Awakening Daily Information Panel, Become a True Immortal

Chapter 299 The Elders’ Council split! Continuous betrayals! Elder Xuanming takes action!

As soon as these words came out, the people of the Wu clan immediately laughed out loud.

"Hahahahaha, the saint is indeed too naive."

"I actually think that sacrificing humans is an indiscriminate killing of innocent people."

"There is a blood feud between the two races, so how can there be innocence."

"That's right, I can't wait to kill all the humans!"

"Kill all the humans! Kill all the humans!"

The Wu tribe people shouted, their eyes showing hatred.

After all, the hatred between the two races can be said to be endless.

Seeing this situation, Jiu Zi couldn't help but be stunned.

Originally, she wanted to stand on the moral high ground and condemn the great elder. What she didn't expect was that everyone hated the human race so much that they didn't care whether they were innocent or not.

This gave Jiuzi a deep sense of powerlessness and frustration.

Why it came out like this?

Seeing this situation, Qin Wang couldn't help but sigh.

Sure enough, fists still have to do the talking.

In the world of cultivating immortals, you must first use words to achieve your goals. It cannot be said that it is not possible, but neither Qin Wang nor Jiu Zi has this talent.

The great elder was very satisfied when he saw people's reaction.

However, the ridicule and ridicule in his heart cannot be expressed. This is also to maintain his image in people's hearts.

The great elder sighed and slowly came to Jiu Zi's side.

"Saint Girl, you must have been too tired these days, so you started talking nonsense. Please ask Saint Girl to go down and rest."

The great elder said calmly.

"What I said is not nonsense! I am very serious! Do you have to kill innocent people indiscriminately in order to resurrect the twelve ancestral witches? Besides, Wan Yanmeng is a distinguished guest I invited to the witch clan. I must not let you She was sacrificed to the Twelve Ancestral Witches! If you insist on doing this, then step over my body!"

Jiu Zi shouted sharply.

She stared at the great elder and was ready to take action.

Even if she knew that she was not the Great Elder's opponent, she still had to do this.

And these are all the action plans she and Qin Wang discussed.

Both of them knew that the Great Elder's strength was unfathomable, and it was simply a fool's errand to use force to make the Great Elder surrender and rescue Wan Yanmeng.

But the great elder also has concerns, that is, the great elder cannot directly attack the saint.

Jiu Zi's identity as a saint is not just talk.

Not only is it a symbol of status, but also because she has the support of the clan leader behind her.

Why did the leader of the Wu clan put down his power and practice in seclusion?

It's because he believes in his daughter and the saint Jiu Zi.

If he doesn't even believe in his only bloodline, then what's the point of practicing?

Because of this, the great elder did not dare to take action against Jiu Zi. Once he did, he would have to face the clan leader's anger.

This is something the Great Elder doesn't want to face.

"What are you still doing? Don't you know how to ask the saint to go down and rest?"

The great elder looked around.

Swish, swish, swish!

Several figures flew over, and they were the elders from the Presbytery.

There are a total of twelve elders in the Elders' House, corresponding to the seats of the twelve ancestral witches, including the position of the great elder.

Soon, the eleven elders came to stand in their respective positions.

There are six elders behind the great elder, and there are five elders behind Jiuzi.

It can be said that they are evenly matched.

The great elder smiled slightly.

"Even if we let the Elders Council vote, you are not my opponent, why bother?"

The great elder looked like he was sure of victory.

"That's not necessarily the case. I still have one vote, which belongs to the clan leader. So, at most we can have a tie vote."

The saint shrugged her shoulders.

The great elder plus the six ordinary elders behind him have a total of seven votes.

As a saint, Jiu Zi also has the right to vote. Together with the five elders behind her and the patriarch's vote, the total is seven votes, which is a tie.

The great elder narrowed his eyes slightly.

"Since the Saint insists, then we can only let people vote together."

The great elder said calmly.

He is very confident because the people who come to the altar now are his enthusiastic supporters.

Everyone hopes to resurrect the twelve ancestral witches and restore the glory of their ancestors.

At this moment, Qin Wang flew over.

"I wonder if, as the Holy Son elected by the people, I have the right to vote?"

Qin Wang asked loudly.

The great elder couldn't help but frown.

He had forgotten about this kid.

But if Qin Wang's vote is included, doesn't it mean that his plan to resurrect the twelve ancestral witches has failed?

How can this be.

The great elder sighed heavily.

"Saint Girl, originally I didn't want to break my skin. Since you insist on having your own way, I can only say that you are still too young."

After the great elder finished speaking, he looked at the elders behind Jiuzi.

At this moment, Elder Ju Mang suddenly clenched his fist and punched Jiu Zi in the back.

Elder Gou Mang's punch surprised everyone.

In the astonished eyes of everyone, Elder Ju Mang's fist had penetrated Jiu Zi's back.

However, Elder Jumang was not happy at all, but his face was solemn and ashen.


With a soft sound, Jiu Zi's body turned into butterflies, flying around and gradually disappearing.

Soon, Jiuzi appeared from the side.

"Elder Jumang, you have indeed betrayed me. No, it should be said that you have always been an undercover agent, right?"

Jiu Zi sneered and said.

Before this, Qin Wang had already told her the truth that Elder Ju Mang was an undercover agent.

Now it seems that this is indeed the case.

Fortunately, she was prepared, otherwise, the blow just now would have been enough to seriously injure her.

"How did you know?"

Elder Ju Mang frowned, his face gloomy.

He thought he had hidden it well, but he didn't expect that Jiu Zi would see through it.

"Do you think I will tell you?"

Jiu Zi sneered at the other party.

Elder Ju Mang was asking for trouble, so he could only snort coldly and turn away.

At this moment, another attack flew from behind Jiu Zi, and the target was Jiu Zi!

This sudden attack caught everyone by surprise.

Even Elder Ju Mang didn't expect it.

After all, he thought he was the only one lurking in Jiu Zi's camp to pass on the message to the elder.

Unexpectedly, there was another person who was also an undercover agent.

A stream of cold air condensed into an arrow and shot at Jiu Zi's back.


A shield appeared behind Jiu Zi, it was Qin Wang's Barbarian Shield.

Before this, in order to protect Jiu Zi, Qin Wang asked Jiu Zi to carry his Barbarian Shield with her.

If someone suddenly assassinated her, at least she would be protected.

Even if the Barbarian Shield could not stop the opponent's attack, it would be enough for Jiu Zi to react and escape.


The cold arrow hit the Barbarian Shield and exploded directly, turning into countless fragments, flying around.

"Elder Xuanming! You actually betrayed me too!"

Jiu Zi looked at Elder Xuanming who attacked her in disbelief. She never expected that even Elder Xuanming was the Great Elder's man. (End of this chapter)

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