Awakening Daily Information Panel, Become a True Immortal

Chapter 245: The True Lord of Transformation! The Nascent Soul has fallen! Millions of demon beasts

Twelve immortal Nascent Souls surrounded the ten thousand-foot blood crocodile.

"Monster! We will eliminate evil for the people!"

"Today is your death day!"

"Fellow Taoists, it's useless to talk any more, let's get started."

"Attack together to wipe out this monster and bring benefits to all people!"

Twelve Nascent Soul Masters stood on the commanding heights of humankind's righteousness and judged the Ten Thousand Zhang Blood Crocodile.

Not to mention whether the Wan Zhang Blood Crocodile had devoured humans when he was young, before that, the Wan Zhang Blood Crocodile devoured the Yuan Ying Zhenren of the Tianchu Immortal Dynasty, which was enough to make them miserable.

There are thousands of monsters in the world.


Looking at the entire Southern Territory, the Ten Thousand Zhang Blood Crocodile is the only monster that devours human monks to improve their cultivation.

The human race can allow other monsters to be promoted to kings, but they will never allow the Blood Crocodile to be promoted.

After all, once the Ten Thousand Zhang Blood Crocodile is promoted and becomes a ninth-level monster, will he then devour the True Monarch of Transformation God to improve his cultivation?

Because of this, without anyone noticing, a human race's true god-turned-god lurked thousands of miles away from here.

If the twelve Nascent Soul Masters can take advantage of the Ten Thousand Zhang Blood Crocodile's weakness to kill the Ten Thousand Zhang Blood Crocodile, then everything is easy to say.


If the twelve Nascent Soul True Lords fail to catch him and allow the Ten Thousand Zhang Blood Crocodile to escape, then the Human Race God-Transforming True Lord will take action directly if he has no choice but to do so.

Even if it means breaking the rules between humans and monsters, he won't hesitate!

Twelve Nascent Soul Masters took action at the same time.

They each used their strongest attacks and smashed them into the Blood Crocodile.

"Seven Stars Fighting for Magical Powers!"

"Yin Yang Infinite Wheel!"

"Nine Nether Void Sword!"

"Thousands of galactic demons will be killed!"

All kinds of magic weapons were thrown at the Ten Thousand-foot Blood Crocodile. They planned to finish their work in one battle, so as to avoid long nights and dreams and mishaps.

The Wan Zhang Blood Crocodile roared furiously as he looked at the various attacks coming at him.

Boom boom boom!

Boom boom boom!

The attacks all fell on the Wan Zhang Blood Crocodile, stirring up a large amount of smoke and dust, completely burying the Wan Zhang Blood Crocodile.

Seeing this situation, the twelve Nascent Soul Masters secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

In their view, as long as the attack hits the target and hits the Blood Crocodile, the opponent will definitely die.

With such an attack, even the True Monarch of Transformation God must avoid its edge.

And now, the Ten Thousand Zhang Blood Crocodile has just passed through the tribulation, how can it possibly withstand these attacks?

However, now that Wan Zhang Blood Crocodile is dead, his original companions will become rivals for the treasure.

Killing people and grabbing treasures is as simple as eating and drinking water for Zhen Yuanying.

I would like to ask which one has grown to such a state and can achieve it through hard work?

As the saying goes, a horse cannot grow fat without night grass, and a man cannot become rich without windfall.

This principle still applies in the world of immortality.

After realizing this, the twelve Nascent Soul Masters looked at their companions around them with vigilance, for fear of being stabbed in the back.

"Everyone, listen to me."

Yan Changsong suddenly spoke.

Others looked at Yan Changsong subconsciously, wanting to see what he wanted to say.

"Now that the Demon King is dead, the body left behind by the Demon King is our target for coming here today. In my opinion, our fight against each other will inevitably result in the bitterness of the relatives and the happiness of the enemies."

Yan Changsong said loudly.

"So what do you have in mind?"

One of the Yuanying Masters asked directly.

"I don't dare, Takami. I just think that we can divide the demon king's body into twelve parts. If we want treasures like the demon king's demon pill, we need to take out some treasures to compensate others. I don't know what you guys think. How about next?”

Yan Changsong asked with a smile.

When everyone heard this, they all looked at each other and felt that this method was fairer.

Just when everyone was about to agree, a low roar came from the smoke.

When the twelve Nascent Soul Masters heard this low roar, their expressions suddenly changed.

The Blood Crocodile is not dead? !

How can this be? !

While the twelve Nascent Soul Masters were in a daze, the ten thousand-foot blood crocodile rose into the air, instantly came to the nearest Nascent Soul Master, and then bit it down.


The Nascent Soul Master roared angrily, playing his trump card, trying to break through the siege and escape from the bloody maw of the ten thousand foot blood crocodile.

However, a dark whirlpool appeared in the bloody mouth of the Ten Thousand-foot Blood Crocodile.

The opponent's magic weapon was sucked into the dark vortex and disappeared.

Afterwards, the Nascent Soul Master was swallowed by the Wan Zhang Blood Crocodile.

All of this happened in the blink of an eye. Not to mention that the other Nascent Soul Masters around him had no time to react. Even if they could react, they would not dare to attack the Wan Zhang Blood Crocodile. In fact, they were all worried that they would be targeted by the Blood Crocodile.

A dead Taoist friend is not a poor Taoist.

This sentence is fully realized at this moment.

The remaining eleven Nascent Soul Masters turned around and ran away without any hesitation.

Everyone working together can't hurt the bloody crocodile. If we don't run away now, when will we wait?

The Wan Zhang Blood Crocodile saw the remaining eleven Nascent Soul Masters running away and became furious instantly.

How could it endure when the food brought to its mouth flew away?


The Ten Thousand-foot Blood Crocodile roared angrily, spotted a person, and opened his mouth.

The dark vortex in the mouth rotates at high speed, and a terrifying attraction acts on the targeted Yuanying Zhenren.


The real Nascent Soul screamed and was sucked into the dark whirlpool by the Ten Thousand Zhang Blood Crocodile.


The ten thousand foot blood crocodile roared to the sky, releasing its own aura wantonly.

Boom! ! ! ! !

The aura of the ninth-level monster exploded.

The monsters within a million miles all felt it.

They knew that from now on, a new monster king appeared in the South Region!

The other monster kings originally scattered in the South Region noticed it and released their own auras.

Boom boom boom!

For a time, billions of monsters in the entire South Region cheered, as if celebrating the birth of the new monster king.

Ten thousand miles away from the Blue Sea Plain.

The face of the True Lord Huashen who was guarding outside suddenly changed.

He didn't expect that the twelve Yuanying True Lords not only did not hurt the ten thousand foot blood crocodile, but even the ten thousand foot blood crocodile had no damage, and it was in peak condition just after passing the thunder tribulation.

How is this possible?

The True Lord Huashen couldn't figure it out, but no matter what, he couldn't let the ten thousand foot blood crocodile survive.

Otherwise, the True Lord Huashen of the South Region would be in danger, and the entire human race in the South Region would be in danger.

The True Lord Huashen named Tan Zhixing dodged and rushed towards the direction of the ten thousand-foot blood crocodile.

At this time, the remaining ten Yuanying True Lords had already fled in all directions.

Even if the ten thousand-foot blood crocodile wanted to chase and kill them, it would be too late.

In the distance, Qin Wang saw this scene and couldn't help but sigh.

Sure enough, there is still a lack of means to trap the enemy.

Otherwise, as long as these Yuanying True Lords are surrounded, even if it's just for a cup of tea, the ten thousand-foot blood crocodile can catch them all in one fell swoop.

"If you want revenge, you need to postpone it."

Qin Wang glanced at Yan Cangwu and said lightly.

"Thank you, master."

Yan Cangwu had no complaints.

The ten thousand-foot blood crocodile is so strong, is it afraid that it will not be able to catch Yan Changsong in the future?

"The True Lord Huashen is coming. You have to be careful."

At this moment, Qin Wang heard Wu Su's voice transmission.

Qin Wang couldn't help but frowned when he heard the reminder.

What is the True Lord Huashen doing here?

Could it be that he wants to kill the ten thousand-foot blood crocodile?

Could it be that the True Lord Huashen wanted to tear up the agreement with the monsters?

Isn't the other party afraid that the war between humans and monsters will start again?

Qin Wang frowned slightly, but still ordered Zhang Fujiang and others to hide.

Then, he rose up alone, came to the air, and waited for the True Lord Huashen.

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