Awakening Daily Information Panel, Become a True Immortal

Chapter 29 The whole city is searching for the person who was exposed! Intelligence refreshed!

[6: Yesterday you paid attention to the tenants who were wronged by Zheng Kecheng, and obtained relevant information. Three tenants were tortured into confessing in prison, and four of them were infected with diseases. Zheng Kecheng successfully obtained the opportunity to advance and will be promoted to the Divine Constable of Youzhou County in half a year. ]

[7: Yesterday you successfully advanced to the third-rate martial artist realm, and obtained relevant information. According to the current progress, if nothing unexpected happens, you will enter the second-rate realm in 2557 days. ]

[8: Yesterday you buried Du Xiang, the owner of the Flying Eagle Martial Arts Hall, and obtained relevant information. Du Xiang hid gold, silver, jewelry, and martial arts secrets in Liangzhou. In the tunnel under the Flying Eagle Martial Arts Hall, some silver and the complete secret manual of the Flying Eagle Body Movement were hidden. The key to the secret passage had not yet been handed over to his children before he died with regret. ]

[9: Yesterday, you had the intention to weaken the Chen family in order to rescue your sister Qin Xuemei. You obtained relevant information. Chen Xiao, the second brother of Chen Kun, the head of the Chen family, learned that his elder brother Chen Kun might have practiced Zikui swordsmanship and became neither male nor female. He felt that a eunuch sitting on the position of the head of the family was a disgrace to the reputation of the Chen family. He went to question Chen Kun and was imprisoned by Chen Kun. ]

[10: Yesterday, you paid attention to the Chen family, one of the four major families. You obtained relevant information. Chen Feng, the housekeeper of the Chen family's laundry room, wanted to get 80 taels of silver from Qin Xuemei and other four virgins to settle down. He was asking Qin Xuemei for information about you. ]


"The other three major families in Yanyun County, the Lin family, the Su family, and the Zhang family, have all set their sights on the Chen family? Is Chen Kun tracking down the person who exposed him?"

Qin Wang looked at the first piece of information with a flickering eye.

Where there are people, there are disputes!

It is right to expose. As long as the Chen family's weaknesses are exposed, as long as the explosion point is big enough, the Lin family, the Zhang family, the Su family, the Tianhe Association, and the Black River Gang will definitely step on it. If this continues, the Chen family will inevitably weaken!

Perhaps the Chen family will fall apart without waiting for the sacrifice to the river god. At that time, it will be much easier to rescue my sister.

"Wander around the Chen family more often, expose him severely, and make the Chen family the target of public criticism!"

Qin Wang made up his mind and went to the county town to focus on the Chen family.

"Ji Zhang is also searching for me in the whole city?"

"Is he worried about the investigation of the God's Bureau?"

Qin Wang looked at the second piece of information, his eyes showing a thoughtful look.

When Qin Wang posted the information, he deliberately wore a big hat and a thick cotton jacket, and avoided the night watchman. There was no trace, so he should not be able to find it on his head.

"Does the Soul Gathering Bowl require divine consciousness to be refined? Can it actively absorb the souls of the dead?"

Qin Wang looked at the fourth piece of information and blinked his eyes. Divine consciousness is something that only cultivators can have.

It can be used at present.

That is, after killing the opponent, use the Soul Gathering Bowl to collect the opponent's soul.

This is considered to be extracting souls and refining spirits!

Li Laocai's soul is inside. After refining the Soul Gathering Bowl, he must be satisfied and dig up the grave and whip the corpse in front of his soul.

"After exposing the weakness of the Chen family, Zhang Aofeng, the head of the Zhang family of the four major families, will go to test Chen Kun's strength tonight?"

Qin Wang looked at the fifth piece of information and his eyes lit up.

This is a good thing!

It's best to fight!

As far as he knows, Zhang Aofeng, the head of the Zhang family, is one of the five masters in Yanyun County, and is as famous as Chen Kun of the Chen family!

"Zheng Kecheng, this beast, will actually be promoted to Youzhou County and enter the Shenbu Division in half a year?"

"This dog-day climbed up by stepping on the people, and several tenants were tortured into confessing. It seems that he needs to expose the fact that he set fire to his wife's brother-in-law and destroyed the family and seized the property, so that Yanyun County can see his ugly face!"

Qin Wang looked at the sixth piece of information and felt that Zheng Kecheng must be exposed.

Zheng Kecheng is one of the five top masters in Yanyun County, and is as famous as Chen Kun and others. Although he cannot be killed by being exposed, it is good to make him sick!

At the same time, it can also clear the suspicion of the 13 tenants.

"According to the current progress, if nothing unexpected happens, I will advance to the second-rate realm in 7 years?"

"That's a bit long!"

Qin Wang looked at the 7th piece of information, his eyes showing a thoughtful look.

7 years is too long, he can't wait.


He has a treasure bowl to purify the elixir, maybe this time can be shortened.

Didn't the information show that he could only reach the third-rate realm in 90 days?

Isn't he advanced to the third-rate now?

"Du Xiang has hidden gold, silver, jewelry and martial arts secrets in Liangzhou? He also built a secret passage under the Flying Eagle Martial Arts Hall? There are some silver and complete secrets of the Flying Eagle Body Skills hidden in it?!"

"It's really a cunning rabbit with three burrows!"

Qin Wang looked at the 8th piece of information, his eyes suddenly lit up, and he said secretly. "It seems that when we get to the county, we have to go to the Flying Eagle Martial Arts Hall to find the secret passage!"

Thinking of this.

Qin Wang took out a key in the shape of a '' from the package beside him. It was found in Du Xiang's arms. It should be the key to open the secret passage.

He has only got the first three moves of the Flying Eagle Body Skill. According to the information, there should be twelve moves of the Flying Eagle Body Skill.

As for Liangzhou, we will talk about it later.

"Chen Kun's second brother Chen Xiao was imprisoned by Chen Kun?"

"Good news!"

"It must continue to be exposed!"

Qin Wang looked at the 9th piece of information and was happy to hear it.

"Chen Feng, the manager of the Chen family laundry room?"

"What a piece of shit, he didn't even let go of this little bit of silver!"

"I'll kill this dog thing if I have a chance!"

Qin Wang looked at the 10th piece of information and his eyes turned cold!

"It would be better if these silvers were silver notes."

"Take 250 taels first, and bury the rest!"

After checking the information, Qin Wang frowned at the silver.

1250 taels of silver, calculated, is about 100 jin, with his current strength as a third-rate warrior, he can carry it, but when passing through the city gate, the city guards will check the large packages, so it is difficult to explain so much silver.

Bury 1000 taels in the kitchen wood room, come back to get more if it is not enough.

The next day.

Qin Wang just got up and washed, carrying 250 taels of silver, a treasure bowl, a soul-gathering bowl, and a pass, ready to go out.

"Big brother, this is for you, eat on the way."

But he found Bai Fenghuan jogging all the way, holding a package, her little face flushed, and stuffed the package into Qin Wang's arms.

"How can this be so embarrassing."

Qin Wang looked at Bai Fenghuan who came specially, and felt a little sorry.

He might not go to Baicaotang again in the future, and she came to see him off.

"What's there to be embarrassed about? You're the first one to buy me candied haws and chestnuts!"

"Grandpa said that you and my father have the same personality, so let me see you off."

Bai Fenghuan looked at Qin Wang, and her expression suddenly dimmed when she mentioned her father.

Qin Wang saw Bai Fenghuan's expression, and said nothing more. He packed up the package and walked forward along the Qingniuji Street, with Bai Fenghuan following behind.

"Sister Xiaohuan, next time you come back, I'll bring you delicious food from the county."

Qin Wang turned his head and looked at Bai Fenghuan, who was jumping behind him.



"Okay, then I'll wait for you! It's a deal!"

"It's a deal!"


Qin Wang returned to the rented house in the east of the city.

Put down the things and hide the silver.

Qin Wang checked in the house that the ashes on the ground before leaving were still intact, and no one came. He immediately felt relieved, and then looked at the street outside and murmured. "It seems that the exposure will be delayed."

After he entered the city.

I heard people talking about it. The Chen family, the detectives of the arrest department, and the disciples of the Black River Gang are all looking for the person who was exposed.

Especially the Chen family and the Black River Gang, they are not going to stop until they catch the person who was exposed.

Although the Chen family and the Black River Gang can't find out who exposed the person, they must come out to guard at night.

"Go to Tongrentang to ask if they accept medicine boys, and by the way, go to Feiying Martial Arts Hall, the four major families, Tianhe Club, and the Black River Gang."

Qin Wang made up his mind and went out.

Please recommend! Thanks to Yu Wen Yihen and Reader 1677514043273764864 for their monthly tickets!

Thanks to the support of the Nightmare King brother!

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