Awakening Daily Information Panel, Become a True Immortal

Chapter 270 Chapter 274275 Helian Xianyun parted ways! The sinister Yuntao Zhenjun! Qingping Sword,

Chapter 270 Chapter 274-275 Helian Xianyun said goodbye! The insidious Lord Yuntao! Qingping Sword, Heavenly Sage

True Lord Yuntao was furious and erupted with terrifying divine pressure.

boom! ! !

Under the influence of the pressure of the Transformation God, the space began to distort slightly.

Fortunately, the ground was blessed by the formation and was very hard, so it was not broken and affected the teleportation formation.

Although Zhenjun Yuntao was very angry, he still had reason, and the main pressure was concentrated on Qin Wang.

Qin Wang felt that the air around him was squeezing towards him, as if it was going to flatten him.

Is this the pressure of transforming gods?

Very strong indeed.

Qin Wang gritted his teeth and struggled to hold on.

"Let him go, or I will kill myself!"

Helian Xianyun suddenly spoke.

She stared at True Lord Yuntao, her eyes full of persistence and the courage to face death.


True Lord Yuntao was slightly stunned.

He squinted his eyes and looked at Helian Xianyun.

"Are you threatening me?"

True Lord Yuntao asked in a deep voice.

Although he wants to make good friends with the Helian family, it does not mean that he will accept being threatened by a junior.

Helian Xianyun struggled to get up, not afraid of True Lord Yuntao at all.

"So what if I threaten you? Do you dare to hurt me? Aren't you afraid of my ancestor?"

Helian Xianyun said coldly.

As soon as these words came out, Zhenjun Yuntao couldn't help but frown.

Helian market!

That was a strong man who was only a thin line away from the Void Refining Realm. Not to mention him, True Lord Yuntao, not even the entire Red Dragon tribe dared to be arrogant in front of Helian.

However, if we just retreat like this, it will be too ugly.

And Wuji Sect can’t explain it either.

True Lord Yuntao couldn't help but think deeply.

"You let Qin Tiedan enter the teleportation array. I will stay and wait for the family members to come pick me up."

Helian Xianyun said her decision.

She wanted to make a deal with True Lord Yuntao, using her freedom in exchange for Qin Tiedan's escape from danger.

After all, she was waiting for Qin Tiedan to rescue her from the fire sea of ​​the Helian family, otherwise, neither of them would be able to escape.


True Lord Yuntao nodded directly in agreement.

Such direct agreement made Helian Xianyun stunned.

She never expected that True Lord Yuntao would agree to her request so easily. Originally, she had prepared a lot of arguments to persuade True Lord Yuntao.

At this time, True Lord Yuntao had already withdrawn his divine power.

Qin Wang felt that his breathing became easier.

Helian Xianyun looked at Qin Wang and gritted his teeth.

"You will come to the Helian family to save me, right?"

Helian Xianyun asked seriously.


Qin Wang nodded.

"Okay, I believe you."

After Helian Xianyun finished speaking, he turned around resolutely and flew towards True Lord Yuntao.

She is not worried about True Lord Yuntao going back on his word. After all, as the True Lord of Incarnate Gods, he follows his words, so wouldn't it be embarrassing if he acted erratically.

True Lord Yuntao glanced at Helian Xianyun who came to his side, and then looked at Qin Wang.

"get out."

True Lord Yuntao said calmly.

Qin Wang clenched his fists, filled with resentment.

But he understands that anger cannot solve the problem, only strength can solve the problem.

In the final analysis, it is still not strong enough.

One day, he will pay it back a thousand times.

Qin Wang winked at Zhang Fujiang and the others.

Zhang Fujiang and the others secretly breathed a sigh of relief and hurriedly tinkered with the teleportation array.

Because the charging of the teleportation array has been completed, you only need to press the final mark to activate the array.


With a soft sound, the teleportation array was activated.

The figures of Qin Wang and others gradually became blurred.

At this moment, True Lord Yuntao pointed his sword towards Qin Wang.


A sword light flew out and followed Qin Wang and others into the teleportation array.

All this happened in a flash of lightning, and no one else noticed it except Helian Xianyun who was standing next to True Lord Yuntao.

"What are you doing!"

Helian Xianyun said angrily.

"Girl, stay still and don't move. Do you really think that anyone who insulted me can leave alive? Hahahahaha."

True Lord Yuntao laughed loudly.


Helian Xianyun wanted to say something else, but Zhenjun Yuntao used magic to seal his mouth, making him unable to speak.

"Don't think about it, Qin Tiedan is dead and everything has settled."

True Lord Yuntao sneered.

After saying that, he used magic to trap Helian Xianyun and forcibly took her away.

Helian Xianyun's eyes were lifeless and his heart was filled with sadness.


In the transmission channel.

Because it is a super long-distance transmission, it takes a long time.

Qin Wang, Zhang Fujiang and others stood on the teleportation array.

Suddenly, Qin Wang sensed danger and turned to look behind him.

I saw a sword light speeding towards me in the transmission channel behind.

Zhang Fujiang and the other three also saw the sword light.

"It's a method of transforming into a god!"

Jiang Haotian exclaimed subconsciously.

"That damn eunuch! He went back on his word!"

Yan Cangwu clenched his fists and stared at the sword light.

In his opinion, they are now in the transmission channel and there is no way to escape.

Once the sword light catches up, they will definitely die.

But he doesn't want to die yet, he still has hatred to avenge.

"It's over, it's over, it's really over now."

Zhang Fujiang sat slumped on the array plate, his heart was filled with despair.

"You want me to die? Absolutely impossible!"

Qin Wang gritted his teeth and said.

As soon as he finished speaking, he released twelve small Qingyou swords.

At this time, he could only place his hope on Qingyou Little Sword.

After all, although the barbarian shield is strong, it cannot block the attack of the transformed god.

Once the Qingyou Small Sword forms the Qingping Sword, its power will be maximized.

Wu Su once used twelve small Qingyou swords to form the Qingping Sword, which could easily cut down a mountain with just the strength of the magic power in the foundation building stage.

Its power is not weaker than that of the True Lord Transforming God!

"Master, could it be that you still have..."

Zhang Fujiang looked at Qin Wang excitedly.

In his opinion, Qin Wang's methods are endless, and he must have a back-up plan.

"Shut up and don't disturb the master!"

Jiang Haotian scolded in a low voice.

Zhang Fujiang immediately covered his mouth with his hands, not daring to make any sound.

Qin Wang's magic formula.


Twelve small green swords merged into one.

But after just a moment, it dispersed again and divided into twelve small swords.

Come again!

Qin Wang tried again.

He knew that life and death depended on whether he could synthesize the Qingping Sword!

The sword light in the distance is slowly approaching.

The last ten breaths.

After ten breaths, the sword light will catch up with the array, and by that time...

Zhang Fujiang and the others looked at Qin Wang nervously.

They know that whether they live or die depends on whether Qin Wang can succeed.


Twelve small Qingyou swords merged into one, then broke into pieces, merged into one again, and then broke into pieces.

Or not!

At this time, the sword light was only one breath away from the formation disk.

Zhang Fujiang and the three of them were already in despair.

Dead, really dead now.

Clang! ! !

The twelve small Qingyou swords merged into one again.


Qin Wangfu reached his heart and suddenly realized something.

The Qingping Sword is the sword of the universe.

Twelve small Qingyou swords are combined into the Qingping Sword.

Buzz! ! !

A mysterious and mysterious aura rippled out.

Qingping Sword, done!

The god-turned-sword light came to kill.

Although some of the power of the Divine Transformation Sword Light has been consumed in the transmission channel, this is, after all, the full blow of True Lord Yuntao, and a powerful attack from True Lord Transformation of God.

Even if he is at the peak of Nascent Soul and is just a hair away from becoming a god, he cannot block this blow.

The gap between Yuanying and Huashen is like a chasm.

And Qin Wang is only at the peak of the fake elixir now, and is still far away from the golden elixir. Can he really block the light of this god-transforming sword?

Zhang Fujiang and the other three were a little worried.

But they knew that if they couldn't stop Qin Wang, they would definitely die.

Buzz! ! !

The mysterious and mysterious aura ripples from the Qingping Sword composed of twelve small Qingyou swords.

The entire teleportation array began to shake, and the surrounding teleportation channels were slightly distorted.

But now, Qin Wang can't take care of so much.

The first thing he had to do was to survive the attack of the divine sword light.


Qin Wang scolded lightly.

Qingping Sword faced the light of the Divine Transformation Sword.

The two collide.

Everything seemed to be frozen and still.

Just when Zhang Fujiang and others were confused, a dazzling light burst out.

The terrifying shock wave spread, washing the surrounding transmission channels.

boom! ! ! ! !

The force generated by the explosion caused the Qingping Sword to fly away and break into twelve small Qingyou swords again.

Qin Wang retrieved the twelve small Qingyou swords in time, but was knocked unconscious by the huge force of the counterattack.

Moreover, this force also lifted off the teleportation array, causing the teleportation array to fly out of the transmission channel and into the endless void.

Zhang Fujiang and others on the array were stunned by this force.

They didn't know that they had deviated from the set transmission route. Even if they knew, they could do nothing but let the teleportation array float in the void.


Red Dragon Tribe.

Xia family.

As the god-forming elder of the Helian family, Helian Xianrui came here just to take Helian Xianyun back.

True Lord Yuntao was having a lively conversation with Helian Xianrui.

Helian Xianyun sat next to him, his expression dull and his eyes dull.

At this moment, a Xia family servant hurried in and knelt down in front of True Lord Yuntao.

"Report to worship, there is news from the teleportation array."

After the servant finished speaking, he presented a jade slip with both hands.

True Lord Yuntao stretched out his hand to grasp.

The jade slip rose into the air and landed in the hands of True Lord Yuntao.

He glanced at it and couldn't help but laugh.

"That kid is dead."

True Lord Yuntao said with a smile.

Helian Xianyun next to him heard these words, his body shook slightly, and he subconsciously looked at Zhenjun Yuntao.

"Oh? Why do you assert that? As far as I know, there seems to be a True Lord of Divine Transformation following that boy."

Helian Xianrui spoke with some doubts.

After all, according to the news from the Southern Territory, in addition to having a ninth-level demon pet, Qin Tiedan also has a swordsman transforming god to follow him.

True Lord Yuntao smiled slightly.

"The teleportation array has disappeared. No array has arrived from the Witch Domain. It is obvious that they have been destroyed in the transmission channel."

True Lord Yuntao explained with a smile.

"So that's how it is. Thank you very much, Master Yuntao, for getting rid of this scourge for my Helian family."

Helian Xianrui bowed to Master Yuntao.

"It's just a little effort. It's just a little effort. Hahahaha."

Master Yuntao laughed loudly while stroking his beautiful beard.

What he cares more about is that he can make friends with Wujimen.

Although the Helian family is powerful, it is still a little weak compared to Wujimen.

If he wants to go further, he must rely on the help of Wujimen.


Witch Domain.

The sky here is mainly gray, with no blue.

There are few trees in the mountains and rivers, only a few shrubs.

Qin Wang opened his eyes and found that he had come to a completely unfamiliar place.

Looking around, Zhang Fujiang and the other two were still not awake.

Qin Wang carefully checked his body and the items on his body.

No injuries, no loss of anything.

This is already a blessing in disguise.


Where is this?

Qin Wang thought about it, and then asked the five ghosts to come out and explore in all directions.

After a while, Zhang Fujiang and others seemed to notice the movement and gradually woke up.

"Master, where is this place?"

Zhang Fujiang asked subconsciously.

"It should be the witch domain, but it's hard to say where in the witch domain."

Qin Wang said lightly.

After a while, the five ghosts came back and did not find anything unusual.

There was no human habitation within a thousand miles, so it was impossible to ask.

"Master, why don't we just choose a direction and keep going, we should be able to find something."

Jiang Haotian suggested.

Zhang Fujiang and Yan Cangwu both agreed.

Qin Wang thought about it, and finally rejected this suggestion.

Zhang Fujiang and others could only stay where they were.

Time passed by minute by minute.

Finally it was early in the morning.

Qin Wang opened the intelligence panel.

[Daily intelligence refresh! ]

[Today's intelligence! ]

[1: Yesterday, you successfully combined the Qingyou small sword into the Qingping Sword and obtained information. The Qingping Sword was originally the sword of the Heavenly Dao Saint, with infinite power. Because it was broken into 108 small swords, its power is now greatly reduced. ]

[2: Yesterday, you successfully combined the Qingyou small sword into the Qingping Sword and obtained information. Wu Su obtained the ancient sword inheritance in the Wu Family Sword Domain and entered a state of seclusion. It will take 100 days to come out. ]

[3: Yesterday, you fought with Yuntao Zhenjun and obtained information. Yuntao Zhenjun practiced both Yin and Yang at the same time. He was already a yin and yang body that was neither male nor female. He needed to use the Yin and Yang Wuji secret method of Wujimen to improve himself and make further progress in his cultivation. ]

[4: Yesterday, you fought with Yuntao Zhenjun and obtained information. Yuntao Zhenjun claimed that he had successfully killed you and was appreciated by Wujimen. Wujimen was ready to absorb Yuntao Zhenjun as a worshiper and teach him the Yin and Yang Wuji secret method on a chosen day. ]

[5: You parted ways with Helian Xianyun and obtained information that Helian Xianyun had been taken back to the Helian family and put in solitary confinement, and no one was allowed to visit. Helian Xianyun thought you had been killed by Yuntao Zhenjun, so he placed your tablet at home to commemorate you. Helian Xianyun has made up his mind that he will explode directly after condensing the Nascent Soul, so that Helian Dapan will get nothing. ]

[6: You made a big fuss in the Red Dragon Tribe yesterday and obtained information that your name "Qin Tiedan" has been mentioned 100 million times. ]

[7: You arrived in the Witch Domain yesterday and obtained information that you are still a million miles away from the Witch Clan, and the nearest teleportation array to you is 100,000 miles to the east. There is a tribe called Zhuyinbu there, which hides a piece of the Barbarian God Shield fragment. ]

[8: You arrived in the Witch Domain yesterday and obtained information that the Witch Clan will officially extract the curse power from Wanyan Meng in seven days. ]

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