Awakening Daily Information Panel, Become a True Immortal

Chapter 287 Chapter 298299 Trapping and killing Yingshan! Smart Cyclops! They all want the witch cla

Yingshan rummaged through all the jade slips, but still could not find the exact words indicating whether the ancestor of the Wu clan really died.

Regarding the fall of the ancestor, it is nothing more than speculation and speculation.

"Could it be said that... the ancestor did not fall? Otherwise, how could that trace of aura appear?"

Kageyama frowned.

He was very sure that the breath he sensed on the boulder on the top of Twelve Heavenly Pillars Mountain definitely belonged to the ancestor of the Wu Clan.

Because that is the mark engraved in the blood of the Wu clan.

The higher your cultivation level, the more obviously you can sense it.

"After dawn, report to the Great Elder immediately. This matter is related to the Great Elder's plan. There must be no changes."

Kageyama clenched his fists, his eyes flashed with a cold light.

Even if the other party is the ancestor of the Wu clan, it cannot affect the great elder's plan.

What about the ancestors?

Those who are already ancient are in the past. Since it is already in the past, why should it affect the present?

At this moment, a jade communication slip on Kageyama's body vibrated. It was obvious that his subordinates had something important to report.

Kageyama took a deep breath, suppressed the agitation and uneasiness in his heart, and came out of the secret room.

He came to the study and saw his men wandering around the study, restless.

"What happened?"

Kageyama spoke calmly.

"Patriarch, the saint is visiting me late at night and is waiting in the guest hall."

The subordinate hurriedly handed Jiuzi a greeting card.


Kageyama couldn't help but frown.

What does it mean that Jiu Zi came to visit so late at night? What's more, Jiu Zi now seems to have some connection with the ancestor of the Wu clan. Could it be that……

"Did the Saint ever say why it was so urgent?"

Kageyama asked in a deep voice.


The subordinate shook his head.

"Well, you go down."

Kageyama waved the other person away.

He hesitated for a moment, and finally decided to talk to Jiuzi face to face.

Is there a possibility that Jiu Zi came to contact him on behalf of the ancestor of the Wu clan?

If this is the case, it means that the ancestor of the Wu clan has not died, but the ancestor is no longer as powerful as in ancient times.


In the reception hall.

Although it is already late at night, the lights are brightly lit here.

Jiu Zi and Qin Wang sat on the chairs next to them, waiting quietly.

After a while, footsteps came from outside.

"I never expected that the Holy Son and Holy Maiden would visit me late at night. It would be rude for me to miss you so much."

Kageyama said as he walked into the reception hall.

Although he said this, the expression on his face was calm and there was no trace of shame.

"Holy Son and Saint, please take a seat."

Kageyama greeted and then sat on the main seat.

Seeing this situation, Jiu Zi couldn't help but frown.

As a saint of the Witch Clan, no matter where she goes in the Witch Clan, she will be warmly welcomed and invited to the main seat.

But now, Kageyama just said a few casual words, and then sat directly on the main seat, making it clear that he did not take the saint son and saint to his heart.

"I wonder why the Holy Son and Holy Maiden came to my Shadow Witch Club?"

Yingshan narrowed his eyes slightly and looked at Qin Wang with interest.

He was already very familiar with Jiu Zi.

But there are still many doubts about this Qin Wang.

If he hadn't been preparing for the resurrection ceremony of the Twelve Ancestral Witches now, he would have launched an investigation into Qin Wang.

Jiu Zi was about to speak, but Qin Wang jumped in first.

"We came here only for one thing, and that is the ancestor of the Wu clan."

Qin Wang said lightly.

As soon as these words came out, Yingshan immediately narrowed his eyes and stared at Qin Wang.

"Holy Son, do you know what you are talking about?"

Kageyama asked in a deep voice.

"If you are not interested in the ancestor, it means I didn't tell you."

Qin Wang shrugged his shoulders and answered nonchalantly.

"Hahahahaha, okay."

Kageyama laughed twice, then raised his hand.

Swish, swish, swish!

The magic power condensed into several qi energies and shot out.

Before the servants and maids nearby could react, they were pierced by Qi Jin between their eyebrows, and they were so dead that they could no longer die.

Although they are only in the foundation building stage, such cultivators kill at will, and Kageyama is really decisive.

"How much do you know about the ancestors?"

Yingshan stood up and slowly came to Qin Wang.

"Kageyama! You killed your own servants and maids like this? This is too much!"

Jiu Zi stood up and yelled angrily.

"It's unlucky for them to hear such a secret. What's more, the Holy Son said this. Therefore, their deaths are entirely caused by the Holy Son."

Kageyama said calmly.

"What a sophistry."

Qin Wang couldn't help but laugh.

"Please also ask the Holy Son not to change the subject. How much does the Holy Son know about the First Ancestor?"

Yingshan An'an mobilized his own magic power. Once things couldn't be negotiated, he could only use force.

No matter how talented and powerful Qin Wang is, his cultivation is always a shortcoming.

In Yingshan's opinion, his cultivation level is enough to crush Qin Wang and Jiu Zi.

"I know a lot, and I discovered a secret place."

Qin Wang said with a smile.

"Huh? Why are you doing this? What good will it do to you?"

Yingshan looked at Qin Wang doubtfully.

After all, Qin Wang is an outsider and does not know the great elder's plan. So the secret of the ancestor is very important to Qin Wang. Why did Qin Wang tell this secret?

Could it be...there's a trap here?

Qin Wang knew that if he did not eliminate the other party's doubts, his goal would not be achieved.

"Because I don't want the ancestor of the Witch Clan to continue to live in the world. Since the ancient figures have fallen, they can just lie in their graves."

After Qin Wang finished speaking, he released his own breath.

Yingshan sensed Qin Wang's human aura and was suddenly startled.

He never expected that Qin Wang, who had obtained the Mark of the Candle Dragon, passed through the Twelve Ancestral Witch Pagoda, and was elected as the Holy Son, would actually be a human race.

Isn't this too embarrassing?

It makes sense, though.

The human race naturally hopes that the ancestor of the Wu race will perish.

At least on this point, Qin Wang and the Great Elder had the same idea.

"Okay, take me to the secret place."

Yingshan looked at Qin Wang with great satisfaction.

Qin Wang and Jiu Zi looked at each other and gave each other a look.

This thing is done!

Kageyama has clearly seen the poor acting skills of the two. In his opinion, these two people must have some conspiracy to lure him away.


so what?

In the face of absolute strength, all conspiracies and tricks are useless.

Kageyama has this confidence.

Just because his cultivation is not to transform into gods, but to refine the void.

The power of the Void Refining Realm is definitely not something Qin Wang and Jiu Zi can contend with.

This is where Kageyama's confidence lies.

He also wanted to see what kind of trap Qin Wang and Jiu Zi had prepared.

Moreover, he also wanted to use this trap to dig out more information about the ancestor of the Wu clan.

Ying Shan followed Qin Wang and Jiu Zi, left the Shadow Witch Club and flew towards the Twelve Heavenly Pillars Mountain.

The top of Twelve Heavenly Pillars Mountain.

The big stone shines brightly in the moonlight. Looking around, there is a feeling of sparkling water.

"The mystery that the Holy Son said is here?"

Kageyama frowned, quite confused.

The Twelve Heavenly Pillars Mountain has been explored countless times by the Wu clan.

This boulder is so hard that even if it is as strong as the Great Elder, it can barely break off a few pieces.

Such a hard boulder has been studied by the powerful Wu clan for a long time and various experiments have been conducted. The final conclusion is that this boulder is very hard. But apart from that, there is nothing special about it.

"Of course, special methods are needed to discover the secrets."

Qin Wang said lightly.

After speaking, he raised his right hand and summoned the candle dragon.

hold head high!

With a dragon roar, the candle dragon rushed out from the back of Qin Wang's right hand.

After the candle dragon circled in the sky for a week, it rushed straight towards the boulder on the top of the mountain.


A teleportation channel appeared out of thin air, allowing Zhulong to pass through.

Qin Wang and Jiu Zi looked at each other and rushed into the transmission channel at the same time.

Kageyama looked at the teleportation channel that was about to disappear, feeling very excited.

The breath of the ancestor of the Wu clan!

You can’t go wrong!

This hint of aura made Kageyama's heart palpitate. This comes from the throbbing of the blood.

He no longer hesitated and rushed in.

No matter what, the ancestor of the Witch Clan must be made to disappear again.

The great prosperity of the Wu Clan can only be pinned on the Great Elder! Rather than the ancient figure who is the ancestor of the Wu clan. Decaying remnants of ancient times, just lie in the tomb obediently and accept the worship of your tribe. Don't jump out and point fingers!


Ancestral Hall.

Yingshan came to the main hall and looked at the twelve ancestral witches around him and the Qianzhang main hall in front of him. His breathing became rapid.

Sure enough, the ancestor of the Wu clan is here.

He sensed the strong aura of the ancestor.

"The ancestor is inside?"

Yingshan looked at Qin Wang and asked.

"Can't you feel it?"

Qin Wang replied with a sneer.

"Boy, you are looking for death."

Yingshan snorted coldly and reached out to grab Qin Wang.

The powerful mana condensed into a translucent palm and grabbed Qin Wang's neck.

Qin Wang didn't expect Yingshan to suddenly take action.

He hurriedly summoned the Savage Shield and blocked it in front of him.


The barbarian shield was easily shattered by the translucent palm.

Even so, it bought Qin Wang a moment of time, allowing him to jump back, leaving the translucent palm empty.


Kageyama was slightly stunned when he saw this situation.

He didn't expect that Qin Wang could avoid his attack.

It has to be said that this Holy Son still has a few tricks up his sleeve.


That's all!

The translucent palm turned and grabbed Qin Wang again.

At the same time, Zhulong rushed over, waving his dragon claws and grabbing the translucent palm.


The dragon claws and translucent palms collided with each other, and the shock wave exploded in all directions, blowing away the dust scattered on the ground.

Qin Wang couldn't help but frown when he saw that Zhulong's full blow was still blocked by the translucent palm.

From this point of view, this Kageyama's strength is higher than he imagined.

Originally, Qin Wang thought that Yingshan was probably at the stage of becoming a god and was stronger than Zhulong, but his strength was limited.

Therefore, according to Qin Wang's idea, let Zhulong take the lead, and then he and Jiuzi assist from the side, and they should be able to kill Yingshan.

Now it seems that Yingshan is stronger. Even if he and Jiuzi help, Zhulong will find it difficult to kill Yingshan.

Suddenly, the translucent palm grabbed Zhulong's dragon claw and exerted force suddenly.


Zhulong was pressed to the ground and could not move.

The sudden change made Qin Wang and Jiuzi stunned.

They never expected that Zhulong would be suppressed so easily by Yingshan.

Could it be that...

"You have surpassed the God of Transformation?"

Qin Wang looked at Yingshan with an ugly face.

"Of course."

Yingshan replied with a smile.

"I advise you to put away those little thoughts, be obedient, and take me to see the ancestor. Otherwise, don't blame me for being cruel. The elder is good in everything, but he is too kind. According to my idea, with the elder's cultivation and strength, he can directly control the entire Wu clan. It is completely unnecessary to set up the Elders' Council and set up a saint to assist in management."

Yingshan vented his dissatisfaction.

Qin Wang and Jiuzi were silent.

Even Yingshan has surpassed the transformation of spirit and reached the realm of refining emptiness.

So how strong is the real cultivation of the elder?

Facing such a strong man, can Wanyan Meng really be rescued?

"The ancestor of the Wu clan is in the hall. If you want to see the ancestor, just go in directly."

Qin Wang spoke slowly.

"Very good, you go in first."

Yingshan said cautiously.

Qin Wang had no choice. After he took back the candle dragon, he took the lead to walk towards the hall.

The door was still open with a gap, allowing people to walk in.

Soon, Qin Wang, Jiuzi, and Yingshan entered the hall.

As before, the hall was empty and there was nothing.

Yingshan looked at the throne in front of him and was stunned.

That was the throne of the ancestor of the Wu clan!

There was no mistake!

Yingshan's breathing became rapid.

He did not notice the cyclops squatting in the corner.

Even if he saw it, he would think that the cyclops was like the twelve ancestor witches outside, all in a deep sleep and unable to wake up.

At this time, Yingshan had come to the throne.

He stretched out his hand and carefully touched the throne.

At this moment, a lot of images appeared in Yingshan's mind.

It was the picture of the ancestor of the witch clan leading the twelve witch ancestors to fight against all the clans.

A mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood, all the clans surrendered...

Suddenly, Yingshan sensed danger.

It was the breath of death.

He suddenly woke up and found a huge axe coming from top to bottom, slashing at him.

This is...

The power that only the strong in the Refining Void Realm have!

Not good!

Yingshan immediately pinched the magic formula with both hands, and the whole person turned into a shadow, dodging quickly to the side.

Boom! ! !

The huge axe fell to the ground, and a lot of smoke and dust filled the air.

At this time, Yingshan had come to the other side, slowly emerging from the shadow, and finally became the original appearance.

He looked at the Cyclops not far away with lingering fear.

Fortunately, he reacted quickly, so he was not killed by the Cyclops, otherwise...

Suddenly, Yingshan thought of something, and he subconsciously looked at Qin Wang and Jiu Zi.

While the Cyclops was attacking Yingshan, Qin Wang and Jiu Zi had already rushed to the palace gate. They wanted to escape!

"You bastard!"

Yingshan shouted angrily and rushed towards Qin Wang and Jiu Zi.

The Cyclops also discovered Qin Wang and Jiu Zi's intentions. Although it was huge, it was not a fool and would not repeat the same mistakes.

It knew that the only way for Qin Wang and Jiu Zi to escape was to escape from the palace gate.

Then all they had to do was close the palace gate!

So the Cyclops set its sights on the palace gate.

It wanted to close the door first! (End of this chapter)

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