Awakening Daily Information Panel, Become a True Immortal

Chapter 297 Ice Sea Snow Lotus! Perform a show for the Great Elder!

Houtu Wan'er breathed a sigh of relief when she learned that Qin Wang was just unconscious from force.

"Fortunately, he is okay, otherwise I would have..."

Houtu Wan'er stopped here and did not continue.

Just then, a voice came.

"Otherwise, what are you going to do? Will you commit yourself to it?"

This sudden sound startled Houtu Wan'er and Jiu Zi.

They looked at Qin Wang hurriedly.

At this time, Qin Wang had opened his eyes and looked at Hou Tu Wan'er with a teasing face.

Houtu Wan'er's cheeks turned red instantly.

She never expected that Qin Wang was not unconscious. Fortunately, she did not say what she said next, otherwise she would definitely be laughed at.

Jiu Zi immediately let go of his hand and stared at Qin Wang angrily.

"It turns out there's nothing wrong with you, and you made us worry in vain."

Jiu Zi rolled her eyes and sounded quite unhappy.

"What do you mean nothing happened? I exerted great force and all my mana was exhausted. I couldn't return to my peak level for three to five days."

Qin Wang said very seriously.

"Are you serious?"

Jiu Zi was suddenly startled and looked at Qin Wang anxiously.

"of course it's true."

Qin Wang sighed and deliberately made a helpless expression.

When Jiu Zi heard this, he couldn't help but frown.

She didn't expect Qin Wang's loss to be so serious this time.

She thought about it carefully and quickly thought of something.

"I have Ice Sea Snow Lotus, which can speed up your recovery after taking it. It should be of great use to you."

As Jiuzi spoke, he took out the Ice Sea Snow Lotus and handed it to Qin Wang.

A lotus-like plant composed of ice crystals appeared in Jiuzi's hand. As the Ice Sea Snow Lotus appeared, the surrounding aura became richer.

Qin Wang just took a breath and smelled the cool fragrance emitted by the Ice Sea Snow Lotus, and felt that the dried mana in his body was accelerating. If he takes this Ice Sea Snow Lotus, he will definitely be able to replenish all his mana and return to his peak in an instant.

Qin Wang also didn't expect that Jiu Zi actually had such a divine elixir.

However, Qin Wang shook his head.

"There's nothing I can do about it. What I've lost this time is not only my mana, but also my own cultivation foundation. I can only cultivate quietly and replenish my foundation, otherwise..."

Qin Wang sighed heavily and did not continue.

Houtu Wan'er and Jiu Zi became more and more worried when they saw this situation.

But Jiu Zi was more worried about whether Qin Wang's damage to his strength would affect the resurrection ceremony of the Twelve Ancestral Witches three days later.

At this time, the calamity clouds in the sky dissipated.

The majestic spiritual energy between heaven and earth gathered together and poured into Hou Tu Wan'er's meridians.

These spiritual energy entered Hou Tuwan'er's golden elixir and was absorbed by the golden elixir.

The golden elixir grew bigger and bigger, and finally cracked from the top, and a smaller version of Hou Tuwan'er appeared.

This is Houtu Wan'er's Nascent Soul.

The golden elixir is shattered and the Nascent Soul appears.

boom! ! !

The terrifying coercion of the Nascent Soul stage spread, causing Qin Wang next to him to take several steps back involuntarily, staggering and almost falling.

Fortunately, Jiu Ziyan's quick hands helped him, so Qin Wang didn't fall to the ground.

Seeing this situation, Houtu Wan'er felt extremely heartbroken.

She never expected that Qin Wang, who had been able to resist the blood-thundering calamity before, would now become so weak.

At this time, Houtu Wan'er had an idea in her mind, which was to repay Qin Wang for everything he had done for her.

Thinking of this, Houtu Wan'er clenched her fists.

She restrained her aura and came to Qin Wang's side.

"Thank you."

Houtu Wan'er bit her lip, thousands of words finally came together into these two words.

"Okay, let's go back first."

Qin Wang smiled slightly and let Jiuzi ride on the clouds, fly into Qingming, and take him back to the ancestral land of the Wu clan.

Shortly after Qin Wang and others left, the space next to them was slightly distorted, and a figure appeared.

"It seems that Qin Ba has consumed a lot and will not be able to recover without a long period of rest. This matter must be reported."

The man whispered to himself, then walked away.


Saintess' Mansion.

Qin Wang followed Jiu Zi, and as soon as he stepped into the room, he noticed something was wrong.

The furnishings of this room don't seem like a guest room, and the fragrance in the room is almost the same as Jiu Zi's.

Could this be... Jiuzi's boudoir?

Although the Witch Clan is not like the Human Clan, there are many red tapes.

But a woman's boudoir cannot be entered casually.

"This should be your room, right? Just take me to the guest room to rest."

Qin Wang said helplessly.

"That's not possible. Your body is empty now and your magic power is exhausted. If there is any loss, how can I be worthy of Wan'er?"

Jiu Zi looked at Qin Wang seriously.

" consumption has not damaged the foundation."

Qin Wang sighed, and after finishing speaking, he released his momentum.

Jiu Zi felt Qin Wang's momentum and couldn't help being stunned.

"Then why did you say before that you had damaged your foundation and could not recover in a short period of time?"

Jiu Zi frowned and looked at Qin Wang doubtfully.

"Because I had to make a play for the Great Elder. At that time, there should be someone lurking nearby, at least a lurker in the God Transformation stage. I could only vaguely sense it and was not sure. So I acted it out for a while. . However, there is no need to clarify this matter.”

Qin Wang shrugged his shoulders.

"Then... what about Wan'er? Should I tell Wan'er?"

Jiu Zi hesitated for a moment, but finally couldn't help asking.

"It's better not to tell her, so as not to leak the news."

Qin Wang thought about it and quickly made a decision.


Jiu Zi nodded in agreement.

However, Qin Wang's decision made him suffer a lot in the next three days.

Hou Tu Wan'er didn't know the key point, thinking that Qin Wang hurt his foundation for her, so she had been taking good care of him these days, caring for him meticulously, and even wanted to feed him with her own hands.

If it weren't for Qin Wang's firm will, Hou Tu Wan'er would even want to bathe and change Qin Wang's clothes personally.

In this meticulous care, three days passed quickly.

Witch clan holy land.

At this moment, many clansmen gathered here, waiting for the resurrection ceremony of the twelve ancestor witches.

There are twelve logs around the altar, and the totems of the twelve ancestor witches are carved on the logs.

A mysterious breath ripples out.

In the center of the altar, there was a stone.

Qin Wang recognized it at a glance. It was the Chaos Stone.

As long as he could get that stone, he could condense the Chaos Golden Pill.

However, before that, Wanyan Meng needed to be rescued.

But Qin Wang looked around and did not see Wanyan Meng.

Logically, Wanyan Meng was trapped in the Holy Land of the Wu Clan. Why was she nowhere to be seen?

Qin Wang looked at Jiu Zi and gave her an inquiring look.

Jiu Zi shook his head, indicating that he did not know.

At this moment, the crowd suddenly burst into warm cheers.

The Great Elder of the Wu Clan appeared! (End of this chapter)

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