Awakening Daily Information Panel, Become a True Immortal

Chapter 249 One hundred and eight fragments! Qingping Sword! The power of that sword!

Wu Su's face looked a little lonely, but it soon returned to normal.

"Yes. I have always been unable to let go of that incident. I must go back and ask for details."

Wu Su spoke slowly.

Although her tone was calm, Qin Wang could still feel the surge in her heart.

Obviously, if it weren't for this obsession, Wu Su's spirit would not have lasted until now.

What's more, now that the power of her soul has returned to its peak state, she can be said to be an invincible existence under the transformation of a god. Because of this, she wanted to return to the Wu family and ask questions about what happened back then.

Qin Wang frowned slightly.

"Can't you wait for me? When I finish what I'm doing, I'll go to the Wu family with you to find out what happened back then."

Qin Wang looked at Wu Su sincerely.

"No need. That incident started because of me, so I will naturally end it. Besides, I have taught you all the sword skills you can learn at this stage, and the Wan Zhang Blood Crocodile is already a ninth-level monster. , it’s meaningless for me to stay with you.”

Wu Su said with a smile.

Qin Wang looked at Wu Su's smile and was fascinated for a moment.

Wu Su rarely smiled.

Qin Wang was a little stunned by his cold personality and his smile from the bottom of his heart.

He had never seen such a touching smile.

"You staying by my side means the most to me."

Qin Wang spoke out of nowhere.

Wu Su was stunned for a moment and didn't react for a while.

Soon, Wu Su realized something.

"Qin Wang, what do you mean?"

Wu Su's eyes contained blame.

"Miss Wu, in my heart, you are already like a family member. I..."

Qin Wang wanted to continue, but was stopped by Wu Su.

"You don't know what I'm carrying. Being my family will only harm you."

Wu Su said calmly, his expression becoming indifferent.

"Although I am only building a foundation now, one day I will step into the realm of God Transformation, or even become a God! Doesn't Miss Wu believe in me?"

Qin Wang's tone was full of confidence.

"I believe it. But...even if you reach the level of God Transformation, you are not qualified to participate in my affairs."

Wu Su smiled bitterly.

"How do you qualify?"

Qin Wang asked directly.

Even beings above the gods are not qualified to participate?

What happened to Wu Su.

"Take out your little Qingyou sword."

Wu Su did not answer directly, but made a request to Qin Wang.

Qin Wang didn't hesitate and took out twelve small Qingyou swords with his backhand.

Nine small Qingyou swords can form a sword formation, making Qin Wang invincible at the same level.

However, the enemies he encountered recently were all at the foundation building stage or above, so Qin Wang did not use the Qingyou Little Sword.

It's not that the Qingyou Little Sword is weak, but because Qin Wang's cultivation is still unable to fully unleash the true power of the Qingyou Little Sword.

Wu Su waved his hand gently, and the twelve small green swords immediately formed a circle.


The twelve small green swords began to vibrate at the same frequency, and the mysterious aura connected them with each other.


With a crisp sound, twelve small Qingyou swords were combined into one sword.

Although it is just a sword, the sword body is simple and simple, exuding a mysterious and mysterious atmosphere.

What's even more terrifying is the thick murderous aura emanating from this sword.

Qin Wang just took one look and felt the breath of death.

"This is……"

Qin Wang looked at the sword made up of the small Qingyou sword in front of him in disbelief, and couldn't even speak.

Compared with this combination, the previous Qingyou Sword Formation was completely childish.

Invincibility at the same level and killing at higher levels are nothing compared to this ancient sword.

"Do you know how many Qingyou small swords there are in total?"

Wu Su slowly asked.


Qin Wang thought for a while and answered.

Wu Su shook his head.

"A total of one hundred and eight. However, only thirty-six have been found in Kyushu, and the other seventy-two are unknown. They may be in Kyushu or outside the territory."

Wu Su said in a deep voice.

"One hundred and eight! If one hundred and eight Qingyou small swords gather together, then..."

Qin Wang was a little excited.

After all, there were only twelve Qingyou small swords, which gave him a creepy feeling.

If one hundred and eight Qingyou small swords were gathered together, how powerful would the ancient sword formed be?

"The Qingyou Little Sword is actually a fragment of the ancient famous sword Qingping Sword. If we can really collect one hundred and eight Qingyou Little Swords, we can bring the Qingyou Sword back to the world. Didn't you just ask me how? Are you qualified to participate in my affairs?”

Wu Su looked at Qin Wang deeply.

Qin Wang was suddenly startled.

Qingping sword?

The name of this sword sounds familiar.

"Do I need to collect one hundred and eight Qingyou small swords to be eligible to participate?"

Qin Wang felt that his throat was a little dry.

"No, you only need to collect thirty-six Qingyou small swords. Of course, if you want to form the Qingping Sword, then your understanding of the way of the sword needs to be strengthened."

After saying that, Wu Su and his sword pointed at a high mountain ahead.

The mountain is so towering that it reaches into the clouds.

Under Wu Su's command, the Qingping Sword composed of twelve small Qingyou swords flew towards the high mountain.


A green light flashed past, and soon the Qingping Sword returned to Wu Su.


Accompanied by a crisp sound, the Qingping Sword was divided into twelve Qingyou small swords again.

Wu Su sighed deeply and looked at Qin Wang.

"I will teach you the method of combining the Qingping Sword. You should practice well. I hope you can collect thirty-six Qingyou small swords. I will wait for you in the Wu Family Sword Domain."

After that, Wu Su's figure gradually faded and soon disappeared without a trace.

Qin Wang knew that Wu Su had left.

He left behind the combination method of the Qingping Sword.

At this moment, the originally towering mountain suddenly broke in the middle, and then the upper part tilted and slid down.

Rumble! ! ! ! !

The original thousand-foot-high mountain was split into two.

The huge mountain fell to the foot of the mountain, causing the earth to shake.

Birds and beasts screamed and ran wildly.

It was as if it was the end of the world.

And all this was caused by Wu Su's casual blow after he used twelve Qingyou small swords to form the Qingping Sword.

The power of a sword is so terrifying.

These are only twelve Qingyou small swords. If there are twenty-four, thirty-six, or even one hundred and eight complete Qingping swords...

Thinking of this, Qin Wang's breathing became a little rapid.

Big killer!

Definitely a big killer!


Wu Family Sword Domain.

The Sword Domain is full of precious swords and famous swords. There are very few famous swords that are thousands of years old, only because most of the famous swords that are thousands of years old are not qualified to appear here. Unless they are particularly powerful famous swords, they will be absorbed by the Sword Domain with the qualifications of a thousand years.

In the Sword Domain, famous swords that are ten thousand years old can be seen everywhere.

After the Wu Family disciples enter the Sword Domain, if they want to choose a famous sword to accompany them, they also need to see whether the famous sword is worthy of these little kids.

And now, many famous swords that have never changed for thousands of years are trembling.

The entire Sword Domain is boiling!

As if responding to their gods!

And all this is because Wu Su swung that sword!

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