Awakening Daily Information Panel, Become a True Immortal

Chapter 31 Lord Baixiao! Tongrentang is destroyed, Li Hongfei is furious!

Qin Wang dared not joke with his life.

He packed everything up immediately.

He was ready to leave the rented house immediately, go to the bathhouse to take a thorough bath tomorrow morning, and then rent another house.

He currently had more than 1,640 taels of silver in his hand, most of which were silver notes, which added up to about 30 kilograms. With a pass, a treasure bowl, and a soul-gathering bowl, he could carry it directly.

He knew that Ding Dian had sprinkled tracking powder on him.

Qin Wang couldn't stay for a quarter of an hour.

Time passed.

In a blink of an eye, it was 10 days later.

In the morning, the sun rose.

In the east of the city, eight miles away from Qin Wang's original house, in a remote courtyard.

"Plot against me! Let's see if you will die!"

Qin Wang looked at the direction of Tongrentang in the distance, with an expectant look in his eyes.

Qin Wang stood for a while, then locked the door and went to the street to have breakfast.

Last night.

He posted information exposing Tongrentang, the Chen family, the Heijiang Gang, and Li Tianhe of the Tianhe Society from 1 a.m., and each one of them contained reports of the dirty deeds of Tongrentang, the Chen family, the Heijiang Gang, and the Tianhe Society.

[Bai Xiao Shenjun: Know everything]

Tongrentang: Alchemist Li Hongfei has been developing elixirs for decades. He tricked innocent teenagers into Tongrentang in the name of recruiting medicine boys, and made them into medicine men. A total of 576 people were killed. The medicine men who were killed were not wasted, and all were made into blood-strengthening ointments for sale!

The Chen family, one of the four major families: Chen Kun, the head of the Chen family, lost half of his power at midnight, and Zhang Aofeng, the head of the Zhang family, cut off a little finger. Chen Xiao believed that his eldest brother Chen Kun was neither male nor female and was not worthy of being the head of the family. He was imprisoned when he stepped forward to question him. The third brother Chen Feng and his eldest sister-in-law Jiang Yuqin had an affair. Old lady Chen went to the Jiang Temple to fulfill her vow and was poisoned by cartilage.

Heijiang Gang: Gang leader Ji Zhang felt that County Magistrate Chen Hao was suspicious and worried about the investigation by the Divine Police, so he went to Qingyun County to hide. In the past ten days, a large number of mummies in Qingyun County were thrown into the Heijiang River.

Tianhe Club: Tianhe Club leader Li Tianhe and Tongrentang Li Hongfei are close friends. Recently, he asked Li Hongfei to prepare an obedient boy for him as a boy for the Jiang God Sacrifice. Li Tianhe once molested 16 boys to death and threw their bodies into the Heijiang River.

Qin Wang posted a total of 30 pieces of such information.

They were posted in conspicuous places on the walls outside the tavern, inn, and breakfast stall.

The reason why he waited for 10 days.

It was because Qin Wang found out during the day that the night surveillance of the Chen family, the Heijiang Gang, and the county government was cancelled because they did not find any information about the person who was exposed.

So, after he refreshed the information last night, he started to post the information he had written the day before yesterday.

Qin Wang came to the street, walked to the local chicken clay pot noodle soup restaurant where the information was posted, found a table to sit down, ordered a bowl of local chicken noodle soup, and listened to other people's discussions.

"Oh my God! Isn't it said that doctors have a kind heart? Tongrentang is actually a devil's den! No wonder they recruit medicine boys all year round! It turns out that they are all made into medicine men! It's so scary!"

"What's even more terrifying is that the hateful Li Hongfei made all the medicine men into blood-enhancing paste for sale! Damn it! I bought and ate the blood-enhancing paste several times!"

"The Chen family is so messy, right? The head of the family cut off his penis to practice Zikui swordsmanship, the uncle committed adultery with the eldest sister-in-law, and the second brother questioned the eldest brother's unworthiness to sit on the position of the head of the family"

"Li Tianhe of Tianhe Club actually likes pedophilia and killed so many people!"

"The head of the Zhang family Zhang Aofeng cut off Chen Kun's little finger in the middle of the night? These two families are going to fight! "

"Did Ji Zhang, the leader of the Heijiang Gang, go to Qingyun County next door to suck people's blood? No wonder there have been no reports of blood-sucking murders recently!"

"Who is this Bai Xiao Shenjun? How does he know so many secrets! ? "

"More than ten days ago, this Bai Xiao Shenjun exposed the Chen family and Ji Zhang. Do they have a grudge against this Bai Xiao Shenjun? "


At this time, the wall next to the native chicken clay pot noodle restaurant was surrounded by three layers of people, all talking about it, and the fire of gossip was burning.

"Yanyun County is going to burn!"

Qin Wang was holding a bowl of chicken noodle soup in his hand, eating while watching, looking forward to it.

It can be predicted.

Chen Kun knew that the black-clothed masked man more than 10 days ago was Zhang Aofeng, the head of the Zhang family, and he would definitely not give up!

It would be best if all the masters of the Chen family were consumed and killed!

And that Tongrentang Li Hongfei actually wanted to prepare himself and send it to Li Tianhe to offer to the river god, which is even more unforgivable!

He killed so many people!

The people of Yanyun County will not let him go!

Chen family.

In a main hall.

The head of the family, Chen Kun, dressed in brocade, with a white face and no beard, sat cross-legged in the hall. His right little finger was shortened and wrapped in white cloth.

"Dad, the mysterious man who exposed the weakness of our family's Ziyang Gong last time appeared again!"


"This is the one I just got on the street!"

At this moment, outside the main hall, a slender young man rushed in quickly, and handed over a three-foot-long and two-foot-wide white paper with lines of big characters written on it in a panic.


"That person appeared again?"

Chen Kun's heart skipped a beat. The exposure of the mysterious man must be no good!

He immediately reached out and grabbed the paper in the young man's hand and read it.

"Lord Bai Xiao?"

"What a Zhang Aofeng! It's you! No wonder I feel familiar with you! You dare to break into my Chen family late at night, do you think my Chen family is a soft persimmon!!"

"Tianyu, go and ask your third uncle to come to see me!"

"No need! I'll go find him!"

Chen Kun looked at the black words on the white paper in his hand, and he was so angry that he trembled all over, his clothes fluttered, his black hair flew, and all the tables and chairs in the hall crashed against the wall and fell apart.

The next moment, he disappeared and disappeared!

The white paper information was shattered into pieces and turned into white butterflies flying in the sky!

"Oh my god! Third uncle and mother..."

When Chen Tianyu thought about the information about his mother and third uncle, he suddenly felt confused. He was stunned for a moment, but still chased after him.

He didn't want to tell his father.


This information was flying all over Yanyun County. It was better to tell his father first so that he could be mentally prepared. However, he did not expect that his father would go directly to his third uncle.


Main hall.


Because Baixiao Shenjun exposed the news about Tongrentang, Tongrentang lost a single customer, and several people who came to ask for explanations were taken away by the medicine hall's guards to appease them.

"God Lord Baixiao?"

"How dare you slander me like this!"

"I and you are incompatible with each other!"

Li Hongfei, dressed in green clothes, about fifty years old, with gray hair and long beard, stood in the middle of the medicine hall, his face was ashen, and the aura from his body suddenly spread.

Beside him stood more than a dozen guards and registered disciple Ding Dian with powerful auras.

"Ding Dian!"

"Pass this message from me! Whoever catches Baixiao Shenjun will get a Dragon Blood Pill!"

"I will give you two Tiger Blood Pills for the person who brings you the head of Baixiao Shenjun!"

Li Hongfei spoke almost angrily.

"Yes! Master!"

"As you command!"

Ding Dian and the more than ten master guards with powerful auras in the medicine hall responded respectfully and turned to leave.

East of the city.

Tianhe Hui Main Hall.

Meeting hall.

"Brothers, Ji Zhang, the leader of the Heijiang Gang, was recently revealed by a mysterious person to practice magic skills and suck people's blood. This matter has a great impact. Once it is verified, the Detective Division will never let him go!"

"So, once Youzhou County sends a strong man from the Divine Catching Division, Ji Zhang will definitely die! The Heijiang Gang will also collapse!"

"At that time, it will be a great opportunity for our Tianhe Association to take over the northern city of Yanyun County!"

Li Tianhe sat high in the main seat, looking at the two guardians, four hall masters, and several deputy hall masters below, and he was impassioned.


"It's not bad, sir! Look!"

At this moment, a member of the Tianhe Club walked in quickly and respectfully handed over a large piece of white paper with large calligraphy written on it.

Suddenly, many members of the Tianhe Society in the hall looked puzzled.

"Why are you so alarmed?"

Li Tianhe took the white paper with an unhappy expression, took a look at it, and suddenly his face became very ugly. He looked at the congregation and asked gloomily. "Where did this notice come from?"

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