Awakening Daily Information Panel, Become a True Immortal

Chapter 286 Chapter 296297 The Wu Clan's ancestor is not dead? The intelligence chief of the Wu

The sudden change shocked Jiuzi.

She never expected that the Cyclops would suddenly attack her.

At this moment, a figure flew from the side.


Jiuzi felt someone hugging her waist, and then there was a sound of wind in her ears, and the scenery in front of her was moving quickly.

When Jiu Zi sat on the throne, Qin Wang was already ready to take action at any time.

Therefore, as soon as the Cyclops made a move, Qin Wang controlled the Qingping Sword, which was composed of twelve small Qingyou swords, flew past the side, and fled with Jiuzi in his arms.

The Cyclops became even more furious when he saw Qin Wang flying away with Jiu Zi in his arms.


It roared and threw the giant ax in its hand.

The giant ax shot towards Qin Wang and Jiuzidian like a bolt of lightning.

Seeing that Qin Wang and Jiu Zi were about to be hit by the giant axe.


Qin Wang dodged and turned away.

The giant ax passed by, and the strong air flow it brought made it difficult for Qin Wang to control the Qingping Sword, and it hit the pillar next to him hard. The giant ax smashed directly into the wall not far away.

boom! ! !

With a loud noise, a large amount of gravel splashed out, and smoke and dust suddenly rose, blocking the view.

Qin Wang endured the pain caused by the impact on his body, rushed out of the palace with Jiu Zi in his arms, and finally left here.


The Cyclops saw that Qin Wang and Jiu Zi had escaped from the palace, and it was too late to catch up. This made it growl angrily.

Jiu Zi looked at the palace behind with lingering fear.

"Thank you very much. If it weren't for you, I might have died a violent death."

Jiu Zi smiled bitterly.

"If you really want to thank me, then agree to my request."

Qin Wang said in a deep voice.

At the same time, Qin Wang summoned Zhulong, opened the space channel, and left this mysterious place.


The top of Twelve Heavenly Pillars Mountain.

A space crack appeared out of thin air.

Qin Wang and Jiu Zi rolled out of the crack in space and landed on the boulder on the top of the mountain.


With a muffled sound, the two of them hit the boulder hard.

Even so, the boulder did not move at all, not even a single crack, but only raised a little dust.

Qin Wang gasped for air.

While still feeling frightened, he is also trying to recover his own consumption as much as possible.

The battle with the Cyclops made Qin Wang feel even more weak.

After all, it's still not strong enough.

If he had the ability to become a god, could he fight the Cyclops?

However, these are not the point.

We also need to improve our cultivation and strength as soon as possible.

"I really don't know how to repay the favor of saving my life. What is your request?"

Jiu Zi looked at Qin Wang seriously.

At this moment, a faint blush appeared on her cheeks.

Although she is a saint from the Witch Clan, she is also very proficient in the culture of the human race. She has long heard the saying "If you can't repay the kindness of saving your life, a little girl will pledge herself to you."

Could it be said that Qin Wang wants to commit himself to him?

Thinking of this, Jiu Zi was a little nervous.

If Qin Wang really made the request to commit himself, should he agree?

At this moment, Jiu Zi's heart was full of contradictions and hesitations.

Qin Wang didn't know this.

He looked at Jiuzi very seriously.

"I heard that the Witch Clan has some star grass in storage, right?"

Qin Wang asked directly.

"Star Grass? Ah, yes. There should be more than ten plants in the Witch Clan's treasure house. What's wrong?"

Although Jiuzi was a little confused, she still said it honestly.

After all, although Star Grass is precious and rare, it is not of much use. At least for the Witch Clan, Star Grass is dispensable.

"Give me all those dozen star grasses, and the life-saving grace will be repaid."

Qin Wang made no secret of his desire for Star Grass.

When Jiu Zi heard this condition, he couldn't help but be stunned.

Soon, she reacted and was a little dissatisfied.

What are you doing?

Could it be that she, a majestic saint from the witch clan, is not as good as Star Grass in the eyes of the other party?

This made Jiu Zi a little dissatisfied.

However, she quickly returned to normal.

"Okay, I promise you. Just follow me to the Witch Clan's treasure house tomorrow to collect the Star Grass."

Jiu Zi nodded.

"Thank you."

Qin Wang cupped his hands in front of Jiu Zi and prepared to leave.

Although the Nine Lotus Moon Liquid was not found, being able to obtain the Star Grass can be regarded as gaining something in the east.

Suddenly, Qin Wang noticed that the stones on the ground were rippling like water waves under the moonlight.

This is……

"Nine Lotus Moon Liquid?"

Jiuzi suddenly exclaimed.

At this moment, there are many water drops on this big rock.

These water drops seem to be condensed from the essence of the moon. After forming, they will be directly absorbed by the stone.

If you don't look closely, you won't even notice this.

"Could it be that...this is the Nine Lotus Moon Liquid?"

Jiu Zi was very surprised.

Qin Wang used his magic power to collect the condensed water droplets, held them in his hand, and then asked the system to detect them, and got a positive answer.

This is the Nine Lotus Moon Liquid.

No wonder the system intelligence shows that Nine Lotus Moon Liquid is at the top of Twelve Heavenly Pillars Mountain.

However, neither Qin Wang nor Jiu Zi expected that Jiulian Moon Liquid would appear so easily.

If you don't know this thing clearly, you may even think that these are ordinary dewdrops.

After all, these water drops are no different from ordinary dew drops.

Even if Jiu Zi used the power of the Yuanying stage to explore, he could not see the difference.

However, Qin Wang learned through the system detection that these water drops are Jiu Lian Yue Liquid.

After a long time, it turns out that harvesting Jiu Lian Yue Liquid is so simple, and that mysterious place seems to be just a coincidence.


Is it destined in the dark? Or is there some mysterious power involved?

Qin Wang subconsciously looked at Jiu Zi.

He suddenly thought of something, could it be that Jiu Zi knew about the mysterious palace, so he asked him to summon Zhu Long and use Zhu Long as the key to break into the mysterious palace?

Thinking of this, Qin Wang subconsciously looked at Jiu Zi.

"How is it? Are these dew drops Jiu Lian Yue Liquid?"

Jiu Zi asked nervously.

"Yes. So collect these dew drops as much as possible."

Qin Wang nodded affirmatively.

With the efforts of the two, soon, the Jiu Lian Yue Liquid filled the entire washbasin.

Qin Wang put away the Nine Lotus Moon Liquid and left with Jiu Zi.

Shortly after Qin Wang and Jiu Zi left, three figures came hurriedly.

Two of them were the two people who had secretly followed Jiu Zi and Qin Wang before, and the third person was hidden in a black robe, and his face and figure could not be seen clearly.

"You mean... the Holy Son and the Holy Daughter suddenly disappeared here, and then suddenly appeared again?"

The voice of the black-robed man came, and every word seemed to be metal objects rubbing against each other, which was a bit harsh.

"Yes, I saw it with my own eyes, it must not be false."

The two trackers spoke hurriedly.

"But there is nothing special here, they are... um? This breath is... could it be... No, this is impossible, absolutely impossible!"

The black-robed man's tone became hurried.

This made the two trackers a little confused.

"Did the lord find anything?"

One of the trackers couldn't help asking out of curiosity.

"This matter must not be leaked. I will report your loyalty truthfully and treat your family well."

The black-robed man spoke coldly.

When the two stalkers heard this, their souls were horrified. They turned around and fled without any hesitation.

However, when the two flew less than ten feet away, their bodies were like flying ashes, scattered by the wind, and even the golden elixir could not escape.

The headquarters of the Zhuyin Wu Department.

In the early morning.

Qin Wang opened the intelligence panel.

[Daily intelligence refresh! ]

[Today's intelligence! ]

[1: You climbed to the top of the Twelve Pillars Mountain yesterday and obtained intelligence that the subordinates of the Wu Clan's Great Elder followed you and Jiu Zi to the top of the Twelve Pillars Mountain, sensed the breath of the Wu Clan's ancestor, and prepared to report to the Wu Clan's Great Elder in the early morning. Once the Wu Clan's Great Elder got the news, he would immediately start to sacrifice Wanyan Meng, revive the twelve ancestors of the witch, and then attack Jiu Zi. ]

[2: You got the Nine Lotus Moon Liquid yesterday and got intelligence that if you want to remove Hou Tu Wan'er's curse, you need to let her soak in the Nine Lotus Moon Liquid for a day and a night, and she cannot leave. At this time, Hou Tu's mortal enemy will launch an attack, forcing Hou Tu Wan'er to come out of the Nine Lotus Moon Liquid, resulting in all previous efforts being wasted. ]

[3: You entered the Wu Clan Ancestral Hall yesterday and obtained information. The Wu Clan Ancestral Hall is the hall of the Wu Clan's ancestors. There are twelve ancestor witches guarding the hall, and they are all the most powerful ancestor witches. Once awakened, their strength is comparable to that of the human race's fusion stage. ]

[4: You encountered a cyclops yesterday and obtained information. The cyclops is not a Wu Clan, but a giant warrior. Its own strength is equivalent to that of the human race's refining realm. Its attack method is relatively simple, and it is a good helper for expanding territory. ]

[5: You saw the Wu Clan Ancestor mural yesterday and obtained information. In ancient times, the Wu Clan's ancestor led the twelve ancestor witches to fight against all races and gained great power, but was betrayed in the end, causing the Wu Clan to be defeated by the demon clan. The descendants of the traitors are still lurking in the Wu Clan. ]

[6: You used twelve Qingyou small swords yesterday and obtained information. The Wu family has discovered Wu Su's traces and is expected to find Wu Su's hiding place in a month. Wu Su is still receiving inheritance and cannot be disturbed. ]

[7: You saved Jiu Zi's life yesterday and obtained information that Jiu Zi is related to the Wu clan's ancestor. Please pay more attention. ]

[8: You touched the cloth bag that Qin Xuemei sewed for you yesterday and obtained information that Qin Xuemei had contact with the people of the Medicine Sect again. The people of the Medicine Sect promised that as long as Qin Xuemei was willing to go to the Medicine Sect, they would help suppress the Wuji Sect and ensure the safety of the Wanhua Xianzong. ]

[9: Your name Qin Ba has been mentioned 100 million times by people in the Wu Domain. The entire Wu clan knows that you are the son of the Wu clan. ]

[10: You walked with Jiu Zi yesterday and obtained information that Jiu Zi's pursuer wants to challenge you. It is expected that he will challenge you in three days. ]

Qin Wang frowned when he saw this information.

It turned out that the mysterious palace was the Wu clan's ancestral hall. No wonder there were twelve ancestor witches guarding it, and the palace gate was so hard and heavy.

However, now that the Wu clan ancestor has disappeared, the twelve witch ancestors guarding the hall have also fallen into a deep sleep, so that the Cyclops can move freely there.


Why can Jiu Zi sit on the throne of the Wu clan ancestor?

Could it be that...

Jiu Zi is actually the direct bloodline of the Wu clan ancestor?

Thinking of this, Qin Wang suddenly realized.

Perhaps, when he entered the Witch Clan's Ancestral Hall, Jiu Zi subtly guided him there.

It seems that Jiu Zi is not as innocent as he seems on the surface.

It’s normal if you think about it carefully.

How could she be the innocent White Lotus who could be the Holy Maiden of the Witch Clan?

Thinking of this, Qin Wang couldn't help but sigh.

Now, the most important point is that the Great Elder of the Wu Clan must not be allowed to know about the ancestor of the Wu Clan.

This requires asking Jiuzi for help.

Qin Wang drove the flying sword and left the Zhuyin Witch Club's station.


The ancestral land of the Wu clan.

Saintess' Mansion.

Jiu Zi was sitting cross-legged in the bedroom practicing.

Suddenly, she realized that the early warning ban in the bedroom had been triggered. It was obvious that someone had sneaked into her bedroom.

Jiu Zi jumped up and waved his hand.

A talisman rushed towards the opponent.

This is her cursed mark, and anyone who is hit by it will be cursed.

No matter how high the other party's cultivation level is, it is impossible to break the influence of the curse instantly.

As long as the opponent is affected, Jiuzi will have a chance to kill or even capture the opponent.

Qin Wang didn't expect Jiuzi's reaction to be so violent, so he hurriedly took out the Barbarian Shield in front of him.


With a muffled sound, a powerful force hit the Barbarian Shield, so much so that Qin Wang had to take two steps back to relieve the force.

The cursed seal returned in vain and returned to Jiuzi's hands, where she put it away.

Because Jiu Zi saw something familiar, the Savage Shield.

It was obvious that this intruder was Qin Wang.

"It's late at night, what do you want to do?"

Jiu Zi frowned and looked at Qin Wang rather unhappily.

Qin Wang didn't say anything nonsense and directly told Jiu Zi that the great elder's men sensed the aura of the ancestor of the Wu clan.

After hearing this, Jiu Zi couldn't help but frown.

"So, we must kill this person before he reports to the Great Elder. Do you have any clues?"

Qin Wang said very seriously.

"Following us? Such a method...could it be Kageyama?"

Jiu Zi thought for a moment and said slowly.

"Kageyama? What's the origin?"

Qin Wang asked directly.

After all, if you know yourself and your enemy, you will be victorious in any battle, not to mention that the person whose name Jiu Zi can instantly think of should be a subordinate that the great elder of the Wu clan values ​​​​very much.

Maybe it really was the stalker.

As long as he kills the opponent and prevents him from reporting to the Wu Clan's Great Elder, five days later will be the best time to rescue Wan Yanmeng.

"Shadow Mountain is the most loyal dog of the Great Elder, and he is also the sharpest sword in the Elder's hand. Moreover, he has superb tracking skills and can steal many secrets without others noticing."

Jiu Zi answered very seriously.

"In this case, this person must not be allowed to stay."

Qin Wang narrowed his eyes slightly, and a cold light flashed in his eyes.

In order to complete Yanmeng, he must eliminate all dangers.


The Ministry of Shadows.

The patriarch, Kageyama, is sorting out information in the secret room.

There are many jade slips piled here, which contain all kinds of information.

He attached great importance to this information, so much so that the placement of each jade slip was very standardized without any errors.


The secret room is now in a mess, because Kageyama is frantically flipping through the jade slips, trying to verify one thing among so much information.

Did the ancestor of the Wu clan die?

Logically speaking, the Wu Clan is currently in a corner, and even has to rely on the human race to barely survive. This is all because of the lack of the highest-end combat power like the ancestor of the Wu Clan.

In ancient times, the ancestor of the witch clan disappeared, and the twelve ancestor witches also fell into a deep sleep.

Because of this, the Witch Clan has to live in the Witch Territory and survive.

But now, he sensed the aura of the ancestor of the Wu Clan in the Twelve Heavenly Pillars Mountain, which made him excited and frightened.

No, we must see if the ancestor of the Wu clan is really dead. (End of chapter)

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