Awakening Daily Information Panel, Become a True Immortal

Chapter 33: Taizu Changquan has achieved minor success, Zheng Kecheng's expectations!

[3: Yesterday you exposed Tongrentang's alchemist Li Hongfei and obtained relevant information. Li Hongfei was furious and denied that he was a 'medicine man' who made a blood-strengthening paste and offered you a reward at the cost of Dragon Blood Pill and Tiger Blood Pill. ]

[4: Yesterday you exposed Heijiang Gang's leader Ji Zhang and obtained relevant information. The Holy Envoy of Snow Lotus will come to Yanyun County today to integrate forces for major events and investigate your news. ]

[5: Yesterday you exposed Chen Kun, the head of the Chen family, Li Tianhe of the Tianhe Society, and alchemist Li Hongfei and obtained relevant information. Your nickname 'Lord of the Hundred Knows' is well known in Yanyun County and was mentioned 19,883 times by the people of Yanyun County yesterday. The people of the whole county are speculating who the Lord of the Hundred Knows is. ]

[6: Yesterday you paid attention to Zheng Kecheng, the chief constable of the Arrest Division, and obtained relevant information. Zheng Kecheng was very proud and was on his way from Youzhou County to Yanyun County. He is expected to return to Yanyun County in 5 days. ]

[7: You exposed Tong Ren Tang yesterday and obtained relevant information. Tong Ren Tang has no customers today, while Xinglin Chunyaotang has a surge in customers. The shopkeeper is very grateful to Bai Xiao Shenjun for exposing you. ]

[8: You watched from afar yesterday that Tong Ren Tang was deserted and obtained relevant information. Li Hongfei's registered disciple Ding Dian found your previous rental house in order to please his master. He still did not give up and inquired about your news near your previous rental house. ]

[9: You exposed Chen's family, Tong Ren Tang, and Tianhe Club yesterday and obtained relevant information. County Magistrate Chen Hao summoned Li Hongfei and Li Tianhe to discuss countermeasures. He knew that the news exposed by Bai Xiao Shenjun was true, but because he took too much, he finally decided to post a notice, which said that Bai Xiao Shenjun slandered Tianhe Club and Tong Ren Tang, and wanted the whole city, and blocked Yanyun County for 3 days. ]

[10: You practiced Taizu Changquan yesterday and obtained relevant information. After your diligent practice, your Taizu Changquan will be a minor success in 2 days. 】


"Good death!"

Qin Wang looked at the first piece of information, his eyes lit up.

He didn't expect that Chen Kun, the head of the Chen family, actually killed his third brother Chen Feng, which invisibly weakened the strength of the Chen family!

"The old lady of the Chen family was poisoned by cartilage and vomited blood. It would be great if she could die!"

Qin Wang looked at the second piece of information, secretly looking forward to it.

It seems.

We should pay more attention to this old poisonous woman and use the information to kill her.

According to Qin Xuemei, she and Xiao Zi, Xiao Lan, Xiao Qing and other four people were in the laundry room. It was the old lady Chen who forced them to be virgins.

"Li Hongfei, the old thing, actually didn't admit it!"

Qin Wang looked at the third piece of information, his eyes narrowed, he didn't admit it, and continued to expose it later, and he must kill this old thing!

"The Snow Lotus Saint Envoy of the Snow Lotus Sect is coming to Yanyun County to integrate forces for major events, and investigate me?"

Qin Wang looked at the fourth piece of information and frowned deeply.

He had never heard of the Snow Lotus Sect in his memory, but it was mentioned in the intelligence. There was a "holy envoy" and it seemed that they were quite powerful. He had to be more careful in the future.

"The nickname of Lord Bai Xiao was mentioned nearly 20,000 times?"

Qin Wang looked at the fifth piece of intelligence and smiled.

"Zheng Kecheng is back? It's time to expose the fact that he wiped out his brother-in-law's family!"

Qin Wang looked at the sixth piece of intelligence and his eyes turned cold.

This Zheng Kecheng is really a piece of shit.

He set the fire himself and arrested others and put them in jail. He must be exposed!

Let him vomit blood in anger and have no way out!

"Ding Dian, you bastard, it's not shameful to want to make progress, but you are using me as a stepping stone, you are simply courting death!"

Qin Wang looked at the eighth piece of intelligence and a murderous intent flashed in his eyes.

I don't know how good Ding Dian is at martial arts?

You must secretly pay attention to him, get his news, and find a chance to kill him!

Qin Wang is not used to being remembered by others!

"Chen Hao is a bird of a feather. The whole city is wanted and the city is sealed off for 3 days?"


Qin Wang looked at the 9th piece of information and narrowed his eyes. Such a county magistrate is a disaster for the people of Yanyun County!

"There are still 2 days left. My Taizu Changquan has achieved a small success?"

"This is good news!"

Qin Wang looked at the 10th piece of information and his eyes lit up. Recently, Qin Wang has been practicing day and night and finally achieved a small success.

The small success of Taizu Changquan should be a big improvement in strength.

After reading the information, Qin Wang fell asleep.

The next day.

The whole city of Yanyun County was under martial law. The arresting officers, the members of Tianhe Society, and the guards of Tongrentang were searching everywhere.

The members of Tianhe Society came to the house rented by Qin Wang twice and went into the house to check.


Qin Wang threw the remaining paper and brushes into the stove in advance and burned them to ashes. He found nothing.

Qin Wang went to the street to have lunch. He passed by Tong Ren Tang and found that the main hall and several branches of Tong Ren Tang were not open. On the contrary, Xinglinchun Pharmacy was crowded with customers.

Qin Wang took advantage of the large number of customers to buy 8 Qi and Blood Pills from each of the 5 branches of Xinglinchun in the city, and quickly returned to the rented house.

"With these 40 Qi and Blood Pills, I will be able to take them for a few days."

Qin Wang looked at the pills in front of him with expectation in his eyes. As usual, he threw the Qi and Blood Pills into the treasure bowl and began to purify them.


Qin Wang took pills every day, practiced Taizu Changquan, practiced Xiao Chiyang Gong, and Feiying Body Movement.

The third day.

The whole city lifted martial law. Qin Wang wore a big hat and a thick cotton jacket as usual, and his backpack was full of vegetables. He pretended to be a vegetable vendor and passed by Tong Ren Tang, Chen's family, Zhang's family, Su's family, Lin's family, Tianhe Club, etc., waiting to trigger the intelligence at night.

Time passed.

In a blink of an eye, 10 days passed.

The arrest department, the Chen family, the Tianhe Association, and Tongrentang did not find any news about Lord Baixiao, and gradually withdrew their surveillance.

The discussion about Lord Baixiao in Yanyun County increased day by day.

Daily intelligence showed that the number of times "Lord Baixiao" was mentioned reached 200,000 times, and then gradually fell.

Tongrentang opened again on the 8th day and also launched a promotion, but it was deserted.

This day.

Qin Wang stood under the awning in the backyard and opened the panel.

[Qin Wang]

[Lifespan: 17/67]

[Realm: Third-rate (114/1000)]

[Martial Arts: Taizu Changquan (Minor Success)]

[Progress: (1/1600)]

[Effect: Fists are as fast as the wind, with rapid explosive power and proficient moves. Mastery can be achieved in 5 years. ]

[Martial Arts: Flying Eagle Body Movement. Incomplete (Introduction)]

[Progress: (245/800)]

[Effect: Flexible body movement, agile movement, light footsteps, can be achieved in 1 year. ]

[Kung Fu: Small Red Yang Kung Fu (Introduction)]

[Progress: (138/800)]

[Effect: Internal Qi is absorbed into Dantian, fascia is molded and bones are moistened, and Qi channels are long. Can be achieved in 2 years. ]


Qin Wang's figure flashed, and he performed the 32 styles of Taizu Changquan.

"Double copy to seal the sky, double palms in the rush, double back, Kuixing kick, step forward and punch."

In the courtyard, the sound of fists rang out. After a while, Qin Wang stood up with his fists closed, feeling the blood and qi surging all over his body.

"Taizu Changquan has finally achieved some success."

Qin Wang felt the power in his body that was nearly 5 times stronger than 10 days ago, and his eyes showed satisfaction.

These 10 days.

Qin Wang took 5 purified Qi and Blood Pills every day, and his proficiency in Xiao Chiyang Gong reached 138 points, and his progress in cultivation increased from 23 points to 114 points. His strength increased nearly 5 times compared to before!

The progress of Flying Eagle Body Technique also reached 245 points.

His body became more flexible and light, and he could jump four feet high.

"Tonight, go get Du Xiang's complete Flying Eagle Body Technique!"

"Next, kill Ding Dian!"

Qin Wang's eyes showed expectation.

He felt.

With his current strength, he should be able to kill Ding Dian. Intelligence shows that Ding Dian still wants to find him.

County government.

Arrest Division, inside the tower.

Zheng Kecheng, wearing a brocade robe and a long sword on his waist, put his hands behind his back and looked at the long street in the distance. Standing beside him were the head constables Wang Jiang and Lin Bao.

"I didn't expect that during my time in Youzhou, Yanyun County actually had such a person!"

"I don't believe that I can't catch this Bai Xiao Shenjun!"

Zheng Kecheng narrowed his eyes and showed expectation.

His trip to Youzhou went smoothly, but if he could catch the Lord of Hundred Knowledges, he would be able to enter the Divine Capture Department with this achievement, which would be an extra layer of gold.

He has made up his mind to catch the Lord of Hundred Knowledges.

There was a typo before, and I wrote "Xiaocheng" as "Jiujiu". Thanks to my brothers for reminding me. I have corrected it. Thank you.

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