Awakening Daily Information Panel, Become a True Immortal

Chapter 279 Jiu Zi's plan! Detect the power of the Zhulong mark!

"Where is the Holy Son?"

Jiuzi looked at Zhu Heng and asked softly.

Zhu Heng heard the sound and looked at Jiu Zi subconsciously.

With just one glance, Zhu Heng felt like he was going to be lost. Those eyes were like the bright starry sky, so vast that it made people sink.

Tuoba Shoushan, who was next to him, sensed something was wrong and hurriedly sent a message to Zhu Heng.

"High Priest, wake up!"

Tuoba Shoushan's voice resounded in Zhu Heng's sea of ​​consciousness.

Zhu Heng suddenly woke up.

He hurriedly lowered his head, ashamed of his gaffe just now.

"Go back to Your Highness the Saint. Your Highness the Son is waiting in the house. Please ask Your Highness the Saint to follow me."

Zhu Heng replied neither humble nor arrogantly.

"My Holy Lady came to visit in person. Even if he didn't come out to greet her, she was still waiting in the room? Have you paid attention to Our Holy Lady? Not yet..."

The maid next to her had slightly angry almond-shaped eyes, stared at Zhu Heng, and began to scold him.

"shut up."

Jiu Zi scolded lightly.

The maid was a little dissatisfied, but she still kept her mouth shut.

Zhu Heng pretended not to hear and led the way.

Soon, Jiu Zi followed Zhu Heng and walked inside.

After a while, everyone came to a courtyard.

According to Zhu Heng, the Holy Son Qin Ba is inside.

Jiu Zi nodded slightly, stepped forward, and walked into the courtyard. The maid behind her hurriedly followed.

After entering the courtyard, Jiu Zi saw Qin Wang in the hall.

At this time, Qin Wang was sitting at the table in the hall, sipping tea.

Jiu Zi was a little confused when she saw Qin Wang's appearance.

After all, the other person looked different from the person in her memory, and even his breath was different.

Could it be that it's not him?

Jiuzi walked into the hall with the maid.

Qin Wang pointed to the seat in front of him.

"Please take a seat."

Qin Wang said lightly.

Even though Jiu Zi had arrived in front of him, he did not stand up to greet her.

"How dare you be rude to the saint?!"

The maid behind him glared at Qin Wang.

Qin Wang ignored the other party, but looked at Jiu Zi, smiled slightly, and nodded lightly.

"Nine Purple Saint, can you be alone for a while?"

Qin Wang asked with a smile.

Jiu Zi saw Qin Wang's eyes and reacted immediately.

"You guys go out first."

Jiu Zi waved his hand and signaled the maid to leave.


The maid wanted to say something else, but was interrupted by Jiuzi.


Jiu Zi glanced at the maid.

The maid could only lower her head and did not dare to say anything more.

Before leaving, the maid glared at Qin Wang fiercely.

Soon, only Qin Wang and Jiu Zi were left in the entire hall.

Qin Wang took off the disguise on his face and looked at Jiu Zi with a smile.

"long time no see."

Qin Wang said with a smile.

"It's really you!"

Jiuzi looked at Qin Wang in surprise.

She had also used her spiritual sense to detect it just now, but she couldn't see any flaws at all.

Unexpectedly, he turned out to be that old friend from the Southern Territory.

"Should I call you Qin Tiedan, or should I call you Qin Ba? Or what should I call you?"

Jiu Zi looked at Qin Wang with a strange expression.

"My real name is Qin Wang."

Qin Wang answered directly.

"Forget it, I'll just call you Brother Qin."

Jiuzi shrugged his shoulders.

She also didn't expect that Qin Tiedan, who had stirred up troubles in the Southern Region and the Barbarian Region and caused chaos in the world, would now be sitting here and be supported as the Holy Son by the people of the Wu Clan.

All this made Jiu Zi very surprised and curious.

She had many questions she wanted to ask, but she also understood that Qin Wang would not say much about these secrets.

Therefore, Jiu Zi suppressed the curiosity and doubts in her heart and looked at Qin Wang seriously.

"Sister Wanyan is in danger."

Jiu Zi spoke slowly.

"I know."

Qin Wang nodded.


Jiu Zi couldn't help being stunned.

Why did he know that Wan Yanmeng was in danger? Even Wan Yanmeng himself didn't know that he was in danger.

Jiuzi also found out recently by chance that the Great Elder and others were going to sacrifice Yan Meng to resurrect the twelve ancestral witches.

Could it be said that Qin Wang knows all these situations?

"I know all this, that's why I came to the Witch Realm to rescue Wan Yanmeng."

Qin Wang said very seriously.

"In that case, let me make the story short. If we want to rescue Sister Wanyan, we must find the right time. When the resurrection ceremony of the Twelve Ancestral Witches begins, it is the best time. Because at that time, all the Witch God Guards will go to guard the Holy Land. All around, beware of damage from other clans. The twelve elders also need to activate the sacrificial formation. We can take the opportunity to save Sister Wanyan."

Jiu Zi directly stated his plan.

Qin Wang thought carefully for a while.

"Who else on your side will take action?"

Qin Wang asked.

"There are three gods-incarnation elders standing on our side. However, we still have one person left to stop the great elder."

Jiu Zi smiled bitterly.

"What kind of cultivation is that Great Elder?"

Qin Wang asked directly.

"The peak of divine transformation is only one step away from refining the void."

Jiu Zi sighed, feeling a little helpless.

"Maybe, I can try."

Qin Wang clenched his right fist.

The candle dragon mark flickered on the back of his right hand.

Jiuzi blinked.

"You actually have the mark of the candle dragon? Then how powerful is the candle dragon you summoned?"

Jiu Zi asked subconsciously.

"I don't know either. But we can do an experiment to see how powerful the Zhulong mark is."

Qin Wang suggested.

"Okay, I'll arrange it now."

Jiu Zi nodded in agreement immediately.



This place is 100,000 miles away from the Wu clan's ancestral land. Even if two powerful gods let go and fought with all their strength, they would not be discovered by the people of the Wu clan's ancestral land.

"Saint, you asked me to test the strength limit of a strong man, and the result is this young man in the fake Dan realm?"

An old man frowned and looked at Jiu Zi with some dissatisfaction.

As an elder of the Wu clan, his own cultivation has reached the God Transformation Realm.

And now, Jiu Zi asked him to practice with a young man in the fake Dan realm, which is clearly humiliating!

"Elder Ju Mang, calm down. This person has the Zhulong mark on his body, and his strength is extraordinary. Otherwise, there is no need to ask Elder Ju Mang."

Jiu Zi said with a smile.

"Zhulong mark?"

Elder Ju Mang was stunned.

He never expected that the other party would be recognized by Zhulong.

You know, even if he was the chief priest of the Jumang Wu Department and one of the twelve elders of the Wu Clan Elders' Council, he did not get the Jumang mark.

And the young man in front of him actually had the Zhulong mark.

Who is this person?

Elder Jumang looked at Qin Wang carefully, but could not see through his identity.

At this time, Qin Wang had changed his appearance again, and even adjusted his own aura to avoid being recognized.

"Elder Jumang, please teach me."

Qin Wang said, and raised his right hand.

Boom! ! !

A terrifying aura burst out.

The sleeve of his right arm burst instantly, and the Zhulong totem shone with light and appeared on his right arm.

Those lights rose up, flew into the air, and finally condensed into a Zhulong.


The Zhulong roared to the sky, as if announcing its return!

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