Awakening Daily Information Panel, Become a True Immortal

Chapter 275 Chapter 282283 Level 10, Young Zhulong! The Power of the Qingping Sword! Complete Zhulon

Chapter 275 Chapter 282-283 Level 10, Young Zhulong! The Power of the Qingping Sword! Complete Zhulong Mark, Level 11

Qin Wang couldn't help but frown as he looked at the Zhulong in front of him.

The Zhulong in front of him was different from the Zhulong he had seen in the Zhuyin Witch Department. The dragon whiskers were very short and looked younger.


Could this be the Zhulong's childhood?

It has the aura of the peak of the Nascent Soul just in its childhood. If it enters the growth period or even the adult period, how powerful will the Zhulong be?

Qin Wang didn't know.

But he understood that although the Zhulong in front of him was just a transformed juvenile Zhulong, it was definitely not comparable to an ordinary peak Nascent Soul.

The Twelve Ancestral Witches should not be underestimated.

Qin Wang took the lead.

Twelve Qingyou small swords lined up in a long snake formation and shot towards the young Zhulong.

The young Zhulong looked at the Qingyou small swords flying towards him, and there seemed to be some curiosity in his eyes. It did not dodge, but hovered in mid-air, resisting the attacks of the twelve Qingyou small swords.


A series of sounds rang out.

The twelve Qingyou small swords hit the young Zhulong one after another, but they could not even damage the opponent's scales and were bounced off.

Although Qin Wang had long expected that the opponent's defense was very strong, he did not even leave a trace, let alone hurt the opponent. Isn't this gap too big?

At this moment, the young Zhulong opened his mouth and roared.


The dragon roared and instantly detonated the surrounding air.

Boom boom boom!

The aftermath of the air explosion formed a huge airflow, blowing on Qin Wang.

Qin Wang hurriedly spread his magic power all over his body, and only then did he resist the sudden strong wind and various sand and gravel.

At the same time, the young Zhulong spewed out a wind blade.

The translucent wind blade slashed towards Qin Wang.

Qin Wang wanted to escape and dodge, but he could feel that the wind blade had locked on him and there was no escape.

Therefore, the only thing he could do was to take out the Barbarian God Shield and block it in front of him.


The wind blade chopped on the Barbarian God Shield.

The terrifying power burst out and instantly broke through the defense of the Barbarian God Shield. The Barbarian God Shield shattered into nine pieces and scattered.

Even so, the power of the wind blade was not completely consumed, and there was still some power left to hit Qin Wang.

Qin Wang raised his arms in time and cast various tough defensive spells on himself, so that he could withstand the attack.

The powerful force pushed Qin Wang back several feet, and then he stood firm.

Qin Wang took a deep breath and stabilized his internal breath.

It was really terrible that the Zhulong was so powerful just in its infancy.

It seemed that he could not hold back.

Qin Wang took out the Soul Gathering Bowl and prepared to summon the five ghosts.

However, the five ghosts seemed to be trapped in the Soul Gathering Bowl and could not get out.

Qin Wang never expected it to be like this.

Could it be that during the trial challenge, it was not possible to summon helpers?

Just as Qin Wang guessed.

In the trial in the Twelve Ancestral Witch Tower, although various magic weapons can be used, those magic weapons must be controlled by the user himself.

Things such as rune jade slips that seal powerful attacks and defenses cannot be used during the trial challenge.

Not to mention summoning stronger monster pets and magic pets, which will be temporarily suppressed and sealed by the Twelve Ancestral Witch Tower.

Just when Qin Wang was stunned, the young Zhulong opened his mouth and spit out a breath of dragon.

The dragon breath swept towards Qin Wang like a raging flame.

Qin Wang quickly realized the danger, came back to his senses, and dodged in a panic, so he was not injured.

Since he couldn't summon the five ghosts, he would use his own strength to defeat the young Zhulong in front of him.

Qin Wang pinched the sword formula.


The twelve scattered Qingyou small swords were combined together to form the Qingping Sword.


The sword body of the Qingping Sword swayed gently, and the sword chant rippled, resounding through the world.

The young Zhulong sensed the danger, growled, and then opened his mouth again, spewing out a terrifying dragon breath at Qin Wang.

Before, it wanted to play with Qin Wang, after all, it was too boring to be the guard of the tenth level all year round.

It was not easy for a challenger to appear, so it naturally needed to play with him to relieve its boredom.


Since this challenger showed an aura that made it uneasy, it immediately adjusted its mentality and attacked with all its strength.

This breath of dragon breath was enough to destroy a city.

Qin Wang pinched the sword formula and pointed at the young Zhulong in front.


The Qingping Sword flew out and faced the terrifying dragon breath.

In front of the terrifying dragon breath, the Qingping Sword was as small as a silver needle.


The sword body of the Qingping Sword began to rotate, and the invisible force rippled.

Boom! ! !

The Qingping Sword collided with the dragon breath.

The majestic dragon breath was torn into pieces, and the Qingping Sword was still moving forward rapidly.

Seeing this, the young Zhulong immediately went all out to increase the strength of his dragon breath.


The dragon breath became stronger and stronger, but it only slowed down the Qingping Sword's forward speed.

It was impossible to stop the Qingping Sword.

In the end, the Qingping Sword tore through all the dragon breath, rushed into Zhulong's mouth, and finally came out from the back of Zhulong's head.

A bowl-sized penetrating wound appeared on Zhulong's head.

For the huge body of the young Zhulong, this penetrating wound was like being pricked by a needle.

However, the young Zhulong's brain had been shattered by Qingping Sword, and he could no longer die.

boom! ! ! ! !

The young candle dragon exploded directly.

Terrifying air waves washed away everything around, and even the ground below was blasted with a huge crater by the shock wave generated by the explosion.

Qin Wang did not resist the shock wave generated by the explosion, but took advantage of the shock wave to retreat.

After a while, Qin Wang returned to the place and found that the young Zhulong had disappeared without a trace, leaving only twelve small green swords hanging in the air.

At the same time, several energy torrents suddenly appeared in the air, and these energy torrents rushed towards Qin Wang.

Normally, Qin Wang would have avoided it or used attacks to break up these energy torrents.

However, this time Qin Wang felt that these energy torrents seemed to be of great benefit to him.

Besides, this is the Candle Dragon Tower, and he still has the Jade Slip Certificate of Trial on him. Even if he fails to pass this level, he will just be teleported out and will not be injured.

Qin Wang hovered in mid-air, letting the torrent of energy sweep in.


All the torrent of energy converged on the back of Qin Wang's right hand.

A burning pain appeared on the back of his right hand, and Qin Wang had to grit his teeth and persist, so that he did not cry out because of the pain.

As time passed, more and more energy flowed into the back of Qin Wang's right hand, and then he felt the burning pain spreading from the back of his hand to his shoulder.

Finally, the entire right hand was burning, as if it had been burned.

I don't know how long it took, but the torrent of energy finally rushed into Qin Wang's right arm.


A terrifying aura erupted, and the sleeve of his right hand was instantly shattered.

At this moment, a lifelike candle dragon appeared on Qin Wang's arm.

This is the complete Candle Dragon Seal!

When the complete Zhulong mark was formed, Qin Wang knew that he had truly been recognized by Zhulong.

Now, the candle dragon mark on his right arm represents the complete soul of a candle dragon.

However, this candle dragon is only in its infancy, and is a newly born infancy, with only the peak strength of Nascent Soul.

If you want Zhulong to grow, you need a lot of heavenly materials and earthly treasures to support it.

Moreover, he can also directly transform into the form of a candle dragon for fighting.

And these are the rewards for passing the tenth level.

Of course, you will only get this reward if you pass the tenth level of the Candle Dragon Tower with the Mark of the Candle Dragon.

Next, is the eleventh level!


Outside the Candle Dragon Tower.

When the tower lamp on the tenth floor burned with blazing flames and illuminated the sky, people around him screamed in surprise.

"Oh my God! I actually passed the tenth level!"

"Complete the level in one go! This is too strong!"

"The presence of such a powerful person in the Wu Clan means that our Wu Clan will definitely prosper!"

"Great prosperity! Great prosperity!"

"The glory of the Wu Clan will surely shine on the world!"

People were excited and filled with hope for the future.

After all, even a genius monster like the saint Jiu Zi had to challenge it intermittently for several years before finally reaching the eleventh level.

But now someone has passed the tenth level in one go and reached the eleventh level.

This is an evil genius that is rare to see in a thousand years.


This is the only evil genius in ten thousand years!

This incident quickly alarmed the top leaders of the Wu clan.


The Holy Land of the Witch Clan.

The great elder is arranging manpower to prepare for the sacrifice.

After all, this is related to the Wu Clan's long-term plan, and there must be no mistakes.

In his opinion, as long as the twelve ancestral witches are resurrected, the witch clan can once again stand at the top of all races.

All races will eventually respect the Witch Clan!

"Great Elder, there is a serious situation!"

A guard flew in from a distance.

When the great elder saw this situation, his heart suddenly sank.

Could it be that the human race discovered something strange and arranged for strong men to come and destroy it?

"Great Elder, something big has happened."

After the guard flew over, he knelt on one knee in front of the great elder.

"What's up?"

The great elder asked in a low voice.

"Someone passed the first ten levels of the Twelve Ancestral Witch Tower in one go and entered the eleventh level!"

The guard hurriedly told the situation.

Everything was detailed, and all the information that could be investigated in a short period of time was told to the great elder like beans poured out of a bamboo tube.

After hearing this, the great elder of the Wu clan couldn't help but be stunned.

He soon came to his senses.

"Okay, okay, very good, hahahahaha!"

The great elder of the Wu clan laughed loudly.

He did not expect that at the critical moment when the Twelve Ancestral Witches were about to be resurrected, someone could pass ten levels in a row.

This is totally God’s help to the witch clan!

Such a monster genius must be taken under his command.

"Immediately let someone contact the witch tribe where this evil genius comes from and make friends with him. This person must be used by me."

The great elder of the Wu clan warned.

"Yes, Great Elder."

The guards took the order and left.


There were overcrowded people in front of the Twelve Ancestor Wu Pagoda.

Originally it was only the Candle Dragon Tower that was crowded, but after the tenth floor tower light burned, everyone crowded in like crazy.

This is a rare event!

If you can pass ten levels in one go, your future achievements will be limitless.

Become a god?

Refining the void?

That's just the beginning, not the end.

Fortunately, the Twelve Ancestral Witch Towers all had special guards, so there was no turmoil.

But the scene was noisy and there was still some confusion.

At this moment, a team of people flew from a distance and landed on the edge of the square of the Twelve Ancestral Witch Towers.

After the arrival of this team, the atmosphere of the entire square became solemn and murderous.

No one dared to speak loudly, and even whispered discussions were only conducted through voice transmission.

Millions of people gathered in the square of the Twelve Ancestral Witch Towers, but the entire square was silent and deadly, which seemed very strange.

And this team of people was the Wu Shen Guard.

The minimum cultivation requirement of the Wu Shen Guard is the peak of the Nascent Soul.

The ten-man captain is even more of the True Lord of the God of Transformation.

And the centurion is directly a strong man in the Refining Void Realm.

As for the leader of the Wu Shen Guard, he is an even more powerful figure, so powerful that ordinary people don’t know what his cultivation is.

However, people have a unified understanding that the Wu Shen Guard will not be dispatched easily, but whenever they are dispatched, it is definitely a big event.

It seems that...

This young man who passed ten levels in one breath has attracted the attention of the Wu clan's high-level officials, and even dispatched the Wu Shen Guard to prepare to welcome the peerless monster out of the tower.

In people's opinion, no matter how strong this young man is, he can't pass the eleventh level.

After all, Saint Jiu Zi has said that the eleventh level is absolutely impossible to pass. Unless it is the reincarnation of the ancient Wu Shen, otherwise, it is absolutely impossible for anyone to pass the test of the eleventh level.

As the only person who has reached the eleventh level in a thousand years, Jiu Zi's words still convince many people.

At this time, a Wu Shen Guards captain led his team to the front of the Zhulong Tower.

"Who is the high priest of the Zhuyin Wu Department?"

The captain asked loudly.

Zhu Heng took a deep breath and slightly adjusted his clothes.

"Zhu Heng, the high priest of the Zhuyin Wu Department, greets you."

After Zhu Heng finished speaking, he was about to bow to the captain.

The captain immediately waved his hand, and a force lifted Zhu Heng up, preventing him from bowing to the ground.

Although Zhu Heng was only in the early stage of Yuanying, and even the Zhuyin Wu Department was unknown, it was just a small Wu Department in the Wu Clan.


With the appearance of Qin Ba, such a monstrous genius, the status of the entire Zhuyin Wu Department would immediately rise.

Even if the Tenth Captain was a True Lord of Transformation, he had to consider various factors.

"No need to be polite, High Priest."

The Tenth Captain greeted him with a smile on his face.

Zhu Heng looked at the smile on the Tenth Captain's face and felt a little dazed.

He had never thought that he would be treated like this, and that a True Lord of Transformation would smile at him.

In the past, he would not dare to think so even in his dreams.

It was too unreal.


Eleventh level.

Qin Wang found himself in a completely unfamiliar place.

To be precise, he was now on a small island in the middle of a lake.

There was a pavilion in the center of the island, and there were some low shrubs around.

Under the blue sky and white clouds, birds occasionally flew across the sky.

The lake was clear and you could see the fish swimming freely.

Leisurely and quiet, it gives people a sense of unreality.

In the pavilion, there is a person sitting.

The person is sitting in front of the stone table, and seems to be thinking about something.

Qin Wang thought about it, and finally walked into the pavilion.

After entering the pavilion, Qin Wang found that the other party was playing chess, and he was thinking hard, and seemed to be hesitating, not knowing where to place the piece.

Qin Wang glanced and found that the black and white sides had reached the final fighting momentum.

The black piece only needs one step to kill the white dragon.

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