Awakening Daily Information Panel, Become a True Immortal

Chapter 273 Chapter 278279: Recruiting the Candle Shadow Witch, 300 million spirit stones, and reloc

Qin Wang opened his eyes and saw Zhang Fujiang and others confronting the Zhuyin Witch tribe.

Although the two sides did not take action, the atmosphere was solemn, and only one fuse was needed to break the balance.

Zhang Fujiang focused most of his attention on Qin Wang, and he was the first to notice that Qin Wang was awake.

"Master! Are you okay?"

Zhang Fujiang asked with concern.

Yan Cangwu and Jiang Haotian also cast concerned glances.

After all, their soul blood is in Qin Wang's hands. If Qin Wang has any shortcomings, they will not survive.


Qin Wang answered slowly.

Zhang Fujiang and the others breathed a sigh of relief when they heard Qin Wang's words.

Qin Wang looked at Zhu Heng.

"I have signed a contract with your ancestor, the Witch God Zhulong. As long as your bloodline can continue, you will obey my orders."

Qin Wang slightly changed the agreement with Zhulong.

Now that you have obtained the Zhulong Mark, why not accept the Zhuyin Witch Club by the way?

As soon as these words came out, Zhu Heng and others were stunned.

"Are you kidding me?"

"Boy, even if we all die, we will not surrender to outsiders!"

"Just give up on this idea!"

"The glory of my Zhuyin Witch Club will last forever!"

The tribesmen of the Zhuyin Witch Tribe raised their arms and shouted loudly.

Qin Wang didn't pay attention to the shouts of those tribesmen, but looked at Zhu Heng.

In his opinion, Zhu Heng, as the high priest, should be able to sense something.

Just as Qin Wang guessed, Zhu Heng sensed the Zhulong breath on Qin Wang's body, which was the breath of his ancestors.

From this point of view, the light that just entered Qin Wang's sea of ​​consciousness must have finally reached some agreement.

Otherwise, how could a human have the aura of a candle dragon on his body?

Such a pure aura of the candle dragon made even him, as a high priest, have the urge to worship.

It's just that for ordinary people of the Zhuyin Witch tribe, their own blood is too thin, so they don't sense it.

Zhu Heng sighed secretly and raised his scepter high.

"Everyone calm down."

Zhu Heng's voice reached the ears of the tribesmen.

These people of the Zhuyin Witch Tribe may not obey Qin Wang's words, but they still have to abide by the orders of the high priest.

"You said you signed a contract with your ancestors. What proof is there?"

Zhu Heng looked at Qin Wang seriously.

Qin Wang raised his right hand.

The candle dragon mark appeared on the back of his originally empty right hand. At the same time, the candle dragon aura on his body became stronger and stronger.

Even an ordinary tribesman with thin bloodline can sense Qin Wang's nobility at this time.

"The ancestors are on top."

Zhu Heng shouted loudly and fell to the ground before Qin Wang.

The tribesmen next to him also fell to the ground.

"The ancestors are on top!"

Seeing this, the other tribesmen fell to the ground one after another.

Soon, only four people, Qin Wang, Zhang Fujiang, Yan Cangwu, and Jiang Haotian, were left standing. The others were already lying on the ground, in a posture of prostrating themselves to the ground.

As if sensing something, the candle dragon mark on the back of Qin Wang's right hand became hot.


Qin Wang frowned slightly, but soon relaxed.

Obviously, he has been recognized by the mark, and this is the true possession of the Candle Dragon mark.

It has to be said that Zhulong is really an old fox, and in the end he has to conduct a final test, just to test whether Qin Wang is willing to help the Zhuyin Witch Club.

Qin Wang glanced at the Zhulong mark on the back of his right hand, feeling a little confused.

Even though he can truly control the Candle Dragon Mark now, he still hasn't found that it is of any benefit to him.

Maybe you should ask Zhu Heng.

Qin Wang ordered Zhu Heng to prepare the entire Zhuyin Witch Tribe to relocate, leave here, and go to the Witch Tribe through the teleportation array.

The so-called Wu Clan should actually be called the Wu Clan’s ancestral land, and that’s where Jiu Zi and Wan Yan Meng were sitting.

"This...I'm afraid it won't work."

Zhu Heng smiled bitterly.

"Huh? Why?"

Qin Wang was stunned for a moment and looked at Zhu Heng with confusion.

Zhu Heng spread his hands.

"Opening the teleportation array requires a large amount of spiritual stones to be charged. One person alone needs 100,000 spiritual stones to be charged before he can reach the ancestral land of the Wu Clan. Although if there are multiple people teleporting, it will be slightly more affordable than being the teleporter. . But if you want to teleport the entire Zhuyin Witch Department, the number of spiritual stones required is astronomical."

Zhu Heng was very helpless.

If possible, of course he would like to let his people enter the ancestral land of the Wu Clan. The problem is that there are no spirit stones.

The entire Zhuyin Witch Club's entire property, which is more than 100,000 spirit stones, is stretched thin.

"About how many are needed?"

Qin Wang asked directly.

"It should cost...three hundred million spiritual stones."

Zhu Heng thought for a while and answered.

Qin Wang nodded slightly.

Three hundred million spiritual stones are a lot to others, but to Qin Wang, it is nothing.

Along the way, he killed so many Nascent Soul Masters, and what he held most were spirit stones.

Qin Wang asked Zhu Heng to disperse the tribesmen and clear a large space. Then, he ordered Zhang Fujiang and others to take out all the spiritual stones in the storage bag.

Although Zhang Fujiang and others did not understand the reason, they took out the spiritual stones and piled them up in the square very obediently.

Soon, a hill appeared next to the altar, a hill made of spiritual stones.

Such a large number of spiritual stones appeared and were gathered together. The spiritual power emitted was so rich that people wanted to rush over directly, lie down on the hill of spiritual stones, and inhale deeply.

The escaping spiritual power made the entire square look like a small blessed land.

The tribesmen of the Zhuyin Witch Tribe stood around, their mouths wide open, greedily absorbing the spiritual power.

If it weren't for the Five Ghosts, Zhang Fujiang and others standing by, the clan members of the Zhuyin Witch Tribe would have been unable to keep calm and would have rushed over to rob them.

These are all spirit stones!

Zhu Heng's eyes widened and he looked at the scene happening in front of him in disbelief.

He never expected that Qin Wang would have so many spiritual stones.

"There are four hundred million spiritual stones here, that should be enough, right?"

Qin Wang said lightly.

"Enough is enough, absolutely enough."

Zhu Heng nodded repeatedly.

Suddenly, he thought of something and looked at Qin Wang with some embarrassment.

"Um...if there is any leftover, can you keep some of it and put it in the clan? The bottom line is that the cultivation level of the clan members is so low because there are too few spiritual stones and not enough elixirs. Otherwise, what will happen to our Zhuyin Witch Club? Will be at the bottom and relegated to a marginal position.”

Zhu Heng looked at Qin Wang expectantly.

He really hoped that he could save some money. Even if it was only 10 million spirit stones, it would be enough for the Zhuyin Witch Club to make a qualitative leap.

"If there is any leftover, just put it all in the clan, and you will take charge of it."

Qin Wang said indifferently.

"Yes, patriarch!"

Zhu Heng nodded hurriedly.

"If you call me Young Master Qin from now on, the clan leader will find it awkward."

Qin Wang said lightly.

As the teleportation array opened, the members of the Zhuyin Witch Tribe entered the teleportation array one after another and then disappeared.

In the end, only Qin Wang and others were left.

Zhu Heng took one last look at his original home and walked into the teleportation array.


The ancestral land of the Wu clan.

Teleportation array square.

The square, which was originally relatively empty, is now indeed overcrowded.

After all, nearly three thousand people from the entire Zhuyin Witch Club gathered here.

The guards at the teleportation array square were all shocked.

They never expected that so many people would teleport here. How many spiritual stones would it cost?


There are so many spiritual stones, where is the difference in cultivation? Why come to the ancestral land of the Wu clan?

"This is the ancestral land of the Wu Clan? It's really different."

"I feel the air is sweet."

"Nonsense, the spiritual energy content is much higher than ours, of course it tastes sweet."

"Oh my god, I actually came to the ancestral land. Thank you to the ancestors and the clan leader."

The people of the Zhuyin Witch Tribe were filled with emotions.

Zhu Heng looked at the twelve towers towering into the clouds in front of him and burst into tears.

Twelve Ancestral Witch Tower, this is the holy place of all witch clans.

Soon, Qin Wang led Zhang Fujiang and three others out of the teleportation array.

The teleportation array that had been flickering finally fell silent.

The guards around him breathed a sigh of relief when they saw this situation.

If people continue to teleport over, they will even wonder if there is any force that wants to raid the ancestral land of the Witch Clan.

Now it seems that it should just be tribal migration.


Using the teleportation array to migrate is really a luxury.

The guard captain saw the scepter in Zhu Heng's hand and immediately understood that the other party should be the high priest of this tribe.

He walked towards Zhu Heng, chatted with Zhu Heng, and made follow-up arrangements.

Qin Wang ignored these trivial matters.

He came here to rescue Wanyanmeng, and then take Wanyanmeng into the inheritance place of Qingshui Immortal Lord.

After all, following the tips given by the intelligence, bringing Wanyanmeng into the inheritance place would have unexpected benefits.

It is definitely unusual to be pointed out by the system as an "unexpected benefit".

Zhu Heng was left to handle the settlement of the Zhuyin Witch Club, while Qin Wang took Zhang Fujiang and others to inquire about the news about Jiu Zi.

After walking around, Qin Wang found that he didn't need to pry for information.

Because Jiuzi is so famous.

As a saint of the witch clan, she has a mansion in her own right.

It's just that there are so many people asking to see Jiuzi every day that they almost break the threshold, and all kinds of greetings are piling up.

Qin Wang asked Zhang Fujiang to send a greeting card, but he was just thrown aside by the guard at the door.

Even if Zhang Fujiang said he was an old friend from the Southern Territory, the guard would point to a group of people next to him.

"Those are all old friends from the Southern Region, and that group are old friends from Central Continent. No matter who you are, you have to line up."

The guard sneered.

Zhang Fujiang had no choice but to report truthfully to Qin Wang.

After hearing this, Qin Wang felt helpless.

It can only be said that the Holy Maiden of the Witch Clan is really eye-catching.

The Witches of Candleshade were allotted a plot of land on the edge and allowed to build their homes here.

For the people of the Zhuyin Witch Tribe, building houses couldn't be easier.

After all, most people are monks, at least in the Qi training stage, and building a house is just a piece of cake.

Qin Wang took Zhang Fujiang and others to the village of Zhuyin Witch Tribe.

"Young Master Qin, Young Master Qin, there is something I just learned about!"

Zhu Heng ran over anxiously.

"Huh? What's the matter?"

Qin Wang was a little curious.

"That's right. Because our Zhuyin Witch Club is the descendant of Zhulong, we have the right to enter the Twelve Ancestral Witch Tower."

Zhu Heng's face was full of excitement and pride.

As descendants of Zhulong, this is their eternal glory.

"The Twelve Ancestral Witch Towers?"

Qin Wang couldn't help but raise his eyebrows.

He walked around the ancestral land of the Witch Clan and naturally understood that the Twelve Ancestral Witch Towers were the twelve towering towers in the center.

The mysterious atmosphere exuded by the twelve towers made Qin Wang very curious.

It's just that each tower is guarded by a strong man, and Qin Wang didn't want to make enemies with the Witch Clan, so he didn't sneak into the tower to explore.

Now that I know that the Zhuyin Witch Department has the right to enter the Twelve Ancestral Witch Towers, it is also a pleasant surprise.

"Yes. After entering the Twelve Ancestral Witch Towers, you can challenge it. As long as you pass the twelve levels of challenges, you can get the qualification to witness the resurrection ceremony of the twelve ancestral witches!"

Zhu Heng said excitedly.

When Qin Wang heard this, he suddenly thought of something.

The resurrection ceremony of the twelve ancestral witches!

Someone wants to harm Wanyan Meng just to sacrifice Wanyan Meng to resurrect the twelve ancestral witches.

Now he couldn't find Jiu Zi, and didn't know where Wan Yan Meng was imprisoned, but as long as he could attend the resurrection ceremony of the twelve witch ancestors, he could naturally save Wan Yan Meng.

Thinking of this, Qin Wang quickly made a decision.

"I want to enter the Twelve Witch Ancestral Tower."

Qin Wang spoke directly.

Zhu Heng originally came to Qin Wang, hoping that Qin Wang could represent the Zhu Yin Witch Department to enter the Twelve Witch Ancestral Tower and challenge.

Now that Qin Wang took the initiative to speak, Zhu Heng was naturally overjoyed.

"That's really great. Young Master Qin, you can start the challenge tomorrow morning. I wish Young Master Qin a great sword and a successful challenge."

After Zhu Heng finished speaking, he made a blessing gesture to Qin Wang.

Qin Wang nodded slightly.


Holy Maiden's Mansion.

Jiu Zi formed a seal with both hands in the room, and then slammed on the door.


With a loud bang, the door did not move at all.

Seeing this situation, Jiu Zi sighed and sat helplessly on the ground.

She never expected that she would be imprisoned.

Why is this happening?

Could it be that... something happened to Wanyan Meng?

Jiu Zi had a bad thought in his mind.


Witch Clan Holy Land.


At this moment, Wanyan Meng sat cross-legged in the center of the altar, his eyes closed, his face calm, as if he had fallen into a deep sleep, without any expression of pain.

The Great Elder of the Wu Clan looked at Wanyan Meng with burning eyes.

"It's almost there, and it's about to succeed. The glory of our Wu Clan will surely shine again!"

The Great Elder clenched his fists.


In the early hours of the morning.

Qin Wang opened the intelligence panel.

[Daily intelligence refresh! ]

[Today's intelligence! ]

[1: You arrived at the Wu Clan's ancestral land yesterday and obtained intelligence that a trace of the spirit of the twelve ancestral witches is hidden in the Twelve Ancestral Witch Tower. You need to have the mark of the twelve ancestral witches to have a chance to obtain the corresponding trace of spirit. ]

[2: You arrived at the Wu Clan's ancestral land yesterday and obtained intelligence that there are only seven days left before Wanyan Meng is sacrificed. ]

[3: You got the third piece of the Skyfire Tower fragment from Zhu Heng yesterday, and got information that the fourth and fifth pieces of the Skyfire Tower are in Zhongzhou, Dayu Xianchao. ]

[4: You got the third piece of the Skyfire Tower fragment from Zhu Heng yesterday, and got information that if you want to repair the Skyfire Tower, you need to collect ten kinds of strange fire to completely repair the Skyfire Tower, otherwise, the power of the Skyfire Tower will be greatly reduced. ](End of this chapter)

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