Awakening Daily Information Panel, Become a True Immortal

Chapter 280 The Eastern Wood Ancestral Shaman! The Time Ancestral Shaman! How to become a Shaman God

The candle dragon released its aura unbridled.

Transformation period!

Elder Gou Mang nodded slightly when he saw this situation, and at the same time he was a little shocked.

He did not expect that the shadow of the candle dragon summoned with the mark would possess the power of the god transformation stage. If the true body of the candle dragon came, how powerful would it be?

Qin Wang looked at the candle dragon in mid-air and couldn't help clenching his fists.

It is indeed the realm of divine transformation.

I just don’t know what the actual combat power of the summoned candle dragon shadow is.

Just use Elder Jumang to test it out.

hold head high!

Zhulong looked up to the sky and roared, then looked at Elder Jumang below and opened its mouth directly.

A dragon's breath spurted out.

Elder Jumang slowly raised his hand.

Boom boom boom!

Several thick vines broke out of the ground. These vines were intertwined to form a shield shape, blocking Elder Jumang's face.

boom! ! !

With a loud noise, the dragon's breath washed away at the vine shield, but did not break through the defense.

hold head high!

When Zhulong saw this situation, he immediately roared and rushed over, grabbing at the vine shield.

The dragon's claws easily cut through the vine shield while swinging.

However, those vines immediately grew rapidly and rolled towards the candle dragon.

Before Zhulong could react, he had already been wrapped around Zhulong's four dragon claws, and even the dragon's body.

hold head high! ! !

The candle dragon roared and struggled, trying to break free from the shackles of the vines.

But the vines are very tough and powerful, imprisoning the candle dragon and making it difficult for it to escape.

Jiuzi felt a little emotional when he saw this situation.

"Sure enough, Elder Jumang has inherited some of the characteristics of the ancestral witch Jumang, and has very powerful control over plants. This vine should be Elder Jumang's Magic Cloud Vine."

Jiu Zi spoke slowly.

Qin Wang couldn't help but raise his eyebrows when he heard this.

"The power over plants?"

Qin Wang looked at Jiu Zi curiously.

"Yes, each of the twelve ancestral witches has one or more special abilities. For example, the ancestral witch Jumang is the ancestral witch of Eastern Wood and has the most advanced control over wood spells and plants."

Jiu Zi answered very seriously.

"What about the candle dragon?"

Qin Wang asked subconsciously.

"The Ancestral Witch Zhulong is the Ancestral Witch of Time. Logically speaking, he should be able to control the power of time. However, what you summoned is just a shadow of the Zhulong. You just don't know whether it has the ability of the Zhulong."

Jiuzi explained.

After Qin Wang heard this, he understood.

But when he looked at Zhulong, he still frowned.

After all, during the trial challenge in the Twelve Ancestral Witch Tower, the juvenile candle dragon encountered inside only had Nascent Soul cultivation level and did not show the ability to control time.

So can the candle dragon summoned now exert its special abilities?

At this moment, Qin Wang's right arm felt faintly hot.

It's not obvious from the surface, but Qin Wang senses it.

He subconsciously looked at Jiu Zi beside him.

At this moment, Jiuzi was still paying close attention to the battle between Zhulong and Elder Jumang, and did not notice anything unusual about him.

This made Qin Wang secretly relieved.

Just now, he had a feeling that he could let Zhulong use the power of time if he wanted to.

However, in such a test, we need to use a unique trick to keep the bottom of the box?

Qin Wang thought for a while and finally gave up.

In the final analysis, he did not believe Elder Ju Mang, even if Jiu Zi repeatedly assured him that Elder Ju Mang was on their side.


Don't be afraid of ten thousand, just be afraid of the worst.

As the saying goes, it is essential to be on guard against others, that's it.

Qin Wang finally did not let Zhulong use the power of time.

Tangled by the vines, Zhulong could only be defeated in the end.

Neither Zhulong nor Elder Jumang fought with all their strength. Otherwise, it would still be difficult for a few vines to trap Zhulong.

Both sides are just testing each other.

"The candle dragon phantom summoned by the Holy Son is very strong. Based on its own strength, it has reached the level of the middle stage of divine transformation, and is only one step away from the late stage of divine transformation. Unfortunately, it does not inherit the power of time from the candle dragon. . Otherwise, it’s still unclear who will win in this battle.”

Elder Jumang spoke slowly.

Qin Wang sighed deliberately.

"What a pity. It's such a pity."

Qin Wang pretended to smile bitterly.

He took back the candle dragon.

Then the three of them had a conversation, and then Elder Goumang said goodbye and left.

"Although your candle dragon shadow cannot use the power of time, it is still very strong. As long as we can contain the great elder, we will definitely be able to rescue sister Wanyan."

Jiu Zi clenched his fists and said seriously.

"By the way, before rescuing Wan Yanmeng, I hope you can help find the Hou Tu Mark."

Qin Wang said suddenly.

"What do you want the Houtu Mark for? Do you..."

Jiu Zi quickly thought of something, widened his eyes and looked at Qin Wang in disbelief.

"Do you want to collect all the twelve ancestral witch marks and become a witch god?"

Jiu Zi looked at Qin Wang excitedly.

"Collect all twelve ancestral witch marks? Become a witch god? What does that mean?"

Qin Wang looked at Jiu Zi doubtfully.

Jiuzi was sure from Qin Wang's eyes that the other party really didn't understand.

She hesitated for a moment and finally decided to tell Qin Wang.

"The so-called witch god is a powerful person who possesses the abilities of the ancestral witches and can easily use these abilities. In ancient times, the practice of the witch clan was not Qi training, and it was completely different from the Qi training, foundation building, golden elixir, and Nascent Soul of your human race. The same thing. Instead, you can directly practice witchcraft and get the recognition of the ancestral witches. The more marks you get, the stronger you will become. "

Jiuzi explained very seriously.

"I see."

Qin Wang suddenly realized.

"Unfortunately, this method has long been lost. The main reason is that the human race's cultivation method is simpler and easier to learn, and the results are remarkable."

Jiu Zi smiled bitterly.

Although she longed for the ancient witch clan's cultivation method, she had to admit that the human race's cultivation method was the fastest.

If you can practice qi and witchcraft at the same time, wouldn't it make you stronger?

Jiu Zi has also thought about this issue.


She was not recognized by the Twelve Ancestral Witches and received the mark.

Suddenly, Jiu Zi reacted.

"You got the Mark of the Candle Dragon! Then why not try it and get the marks of other ancestral witches?"

Jiu Zi looked at Qin Wang excitedly.

Qin Wang couldn't help but raise his eyebrows, feeling a little moved.

"It's possible, but you have to wait until Wanyanmeng is rescued before looking for opportunities to obtain other ancestral witch marks."

Qin Wang said seriously.

"Of course."

Jiuzi nodded repeatedly.

"By the way, what do you want the Houtu Mark for?"

Jiu Zi asked again.

"I want it for Wanyanmeng. I have a feeling that Wanyanmeng needs the Houtu Mark."

Qin Wang answered half-truthfully.

Jiu Zi didn't think much about it.

Since it was Wan Yanmeng who needed the Houtu Mark, just help him find it.

It's just that life is very difficult for people of this Houtu lineage now.

Thinking of this, Jiuzi couldn't help but sigh.

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