Awakening Daily Information Panel, Become a True Immortal

Chapter 250: Nanzhan Tribe! Condensed Dan Purple Qi! Destroying someone's chance is like killin

Qin Wang looked at the Qingyou swords in front of him and tried to combine them into the Qingping sword.

However, no matter how hard he tried, the Qingyou swords could not be combined to become the Qingping sword.

"It seems that my understanding of the sword is still not enough."

Qin Wang shrugged his shoulders without any discouragement.

Anyway, he can check his proficiency, learn more swordsmanship, understand the sword, and slowly improve.

The understanding of the sword can't be rushed.

Qin Wang put away the Qingyou sword and thought about it carefully.

The biggest reason for limiting his strength now is that his cultivation is too low.

The middle stage of foundation building is okay for ordinary cultivators, but it is too low for him.

After all, his enemies are at least in the Nascent Soul stage, and many are in the God Transformation stage, or even above the God Transformation stage.

Therefore, his primary goal now is to form a pill.

"It's time to go to Tianzhou Mountain in the Nanzhan tribe in the Western Region to obtain the purple air for the pill."

Qin Wang made a decision quickly.

This condensed dan purple qi can increase the chance of condensing dan by 30%. Such a natural treasure should not be missed.


Western Region.

Nanzan Tribe.

This place is just one of the thousands of tribes in the Western Region.

Originally it was not very noticeable.


When the condensed dan purple qi appeared in Tianzhou Mountain next to the Nanzan Tribe, the originally ordinary Nanzan Tribe attracted the attention of powerful monks.

In the big tent of the tribe.

More than a dozen sturdy men wearing fur coats sat together.

"Chief! Those Central Continent monks are really too much! We can't just sit there and wait for death, chief!"

One of them, a Jindan peak strong man named Asule, spoke.

He is the current first warrior of the tribe and the strongest person besides the leader Altaïr.

Although Altaïr has the cultivation of the early Nascent Soul, he was injured in his early years and his foundation was damaged, so he could not make any progress.

Therefore, he could only pin his hopes on Asule, the first warrior of the tribe.

Asule stood up, his ten-foot-tall figure almost touched the big tent, and such a burly figure brought a strong sense of oppression.

"Leader, we must fight back!"

Asule clenched his fists, and veins popped out on his body.


Altair shook his head without any hesitation.

"Why?! Those Zhongzhou monks are just a group of children in the foundation-building stage, and their protectors are only in the golden elixir stage. I can smash their heads with one punch!"

Asule growled.

"Because they are from Zhongzhou, there must be Yuanying Zhenren hiding around and guarding them in secret."

Altair sighed and smiled bitterly.

Yuanying Zhenren acted as protectors, and those young masters were really too extravagant.

Is this the foundation of Zhongzhou monks?

Asule roared and punched the ground.


Even if the ground was reinforced by the formation and could withstand the full force of the early Jindan monks, it could not withstand Asule's punch. Even though he did not use his magic power, he used his physical strength to throw this punch.

"Are we just going to let them ride on our heads and bully us?"

Asule looked around with red eyes.

Every tribe member who was swept by his eyes lowered his head.

The tribe members did not want to teach those young masters of Central China a lesson, but they did not dare to.

The strongest man of the Nanzhan tribe, Altair, was only in the early stage of the Nascent Soul, and he was injured in the early stage of the Nascent Soul. What could he do to fight those young masters of Central China?


After more than ten days of trekking, Qin Wang and others finally arrived at the Nanzhan tribe.

"Master, is this the Nanzhan tribe? Why do I feel... a little different from other tribes?"

Zhang Fujiang looked carefully at the Nanzhan tribe in front of him and couldn't help saying.

Jiang Haotian and Yan Cangwu both nodded in agreement.

After all, most of the tribes in the Western Regions are wild in style, with various wooden towers and tents everywhere.

But in the Nanzhan tribe, there are large palaces and pavilions, which are not much different from those in the South Region, and are even more luxurious than those in the South Region.

"It seems that the news of the condensed pill purple qi has been leaked."

Qin Wang chuckled.


Jiang Haotian suddenly became nervous.

He is already in the false pill stage, and it can be said that he is only half a step away from successfully forming a pill and entering the golden pill stage.

This time, Qin Wang brought everyone to the Nanzhan tribe, and the most active one was Jiang Haotian.

In Jiang Haotian's opinion, his chance of forming a pill may fall on this condensed pill purple qi.

And now, the news of the condensed pill purple qi has been leaked, wouldn't it affect his formation of a pill?

Mortals have the idea of ​​killing people's wealth like killing their parents.

In the world of immortal cultivation, there is naturally the idea of ​​killing people's opportunities like killing their parents.

"Master, I ask for permission to investigate."

Jiang Haotian immediately requested.


Qin Wang nodded slightly and asked Jiang Haotian to go and investigate the situation.

Jiang Haotian took the order and left.

Soon, Jiang Haotian returned and told the general situation of the Nanzhan tribe.

Zhang Fujiang was very disdainful after listening.

"I thought it was someone else, it turned out to be the young masters from Zhongzhou. How can they be the master's opponent?"

Zhang Fujiang said nonchalantly.

Jiang Haotian and Yan Cangwu nodded subconsciously.

After all, the protectors of these young masters were just Jindan cultivators, and at most they were secretly guarded by Yuanying Zhenren.

So what?

Qin Wang's pet is a ninth-level monster, and it can kill those Yuanying Zhenren with just a wave of its hand.

What is there to fear?

After finding out the situation, Qin Wang led Zhang Fujiang and others to walk towards the Nanzhan tribe's base.

After all, the condensed purple qi is not available at all times, and it depends on the time.

If you want to know the time when the condensed purple qi erupts, it is more convenient to ask the locals directly.

Qin Wang and his party were soon discovered by the Nanzhan tribe and the young masters of Zhongzhou.

"Who is coming?"

A Jindan cultivator stopped Qin Wang and his group.

Jiang Haotian has the cultivation of fake dan, and Qin Wang has concealed his cultivation, so he cannot be detected.

Therefore, the tone of the Jindan cultivator is normal.

Qin Wang did not speak, but glanced at Zhang Fujiang.

"My master's name is Qin Tiedan."

Zhang Fujiang raised his head slightly and spoke arrogantly.

As soon as the voice fell, a young man in a brocade robe next to him immediately laughed out loud.

"Hahahaha, what a tacky name. If I had this name, I might as well just run into a wall and die. Hahaha."

The young man in brocade robe was also a fake Dan cultivator, so he didn't take Qin Wang and the others seriously.

Zhang Fujiang, Yan Cangwu, and Jiang Haotian's faces suddenly changed when they heard each other's words.

Humiliating their masters in front of them, if they didn't make a statement, how could they still be slaves?

"How dare you!"

Jiang Haotian roared, and a cloud of gray mist was sprinkled from his hands.

There were some cold rays hidden in the gray mist.

The sweet smell spread towards the other party.

The young man in brocade robe had little experience in fighting, and before he could react, he smelled a strong sweet smell.

He immediately felt confused.

When he came to his senses, the cold rays had already come in front of him, making him unable to avoid or block them!

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