state and activates the Barbarian God's left hand, will he be able to compete with the real Yuanying?

Thinking of this, Qin Wang was looking forward to it.

After seeing the power of Chu Yunxiao and other Yuanying masters, Qin Wang no longer regarded the Golden Pill cultivators as opponents.

If he could walk sideways among the Yuanying Zhenren, it would be more beneficial for him.

Wu Su looked at Qin Wang deeply.

"I won't let you down. Give me the soul stone. After ten hours, I can recover to my peak state and help you subdue the ten thousand feet blood crocodile."

Wu Su spoke directly.

"Thank you."

Qin Wang handed the soul stone to Wu Su without hesitation.

Then, Qin Wang called Zhang Fujiang and others to spread the news that Chu Yunxiao secretly prepared the Nine Infants Nine Souls Ten Thousand People Formation, as well as the conspiracy between Chu Yunxiao and Wan Jianyi.


Tianchu Palace.

Chu Yunxiao brought Chu Wuya and other Yuanying Zhenren back here, and saw that the originally magnificent palace had become a paradise for monsters.

There were broken walls and ruins everywhere.

The air was filled with the stench of monsters.

The Nether Tiger and the Black Scale Demon Ape had already slipped away when they sensed the breath of Chu Yunxiao and others.

Chu Yunxiao looked at the thousands of monsters below and was instantly furious.

"Go to hell for me!!!!"

Chu Yunxiao held the sword formula and pointed at the monsters below.

The majestic spiritual power gushed out, turning into a series of lightsabers, piercing into the monsters below.

Boom boom boom, boom boom boom.

The monsters that were still playing and having fun suddenly exploded and broke into pieces of flesh and blood.

Chu Wuya and other Yuanying Zhenren also took action and vented their anger on these monsters.

After all, they couldn't beat the ten thousand feet blood crocodile, so how could they not beat these monsters below the sixth level?

In their view, monsters below the sixth level were ants, and they could kill a large number of them with a slight movement of their fingers.

The monsters were horrified to find that the leading seventh-level monsters, the Nether Tiger and the Black Scale Demon Ape, had already fled. Without the leader's organization, and with their weak strength, they were killed by Chu Wuya and others like cutting melons and vegetables.

Thousands of demon beasts died in the Tianchu Palace, and a small number of demon beasts were lucky enough to escape and disappeared into the wild without a trace.

At this moment, the entire Tianchu Palace has been stained with blood, both from human cultivators and demon beasts.

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