Awakening Daily Information Panel, Become a True Immortal

Chapter 228: Escape from Zhongzhou! Chu Yunxiao's helplessness! Subdue the ten-thousand-foot bl

The ruins of Tianchu Palace.

Chu Yunxiao smiled angrily when he saw that there was only a small pile of spiritual stones left in the treasure house.

"Hahahahahaha, okay, okay, I didn't expect that all of this is a game."

"Go and find out! Who set up this trap? They attracted the Blood Crocodile to attract our attention, and then took the opportunity to loot the treasure house."

"Who is it!!!"

Chu Yunxiao roared.

"Yes, Ancestor. I'll go check it out right away."

Chu Wuya hurriedly took the order and left.

He really didn't dare to stay by Chu Yunxiao's side anymore, for fear that he would be angered by Chu Yunxiao.

The remaining Nascent Soul Masters also found excuses to leave.

Chu Yunxiao didn't care.

At this moment, what he cared about most was the formation eye of the Nine Infants and Nine Souls formation with ten thousand people and the jade slip.

If he was really kidnapped and the secret was discovered, then he would really be doomed.

His reputation in the Southern Territory will be completely ruined.

What Chu Yunxiao didn't know was that there was another soul stone in the treasure house, and he didn't know it. Otherwise, he would have carried the soul stone with him.

That is a treasure that can make True Lord Transformation God jealous!

However, after Chu Yunxiao carefully searched for the changes with his spiritual consciousness, he was helpless to find that the jade slips and the formation eye had been taken away.

"That's all, at worst, some secrets will be spread, and then I will personally clarify that there is no such thing. All of them will be labeled as rumors. Doesn't that damn Qin Tie dare to confront me?"

Chu Yunxiao comforted himself in a low voice.

Soon, Chu Wuya and others hurried back.

However, there were originally more than ten Nascent Soul Masters, but now there are only three Nascent Soul Masters including Chu Wuya.

It was obvious that all the other Yuanying masters who were not named Chu had quietly left.

Seeing this situation, Chu Yunxiao suddenly had a bad premonition in his heart.

"Tell me, what happened?"

Chu Yunxiao pretended to be calm and asked slowly.

"Ancestor, something bad has happened. There are rumors that you are setting up a nine-infant nine-soul formation with ten thousand people. It is also said that you are planning with Wan Jianyi, the master of Taiyi Sword Sect, to kill the powerful men of Daqi Immortal Dynasty and Dayan Immortal Dynasty. ”

Chu Wuya said anxiously.

Chu Yunxiao was stunned for a moment.

He had long expected that the Nine Infants and Nine Souls would form a large formation of ten thousand people.

But how did the other party know about his and Wan Jianyi's plan?

Chu Yunxiao was silent for a moment, and finally sighed.

"Things can't be done, things can't be done."

Chu Yunxiao said rather helplessly.

Now he has understood that his foundation in the Southern Territory may have to be completely abandoned.

Even if he personally refutes that someone is slandering him for setting up a nine-infant nine-soul formation with ten thousand people, it is meaningless.

Because Da Qi Immortal Dynasty and Dayan Immortal Dynasty will definitely help find evidence to prove that he is the demon cultivator that everyone wants to beat.

After all, Da Qi Immortal Dynasty and Dayan Immortal Dynasty are not fools. Wouldn’t they do things that add insult to injury?

"Ancestor, what should we do next?"

Chu Wuya asked anxiously.

"What should I do? Apart from leaving Central Continent, what else can I do?"

Chu Yunxiao said lightly.

As soon as these words came out, Chu Wuya and others were stunned.

The three of them looked at each other and understood that the other did not want to leave the Southern Territory and go to Central Continent.

What is Zhongzhou?

That is where the golden elixir is everywhere and the Nascent Soul is not as good as a dog.

They can be kings and hegemons in the Southern Territory, but if they go to Central Continent, they will definitely lose sight of everyone. How can they be at ease?

Chu Yunxiao saw the hesitation of these three younger disciples.

After all, if you are used to living a life of kingship and hegemony in the Southern Territory, you will definitely not want to go to Central Continent to live under the fence of others and struggle to survive.

That’s it for the other two.

Chu Wuya was his most promising junior.

If Chu Wuya also loses his ambition to make progress, then...

"If you don't want to, then you can leave. Stay safe."

Chu Yunxiao said lightly.

After speaking, he looked at Chu Wuya.

He really hoped that Chu Wuya could go to Central Continent with him.

The other two Nascent Soul Masters looked at each other and made a decision quickly.

"Ancestor, we think that our talents are limited, so we may not be able to accomplish anything when we go to Central Continent. Please forgive us, Ancestor."

The two said in unison.

"get out."

Chu Yunxiao waved his hand and didn't bother to pay attention.

The two Nascent Soul Masters immediately bowed their hands to Chu Yunxiao, then turned and flew away, for fear that Chu Yunxiao would regret it.

Chu Wuya hesitated for a moment, and finally gritted his teeth and made a decision.

"I am willing to follow my ancestor to Central Continent."

Chu Wuya said very seriously.

"Not bad."

Chu Yunxiao patted Chu Wuya's shoulder with great satisfaction.


At nightfall.

The moon and stars are sparse.

Qin Wang came alone to the sleeping place of Wan Zhang Blood Crocodile.

Conquering the bloody crocodile is such a big deal that no leakage of information is allowed, not even the slightest mistake is allowed.

Therefore, Qin Wang chose to come alone.

"Miss Wu, we are here."

Qin Wang called in a low voice.

A figure flashed, dressed in white, it was Wu Su.

Under the moonlight, Wu Su looked like a fairy from the Nine Heavens, cold and noble.

At this time, Wu Su's soul power had returned to its peak level.

Therefore, even if it appears in the body of a soul, it will still look like a real person, and there will be no difference between it and a real person.

Wu Su released his spiritual consciousness, explored it, and nodded slightly.

"The Ten Thousand Zhang Blood Crocodile is right here. Let's go down and look for it."

After Wu Su finished speaking, he put his hand on Qin Wang's shoulder.

Qin Wang felt himself wrapped in a force, and then his body sank rapidly.

What's even more terrifying is that he and Wu Su's rapid descent did not trigger any changes in the aura of heaven and earth, and everything happened quietly.

In this way, when Qin Wang and Wu Su came to the place where Wan Zhang Blood Crocodile slept, Wan Zhang Blood Crocodile did not notice anything and was still sleeping.

Qin Wang looked closely at the ten thousand-foot-long bloody crocodile in front of him.

It has to be said that the body of this ten-thousand-foot-long blood crocodile is astonishing and terrifying. It is ten thousand feet long. If you look at it, you can't even see its tail.

Even if the Ten Thousand Zhang Blood Crocodile is now asleep and not actively attacking, the aura and coercion it exudes are enough to crush monks below the Golden Core stage.

Qin Wang calculated it, and if he didn't use the Barbarian Shield, even if he had the Star Tempered Body, he might not be able to sustain it for a long time.

And this is just the coercion that Wan Zhang Blood Crocodile inadvertently exudes.

Is this the terrifying thing about the eighth-level peak monster?

"Please also ask Miss Wu to help."

Qin Wang said very sincerely.

"rest assured."

Wu Su nodded slightly.

As soon as he finished speaking, Wu Su turned into a sword light and instantly pierced into the sea of ​​​​consciousness of the blood crocodile.

boom! ! ! !

The Wan Zhang Blood Crocodile sensed the danger and wanted to wake up.

Unfortunately, its body only moved once before falling silent again, and even the coercion released unconsciously no longer existed.

Qin Wang looked at the ten-thousand-foot bloody crocodile in front of him and couldn't help clenching his fists.

As long as Wu Su can succeed, then he will be able to possess a peak eighth-level monster.

At that time, he will be able to walk sideways in the Nascent Soul stage.

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