Awakening Daily Information Panel, Become a True Immortal

Chapter 244: A million monster walls! Human monks join the battle! Strength increases tenfold!

The Ten Thousand Zhang Blood Crocodile hit the ground below hard, creating a huge dent.

Even so, Wan Zhang Blood Crocodile was still extremely excited.

Because it felt that the power in its body was constantly expanding, and the majestic spiritual energy of heaven and earth gathered and was swallowed into its body.

At the same time, the aura of the Ten Thousand Zhang Blood Crocodile continued to grow.

Soon, the aura of the Ten Thousand Zhang Blood Crocodile reached its limit.


boom! ! ! ! !

The breath suddenly increased.

Ninth level monster!

A large amount of heaven and earth spiritual energy was swallowed by the Ten Thousand Zhang Blood Crocodile to repair its damaged body.

The originally huge body also gradually shrank.

This reduction is not to make it weaker, but to make the power more concentrated.

Of course, as long as it wants, it can expand its body and directly reach the height of 100,000 feet, covering the sky and the sun.

It's just that such a huge body has no other function besides looking big and intimidating.

far away.

Qin Wang carefully sensed the drop of soul blood from the blood crocodile in the sea of ​​​​consciousness, and nodded secretly.

Due to the influence of the laws of heaven and earth, the soul blood of Wan Zhang Blood Crocodile gradually turned into gold, and there was a trace of brilliance escaping from it.

The soul blood of the Divine Transformation Stage is more powerful than that of the Nascent Soul Stage.

At this moment, Qin Wang finally understood why Wu Su was able to easily suppress those Yuanying immortals simply by relying on his soul in the transformation stage.

Because the quality of the soul in the transformation stage is so high that there is not much difference between the soul in the transformation stage and the real body. In other words, the only difference is that the soul cannot be cultivated.

Perhaps, there is a method that can train the soul?

Qin Wang didn't think much about it.

Anyway, the Wan Zhang Blood Crocodile has advanced to the ninth level monster, so the next step of the plan can begin.

Zhang Fujiang and others saw the smile on Qin Wang's lips and immediately understood that the Blood Crocodile had successfully advanced.

"Congratulations to the master, your demon pet has successfully advanced to the ninth level demon beast, and can compete with the True Monarch of God Transformation."

The three said in unison.

"Next, it's time to reap the fruits. If you dare to covet the Ten Thousand-foot Blood Crocodile, then don't blame me for being rude."

Qin Wang spoke slowly.

Although his tone was calm, as if he said it casually, Zhang Fujiang and the other two people still shuddered involuntarily.

The three of them looked at each other and felt that the Southern Territory was about to change.

Previously, more than ten Nascent Soul masters from the Tianchu Immortal Dynasty were wiped out. If these thirteen Nascent Soul masters were wiped out now, it would be equivalent to losing more than half of the Nascent Soul masters in the Southern Territory.

It is difficult to avoid chaos in the Southern Territory.

at this time.

The thirteen Nascent Soul Masters could no longer hold back the greed in their hearts.

"The Ten Thousand Zhang Blood Crocodile has just survived the thunder tribulation and is at its weakest. We must take the opportunity to kill this person and restore peace to the world!"

One of them, Yuanying Zhenren, said righteously and solemnly.

"That's right! Take action as soon as possible to avoid letting the tiger go back to the mountain."

"Hurry up."

"When we swarm up, we can naturally kill this officer."

Others nodded in agreement.

At this moment, a real Yuanying master had some concerns.

"How about... let's forget it? I always feel a little uneasy. Is there a demon king peeping nearby?"

As soon as this Yuanying Master finished speaking, he was immediately refuted by the people next to him.

"Impossible, absolutely impossible! This has been the rule between humans and monsters for thousands of years. Within one day of surviving the thunder tribulation, neither the True Lord of God Transformation nor the ninth-level demon king is allowed to interfere. Can the new demon king survive? , that is, the new demon king cannot survive, and other demon kings are not allowed to seek revenge afterwards. "

"Yes, this code must be followed, unless they want to start a war between humans and monsters."

"Don't worry, nothing will happen."

The other Nascent Soul Masters next to him spoke to comfort him.

The timid Yuanying Zhenren hesitated for a moment, and finally shook his head.

"Then I wish all fellow Taoists great blessings and prosperity."

After saying that, he turned around and flew away.

As a result, there are only twelve Nascent Soul Masters left.

"Hmph, it's good to leave, I'll just get one less share."

Dayanxian spoke directly to Yan Changsong of the Yan family.

"That's all, everyone has their own ambitions, let them go."

"Twelve of us are enough."

"Let's go, let's start hunting the new demon king."

Everyone rose into the air and flew towards the ten thousand feet bloody crocodile.

Just as he flew halfway, he was immediately stopped by the monster beast on the outside.

Millions of monsters gathered here to protect their new king, so it was most meaningful to provide help in times of need. The monsters also know this very well.





Countless monsters were roaring and roaring.

Even when facing the real Yuanying, they still have to build a wall with their lives to protect their king.


The twelve Nascent Soul Masters did not hold anything back and launched attacks one after another.

For a moment, electric light flashed, fire shot into the sky, and countless explosions exploded the copper and iron walls composed of monsters.

Even so, the monster beasts did not flinch at all, and they rushed towards the twelve Nascent Soul Masters one after another.

After a while, the twelve Nascent Soul Masters also realized that continuing like this was not an option.

After all, even if you stand still and let them kill millions of monsters, it will take a lot of time.

For every delay, the Blood Crocodile will recover one more point.

Yan Changsong thought of something.

"The human monks listen to the order and attack immediately! All monster bodies will be recovered by our Dayan Immortal Dynasty at ten times the market price!"

Yan Changsong's voice was heard far away.

Other Yuanying Zhenren reacted immediately.

"My Great Qi Immortal Dynasty will recycle at ten times the market price!"

"My Dayan Lu family will recycle at ten times the market price!"

"My Dayan Wang family..."

Many Yuanying Zhenren shouted.

The human cultivators who were still on the sidelines immediately became excited.

Ten times the recycle!

Make a fortune!

There are millions of monsters here. Picking up a few of them is equivalent to a year's harvest.

If you pick valuable materials, wouldn't it be possible to...

People immediately waved their magic weapons and rushed over.

Although most of them are just low-level cultivators in the foundation-building stage and the Qi training stage, there are occasionally Jindan stage cultivators among them.


There are too many of them.

Adding up the scattered ones, there are at least 100,000 people.

100,000 cultivators are also very troublesome for millions of monsters.

What's more troublesome is that the twelve Yuanying Zhenren killed them as easily as crushing ants.

Soon, the twelve Yuanying True Immortals finally broke through the siege and killed the ten thousand zhang blood crocodile.

At this moment, the ten thousand zhang blood crocodile's body was only a thousand zhang in size.

Although its body was reduced in size, its weight and strength did not decrease at all.

This was equivalent to increasing the original attack force tenfold.

Because the power was more condensed!

However, the twelve Yuanying True Immortals did not know the reason.

In their opinion, the ten thousand zhang blood crocodile's body was reduced, which was a sign of weakness!

It was a good opportunity for them to kill the ten thousand zhang blood crocodile!

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