Awakening Daily Information Panel, Become a True Immortal

Chapter 268 The Xia family wanted order! Helian Xianyun volunteered to pay! Make a scene in the tele

When Xia Changhao's voice came out, the people around were immediately stunned.

They never expected that the young man in front of them was the legendary Qin Tiedan.

After all, Wujimen has joined forces with the Helian family and many forces in Zhongzhou to issue a wanted order to hunt down Qin Tiedan.

Qin Tiedan's reputation has spread.

If it weren't for the lack of a magic weapon like the Shadow Stone that can record images, Qin Tiedan's appearance would have been known to everyone long ago.

However, now people only know his name but don't know his appearance.

Now, after learning that the young man in front of them is Qin Tiedan, everyone was in an uproar and ran away directly, not daring to stay and watch the fun.

In their opinion, Qin Tiedan is lawless and a murderer.

If he doesn't run now, will he stay and wait for death?

Helian Xianyun looked around and found that everyone had fled, and couldn't help laughing.

"It seems that your reputation has spread here."

Helian Xianyun said to Qin Wang with a smile.

Qin Wang frowned slightly.

He didn't expect his reputation to be so great. It seems that it's time to lie dormant for a while and change his name.

After all, the only high-end combat power in his hands is the Five Ghosts.

If it was just a Yuanying Zhenren, there would be no need to be afraid, but if there was a Huashen Zhenjun chasing him, then he could only avoid his edge.

Thinking of this, Qin Wang glanced at Xia Changhao.

Xia Changhao reacted immediately.

If he hadn't called out Qin Wang's name just now, there might still be a glimmer of hope.


It's different now.

He was a cheap mouth and said Qin Wang's name, so...

Before Xia Changhao opened his mouth to beg for mercy, a small Qingyou sword pierced his forehead and crushed the golden elixir in his stomach.

"Let's go."

Qin Wang glanced at Helian Xianyun, then turned and left.

Helian Xianyun had a faint smile on his face and followed Qin Wang.

The news of Xia Changhao's murder quickly spread throughout the Red Dragon Tribe.

Xia Family.

After receiving the news, the head of the family, Xia Zhongming, was stunned.

He stared at the servant who reported it.

"What did you say? Say it again!"


The pressure of the Nascent Soul spread out, overturning the tables and chairs around.

The servant was even more crushed to the ground by the pressure, almost being crushed.

"Master... Master, Young Master Chang Hao was killed by Qin Tiedan in the market. The body has been placed in the front hall, waiting..."

Before the servant finished speaking, the pressure of the Nascent Soul increased again.


With a loud bang, the servant was directly crushed, and blood and flesh flew everywhere.

"Qin Tiedan!!!!"

Xia Zhongming roared.

He immediately announced that the Red Dragon Tribe entered a state of emergency, and the entire tribe was under martial law to search for Qin Tiedan. Those who could provide information about Qin Tiedan would be rewarded with 100,000 spirit stones, and those who could capture Qin Tiedan would be rewarded with hundreds of millions of spirit stones, and become Xia family worshippers, enjoying various special treatments.

After this news came out, the entire Red Dragon Tribe began to go crazy.

For ordinary cultivators, it is impossible to capture Qin Tiedan, but it is still possible to provide information.


Red Dragon Tribe.

Teleportation Array Square.

After the Xia family issued a wanted order, the inspection for leaving the Western Region through the teleportation array became more and more strict.

In a corner, there were five people, Qin Wang and others.

"Master, it may be difficult for us to get in."

Zhang Fujiang said with a wry smile.

After all, no one expected Qin Wang to kill Xia Changhao, and the Xia family would issue a wanted order, so that the inspection of the teleportation array was so strict.

"Sorry, everything started with me."

Helian Xianyun spoke slowly.

To avoid trouble, she had put on a veil.

But her beautiful eyes still attracted attention, and once they looked at each other, they would never forget.

Zhang Fujiang, Yan Cangwu, and Jiang Haotian did not dare to look Helian Xianyun in the eye.

The three of them knew that Helian Xianyun would definitely become their mistress, so how could they dare to disrespect her?

"It has nothing to do with you. It was Xia Changhao who was seeking his own death."

Qin Wang said lightly.

Zhang Fujiang and the other two looked at each other and did not speak.

Now, only through the teleportation array can we quickly reach the witch domain.

But the five Yuanying Zhenren in front of the teleportation array are not vegetarians.

Even if Qin Wang is confident that he can hide his original breath by holding back his breath, so that the five Yuanying Zhenren can't detect it.

But what about Helian Xianyun?

Should he abandon Helian Xianyun?

Qin Wang couldn't help but frowned.

At this moment, Helian Xianyun suddenly sighed.

"Let me lead those people away, and then you take the opportunity to enter the teleportation array."

Helian Xianyun said directly.


Qin Wang raised his eyebrows and looked at Helian Xianyun in surprise.

"I just hope that after you have cultivated successfully, you can come to the Helian family to pick me up. Anyway, before I achieve Yuanying, Helian Dapan will not touch me. With me to attract their attention, you can naturally take the opportunity to enter the teleportation array and go to the witch domain."

Helian Xianyun smiled and said.

Her tone was flat, as if she was telling a very ordinary thing.

Zhang Fujiang and the other two heard this and felt that it made sense.

After all, Helian Xianyun is the daughter of the Helian family. Even if the Xia family had ten guts, they would not dare to hurt Helian Xianyun.

Zhang Fujiang subconsciously looked at Qin Wang.

"Master, I think..."

Before Zhang Fujiang could finish speaking, Qin Wang raised his hand to stop Zhang Fujiang from continuing.

"I have my own way of attracting the Xia family's attention. I don't need you."

Qin Wang looked at Helian Xianyun seriously and said.

Helian Xianyun was stunned for a moment. She saw concern and persistence in Qin Wang's eyes.

It was obvious that Qin Wang really regarded her as one of his own, not a tool.

After realizing this, a warm current flowed through Helian Xianyun's heart.

This is a man who truly cares about himself.

Qin Wang and others were waiting for the opportunity next to the teleportation array.

After a long time.

The guard of the teleportation array shouted.

"Be prepared to go to the Witch Realm, the teleportation array is about to open."

Soon, the runes of the teleportation array lit up one after another.

The teleportation array is slowly recharging.

After a while, the teleportation array was fully charged and the array was activated.

"Those who want to teleport should take the vouchers in your hands and enter in batches, with ten people in each batch. No fighting is allowed, otherwise don't blame me for being ruthless. Okay, now start checking the vouchers."

the guard shouted.

People began to line up to enter the teleportation array in an orderly manner.

At this moment, Qin Wang gave a low drink.


At the same time, Qin Wang released the five ghosts.

boom! ! !

The five ghosts released the powerful Nascent Soul pressure and spread it around unscrupulously.

The five Nascent Soul Masters guarding the front of the teleportation array immediately looked over.

"Shuzi is bold!"

They also knew something about Qin Wang's methods and knew that these five ghost corrections were Qin Wang's men. It was obvious that Qin Wang was nearby.

However, now the five ghosts have begun to wreak havoc in the crowd, and the five Nascent Soul Masters have to stop them.

Otherwise, the Xia family's reputation will be destroyed.

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