Awakening Daily Information Panel, Become a True Immortal

Chapter 278: The Seal of Hou Tu! Zhu Yin Wu Clan rises to the heavens! The Saint comes to visit!

[3: Yesterday, you used the five-color sacred wood water to repair the Five Elements Divine Light Jar and obtained information. The former owner of the Five Elements Divine Light Jar, Venerable Gu, was lurking in the Immortal Dynasty of Dayu, secretly devouring monks and various heavenly materials and earthly treasures. Now his cultivation level is It has returned to the early stage of Nascent Soul. 】

[4: Yesterday, you were supported as the Holy Son by the Wu Clan. After receiving information, the Great Elder of the Wu Clan arranged for Saint Jiu Zi to come and contact you, intending to test your feelings towards the Wu Clan. 】

[5: Yesterday, you were supported as the Holy Son by the Wu tribe. You received information that the identity of Jiu Zi, the saint of the Wu tribe, is very mysterious. She is suspected to be the reincarnation of an ancient power. 】

[6: You cleared the Twelve Ancestral Witch Tower yesterday and obtained information. In addition to the responsibility of cultivating wizard geniuses, the colorful sacred trees in the Twelve Ancestral Witch Tower also have another responsibility, which is to suppress the ancient demon emperor Donghuang Taiyi. Amputate finger bones. 】

[7: You cleared the Twelve Ancestral Witch Tower yesterday and obtained information. The colorful sacred tree feels very good about you. As long as you keep your promise and do not help outsiders destroy the witch clan, the colorful sacred tree will not take back your candle dragon mark. 】

[8: You practiced the Star Body Tempering Technique yesterday and received information that the Witch Clan retains a part of the Star Grass, which can speed up the practice of the Star Body Tempering Technique. 】

[9: You practiced the star body tempering method yesterday and received information that Master Sima’s body tempering strength has reached the peak of foundation building and is about to enter the golden elixir stage. 】

[10: You thought about Wanyanmeng yesterday and obtained information. Wanyanmeng has begun to fuse with his own curse power. Once the fusion is completed, it will have great power. During this period, if Wanyanmeng could obtain the Houtu Mark, his power would be even greater. 】

Qin Wang saw this information and thought secretly.

The Qianjun Imperial Water needed to repair the Five Elements Divine Light Jar is in the Wu Family Sword Domain. It seems that after rescuing Wanyanmeng, it is necessary to go to the Wu Family Sword Domain.

Just in time to visit Wu Su.

It would be even better if Wu Su's knot could be resolved and Wu Su could come back.

After all, having such a powerful god-incarnation person by your side makes you feel more secure.

As for the inheritance of the Five Elements Immortal Lord, if it can be obtained, it would be better.

What makes Qin Wang a little unhappy is that his candle dragon mark can still be taken back by the colorful sacred tree?

From this point of view, he cannot rely too much on the power of the Zhulong Mark. Who knows when it will be taken back? This feeling of being controlled by others is very unpleasant.

However, can it help Wanyanmeng obtain the Houtu Mark?

Qin Wang thought of Jiu Zi.

In his impression, Jiu Zi would be willing to help.

After thinking about it for a while, Qin Wang began to practice with peace of mind.

Anyway, the higher-ups of the Wu Clan have arranged for Jiu Zi to contact him, so he just needs to wait patiently for Jiu Zi to take the initiative to come to the door.


Candle Yin Witch Club.

The originally somewhat simple settlement has now been built into a tall courtyard. Every household is decorated with lanterns and colorful decorations, and every member of the Zhuyin Witch Tribe has a completely new look.

Even the poorest families in the Zhuyin Witch Club have received a lot of assistance.

After all, the Holy Son Qin Ba came from the Zhuyin Witch Club. The other witch tribes naturally wanted to fawn over him like crazy.

Even the direct line witches of the Twelve Ancestral Witches came to give gifts, not to mention the ordinary witches who knelt and flattered the people of the Zhuyin Witch Tribe.

Zhu Heng looked at the vibrant Zhu Yin Witch Club with a smile on his face.

"Congratulations to the high priest. With the care of the Holy Son, the future of the Zhuyin Witch Club will be smooth."

Tuoba Shoushan said with emotion.

Although he knew that the Zhuyin Witch Club would develop rapidly because of the relationship with the Holy Son, he did not expect that even the direct line of the Twelve Ancestral Witches would come to give gifts and invite Qin Ba to a banquet.

However, these invitations were rejected by Qin Ba. The reason was very simple. He had just passed through the Twelve Ancestral Witch Pagoda, gained some insights, and practiced in seclusion.

Under such valid reasons, many witch tribes could only give up and did not force Qin Ba to attend the appointment.

Even so, they still set their sights on the Zhuyin Witch tribe.

If Qin Ba doesn't want to keep the appointment and build relationships, he will approach the people of the Zhuyin Witch Tribe.

You can never go wrong with building a good relationship.

There are even several powerful gods who want to join the Zhuyin Witch Club and become worshippers.

Zhu Heng was not dazzled by the sudden flattery, so he did not accept the refuge of other powerful gods.

In the final analysis, the foundation of the Zhuyin Witch Club is too weak. If it accepts the support of too many powerful gods, it is very likely that it will occupy the magpie's nest and turn against the guests.

Zhu Heng is an old man and naturally understands the truth.

It is precisely because of this that Tuoba Shoushan can become the only deity worshiped by the Zhuyin Witch Club.

"It's easy to talk about."

Zhu Heng responded to Tuoba Shoushan's congratulations with a smile.

"It's just that it's probably a little inappropriate for the Holy Son to keep avoiding him like this."

Tuoba Shoushan said while looking towards the courtyard where Qin Wang was.

"I understand, but the Holy Son said, let us prepare to welcome the Holy Lady. As for other people, there is no need to pay attention."

Zhu Heng replied with a wry smile.

"The saint is here in person? Is this news true or false?"

Tuoba Shoushan raised his eyebrows and looked at Zhu Heng with some confusion.

After all, the Saint is currently practicing in seclusion, and no one can disturb her unless it is a matter of life and death. It was difficult for other people to even meet him, let alone get the saint to visit him in person.

"I am not sure as well."

Zhu Heng shrugged his shoulders.

Tuoba Shoushan saw that Zhu Heng didn't look like he was being perfunctory, so he could only suppress the doubts in his heart.

At this moment, a guard hurried in to pass the news.

"High Priest, Her Royal Highness the Holy Lady has set off to visit our Zhuyin Witch Club. Should we go to greet her?"

The guard's tone was full of excitement.

That was the saint's visit in person. How could he not be excited?

Tuoba Shoushan and Zhu Heng looked at each other.

"Let all the tribesmen line up to greet you immediately. Don't neglect Her Highness the Saint!"

Zhu Heng gave the order directly without any hesitation.

The guards took the order and left.


The entrance to the Zhuyin Witch Club's residence.

Zhu Heng and many tribesmen lined up on both sides of the road to wait for the saint.

I don't know how long it took before everyone saw the convoy flying in the distance.

In the middle of the convoy is a Luan bird, which carries a large tent on its back.

There was a gauze around the tent, and only the vague figures of the people inside could be seen, but the specific appearance of the people inside could not be seen clearly.

Soon, the convoy flew over and landed at the entrance.

Zhu Heng and Tuoba Shoushan immediately stepped forward to greet him.

"Zhu Heng, the high priest of the Zhuyin Witch Tribe."

"The Zhuyin Witch Club worships Tuoba Shoushan."

"Welcome to Your Highness the Saint."

Under the leadership of Zhu Heng and Tuoba Shoushan, everyone spoke one after another.

Luan Bird lowered his body, and a maid immediately released the pedal, spraying water and flying flowers.

The gauze was lifted up, and a beautiful figure walked out of the gauze tent.

Although she was wearing a veil and couldn't see her face clearly, her figure was stunning.

Even Zhu Heng, at this moment, only has two words in his heart, fairy.

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