Awakening Daily Information Panel, Become a True Immortal

Chapter 276 Chapter 284285 Passed the eleventh level! Five-colored sacred tree! The powerful incarna

Chapter 276 Chapter 284-285 Passed the eleventh level! Colorful sacred trees! The powerful man who transformed into a god took the initiative to seek refuge! Everlasting

Qin Wang glanced at the chessboard, then looked at the man next to the stone table.

The other party has the appearance of a middle-aged man, with no aura, as if he is an ordinary mortal.

"Do you know where Bai Zi should fall so that he can survive from a desperate situation?"

The middle-aged man raised his head and looked at Qin Wang.

"Sorry, I don't know."

Qin Wang answered directly.

"In this case, you are not the person I want to wait for. Just go."

After the middle-aged man finished speaking, he continued to look down at the chessboard.

Qin Wang couldn't help but frown.

Just because you can't solve the chess game, you failed to clear the level?

Has this trial challenge of the Twelve Ancestral Witch Pagoda turned into a literary battle?

"I know how to make Bai Zi win."

Qin Wang spoke directly.

"Oh? Come on, hold on to Bai Luozi and let me see."

The middle-aged man suddenly became interested and pushed Bai Zi's chess basket in front of Qin Wang.

Qin Wang picked up a white piece and dropped it on the chessboard.

This move can be described as a bad move, it is useless, but it allows White's big dragon to fall directly into Black's mouth.

"Your hand..."

The middle-aged man's face was filled with contempt.

However, before he could finish speaking, a breeze blew, and the sunspots on the chessboard turned into ashes and drifted away in the wind.

The middle-aged man was stunned when he saw this scene.

"you you you……"

The middle-aged man looked at Qin Wang in disbelief.

He never expected that Qin Wang would take action to destroy all Heizi.

Indeed, as long as Heizi is destroyed, Baizi can survive.


"Is this okay?"

The middle-aged man frowned and looked at Qin Wang doubtfully.

"As long as they are strong enough, why not? The dilemma of the Wu clan is that they are not strong enough, so they can only endure the harsh weather and poor resources in the north. If they are strong enough, how can they be trapped here?"

Qin Wang spoke slowly.

"It makes sense, it makes sense."

The middle-aged man nodded in realization.

"Then can you lead the Witch Clan to stand on the top of all races?"

The middle-aged man asked directly.

"No, the top of all races only belongs to the human race. But I can guarantee that the Wu race will be second only to the human race."

Qin Wang answered seriously.

The middle-aged man narrowed his eyes slightly and stared at Qin Wang.

Qin Wang looked at him without any sign of weakness.

After a while, the middle-aged man suddenly laughed loudly.

"Hahahahahaha, very good, very good! You have passed my test."

After the middle-aged man finished speaking, he stood up and waved suddenly at Qin Wang.

The majestic magic power enveloped Qin Wang, and he flew out of the pavilion and into the sky.

Qin Wang felt that his vision was dark.

When the light appeared again, I saw a tree.

Surrounded by chaos and darkness, the only source of light was the tree.

This tree is so big that it is as big as a planet.

In front of this tree, Qin Wang felt like a speck of dust.

Qin Wang looked at the colorful light shining on this tree and immediately realized that this should be the colorful sacred tree.

"I didn't expect that the only one who passed the eleventh level in ten thousand years was a human race."

Suddenly, Qin Wang heard a deep voice.

This voice could not tell whether the other party was male or female, and it was even impossible to find the person speaking.

Qin Wang looked around in confusion. It was pitch black and no one could be seen.

"I'm the one talking."

The voice sounded again.

Only then did Qin Wang realize that the colorful sacred tree in front of him was swaying its branches and leaves slightly.

It seems like the colorful sacred trees are talking!

"Are you the gatekeeper of the twelfth level?"

Qin Wang looked at the colorful sacred tree in front of him and asked.

"Yes. If you can pass my test, then I can satisfy you on one condition."

The colorful sacred tree answered.

"Okay, what test? Come on."

After Qin Wang finished speaking, he took out the Barbarian Shield and the twelve Qingyou small swords and made complete preparations.


Outside the Candle Dragon Tower.

The ten-captain of the Witch God Guard was talking to Zhu Heng. At this moment, the crowd burst into loud cheers.

Captain Ten and Zhu Heng were suddenly startled and had not yet realized what happened.

Could it be that Qin Ba has come out?

However, when the two looked at the entrance and exit of Zhulong Tower, there was no one on the teleportation array. It was obvious that Qin Ba had not appeared yet.

So why cheer?

A member of the Witch God Guard came to the captain's side.

"Captain, look at the tower light on the eleventh floor!"

The members of the Witch God Guard couldn't hold back the excitement in their hearts, and their voices trembled.

Captain Ten and Zhu Heng hurriedly looked up at the tower lantern on the eleventh floor.

Sure enough, the original dim tower light on the eleventh floor burned, shining with a breathtaking light.

Passed the level!

I actually cleared the level again!

That's the eleventh level!

In the past ten thousand years, no one has been able to pass the eleventh level, not even the Saint Jiu Zi!

And now, this Qin Ba from the Zhuyin Witch Tribe has surpassed the Saint Jiu Zi, surpassed the achievements of all evil geniuses in ten thousand years, and is the first person in ten thousand years!

The tenth captain took a deep breath to suppress the excitement in his heart.

He looked at Zhu Heng with some confusion.

"Congratulations to High Priest Zhu Heng. Your witch tribe will definitely have a bright future. If possible, I am willing to become your worshiper and protect your tribe's development."

The ten-capion commander spoke directly.

When Zhu Heng heard this, he couldn't help being stunned.

He even wondered if there was something wrong with his ears.

How could a powerful man who transformed into a god be so humble? He even offered to become a worshiper of the Zhuyin Witch Club.

"Does your department look down on me?"

The ten-capion frowned slightly.

Zhu Heng reacted suddenly.

"No, no, of course not. You're most welcome."

Zhu Heng looked at the tenth captain with a happy face.

This is a powerful god-transformer, and he is a powerful god-transformer of the Witch God Guard. He is a powerful being among the gods.

For such a powerful person to join the Zhuyin Witch Club and become a worshipper, it will only be beneficial to the development of the Zhuyin Witch Club, and there will be no harm.

And all of this was brought about by Qin Ba.

Zhu Heng's only worry is whether Qin Ba's identity will be revealed?

After all, he was the only one who knew that Qin Ba was not a member of the Wu clan, but an outsider.

In order to avoid trouble, Zhu Heng had always claimed that Qin Ba was a bloodline member of the Zhu Yin Witch Tribe who was living abroad.


The Twelve Ancestral Witch Tower is so powerful and mysterious. Will it find out anything?

Zhu Heng was very worried.


Saintess' Mansion.

"You mean, a member of the Zhuyin Witch tribe named Qin Ba passed the eleventh level? How is this possible?!"

After Jiuzi got the news, he was stunned.

Although she was trapped in the study, she did not prevent her maids from entering and exiting.

This news was brought back by the maid.

"Your Highness the Saint, it is absolutely true."

The maid nodded and said excitedly.

"The surname is has the same surname as him, could it be him?"

Jiu Zi couldn't help but frown.

"Your Highness the Saint, do you know Qin Ba?"

The maid asked curiously.

"I don't know him. You continue to inquire for information. By the way, you should also keep an eye on the resurrection ceremony."

Jiu Zi warned.

"Yes, Your Highness the Saint."

The maid took the order and left.

Level 12.

In front of the colorful sacred tree.

"There are two ways to test, one is to win with combat power, and the other is to test your strategy. Human race, which one do you choose?"

The colorful sacred tree asked.

"Let your fists do the talking."

Qin Wang answered directly.

Although he had confidence in his own strategy, such subjective conjecture was too nihilistic, and it would be better to fight directly.

To put it ten thousand steps back, even if this level fails, it will only be teleported out.

The worst case scenario is that we’ll come back to the challenge later.

"as you wish."

Just as the sound of the colorful sacred tree disappeared, a large amount of colorful light immediately spewed out.

These rays of light were not meant to attack Qin Wang, but condensed into a human form.

Soon, the glowing humanoid light became restrained, revealing its complete appearance.

Qin Wang couldn't help but raise his eyebrows.

The other person turned out to look exactly like him, a complete copy of his appearance.

The clone in front of him not only has the same aura as Qin Wang, but also has the same clothes and magic weapons. There is even a barbarian shield and a small Qingyou sword beside the clone.

"Does this want me to surpass myself?"

Qin Wang raised his eyebrows and looked at the clone in front of him with interest.

The clone didn't say anything and just took action.


The twelve copied Qingyou small swords formed a Qingyou sword formation and surrounded Qin Wang.

Swish, swish, swish!

The copied Qingyou small sword flew towards him, and Qin Wang immediately used the Barbarian Shield to defend himself.


The Savage Shield blocked one of the Qingyou small swords, but the other Qingyou small sword flew from another direction.

The twelve small Qingyou swords were very flexible, as if they were controlled by twelve people respectively, which made Qin Wang difficult to deal with for a while and looked a little embarrassed.

After all, there is only one Barbarian Shield, but there are twelve Qingyou Little Swords.

Swish, swish, swish!

The twelve small green swords were like twelve streams of light, attacking Qin Wang continuously.

Although Qin Wang blocked most of the attacks with his Barbarian Shield, he still had to dodge to avoid being injured.

how to respond?

Qin Wang quickly thought, could the Barbarian Shield be divided into nine parts?

After all, the Savage Shield was originally made up of nine fragments. When combined, the defense is the strongest, but when separated, the defense is also quite top-notch. The material of the Savage Shield is there, it's hard to think about it.


Qin Wang drank lightly.

The Barbarian Shield is directly divided into nine parts.

One divided into nine.

Twelve small Qingyou swords attacked again.

Only this time, the twelve Qingyou small swords faced nine barbarian shields.

Dang Dang Dang Dang!

Qin Wang stood on the spot, controlling the Barbarian Shield to defend.

At first it was a little hectic, but later on it became smoother and smoother, like an arm moving a finger.

This is where practice makes perfect!

The clone was not in a hurry to change his tactics, and just tempered Qin Wang.

Soon, Qin Wang's use of the Barbarian Shield had reached a new height.

At this moment, he finally understood that his previous use of the Savage Shield was only the most basic use.

The Savage Shield can not only defend, but also attack!

The nine barbarian shields were no longer passive defense, and even began to actively attack the twelve Qingyou small swords.

Boom! ! !

With a loud bang, the Qingyou Sword Formation was smashed by Qin Wang.

Qin Wang exhaled a long breath and clenched his fists.

At this time, he had already understood that the clone in front of him was not just a simple challenge trial, but also a whetstone that could help him continuously tap his potential.

"Come again!"

Qin Wang said excitedly.

The clone did not continue to use the Qingyou sword, but pinched the magic formula with both hands.

The majestic magic power condensed into a fireball the size of a human head and flew towards Qin Wang.

Qin Wang was slightly stunned when he saw this situation.

This is...

The most basic explosive flame technique!

Qin Wang rarely used this kind of Qi training technique, but now the clone used this low-level technique, which surprised him a little.

Suddenly, Qin Wang realized it.

This trial was not only to let him challenge himself, but also to let him lay a solid foundation and continuously tap his potential.

In this case...

Qin Wang did not use powerful means, but used the explosive flame technique to fight.

The two continued to use the explosive flame technique.

Fireballs condensed and collided with each other.

Boom boom boom!

Boom boom boom!

Then came the Ice Arrow Technique, Wind Blade Technique... and other low-level techniques.

Although Qin Wang did not check the system status, he could feel that the proficiency of these low-level techniques was constantly improving, and finally each of them reached the state of great perfection.

Then came the high-level techniques, Soul-shaking Stab, Thunder Bomb, Nine-day Liuhuo Divine Technique...

Finally, there were various sword techniques taught by Wu Su.

Thirteen Divine Sword Techniques!

One Sword Separates the Worlds!

Qingyuan Sword Technique...

When all the techniques had been blasted to the end.

Qin Wang felt the mana flowing through his body, and he knew all the techniques well. He didn't even need to hold the techniques to activate them. He only needed a thought to complete the corresponding technique preparation.

Of course, he couldn't activate the high-level techniques with his thoughts. In the final analysis, his cultivation was still limited.

Qin Wang had a slight thought.

A large amount of fire spirit power gathered and condensed into a fireball of Explosive Flame Technique.

This fireball is only the size of a fist, but the energy contained in it is very terrifying, and the power of the explosion is comparable to the attack of the early stage of the Golden Core.

In other words, Qin Wang does not need to use the Qingyou sword now, but only uses magic to defeat or even kill the cultivators of the early stage of the Golden Core.

Use your own strength to fight against the enemy.

At this moment, Qin Wang has reached the level of a true demon genius.

"Thank you."

Qin Wang nodded slightly to the clone.


With a light sound, the twelve Qingyou swords combined into the Qingping sword.

Qin Wang knew that it was time to end this trial challenge.


A mysterious aura emanated from the Qingping sword.

The clone immediately became alert and blocked his Barbarian God Shield and Qingyou sword in front of him.

Unfortunately, facing the Qingping sword, everything was in vain.


With just one sword, the clone's eyebrows were pierced, and his Barbarian God Shield and Qingyou sword were also destroyed along with his body.

At this moment, Qin Wang suddenly found that his vision was pitch black, without any light, and he could not see anything!


Outside the Zhulong Tower.

People were staring at the teleportation array at the entrance and exit, waiting for Qin Wang to come out.

However, after waiting for a long time, no one appeared.

"Could it be that... Qin Ba wants to challenge the twelfth level?"

"Are you crazy? That is a level that no one has ever been able to pass."

"Yes, it is said that after the Twelve Ancestral Witch Towers fell, no one could pass the twelfth level."

"I guess he is still holding on."

"It is already very strong to be able to pass the eleventh level, why force it so much?"

People were talking about it.

Zhu Heng looked at the still dim tower lights on the twelfth floor, full of expectations.

If Qin Wang can really pass the level successfully, then...

Zhu Heng couldn't help but clench his fists.

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