Awakening Daily Information Panel, Become a True Immortal

Chapter 269: True Lord Huashen takes action! Helian Xianyun's method of saving his life! Dead e

When the five Nascent Soul Masters faced the five ghosts, they originally thought that even if they couldn't crush the five ghosts with overwhelming force, they could at least draw a tie.


After they fought against each other, they discovered that these five ghosts were even stronger than them.

The movements of the five ghosts are really ghost-like, elusive, and extremely fast.

The five Nascent Soul Masters tried their best to block the attack of the Five Ghosts without being crushed by the Five Ghosts.

At the same time, Qin Wang and others rushed towards the teleportation array.

The five Nascent Soul Masters saw Qin Wang and others rushing toward the teleportation array, but they only glanced at them and were not in a hurry to stop them.

When Qin Wang saw this situation, he immediately understood that there must be a back-up plan in the teleportation array.

This is a trap!

However, Qin Wang had no way of turning back.

Even though you know it's a trap, you still have to rush.

Otherwise, I don’t know how long it will take to get to the Witch Realm, let alone whether Wan Yanmeng can hold on.

"Those who block the road will die!"

Qin Wang shouted sharply.

Twelve small Qingyou swords formed a Qingyou sword formation and charged forward.

With Qin Wang's peak level of fake elixir cultivation, the power of the Qingyou Sword Formation is comparable to a full blow from the golden elixir.

Facing such a powerful attack, the teleportation array guards subconsciously moved aside.

Most of them are in the Qi training and foundation building stages. The strongest ones are only in the fake elixir realm. They don't even have the golden elixir. How dare they stand in front of Qin Wang?

The other monks only paid spirit stones to ride on the teleportation array, and naturally had no responsibility or obligation to help the Red Dragon Tribe protect the teleportation array. After they discovered the danger, they fled long ago for fear of being affected.

Seeing that he could reach the teleportation array so easily, Qin Wang was keenly aware that something was wrong.

Is there no trap?


Suddenly, Qin Wang had a whim and sensed danger.

Danger comes from the left!

Qin Wang didn't hesitate and threw the Barbarian Shield directly.

The Barbarian Shield is composed of nine fragments, and it can block even a blow from the peak of the Golden Core.


A ray of sword light shattered the Barbarian Shield into nine pieces.

The sword light continued unabated and stabbed Qin Wang between the eyebrows.

At this moment, Qin Wang smelled the breath of death.



A shout came from the side.

At the last moment, a beautiful shadow stood in front of Qin Wang.

The sword light pierced Qianying's eyebrows.

Buzz! ! !

Cyan light suddenly flashed, and the water rippled, blocking the sword light.

boom! ! !

With a loud noise, the blue water wave exploded, and the sword light also exhausted its last power. It just touched Qianying's eyebrows lightly, but it could not penetrate.

Qin Wang punched out and knocked away the flying sword.

Even if his fist was cut by the flying sword's blade, he didn't care.

He was more concerned about the beautiful figure in his arms.

Helian Xianyun!

He never expected that it would be Helian Xianyun who saved him at the last moment.

"How are you doing?"

Qin Wang looked at Helian Xianyun with concern.

At this moment, Helian Xianyun's originally fair face turned pale, and his red lips had no color at all. Instead, there was a little red blood stain between his eyebrows, which made him look even more charming.

"It doesn't matter, it's just that I consumed too much and I need to take a good rest."

After Helian Xianyun finished speaking with a smile, he fainted.

Qin Wang hurriedly checked Helian Xianyun's condition. Sure enough, he fainted due to excessive consumption and did not suffer any damage.

He breathed a sigh of relief.

"Who are you!"

Qin Wang stared at the man disguised as a guard.

He was sure that the other party was definitely not a guard of the teleportation array. His cultivation level was at least the peak level of Nascent Soul, and he might even be the True Monarch of God Transformation.

Otherwise, how could it be possible to use the flying sword to break through the barbarian shield so easily, and also break through Helian Xianyun's life-saving magic weapon?

"If you surrender without mercy, I can spare your life."

The man spoke slowly.

At the same time, the disguise on him gradually dissipated, revealing his original appearance.

Dressed in dazzling treasure clothes, the fairy light shines everywhere, extremely dazzling.

"It's True Lord Yuntao!"

"Oh my god, it turns out to be True Lord Yuntao, one of the three great god-transforming true monarchs of the Xia family."

"Qin Tiedan can't escape now."

"Not necessarily, Qin Tiedan has a ninth-level demon pet."

People were talking in the distance.

When Qin Wang heard this, his heart sank slightly.

It turned out to be the True Monarch who transformed into a god.

If it's Zhenren Yuanying, then he has all his cards, so he might not be able to fight.

But becoming a god...

Difficult, too difficult.

The True Monarch of Transformation God is not comparable to the True Monarch of Yuanying.

If Wu Su was still with him, or if Wan Zhang Blood Crocodile did not go to recuperate, then he would naturally not be afraid of the True Lord Transformation of God in front of him.

But now...

"Just go ahead and capture him, you have no chance of winning. Even if the Ten Thousand Zhang Blood Crocodile is hiding underground, he will be stopped by my other two Taoist friends. Hand over Helian Xianyun, and I can spare your life for the time being and keep you intact. Leave the land to Wuji Sect."

True Lord Yuntao said calmly.

His voice was delicate, a bit like a woman speaking, and it sounded quite awkward.

When Qin Wang heard this, he suddenly realized.

No wonder the other party didn't continue to take action. It turned out to be worried that he would hurt Helian Xianyun.

Think about it too.

Helian Xianyun is the apple of the Helian family's eye, and the key to Helian's advancement into the void realm.

If the Xia family wants to make good friends with the Helian family, they must not let Helian Xianyun be harmed.

Perhaps it was precisely because of this that Helian Xianyun was able to escape with his life just now.

But how will he escape?

Zhang Fujiang, Yan Cangwu, and Jiang Haotian already felt despair.

They never expected that the Xia family would actually dispatch three God-Transforming True Lords to hunt them down.

Even one of the God-Transforming True Lords, regardless of his face, disguised himself as a teleportation array guard and lurked secretly.

At this time, Qin Wang recalled the five ghosts and put them into the soul gathering bowl.

Then he glanced at Zhang Fujiang and the others, and gave them a look.

He didn't transmit a message. What's the difference between transmitting a message in front of True Lord Yuntao and shouting in front of him?

Zhang Fujiang and the others saw Qin Wang's look and understood immediately.

They want to find an opportunity to activate the teleportation array and teleport directly.

However, no matter how fast it is, it still takes a moment.

Unless Qin Wang can block True Lord Yuntao for a moment, otherwise, with True Lord Transformation's ability, one moment would be enough to kill them thousands of times.

"Do you really think you are sure of victory?"

Qin Wang looked at Zhenjun Yuntao very seriously.

"if not?"

True Lord Yuntao smiled slightly and didn't care that Qin Wang deliberately delayed time.

Unless Qin Wang still has powerful gods under his command, otherwise, this incident will end here, and Qin Wang will never be able to stir up any trouble.

"You are a dead eunuch who is neither male nor female!"

Qin Wang laughed and cursed.

True Lord Yuntao's expression suddenly changed and he became angry.

He likes to wear radiant clothes and all kinds of glittering accessories. Everyone knows about his special hobby, but absolutely no one dares to say so to his face.

"Zhuzi, you are seeking death!"

True Lord Yuntao was furious.

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