Awakening Daily Information Panel, Become a True Immortal

Chapter 298 The resurrection ceremony of the twelve witch ancestors begins! Sacrifice, Wanyan Meng!

Among the guards of the witch god, the great elder walked slowly.

The ordinary Wu Clan people all around shouted.

"The great elder is here, the great elder is here!"

"I wish the Great Elder immortality."

"The Great Elder must always protect the Witch Clan."

"As long as the Great Elder is here, one day the Wu Clan will be able to stand at the top of all races."

"Great Elder..."

If it weren't for the Witch God Guards who opened the way, I'm afraid the Great Elder wouldn't have been able to move forward at all.

The great elder nodded to the people and waved his thanks.

Qin Wang couldn't help but frown when he saw this scene.

"The Great Elder's reputation is so high among you?"

Qin Wang asked Jiu Zi next to him in a low voice.

"Of course, it can be said that he is a person who keeps his words and is even more appealing than the clan leader."

Jiu Zi smiled bitterly.

Qin Wang suddenly thought of something.

"By the way, where is your clan leader? Why haven't you come out yet?"

Qin Wang was a little confused.

Today is the start of the resurrection ceremony of the twelve ancestral witches. It is really unreasonable to see the leader of the witch clan at such an important node.

Jiu Zi's expression became a little strange.

After a while, Jiuzi finally sighed and smiled bitterly.

"The patriarch is practicing in seclusion just to take that step."

Jiu Zi spoke slowly.

"Which step?"

Qin Wang asked.

"The Mahayana period."

Jiuzi replied.

When Qin Wang heard this, he was suddenly stunned.

He even doubted his ears.

Mahayana period?

Above the transformation of gods, there are respectively refining the void and combining the body. After surviving the ninety-nine and eighty-one thunder tribulations, you can enter the Mahayana stage.

And now, the goal of the leader of the Wu clan is actually the Mahayana period. Could it be that...

"Is your clan leader at the peak of integration?"

Qin Wang looked at Jiu Zi in disbelief.

Originally, he thought that the Great Elder would be at the peak of Void Refining at best, but now it seems that the Great Elder's cultivation level may be even stronger.

"Yes. But you, the human race, are stronger, and there are powerful people in the Mahayana stage. Otherwise, why do you think the human race can sit in Zhongzhou, which has the richest aura?"

Jiuzi shrugged his shoulders.

When Qin Wang heard this, he nodded subconsciously.

He had not been exposed to these before, so it seemed that his level was not enough.

It turns out that there are so many combinations and Mahayana beings, but now I am just the peak of false elixirs, not even golden elixirs.

We still need to keep working hard.

Qin Wang secretly smiled bitterly.

Surrounded by everyone, the great elder of the Wu clan slowly came to the altar.

The great elder raised his hand and pressed down.

The originally noisy crowd suddenly became quiet.

People looked at the great elder with fanatical eyes.

"After all of our efforts, we will finally see the results today. Today, we will personally resurrect our ancestors and let the glory of the Twelve Ancestral Witches shine on the Nine Provinces Continent again! The Witch Clan will eventually reach the top!"

The great elder spoke slowly.

His voice was not loud, but it could reach everyone's ears clearly.

"To the top! To the top! To the top!"

People raised their right hands and shouted in unison.

The Witchland is a bitter and cold place, with thin spiritual energy and constant natural disasters.

Even monsters don't want to live in this land.

Only the Wu clan thrives here with their tenacious perseverance.

However, if things go on like this, the Wu clan will eventually decline.

Therefore, the twelve ancestral witches are regarded as the last hope by the witch clan.

As long as the twelve ancestral witches can be resurrected, counterattacking Zhongzhou will no longer be a dream. Taking a step back, even if it is impossible to directly seize the land of Zhongzhou, it is easy to attack the northern region of the human race.

The Great Elder raised his hand again and pressed down.

People soon fell silent.

"In order to resurrect the Twelve Ancestral Witches, we found the Girl of the Curse, who possesses the purest power of the curse!"

The great elder said excitedly.

After his words fell, a hole opened in the center of the altar, and then a wooden stake slowly rose up.

The person tied to the stake is none other than Wan Yanmeng.

At this moment, Wan Yanmeng finally understood that the previous so-called extraction of the power of the curse to help her get rid of the trouble of the power of the curse was all a lie by the great elder.

The real purpose is to use her as a sacrifice to resurrect the twelve ancestral witches.

Wan Yanmeng was tied to a wooden stake with a calm expression, without any fear.

It’s just death, why be afraid?

From Wan Yanmeng's point of view, maybe this is his final destination. After all, she has been haunted by the power of the curse since she was born, causing many people to die, especially those close to her who died because of the power of her curse, which made Wanyan Meng's heart wrenching.

It's not bad to be offered as a sacrifice like this.

Wanyanmeng was heartbroken, so she did not resist.

Besides, it was useless for her to resist.

Suddenly, Wan Yanmeng saw two familiar figures at the front of the crowd.

One female and one male.

The female is naturally Jiuzi.

But that man...

Wan Yanmeng even thought that she had seen it wrong. She blinked and looked over again.

Yes, absolutely yes!

That man is Qin Wang!

She never expected that Qin Wang would appear here.

Suddenly, a terrifying thought appeared in Wanyanmeng's mind.

Could it be that this is all a trap?

Qin Wang pretended to be close to her, and then tricked her to the Wu Clan. He valued the curse power in her and wanted to sacrifice her to the Twelve Ancestral Wus?

Thinking of this, Wanyan Meng suddenly felt cold.

"Sacrifice! Sacrifice! Sacrifice!"

People shouted again.

Qin Wang frowned when he saw this.

Originally, he wanted to expose the crimes of the Great Elder, stand on the moral high ground to condemn the Great Elder, and then lead everyone to overthrow the Great Elder and rescue Wanyan Meng.

Now it seems that it is completely a foolish dream.

Not to mention the high reputation of the Great Elder, the approval of the Wu Clan people for sacrificing Wanyan Meng alone was unexpected.

Since that was the case, he could only take the initiative to stand up.

Qin Wang looked at Jiu Zi.

Jiu Zi also looked over.

The two looked at each other and nodded.

"I don't agree!"

A clear voice came out, and it was Jiu Zi who spoke.

Jiu Zi slowly flew to the Great Elder and looked directly at him without fear.

"I don't agree!"

Jiu Zi spoke again.

When this was said, the people of the Wu Clan were stunned.

What's going on?

The Saint actually disagreed to revive the twelve ancestors?


Is the Saint going to betray the Wu Clan?

For a while, people were talking about it.

The Great Elder raised his hand and asked everyone to be quiet.

Then, he looked at Jiu Zi and smiled slightly, with a very kind and gentle expression.

"Why doesn't the Saint agree to revive the twelve ancestors?"

The Great Elder asked.

"Of course I agree to revive the ancestors, but I don't agree to kill innocent people in order to revive the ancestors. Wanyan Meng is my friend. Although she is cursed, she is innocent. You can't kill innocent people in this way to revive the ancestors."

Jiu Zi said firmly.

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