Awakening Daily Information Panel, Become a True Immortal

Chapter 281 The only bloodline of Hou Tu! The plan of the great elder of the Wu clan! Stop time!

Qin Wang saw something was wrong with Jiu Zi's expression and couldn't help but frown.

"What? Is it difficult?"

Qin Wang asked.

"How should I put it? It's not that difficult, but...hey, let me just say it directly. Now there is only one person left in the Houtu direct bloodline, and her appearance has been destroyed. If you want the Houtu mark, you only need to help her Just restore your appearance. And this news is known to everyone. But now, even the Houtu elders in the Elders House cannot obtain the Houtu Mark, right?"

Jiuzi said helplessly.

After Qin Wang heard this, he nodded slightly.

It was obvious that no one in the entire Wu Clan could restore the appearance of the direct bloodline of the Hou Tu.

From this point of view, it is absolutely difficult.

But no matter what, you need to try it to know the result.

"Take me to see the bloodline of that descendant."

Qin Wang said seriously.


Jiu Zi nodded in agreement.


Houtu witchcraft department.

Jiuzi and Qin Wang came to the location of Houtu Wu tribe near the cliff.

There are few people here and it looks very desolate.

If it weren't for the thatched cottage on the edge of the cliff, Qin Wang would have thought that Jiu Zi had taken the wrong route.

The two came to the thatched cottage.

Qin Wang looked at the thatched cottage in front of him.

"This is the residence of the direct bloodline of Houtu?"

Qin Wang couldn't help but ask.


Jiu Zi nodded.

She took a deep breath, then walked forward and knocked on the door.

"Houtu Wan'er, I'm here to see you."

Jiuzi shouted.

Soon a crisp voice came from inside.

"come in."

Jiu Zi nodded to Qin Wang, then opened the door and walked in first.

Qin Wang followed closely behind.

Entering the thatched cottage, Qin Wang noticed that the furnishings inside were very simple, and could even be said to be in a pinch.

The tables, chairs and benches are all made of ordinary wood, and a bed is placed in the corner.

Apart from some basic daily necessities, there is no decoration.

It can be said that with only one spiritual stone, you can buy hundreds of sets of all the furnishings in this thatched cottage.

Just like an ordinary family of mortals, extremely ordinary.

After entering the thatched cottage, Qin Wang saw a beautiful figure from behind.

With her slim waist, thin but tall figure, and waist-length hair, this back view alone makes people think.


When the other party turned around, Qin Wang was stunned for a moment.

The mouth is crooked, the eyes are slanted, and even the nostrils on both sides of the nose are not the same size.

In the world of immortality, such ugly people are really rare.

After all, after cultivating immortals, people can make fine adjustments according to their own preferences. Some strong people even like to use magic to make themselves handsome men and beautiful women.

Therefore, in the world of immortality, appearance is the least important thing.

However, unless there are a few alternative people who deliberately make themselves look ugly, everyone else is handsome.

"What? Are you scared?"

Houtu Wan'er looked at Qin Wang with a sneer.

Her smile was even more terrifying.

"It's really a surprise."

Qin Wang nodded and admitted.

"You are quite honest. It seems that you are the Holy Son Qin Ba. Why, are you also interested in the Houtu Seal?"

Houtu Wan'er looked at Qin Wang with interest.


Qin Wang nodded again.

"In that case, it's easy to talk about. As long as you can restore my appearance, I will hand over the Houtu Seal to you. No need to discuss other matters."

Houtu Wan'er said directly.

Qin Wang looked carefully for a while and found that the other party also had some cultivation.

The monks in the golden elixir stage are troubled by their appearance.

"Okay, you wait for my news."

Qin Wang nodded, turned and left.


Houtu Wan'er watched Qin Wangyuan go with some surprise.

She didn't expect Qin Wang to leave so directly. After all, everyone else would shamelessly want to obtain the Houtu Mark through other methods, such as exchanging heavenly materials and earthly treasures.

But Qin Wang turned around and left so decisively, which gave Houtu Wan'er an inexplicable glimmer of hope.

Maybe, the other party can really restore her appearance?

Thinking of this, Houtu Wan'er's breathing became a little rapid.

But she quickly regained her composure and smiled bitterly.

Forget it.

the more you hope, the harder you fall.

For so many years, even the great elders have been helpless, let alone what can a mere holy son do?


The Holy Land of the Witch Clan.

The great elder stood beside the altar and looked at Wan Yanmeng on the altar.

At this time, Elder Jumang came from a distance.

"Great Elder."

Elder Jumang came behind the great elder and bowed in salute.

"How about it?"

The great elder asked without looking back.

Elder Jumang looked around to make sure that his conversation with the great elder would not be heard by others.

"Back to the great elder, I fought against the candle dragon mark summoned by the saint son Qin Ba. At that time..."

Elder Jumang described the scene at that time.

After the great elder heard this, he was silent for a moment.

"So, his Candle Dragon Mark cannot control the power of time."

The great elder made a judgment.

"In my opinion, that's what it is."

Elder Jumang nodded.

"Then everything goes as planned."

The great elder waved his hand.

"Yes, Great Elder."

Elder Ju Mang took the order and left.


Zhu Yin Wu Department.

Qin Wang was in the courtyard, and asked the five ghosts to guard the surroundings.

Only Zhang Fujiang, Yan Cangwu, and Jiang Haotian were left in the yard.


The three bowed in unison.

"Are you ready?"

Qin Wang asked.

"We are ready."

Zhang Fujiang and the other two nodded at the same time.


After Qin Wang finished speaking, he raised his right hand.


The Zhulong totem appeared on the back of his right hand.

Moreover, the back of his right hand became extremely hot.

Buzz! ! !

A mysterious power rippled.

Qin Wang keenly noticed that something was wrong.

The breathing of Zhang Fujiang and the other two had completely stopped, and even the bushes and trees in the distance had quieted down. Even if the strong wind came... huh?

Qin Wang found that the air around them had stopped flowing.

The entire courtyard, with a diameter of a hundred feet, was in a state of stillness.

This is...

The power of controlling time!

Qin Wang took a step and came to Zhang Fujiang and the other two.

He was sure that the three could not move, and could not even use their magic power.

Qin Wang walked around and came to the pond in the courtyard.

The ornamental fish in the pond also stopped swimming.

Everything was in a state of stillness.

This is what it brings to mastering time!

At this moment, Qin Wang felt that his strength was somewhat unable to bear the consumption brought by pausing time.

If he continued, he would need to spend his life.

Qin Wang unlocked the time control.

As soon as he unlocked it, Qin Wang felt that his body was deficient, hungry and thirsty, and even a little dizzy.

He gasped for breath to restore his condition a little.

Is this the price of controlling time?

I just don't know how long this pause lasted.

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