Awakening Daily Information Panel, Become a True Immortal

Chapter 289: Enter the Saint Maiden's Mansion to practice! The effect of the Star Grass!

"Give me that thing!"

Houtu Wan'er glared at Qin Wang, as if she was about to strike again if she disagreed.

Mana surged all over her body, and even the thatched hut was affected, shaking slightly and making a "quacking, quacking" sound.

Qin Wang chuckled.

"If you want to completely restore your appearance, then be polite to me. Otherwise, even if I give you the Nine Lotus Moon Liquid, you won't know how to use it."

Qin Wang said with a smile.

When Houtu Wan'er heard this, she couldn't help but frown.

Could it be that there are some lesser-known ways of using it?

After all, the curse on her face is very powerful and no one can remove it. Some people who didn't know enough even thought that her appearance was ruined because she was poisoned.

Thinking of this, Houtu Wan'er also calmed down.

"I understand, I will follow your arrangement."

After Houtu Wan'er finished speaking, she gathered her magic power and sat down.

"You give me the Houtu Seal, and I will give you the Nine Lotus Moon Liquid and the method to remove the curse on your face."

Qin Wang sat unceremoniously in front of Houtu Wan'er.

Without saying a word, Houtu Wan'er raised her hand and made a mark.

There was peace in that mark, and there seemed to be no danger.

Looking at the mark hovering in front of him, Qin Wang couldn't help but frown.

Is this the Houtu mark? Even the back soil does not need to appear, can it be condensed easily?

"What? You don't dare to ask for it? Are you afraid that I will do anything to you?"

Houtu Wan'er looked at Qin Wang with a sneer.

Qin Wang didn't speak, he stretched out his hand towards the Houtu mark.

Before the fingers of his right hand touched the Houtu mark, the mark turned into a ray of light and penetrated into the back of Qin Wang's right hand.

At the same time, a new mark appeared on the back of his hand, and Hou Tu's appearance could be vaguely seen.

It turned out to be a humanoid.

But it's definitely not human.

This should be the Houtu from ancient times.

Qin Wang carefully recalled the images of the Twelve Ancestral Witches around the Ancestral Hall.

Suddenly, Qin Wang discovered that among the twelve ancestral witches around the Ancestral Hall, there were no humanoid ancestral witches. In other words, there is no back soil in it?

This is absolutely impossible.

There are a total of twelve ancestral witches, how come there is no Hou Tu?

Or is this Houtu imprint fake?

This is also impossible.

If it was a fake Houtu mark, how could the Zhulong mark not react?

What exactly is going on?

Qin Wang was puzzled.

Houtu Wan'er became a little nervous when she saw Qin Wang frowning.

"Hey! Do you want to break your promise? I have already given you the Houtu Seal. Do you want the lion to open his mouth and raise the price?"

Houtu Wan'er suppressed the anxiety and anger in her heart and stared at Qin Wang.

"of course not."

Qin Wang temporarily put aside the doubts in his heart, and then he sent Jiulian Moon Liquid to Houtu Wan'er.

"You use these Nine Lotus Moon Liquids to soak, and you can't come out after a day and a night, otherwise all your efforts will be wasted. After a day and a night, the curse on you will be lifted, and your appearance will return to normal."

Qin Wang warned.

"Can't come out for a day and a night? I understand."

Houtu Wan'er nodded.

At this time, Jiu Zi walked into the thatched cottage.

"These are the star grass you want."

After Jiuzi saw Qin Wang, he immediately took out the star grass and handed it over.

There were a total of fifteen Star Grasses in the Wu Clan's treasury, but Jiu Zi handed Qin Wang fourteen. She planned to intercept the remaining Star Grass to see if she could discover its secrets.

Qin Wang took the Star Grass and immediately felt his body's desire for the Star Grass.

It's like a traveler who has been basking in the desert all day without a sip of water, craving for water.

Now, his body was longing for star grass.

Houtu Wan'er looked at Jiu Zi.

"Jiuzi, you came just in time. I need to use these Nine Lotus Moon Liquids to lift the curse on my face, but I can't come out for a day and a night, and I can't be disturbed in any way during this period. Therefore, I need you to help me protect the law."

Houtu Wan'er said very seriously.

"No problem. I have a secret room there. It's very safe. You can use Nine Lotus Moon Liquid to lift the curse."

Jiu Zi nodded.

"I also need a secret room to practice."

Qin Wang said very seriously.

He plans to use these fourteen star grasses to practice the star body tempering method.

However, this was his first time using Star Grass to practice, so he didn't know how effective it would be.

Although the Zhuyin Witch Club obeyed his advice, the strength of the entire Witch Club was too weak, and the strongest one only had the early stage of Nascent Soul cultivation. If anything happened, it would be terrible.

When Jiu Zi heard what Qin Wang said, he immediately realized that the other party wanted to use star grass to practice.

Can Star Grass still be cultivated?

Is there any technique in this world that can absorb the power of stars to practice?

Jiu Zi was very curious.

She thought for a while and quickly thought of a way.

"Let's do this. You two will enter my secret room to practice. I will directly help you protect the law. As long as I am here, even the great elder cannot disturb you."

Jiuzi said confidently.

Houtu Wan'er and Qin Wang looked at each other and nodded in agreement.


Saintess' Mansion.

Jiuzi took Qin Wang and Houtu Wan'er back to the Holy Girl's Mansion and immediately took them into the secret room.

This secret room not only has a spirit gathering formation, but also has reinforced walls, ceilings, and floors. Even a powerful god-transforming person cannot break the secret room in a short time.

More importantly, this secret room can conceal the breath, so that people outside cannot detect what is happening inside.

Jiu Zi stayed outside to help protect the law.

In this way, only Qin Wang and Hou Tu Wan'er were left in the entire secret room.

Hou Tu Wan'er ignored Qin Wang. She went directly to the corner and put the Nine Lotus Moon Liquid into a huge wooden barrel. Then she sat in it and soaked herself in the Nine Lotus Moon Liquid.

Soon, Hou Tu Wan'er discovered the characteristics of the Nine Lotus Moon Liquid.

It can indeed remove the curse, but in order to remove the power of the curse, the Nine Lotus Moon Liquid must be in contact with the skin of the body.

Although Hou Tu Wan'er sat in the wooden barrel and allowed the Nine Lotus Moon Liquid to contact her skin, she was wearing clothes after all, so it was difficult to contact smoothly.

Hou Tu Wan'er was a little hesitant when she saw this situation.

She subconsciously looked at Qin Wang on the other side.

At this moment, Qin Wang was sitting cross-legged on the ground with his back to her, and began to practice with the star grass.


The star power contained in the first star grass was extracted, and the originally dazzling star grass withered instantly, and it was no different from ordinary yellow weeds.

Qin Wang absorbed the star power and immediately felt that the star power was flowing in his body, nourishing his dry muscles.

After absorbing the star power of a whole star grass, Qin Wang looked at the system.

[Body Refining Method: Star Body Tempering Method (Second Level)]

[Progress: (136435/1000000)]

Just one star grass provided 100,000 progress points! (End of this chapter)

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