Awakening Daily Information Panel, Become a True Immortal

Chapter 272 Zhulong is resurrected? The descendant of the Barbarian God! Zhulong's mark!

Buzz! ! !

The log was shaking slightly, and the candle dragon totem on the surface shone with fiery red light.


Qin Wang raised his eyebrows and looked at Yuanmu with interest.

He retracted the Qingping Sword and protected it in front of him, then also blocked the Barbarian God Shield in front of him, and took out the Barbarian God's left hand.

After all, that was the ancient witch god Zhulong. If the other party really resurrected and appeared, wouldn't it be a matter of minutes to kill him?

Zhang Fujiang, Yan Cangwu, and Jiang Haotian also took out their own life-saving magic weapons and looked at Yuanmu nervously.

"The ancestors are resurrected! The ancestors are resurrected!"

When Zhu Heng saw this scene, he was so excited that he burst into tears.

Over thousands of years, the Zhuyin Witch Club has been declining day by day. Originally, the True Monarch of Transformation God was still in charge, but now, only Zhu Heng, the early Yuan Ying monk, is the strongest person left.

If it weren't for its former glory, and because it was located on the edge of the witch domain and not surrounded by strong enemies, I'm afraid the Zhuyin Witch Club would have been disbanded long ago.

It can be said to be a miracle that it can survive until now.

And now, the Candle Dragon finally responds to its descendants and its believers.

How could Zhu Heng not be excited?

Not only Zhu Heng, but also the surrounding tribesmen of the Zhu Yin Witch Tribe cried with joy.

The ancestor is finally coming!

hold head high!

A dragon roared.

A large amount of spiritual energy from heaven and earth gathered together to form the shape of a candle dragon.

The candle dragon roared into the sky, and then swooped down.

Qin Wang looked at the Zhulong rushing down from the sky and immediately understood that the target was him!

Without any hesitation, he summoned the five ghosts and took out the Skyfire Tower.

It can be said that he has taken out all the useful treasures, and it can be said that he has used all his trump cards.

Because now he is facing the ancient witch god Zhulong!

How could it be so unlucky?

Asking for a Skyfire Tower fragment can also provoke the ancient witch god Zhulong.

Could it be that he was cursed? Causing bad luck?

Qin Wang didn't have time to think too much.

Zhulong directly penetrated the Barbarian Shield.

However, it did not destroy the Barbarian Shield, just like it could pass through any obstacle, it just penetrated through without causing any damage.


Before Qin Wang could finish speaking, the candle dragon had turned into a needle of light and pierced into the sea of ​​consciousness between Qin Wang's eyebrows.

For a moment, Qin Wang stood there, motionless, not even closing his eyes.

The breath is still there, but I can't move.

Zhang Fujiang and the other two were greatly alarmed when they saw this situation.

They don't know what Qin Wang's condition is now, but if the other party enters the sea of ​​consciousness, could it be said...

"Seize the body?"

Yan Cangwu spoke subconsciously.

"Probably not."

Jiang Haotian frowned.

The ancestors of the Zhuyin Witch Tribe must be ancient strong men. How could an ancient strong man want to seize the body of a fake elixir peak cultivator? How can this be?

But now the facts are before our eyes.

"No matter what, we'll wait until the master wakes up."

Yan Cangwu said in a deep voice.

Zhang Fujiang and Jiang Haotian looked at each other and nodded in agreement.

The three of them looked warily at the people of the Zhuyin Witch Club around them.

Zhu Heng didn't understand why the ancestors wanted to seize the young man's body, but since the ancestors took action, they should not disturb him.

The people from the Zhuyin Witch tribe nearby saw the opportunity and immediately shouted.

"Go ahead! Kill this thief!"

"This is an opportunity created by our ancestors, let's take action!"


Many people responded and killed Qin Wang and others.

"don't want!"

Zhu Heng blocked it subconsciously.

Unfortunately, he could only stop a small part of them, but there were still many people rushing towards Qin Wang and others.

The five ghosts immediately attacked the people who came to kill them.

Swish, swish, swish!

The ghostly wind was so strong that it easily overturned the dozen or so people at the front.

Seeing that the situation was not good, those people had to retreat even if they were seriously injured.

The five ghosts did not pursue him and continued to protect Qin Wang.

Seeing this situation, Zhu Heng secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

He immediately ordered the tribesmen not to act rashly and wait for the results. After all, with the help of the ancestors, all problems can be solved.


Qin Wang's sea of ​​consciousness.

The candle dragon hovered over the sea of ​​​​consciousness, looking at Qin Wang in the center.

"Boy, where did you get the left hand of the Barbarian God?"

Zhulong looked at Qin Wang curiously.

"What does it have to do with you?"

Qin Wang went straight back.

Although the other party was an ancient witch god, Qin Wang was still very unhappy when he broke into the sea of ​​consciousness.

If that didn't work, he would just hide in the Soul Gathering Bowl.

If the opponent can even break the Soul Gathering Bowl, then he can only accept his fate.

"Hahahahaha, he is indeed the person that the Barbarian God likes, he has personality."

After Zhulong finished speaking, he transformed into a human form.

Although it is in human form, it still retains the dragon scales and dragon tail on its body, which looks a bit weird.

"When you come here, you probably have something to discuss with me, right?"

Qin Wang asked directly.

"That's right, I'm here to discuss things with you. How about you let the Zhuyin Witch Club go and make sure they survive until the next War of All Souls?"

Zhulong said lightly.

"What's in it for me?"

Qin Wang raised his eyebrows.

"Benefits? What benefits do you want?"

Zhulong looked deeply at Qin Wang.

Although it has many good things, I am not sure whether those things can impress the other party.

"Then it depends on what you can give me."

Qin Wang smiled slightly.

He knows how to bargain.

Once you tell your needs and bottom line, Zhulong will inevitably find out. Instead of saying it yourself, it is better to let the other party make an offer first.

Zhulong laughed loudly.

"Hahahahahaha, you humans are really smart. Innate magic weapons, Dao patterns and Dao techniques... do you want them?"

Zhulong asked with a smile.

"want to."

Qin Wang said it bluntly.

"I don't have one."

Zhulong continued to say with a smile.


Qin Wang couldn't help being stunned.

Could this old guy be kidding?

There is nothing, so why bother talking about a deal?

Thinking of this, Qin Wang's face couldn't help but darken.

"Hahahahaha, you really have the same temperament as that old guy from Barbarian God, you can't stand jokes. That's all."

Zhulong sighed, looking a little lonely.

"It's been over a hundred thousand years, and it's been too boring. I can't find anyone to talk to. Maybe this is the last time I'll leave a trace in the world. Boy, as long as you promise to ensure that the Zhuyin Witch Club can survive, I will give you the candle dragon mark. The candle dragon mark has infinite uses, so you can explore it yourself."

After Zhulong finished speaking, his whole body turned into a ray of light and flew towards Qin Wang.

Before Qin Wang had time to react, the light fell on the back of his right hand.

After a burst of scorching heat, a candle dragon totem appeared on the back of his right hand, which was quickly hidden.

Qin Wang knew that the mark had not disappeared and could appear again as long as he needed it.


What is the use of this candle dragon mark?

And the War of All Spirits. Could it be said that the next War of All Spirits is about to begin? (End of chapter)

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