Awakening Daily Information Panel, Become a True Immortal

Chapter 288: Lock Yingshan and the Cyclops together! Hou Tu Wan'er wants to snatch the Nine Lot

Seeing both Yingshan and Cyclops rushing over, Qin Wang without any hesitation directly called out the candle dragon and activated time stop.

This time, Qin Wang stopped the time of Yingshan and Cyclops.

There was only one breath, but it was enough for Jiuzi and Qin Wang to rush out of the hall.

After a breath, Kageyama and Cyclops regained their ability to move.

However, at this time Qin Wang and Jiu Zi had already rushed out and disappeared outside the door.

The Cyclops' momentum continued unabated and he crashed directly into the door of the Thousand-Zhang Palace.

boom! ! !

With a loud noise, the door of Qianzhang Palace was forcibly closed by the impact of the Cyclops.

The Cyclops looked around, but did not see Qin Wang and Jiu Zi.

However, it noticed Kageyama.

It recognized the aura of the Wu Clan on Yingshan. It was obvious that Yingshan was also a member of the Wu Clan, and he was also a member of the Wu Clan whose cultivation was not weaker than it.

If that's the case...

The Cyclops tightened his grip on the ax in his hand.

After Yingshan came to the palace gate, he looked at the closed palace door and was very angry.


Kageyama glared at the Cyclops. As soon as he said a word, he saw the Cyclops raising the giant ax in his hand and slashing at him.

The sudden attack shocked Kageyama, he never expected that the Cyclops would attack him.

why is that?

Although Kageyama was confused, he dodged the Cyclops' attack and fought back.

However, Kageyama's attack is like scratching an itch and has no lethality to the Cyclops.

The Cyclops' attacks are easily dodged by Kageyama.

The two of them were locked in a stalemate, with no one able to kill the other.


Outside the Ancestor Hall.

Qin Wang gasped for air.

Although the scene just now was exciting, it was more because of his huge consumption.

Except for the source of life, he used all his power to limit the breath time of Shadow Mountain and Cyclops. Otherwise, he and Jiuzike would be doomed.

Qin Wang took out the elixir, stuffed two pills into his mouth, then sat cross-legged on the ground and began to regulate his breathing and regain his strength.

After a while, Qin Wang stood up and looked at Jiu Zi beside him.

"let's go."

Qin Wang said directly.


Jiu Zi nodded and looked at the Ancestral Hall behind her with concern.

"Kageyama is inside, will he be killed by the Cyclops?"

Jiuzi hesitated for a moment, and finally couldn't help but ask.

"It doesn't matter whether the Cyclops can kill Shadow Mountain or not. Originally, I just wanted to control Shadow Mountain in this space so that he could not return to the ancestral land of the Wu Clan. I didn't expect that everything would go so smoothly, and it would even be more beneficial to us. . Maybe the ancestor of the Wu clan is helping us secretly."

Qin Wang said with a smile.

Being able to solve the hidden danger of Yingshan made Qin Wang feel very good.

Moreover, Yingshan is a strong person in the Void Refining Realm.

Originally, Qin Wang thought that Yingshan was at the peak of becoming a god, but he didn't expect that he was actually a strong person in the Void Refining Realm. In this way, it is equivalent to breaking the great elder's arm.

This is undoubtedly a good thing for Qin Wang and Jiu Zi.


Jiu Zi also laughed.

Qin Wang asked Zhulong to open the space channel and return to the top of Twelve Heavenly Pillars Mountain.

At this time, the sky was already turning white.

The sun was slowly rising below the horizon.

There is no time to enjoy this situation.

"Jiuzi, go and take out the Star Grass from the Witch Clan's treasure house and bring it to Houtu Wan'er. We'll meet there."

Qin Wang ordered directly.

"What do you want the Star Grass for?"

Jiu Zi is still very curious.

Although Qin Wang had mentioned Star Grass before, he did not say the specific situation.

But now Qin Wang seems to be in very urgent need of Star Grass.

"Of course I will be of great use. Go quickly."

Qin Wang didn't say much.

When Jiuzi saw this situation, he stopped asking further.


Qin Wang returned to the Zhuyin Witch Club, and after explaining some things to Zhang Fujiang and others, he immediately rushed to Houtu Wan'er's thatched cottage.


Qin Wang came to Houtu Wan'er's thatched cottage.

It happened to be Houtu Wan'er's breakfast time.

Houtu Wan'er was eating in the thatched cottage.

What is on the table is nothing more than ordinary mortal meals.

When Qin Wang saw this scene, he suddenly thought of his life with Qin Xuemei.

After coming to this world, there were not a few peaceful days. I was always busy and running around. I don’t know when I can stop.


Only when you stand at the top and look down at all living beings can you stop, right?

Thinking of this, Qin Wang felt that his xinxing had been improved again, and he even had some insights into the golden elixir realm.

As long as he is willing, he can even condense the golden elixir directly and condense the high-grade golden elixir.

However, a mere high-grade golden elixir was not enough for Qin Wang.

What he needs is naturally the strongest golden elixir, the golden elixir of chaos!

Originally, dual cultivation with Helian Xianyun had a 60% chance of condensing the golden elixir of chaos.

However, if you can get the Chaos Stone from the Witch Clan, you can directly condense the Chaos Golden Elixir.

This is one of the reasons why Qin Wang is willing to rescue Wanyan Meng.


Houtu Wan'er rolled her eyes at Qin Wang, and then continued eating, seemingly not taking Qin Wang seriously.

"I have found a way to restore your appearance, and I have also found the necessary materials."

Qin Wang looked at Hou Tu Wan'er with interest and said with a smile.

As soon as these words came out, Houtu Wan'er, who was still eating breakfast calmly, was stunned for an instant.

There was a soft clang sound, and the bowl and chopsticks in Hou Tu Wan'er's hand fell directly to the ground.

"You, you...are you serious? You didn't lie to me, did you?"

Houtu Wan'er was so excited that her breathing quickened.

She stared at Qin Wang, her eyes full of longing.

"of course it's true."

Qin Wang said as he took out the pot of Nine Lotus Moon Liquid.

Moreover, Qin Wang took out a drop of Nine Lotus Moon Liquid and shot it towards Hou Tu Wan'er.


A wisp of black smoke drifted out from Houtu Wan'er's face and disappeared.

Houtu Wan'er touched her cheek with trembling hands, and she could clearly feel that the curse on her face had weakened a bit.

She knew that Qin Wang was not lying and could really remove the curse from her face!

"Give it to me quickly!"

Houtu Wan'er hurriedly rushed towards Qin Wang.

She longed to get the Nine Lotus Moon Liquid in Qin Wang's hand.

Qin Wang stepped back and distanced himself.

"Don't be anxious, you first..."

Qin Wang just spoke, but before he could finish speaking, Hou Tu Wan'er slapped him with a palm.

The violent mana condensed into a palm print and shot towards Qin Wang.

Although Houtu Wan'er only has the cultivation level of the peak Jindan, this technique is comparable to the attack at the Nascent Soul stage.

Qin Wang didn't dodge or resist, and he didn't even need to use Qingyou's small sword.

He just held the pot of Nine Lotus Moon Liquid in front of him.

Seeing this situation, Houtu Wan'er ignored the backlash of her magic power and forcibly dispersed the attack spell just now.


Houtu Wan'er snorted and looked at Qin Wang very irritably. (End of chapter)

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