Awakening Daily Information Panel, Become a True Immortal

Chapter 30: ‘Medicine Man’ Trap, Qi and Blood Pill Recipe! Murderous Intent!

Flying Eagle Martial Arts School.

The original gold paint signboard is gone, the big stone lion is also shattered, the entire martial arts hall is in ruins, there are traces of smoke everywhere, and occasionally people come in to watch.

Qin Wang also followed in and watched.

He specially walked through the room where Du Xiang lived. The house was pushed down and there was no trace of the secret passage at all.

"We visited the Flying Eagle Martial Arts School, then went to Tongrentang, and then went to visit the four major families."

Qin Wang made up his mind and left the Flying Eagle Martial Arts School.


Dongcheng Main Hall.

In the afternoon, there were many patients buying medicine in the medicine hall, and there was an endless stream of them. The pharmacists inside were very busy. Qin Wang saw a notice at the door of the medicine hall.

Recruit three smart drug boys.

"Little brother, drug boy, please come with me."

Hearing that Qin Wang had requested to be a medicine boy, a genial-looking young medicine man in his twenties and fives enthusiastically led Qin Wang to the back hall.

From the back door of the medicine hall, you walked through a ten-foot-long wooden corridor and came to a square courtyard with a radius of one hundred feet at the back. Inside, there were more than fifty young people of about seventeen or eighteen years old, picking medicinal materials.

Waves of medicinal fragrance hit your nostrils.

"Master, this little brother is here to apply for a drug boy job."

The genial pharmacist led Qin Wang to an old man in green, who was about fifty years old and was lying on a recliner. He clasped his fists respectfully and said to Qin Wang. "Qin Wang, this is Li Hongfei, the chief alchemist of our Tongrentang!"

"Qin Wang has met Master Li!"

Qin Wang quickly saluted Li Hongfei respectfully.


"To be my medicine boy, you need to have a calm mind and not be impatient. You should read this book first!"

Li Hongfei looked at Qin Wang, asked his age, address and other questions, then nodded and pointed to a book on the coffee table for him to read.

"Okay, thank you Alchemist Li!"

Qin Wang took the medicine book on the coffee table with a respectful expression and started reading it.

This is an introductory book about medicinal materials.

Qin Wang had read it at Doctor Bai's place and just reviewed it again.

time flies.

5:30 p.m.

Qin Wang finished reading the book in his hand, but found that Li Hongfei was not there. He went to the front hall to find the warm pharmacist Ding Dian. He learned that the alchemist Li Hongfei had gone to make elixirs and asked him to come early tomorrow to familiarize himself with the medicinal materials.

"Thank you, Brother Ding!"

Qin Wang clasped his fists at Ding Dian and left the medicine hall.

Ding Dian watched Qin Wang leave, then turned around and went to a side room in the back hall, facing Li Hongfei who was practicing cross-legged, clasping his fists respectfully. "Master, this Qin Wang lives alone in the county, so he meets the conditions to be a 'medicine man'!"

"No, this Qin Wang meets Chairman Li's requirements."

"Find the medicine man elsewhere."

Li Hongfei waved his hand and said.

"Yes, he has gone back. In case he doesn't come tomorrow, the disciple specially sprinkled tracking powder on him. Even if he doesn't come, the disciple can catch him."

Ding Dian held his fists respectfully and said.

"Well, as a teacher, I appreciate your cleverness. Work hard, and when you have time, you can refine Qi and Blood Pills for me! I'll let you watch from the sidelines!"

"Go and do your business!"

Li Hongfei patted Ding Dian on the shoulder and showed his approval.

"Thank you, master!"

Ding Dian was overjoyed when he heard this, he clasped his fists respectfully, stepped back a few steps before turning around and leaving.

Qin Wang left Tongrentang.

I bought some food on the street. While eating, I passed by the Chen family and Su family mansions, and went to two other branches of Tong Ren Tang to buy 6 Qi and Blood Pills in two batches.

As for the Heijiang Gang, the Lin family, the Zhang family, etc., he could only watch them from a distance. After finishing all this, it was almost eight o'clock.

There are not many pedestrians on the street at night, so walking at night is very conspicuous.

It would be bad to be suspected of being an exposer.

Qin Wang returned home and opened the package. Bai Fenghuan brought a roast chicken, two pig's trotters, wrapped peanuts, and some rice candies.

Qin Wang went to the kitchen to heat up the roast chicken and pig's trotters and started eating.

After eating and drinking, they took turns playing Xiao Chiyang Kung Fu, Flying Eagle Body Technique, and Taizu Changquan. After the fight, they went to the back room to take a look at the place where Du Xiang was buried.

Early morning.

【Information refreshed daily! 】

【Daily information】

[1: Yesterday, you applied for Tong Ren Tang Li Hongfei’s medicine boy and received relevant information. Li Hongfei is developing a kind of elixir, and the medicine boy is the person who will test the medicine. However, his best friend Li Tianhe needs a boy to sacrifice to the River God. Li Hongfei is preparing to A month later, you will be made into an obedient boy and given to Li Tianhe as a favor. 】

[2: You saw Ding Dian, a registered disciple of Tongrentang Li Hongfei yesterday, and obtained relevant information. In order to please his master Li Hongfei, Ding Dian sprinkled tracking powder on you. Once you stop being a medicine boy, the tracking powder can find you. . 】

[3: You stayed at the burial site of Du Xiang for half a quarter of an hour yesterday and obtained relevant information. Under the third brick in the middle of Du Xiang's bedroom in the Flying Eagle Martial Arts Hall is the secret passage mechanism where Du Xiang hid his secret book. Turn left three times and turn right. It turns on in one and a half turns. 】

[4: You visited the Chen family of the four major families yesterday and obtained relevant information. Chen Kun, the head of the Chen family, had his power reduced by half when he was a child. He was tested by Zhang Aofeng and his masters. During the battle between the two sides, Chen Kun was injured. Mrs. Chen was furious and sent people to chase him. , Zhang Aofeng successfully escaped. 】

[5: You met Bai Fenghuan yesterday and obtained relevant information. Although Bai Fenghuan has never seen her father, she still misses her very much. 】

[6: You swallowed the purified Qi and Blood Pill yesterday and obtained relevant information, including the Qi and Blood Pill recipe and the method of refining. Qi and Blood Pill is a necessary medicine for warriors to improve their cultivation. It is made of Atractylodes macrocephala, White Poria, Angelica sinensis, Chuanxiong, Rehmannia glutinosa, etc. For details, please click ‘●’. ]

[7: You followed the Black River Gang yesterday and obtained relevant information. The leader of the Black River Gang met with the county magistrate Chen Hao. He decided to leave Yanyun County for a while in the name of doing business and go to the neighboring Qingyun County to suck blood. ]

[8: You followed the Zhang family of the four major families from a distance yesterday and obtained relevant information. Zhang Aofeng, the head of the Zhang family, had just injured Chen Kun and found that Chen Kun’s power was indeed reduced by half at midnight. He was trying to pass this news to the Su family and the Lin family. ]

[9: You went to Tongrentang yesterday to meet Li Hongfei and obtained relevant information. Li Hongfei, the pharmacist of Tongrentang, is a close friend of Li Tianhe of Tianhe Society. In order to develop elixirs over the years, 576 innocent medicine men have been killed. The blood and flesh of the dead medicine men were not wasted, but refined into blood-strengthening paste for sale. ]

[10: You went to the burned Feiying Martial Arts Hall yesterday and obtained relevant information. The reason why the owner of Feiying Martial Arts Hall, Du Xiang, fled from Liangzhou to Yanyun County was because he killed the young son of Yan Baifei, the first master of Liangzhou, when he was a bandit 20 years ago. ]

"This old dog Li Hongfei!"

"Recruiting medicine boys to make medicine men?"

"Prepare to make me an obedient boy to sacrifice to Li Tianhe as a sacrifice to the river god?"

"His disciple Ding Dian sprinkled tracking powder on me?"

Qin Wang looked at the first and second intelligence, and his face was gloomy and extremely angry.

Damn, it's so hard to live at the bottom.

There are pits and calculations everywhere!


You still need to have strength!

If I didn't have the intelligence panel, wouldn't I be calculated by Li Hongfei and Ding Dian, and eventually I couldn't escape the same fate as my sister, becoming a boy offering sacrifices to the river god?

"Tong Ren Tang must be exposed! Li Hongfei must be exposed for making medicine. There are still 576 people!"

"And that Ding Dian, he must be killed!"

Qin Wang's eyes flashed with anger.

I wanted to go to Tong Ren Tang to learn alchemy and start as a medicine boy, but I didn't expect that there would be another pit!

Qin Wang didn't have time to check the remaining information. He immediately stood up and examined himself. He quickly took off his clothes and threw them into the stove. At the same time, he boiled water and washed his hair and took a bath.

Even the sheets he had just sat on were cut off and thrown into the stove to burn to ashes.

"It will take a few days to expose Li Hongfei!"

Qin Wang thought for a while and said secretly.

These days, the Chen family, the Black River Gang, and the Arrest Bureau have been tracking down the person who exposed him. Once he surfaces, with his current third-rate strength, he will definitely die miserably.


Exposing Tongrentang Li Hongfei as a pharmacist, we need to wait for the storm to pass!

"No, we have to move again!"

Qin Wang thought for a while, but still felt that burning clothes and taking a shower was not safe. He just came back, what if the tracking powder fell on the ground?

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