Awakening Daily Information Panel, Become a True Immortal

Chapter 32 Chen Hao's decision! Exposure dealt a heavy blow to the Chen family

"Master, these notices are all over the streets."

"Last night, the Baixiao Shenjun posters were all over the long street. I'm afraid there were no less than a hundred of them."

The member of the congregation was a young man in his late twenties, with a respectful expression.

But I feel incredible in my heart. The leader is a generous man, tall and masculine, but he secretly likes pedophiles?

Still 16?

If this news is true, it would be incredible!

"Dear protectors, hall master, Baixiao Shenjun actually dares to spread rumors and slander me like this! He has a way to die!"

"Send my order to gather all the members of the congregation to search for this person!"

"I want to live! Live!"

Li Tianhe's hair and beard were all flaring, he was furious, and his joints were banging all over his body!


Li Tianhe was extremely angry. It would be embarrassing at most if his love for child molestation was revealed, but killing 16 child molesters was no small matter. The arrest department would definitely investigate.

With his martial arts skills and the strength of the Tianhe Society, he is not afraid of the Yanyun County Police Department.

However, the superior of the arresting department, the arresting officer, is a master. If he confronts the arresting officer, he will die without knowing how!

"Yes, guild leader!"

"As you command!"


Many of the Tianhe Society's guardians, chief and deputy hall masters stood up and left.

"If they spread the word, they will all die!"

Li Tianhe's eyes burst with murderous intent. He was very careful about molesting children. Only three of his confidants knew about it, and they were the ones who pulled it off every time.


Li Tianhe's figure disappeared in a flash.

County government.

Behind the lobby.

"Who is this Lord Baixiao?"

The elegant Chen Hao frowned deeply as he looked at the information notice in front of him.

Beside him stood Master Ji Wuyuan, who was as lean as a monkey and frowned equally.

"Sir, the news exposed by Lord Bai Xiao, no matter whether it is true or false, if it is not handled well, it will arouse public anger!"

Ji Wuyuan took a step forward and spoke in a deep voice.

In recent years, many people have disappeared in Yanyun County, and in the end they were all suppressed and left unsolved.

The King of Jin has captured dozens of cities in three southern states, and the country is in turmoil. If this matter is taken advantage of by someone with intentions, Yanyun County will be turned upside down!

"Yes, Old Ji, what do you think?"

Chen Hao rubbed his temples and nodded, feeling a headache.

The Heijiang Gang, Tianhe Club, and Tongrentang all had interests involved with him. He had heard some rumors about these things, but they were all within control, and he turned a blind eye.

But now the veil has been lifted.

The entire Yanyun County knew that he, the county magistrate, had to stand up and deal with it, and the people were angry.

The key is, even if you beat Li Hongfei, Li Tianhe, and Ji Zhang to death with a stick, your own ass is not clean either!

He was also afraid of pulling out the radish and bringing out the mud.

"Sir, please first invite Huizhu Li, Gang Leader Ji, and Master Li to come to the county government secretly to discuss and handle this matter!"

"At the same time, the whole city is searching for the Lord Baixiao!"

“If you can’t solve the problem, can’t you also solve the person who raised the problem?”

Ji Wuyuan thought for a moment and said in a deep voice.

"Yeah, that makes sense."

Chen Hao nodded and looked approvingly at Ji Wuyuan.

One of the four major families, the Zhang family.

Meeting hall.

"How did this damn Lord Baixiao know that it was us who tested the Chen family that night?"

Zhang Aofeng sat in front of the desk, looking at the white paper in front of him and the information on it, his face gradually became ugly.

Although the Chen family is strong, it is not terrible.

What worries him is that Chen Kun's youngest son, Chen Yi, has been taken away by the elders of the Immortal Sect. His future achievements are limitless!

He originally disguised himself as a masked person to test Chen Kun's true identity, and then instigated others to take the lead, benefiting himself behind the scenes.

No idea.

The Baixiao Shenjun broke the news that he was testing the Chen family and was forced to go to the opposite side of the Chen family.

"Brother, that night we disguised ourselves and wore human skin masks. We didn't use the Zhang family's martial arts. Chen Kun has no evidence! We refuse to admit it!"

"His youngest son Chen Yi has entered the Immortal Sect. His Chen family can be destroyed, but he cannot die in the hands of my Zhang family!"

Next to Zhang Aofeng, the second brother Zhang Aochi looked coldly and said in a deep voice.


"I must fight to death and refuse to admit it. I will go to explore Lin. The Su family is talking about it. If anything happens, the condor will inform me!"

Zhang Aofeng nodded and stood up.


Zhang Aochi nodded.

Qin Wang’s newly rented courtyard.

There are three tile-roofed houses with kitchens, front and rear yards, and a rain shelter in the backyard.

There is also a vegetable patch at the door, and the cabbage inside is growing well.

The cabbage belonged to the former tenant and was bought by Qin Wang. He planned to use it as a cover. In recent days, Qin Wang was not prepared to expose it and let the matter ferment.

Qin Wang spent most of his time practicing the Taizu Changquan and Flying Eagle Body techniques in the backyard shed.

Qin Wang checked the panel.

【Qin Wang】

【Lifespan: 17/67】

[Realm: Third-rate (23/1000)]

[3: You took the purified Qi and Blood Pill yesterday and obtained relevant information. According to the current progress, if nothing unexpected happens, you will enter the second-rate realm in 2190 days. 】

"With 3 purified Qi and Blood Pills every day, I will advance to the second-rate realm 367 days earlier than before!"

"If it were 6 pills a day, or even 12 pills! This time would be shortened!"

Qin Wang looked at the cultivation progress on the panel and secretly looked forward to it.

To know.

More than 10 days ago, intelligence showed that it takes 2557 days to advance to the second-rate realm.

If there were enough Qi and Blood Pills, it would probably take less than a year for him to advance to the second-rate realm.


He only has the third-rate realm of cultivation, so he can only buy Qi and Blood Pills in batches. Buying Qi and Blood Pills in large quantities will inevitably attract people's covetousness.

Buying pills in large quantities without strength is simply courting death.


It is too troublesome to buy in batches, and it is completely impossible to supply yourself for cultivation. Moreover, buying in batches also has a big problem. The pharmacists in the pharmacy are familiar with each time they go there. This is also the reason why Qin Wang is worried.

"It would be great if I could learn the art of disguise"

Qin Wang thought secretly in his heart, if there is a disguise art, he can change his identity every time, buy 3 pills at a time, and go more times.

But the art of disguise is a bit unconventional, and not many people know it, so he can only wait and see if he can meet it in the future.

In fact.

Qin Wang is also trying to refine Qi and Blood Pills, but unfortunately, he still hasn't gotten started.

There are only 5 months left before the Jiang Shen Festival, and he can't wait.

"We have to wait a few days. Go to the Feiying Martial Arts Hall to get the complete Feiying Body Skill."

Under the awning of the courtyard, Qin Wang put away the Taizu Changquan and wiped the sweat off his face with a towel. When you are in the world, you must be flexible and fast.

Save your life first.

The complete Feiying Body Skill is the best choice.

The reason why we have to wait a few days.


The Chen family has just been exposed. The whole Yanyun County is looking for Baixiao Shenjun everywhere. It is easy to be caught if you go out at night. It is just right for this period of time to polish the Xiao Chiyang Gong, Taizu Changquan, and the first three moves of Feiying Body Skill.

Early morning.


[Daily information refresh! 】

【Daily Intelligence】

【1: Yesterday you exposed the scandal of Chen family, the head of Chen family, Chen Kun, and his third brother Chen Feng, who committed adultery with his eldest sister-in-law Jiang Yuqin. You obtained relevant intelligence. Chen Kun questioned his third brother Chen Feng, and Chen Feng admitted it frankly when he saw that he could not deny it. He blamed Chen Kun for practicing Zikui swordsmanship. Chen Kun was furious and killed his third brother Chen Feng with Zikui swordsmanship. His eldest sister-in-law Jiang Yuqin was ashamed to face him and crashed to death in front of the pillar in the courtyard. 】

【2: Yesterday you exposed the family scandal of the Chen family, one of the four major families, and obtained relevant intelligence. Chen Kun practiced the evil swordsmanship that would cut off his descendants and killed his third brother Chen Feng. Old Lady Chen sent her son to his grave, vomited blood on the spot, and her cartilage poisoning worsened. 】

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