Awakening Daily Information Panel, Become a True Immortal

Chapter 277 Chapter 286287 Five-color sacred tree water! Battle of all spirits! Five-element divine

Chapter 277 Chapter 286-287 Five-color sacred tree water! The battle of all spirits! Five-element divine light jar! The reincarnation of the ancient witch god?

In everyone's opinion, Qin Ba will come out eventually.

After all, no one has ever been able to pass the twelfth level so far.

Since the construction of the Twelve Ancestral Witch Tower, no one has been able to light the tower lamp on the twelfth floor.

Not to mention the contemporary Saint Nine Purple, even those amazing predecessors in the past could not pass the twelfth level under the Nascent Soul stage.


Twelfth level.

Qin Wang suddenly opened his eyes.

In front of him was still the huge five-color sacred tree, as if the previous battle was just a dream.


Qin Wang suddenly realized something and reacted.

Could it be that he had just had a dream before?

That clone, all those perfectly reproduced magic weapon moves, were just a dream?

Qin Wang subconsciously raised his hand.


A fist-sized fireball appeared on his palm, burning fiercely, and violent energy was trapped around the fireball, as if it was going to burn everything.

Explosive Flame Technique!

Qin Wang only used a thought to instantly complete all the preparations for the Explosive Flame Technique.

He could even control the fireball to turn, accelerate, decelerate... and choose when to explode.

Qin Wang let go of his hand, and the blazing fireball disappeared instantly, leaving only the temperature around it due to the burning just now.

He took a deep breath and slightly suppressed the excitement in his heart.

Even though it was just a dream before, his control over the technique has reached a new level.

"Why are you helping me?"

Qin Wang looked at the Five-Colored Divine Tree in confusion.

In his opinion, the Five-Colored Divine Tree already knew that he was a human, so not attacking him directly and driving him out was already a very friendly act.

And now, the Five-Colored Divine Tree is actually helping him practice, which makes him a little confused.

He doesn't understand the motives of the Five-Colored Divine Tree.

This makes him a little worried and confused.

There is no free lunch in the world, and this sentence is absolutely correct in the world of cultivation.

"Because I need you to lead the Wu clan and protect the Wu clan."

The voice of the Five-Colored Divine Tree sounded again.

"You want me, a human cultivator, to protect the Wu clan?"

Qin Wang raised his eyebrows.

"That's right. The War of Ten Thousand Spirits is about to start again, and there is not much time to waste. So, I need your strength."

The Five-Colored Divine Tree replied.

"The War of Ten Thousand Spirits... What exactly is that?"

Qin Wang frowned.

"I don't know the details either. Since I was born, I have been given a mission, which is to cultivate strong people for the War of Ten Thousand Spirits. Unfortunately, over the years, there have been very few geniuses in the Wu clan, and there are very few geniuses who can pass the eleventh level. There are even fewer geniuses who can be recognized by me. But you are different."

The branches of the Five-Colored Divine Tree were shaking slightly.

As the branches of the Five-Colored Divine Tree shook, cracks appeared in the dark space near it. After some spatial turbulence gushed out of those cracks, they were quickly repaired, then torn open again, and then repaired again.

Qin Wang was stunned when he saw this.

What realm is this five-colored sacred tree that can tear the space so easily?

The five-colored sacred tree seemed to realize that it was too excited, so it stopped waving its branches.

"I see hope in you. There are so many causes and effects in you, even connecting the witch clan, the barbarian clan, and the medicine clan. With so many causes and effects, plus the luck that your human race brings, your future is limitless. More importantly... I can't see through your roots. You are... a variable."

The voice of the five-colored sacred tree sounded.

Although this voice was not loud in Qin Wang's ears, it sounded like a huge bell in Qin Wang's heart.


Qin Wang subconsciously clenched his fists, staring at the five-colored sacred tree with a nervous face, while looking for a way to escape in his heart.

There are too many secrets in him, and he must not be discovered, otherwise...

"Don't worry, every generation of strong people will have their own secrets. I'm just a tree, and I don't have the idea of ​​exploring your secrets. And I will help you cover up the secrets."

The voice of the five-colored sacred tree came.

At this moment, Qin Wang felt that his body suddenly became relaxed, as if the shackles he was carrying had suddenly disappeared.

This is...

"I helped you completely cover up the secret. Unless the saint is resurrected, he will not find your abnormality."

The Five-Colored Divine Tree said slowly.

"Thank you."

Qin Wang bowed to the Five-Colored Divine Tree and thanked him.

Regardless of whether what the other party said was true or false, this thank you was due.

"Human race, what else do you want from me? Make your request. As long as you fulfill your promise, when you reach the top of all races in the future, leave a place for my Wu clan, it will be enough."

The Five-Colored Divine Tree continued.

"I also want the Five-Colored Divine Tree Water."

Qin Wang spoke directly.

He wanted to repair the Five Elements Divine Light Jar, so he needed the Five Elements Water.

Taiyi Heavy Water was too far away, and he would have a chance to find it later.

And now the Five-Colored Divine Tree Water is right in front of him, so he naturally can't miss it.

"Five-Colored Divine Tree Water? Is that it?"

As soon as the Five-Colored Divine Tree finished speaking, a drop of water flew up from its leaves and slowly came to Qin Wang.

For the Five-Colored Divine Tree, it was just a drop of water on a leaf, but for Qin Wang, it was a lake.

Looking at the colorful light in the lake, Qin Wang was stunned.

So much?

He hurriedly took out the Five Elements Divine Light Jar.

The Five Elements Divine Light Jar shook slightly, as if it had an urgent desire for the huge lake in front of it.

Qin Wang hesitated for a moment, and finally threw the Five Elements Divine Light Jar to the lake.

The mouth of the Five Elements Divine Light Jar was facing the lake, and a strong suction force appeared.

The lake with colorful light poured into the Five Elements Divine Light Jar, and soon it was all poured in, without a drop left.

At the same time, the surface of the Five Elements Divine Light Jar was coated with a layer of turquoise, as if it was jade, with flowing light and precious air.

"So it's this thing."

The voice of the Five-Colored Divine Tree came into Qin Wang's ears.

Qin Wang reacted immediately.

"Senior, do you know this Five Elements Divine Light Jar?"

Qin Wang asked subconsciously.

"I've heard of it, but I haven't seen it. I didn't expect that the famous one back then... Well, you'll know it naturally when you completely repair it. It's useless to know it now. Is there anything else you need?"

The Five-Colored Divine Tree skipped the topic directly.

Qin Wang was speechless.

These strong men always like to say half and leave half, just like the mysterious middle-aged man in the eleventh level.

Since he couldn't get anything out of it, Qin Wang didn't want to stay too long.

"Senior, please send me out."

Qin Wang said directly.


The Five-Colored Divine Tree agreed directly.

Qin Wang immediately felt a black screen in front of his eyes, and when he could see things clearly again, he found that he was already standing on the array disk of the Candle Dragon Tower's teleportation array.

The square was crowded with people.

Before he could react, the originally dim tower lights on the twelfth floor suddenly burned!

When people saw Qin Wang appear on the teleportation array disk, they immediately burst into cheers.

"The genius is back!"

"Qin Ba, the daughter of the chief of the Panqiu Wu tribe is willing to marry you, and the dowry is 10 million spirit stones!"

"With only 10 million spirit stones, don't come to compete with our Gongshui Wu tribe for a son-in-law. Our Gongshui Wu tribe will give a dowry of 100 million spirit stones!"

"Long live Qin Ba! Long live Qin Ba!"

"The glory of the Wu tribe will eventually shine again in Jiuzhou!"

People cheered excitedly.

Zhu Heng looked at the twelfth floor with some regret. If the tower lamp on the twelfth floor could burn, then...

Boom! ! !

At this moment, the originally dim tower lamp on the twelfth floor suddenly burned.

The sudden burning made Zhu Heng stunned. He rubbed his eyes in disbelief, fearing that he had hallucinations.

The 10th captain next to him noticed Zhu Heng's abnormality and was a little confused.

"High priest, what's wrong? You seem unhappy?"

The 10th captain spoke with dissatisfaction.

After all, the most important thing now is that Qin Ba has returned safely. He is the hero of the Zhuyin Wu tribe and the hero of the entire Wu tribe.

But Zhu Heng opened his mouth wide, as if he had seen a ghost.

Isn't this too disrespectful to Qin Ba?

Zhu Heng ignored the captain, still staring at the twelfth-floor tower lamp in amazement.

The captain realized something and subconsciously raised his head to look over.

At this moment, he also widened his eyes, opened his mouth wide, and couldn't speak.

The twelfth-floor tower lamp... is burning!

Soon, people also noticed this and looked up at the twelfth-floor tower lamp.

The people who were cheering because of excitement quieted down.

The restless square was silent.

Only the tower lamp of the Zhulong Tower was burning.

At this moment, all the tower lamps of the entire Zhulong Tower were burning.

Then, the tower lamps of the remaining eleven towers began to burn one by one.

Dijiang Tower, Jumang Tower, Zhurong Tower...

The tower lamps of the twelve ancestral witch towers are all burning!

Boom! ! ! ! !

The terrifying breath spread, alarming the entire ancestral land of the witch clan.

Not only the people in the square, but also the others who were still at home, working in the fields, or practicing in the secret room, all felt something.

People put down everything in their hands and looked up in the direction of the Twelve Ancestral Witch Towers.


Twelve rays of light shot up from the top of the tower and pierced into the sky.

Countless streams of light fell down and landed on the ground.

For a time, the spiritual energy of the entire Wu clan's ancestral land was ten times richer than before!

Moreover, the aura of the witch beasts raised by the major witch tribes soared, and they grew one level.

The Wu clan cultivators who were originally trapped in the bottleneck had a sudden spiritual light, and felt that the bottleneck had loosened, and immediately sat cross-legged to practice.

Boom boom boom!

In the square of the Twelve Ancestral Witch Towers alone, one in ten people broke through.

The Qi training great perfection broke through to the foundation building, and the false pill peak broke through to the golden pill.

The entire Wu clan has undergone earth-shaking changes.

And the source of these changes is Qin Wang.

Qin Wang looked at everything happening in front of him and couldn't help frowning.

He knew that these were all caused by the Five-Colored Divine Tree.

After all, the water droplets on a leaf of the Five-Colored Divine Tree were like a lake. With so much water from the Five-Colored Divine Tree, it would be easy for the Five-Colored Divine Tree to enhance the overall strength of the Wu Clan and bring down the rain.

Qin Wang understood that the Five-Colored Divine Tree did this to deepen his connection with the Wu Clan and tie him to the Wu Clan's chariot.

It was to help him build momentum.

In this way, the entire Wu clan will be grateful to him and regard him as a god.

After all, if he can pass the twelve levels in one go and get the recognition of the twelve ancestral Wu towers, even if he says that he is the reincarnation of the ancient Wu God, the Wu clan will believe it.

Zhu Heng was the first to react.

He looked at Qin Wang and suddenly had an idea.

"Your Highness the Holy Son!"

Zhu Heng shouted and bowed to Qin Wang.

The tenth captain next to him also reacted.

He immediately knelt on one knee to salute.

"Tenth Captain of the Wu God Guard Tuoba Shoushan, I pay my respects to Your Highness the Holy Son!"

Tuoba Shoushan said loudly.

"I pay my respects to Your Highness the Holy Son!"

The other members of the Wu God Guard immediately said loudly.

The Wu clan members around him also reacted quickly and bowed to the ground one after another.

"I pay my respects to Your Highness the Holy Son."

"I have met Your Highness the Holy Son."

"Long live Your Highness the Holy Son."

People knelt down and saluted Qin Wang one after another.

Soon, Qin Wang was the only one standing in the entire square, and the rest of the people were all kneeling.

Qin Wang couldn't help but sigh secretly when he saw this situation.

In this way, he would have to take the position of the Holy Son of the Wu Clan even if he didn't want to.


This is also good.

At least he doesn't need to flee in a hurry.

With the identity of the Holy Son of the Wu Clan, even if Wujimen traced him here, they would not dare to act rashly.


Witch Clan Holy Land.

Big round table.

The twelve elders of the Elders' Council gathered together, and even the Saint Nine Purple who was confined to the study came here.

The elder sat on the main seat and looked at the many elders and Saint Nine Purple around him.

"Everyone, there is a voice in the Wu Clan now, saying that the Holy Son Qin Ba is the reincarnation of the Wu God. I wonder what you think of this?"

The elder asked.

The other elders looked at each other and didn't speak.

They each represented a force, so they naturally wouldn't speak easily.

More importantly, they haven't figured out whether this Holy Son Qin Ba is good or bad for them.

Seeing that no one spoke, the elder could only curse in his heart, they were all old foxes.

Then, he looked at Jiu Zi.

"What do you think, Saint?"

The elder asked with a smile.

"Wasn't I ordered to study magic in the study and practice hard? Why was I brought here again?"

Jiu Zi sneered.

As the Saint of the Wu Clan, she was actually under house arrest by the Elders' Council. How could she not be angry.

"The Saint is the Saint of the Wu Clan. Who dares to give orders to the Saint?"

The elder said with a smile.

The other elders also echoed.

Jiu Zi snorted coldly and did not pursue the matter further.

In the final analysis, there was no benefit in pursuing this matter.

It's just that now it's about Qin Ba. Maybe this Qin Ba is the person she knows.

Thinking of this, Jiu Zi had a plan in her mind.

"Since he is the Son of the Saint, then as a Saint, I should naturally go to visit him. What do you think?"

Jiu Zi said lightly.

When the others heard this, they nodded subconsciously.

It couldn't be better to have Jiu Zi come forward. Not only can he represent the Wu clan's high-level officials, but he can also save their face. Let Jiu Zi take the lead and investigate the opponent's strengths and weaknesses. Why not?

"I agree with the Saint's opinion."

"I agree too."

"I agree."

The elders spoke one after another.

The Great Elder also nodded in agreement.


It was early in the morning.

Qin Wang opened the intelligence panel.

[Daily intelligence refresh! ]

[Today's intelligence! ]

[1: You used the Five-Colored Divine Wood Water to repair the Five Elements Divine Light Jar yesterday, and obtained information that the Qianjun Emperor Water needed for the Five Elements Divine Light Jar is retained in the Wu Family Sword Domain. ]

[2: You used the Five-Colored Divine Wood Water to repair the Five Elements Divine Light Jar yesterday, and obtained information that the Five Elements Divine Light Jar was originally a treasure of the Five Elements Immortal Venerable, and it is powerful. If the repair is completed, you will get clues to the inheritance of the Five Elements Immortal Venerable. ]

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