Awakening Daily Information Panel, Become a True Immortal

Chapter 251 Kill the Golden Core and Suppress the Nascent Soul! Zhongzhou Wuji Sect!

The Jindan monk next to him was shocked when he saw this situation.

He hurriedly threw out a bowl-shaped magic weapon and covered the young man in brocade robe.

Dang Dang Dang Dang.

Continuous crisp sounds sounded on the surface of the bowl-shaped magic weapon, but the bowl-shaped magic weapon did not move at all.

"You are looking for death!"

Seeing that his young master was safe and sound, the Jindan cultivator glared at Qin Wang and others and prepared to take action.

At this moment, Qin Wang released twelve small Qingyou swords.


Twelve small green swords formed a sword formation and strangled the Jindan monk.

This left the golden elixir monk with no time to take back the bowl-shaped magic weapon, not to mention that he did not dare to take it back.

If he took back the magic weapon and the other party continued to attack the young man in golden robe, wouldn't the young man in golden robe be dead?

What's more, the sword formation composed of the small green swords has no power and looks very ordinary.

In the view of the Jindan monk, with his own ability, he can completely take over the opponent's sword formation.

Thinking of this, the golden elixir monk held the defensive magic formula with one hand, and a large amount of spiritual energy gathered, forming a spiritual energy shield in front of him.

This shield is enough to block a full blow from a monk in the early stages of the Golden Core.

Moreover, the golden elixir monk held the attack technique in his other hand, preparing to release the attack.

Bang bang bang bang!

With a crisp sound, twelve small green swords hit the aura shield one after another in the form of a long snake formation.

Although the first four Qingyou small swords were blocked, when the fifth Qingyou small sword pierced through, the aura shield finally could not withstand such a sharp attack.


The aura shield exploded instantly.

The sudden change made the Jindan monk suddenly startled.

He never expected that his dignified golden elixir monk would be able to break through the defenses of a group of monks whose highest level of cultivation seemed to be at the fake elixir realm.

how so? !


Qingyou's small sword instantly penetrated the Jindan monk's neck.

At the same time, a golden elixir jumped out of his belly, preparing to escape.

As long as the green hills remain, there is no need to worry about running out of firewood.

It's a pity that Qin Wang didn't give the other party this chance.

Qin Wang took out the soul-gathering bowl and shook it towards the golden elixir that was about to escape.


It was as if the golden elixir was being pulled by an invisible giant hand and forced into the soul-gathering bowl.

Without the magical support of the golden elixir monk, the bowl-shaped magic weapon returned to its original shape and fell to the ground.

The young man in brocade robes inside stood stunned on the spot.

He stared blankly at the body of his Dao-protecting Golden Pill being separated, and then looked at Qin Wang and others.

Obviously everyone is in the foundation building stage, why are these people so strong?

There was a muffled bang, and the young man in brocade robe collapsed on the ground.

The original dispute of words has developed into the current situation, leaving the young man in Jinpao at a loss as to what to do.

He is afraid of death.

"Are you still arrogant now?"

Zhang Fujiang looked triumphantly at the young man in brocade robes.

"I, I, I..."

The young man in brocade robes looked around in panic, hoping that someone would come to rescue him.

However, what happened suddenly just now, and when other Central Continent monks rushed here, the person was already dead.

After a while, more than a dozen monks in the foundation building stage and golden elixir stage came here, accompanied by a real Yuanying.

Everyone looked at each other and did not speak in a hurry. Instead, they looked at a handsome man in the middle.

It was obvious that everyone was led by the handsome man.

The handsome man came over and nodded slightly to Qin Wang.

"I am Xiao Chunan of the Wuji Sect of Central Continent. May I ask your surname?"

Xiao Chunan smiled and spoke.

His smile gives people a refreshing feeling, like a high and mighty man, yet approachable, making people feel good about him.

However, this aroused Qin Wang's vigilance.

Are there any good people in the world of immortality?

Of course there are, but very few.

Disciples from big families and great immortal sects are very rare.

The more friendly the Xiao Chunan in front of him felt, the more Qin Wang felt that he was gloomy and scary.

One thing on the surface and another behind the scenes.

"Qin Tiedan."

Qin Wang answered directly.

The others looked at each other and shook their heads slightly, saying that they had never heard of this name.

After all, this name is too ordinary, too ordinary to be the name of an immortal cultivator.

Even the most ordinary cultivators of immortality will change their original unpleasant names after entering the path of immortality.

And once you hear the name Qin Tiedan, you will never forget it.

Because it’s ordinary to the extreme.

"It turns out to be Brother Tie Dan. I wonder why Brother Tie Dan would do such a cruel thing?"

Xiao Chunan's expression did not change and he still kept smiling.

Qin Wang did not speak, but glanced at Zhang Fujiang.

"Of course it's because these two people humiliated my master, so they must be taught a lesson. Otherwise, do their little foundation-building and golden elixir monks really think that they are the king of heaven and can just walk away?"

Zhang Fujiang said disdainfully.

As soon as these words came out, everyone's faces looked a little ugly.

Small foundation building, golden elixir?

This clearly included them and scolded them together.

The real Yuanying behind Xiao Chunan couldn't stand it anymore.

"Junior, please don't speak arrogantly."

Master Yuanying said coldly.

As soon as he finished speaking, he released his Nascent Soul pressure.

However, the pressure of Nascent Soul did not affect Xiao Chunan and others, but pressed towards Qin Wang and others.

The control over the coercion alone is extremely wonderful, which shows that he is not an ordinary Yuanying early stage, at least he is at least in the middle stage of Yuanying.

Qin Wang narrowed his eyes slightly.

"Whoever has a higher level of cultivation can have the right to speak?"

Qin Wang spoke slowly.

Although Zhang Fujiang, Yan Cangwu, and Jiang Haotian fell to the ground under the pressure of Nascent Soul, Qin Wang still stood there with a calm expression.


The Nascent Soul Master raised his head slightly and said proudly.

He was confused as to why Qin Wang was not affected in any way.

Could it be that……

At this moment, five ghosts appeared next to Qin Wang.

boom! ! !

The terrifying pressure spread in all directions.

The Yuanying Master was frightened by the pressure of the five ghosts and took a few steps back before he stood firm.

The other foundation-building and golden elixir monks all fell to the ground in disgrace, their faces ugly.

"Nascent Soul ghost cultivator?"

The Nascent Soul Master looked at the Five Ghosts in disbelief.

Any one the opponent takes out can crush him, but now there are five of them.

Who is this young man in front of me?

"Who are you?"

Master Yuanying asked in a deep voice.

"I told you, my name is Qin Tiedan."

Qin Wang said as he walked towards the most majestic and exquisite building.

That was Xiao Chunan's palace and his place to stay here.

But now, it is occupied by Qin Wang.

When Xiao Chunan saw this situation, he clenched his fists tightly with his hands, and his nails dug deeply into his palms, almost bleeding.

From bottom to top, he has never been so humiliated, never!

"Sir, no."

Master Yuanying said to Xiao Chunan.

Xiao Chunan gritted his teeth and finally suppressed the anger in his heart without breaking out.

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