Awakening Daily Information Panel, Become a True Immortal

Chapter 300 The Wu Clan leader appears! Divine mind clone! Fight again tomorrow!

"A good bird chooses the right tree to roost. I followed the Great Elder only because you are too naive and unable to lead the Witch Clan back to its former glory."

Elder Xuan Ming did not feel the slightest bit ashamed of his betrayal.

As if this is just a very ordinary and ordinary thing.


The saint gnashed her teeth and glared at Elder Xuanming.

Elder Xuanming shrugged his shoulders and did not answer, but flew directly to the great elder.

"This shows how much failure you have to let down the two elders. If you want to take refuge in me, then come over. I will not hold accountable anything in the past."

The great elder looked at the three remaining elders behind the saint.

At this time, only Elder Houtu, Elder Shebishi and Elder Gonggong were left beside Jiuzi.

Among the three elders, Elder Gonggong is the strongest and Elder Houtu is the weakest.

If possible, the Great Elder would also like to take Elder Gonggong under his command.

"Great Elder, you and I don't agree on the same ideas, so it's better not to have such delusions."

Elder Gonggong said calmly.

Seeing this situation, Elder Shebishi also nodded hastily.

One of his tasks is to follow Elder Gonggong. Since Elder Gonggong does not want to go to the Great Elder, he will not go there either.

The Great Elder could only focus on Elder Houtu.

Elder Houtu took a deep breath and then looked at Qin Wang.

"Thank you, Holy Son, for breaking the curse carried by my descendant's direct bloodline. Such a great kindness and kindness will be remembered by the descendants of the Tu family."

After Elder Houtu finished speaking, he bowed his hands to Qin Wang.

Qin Wang hurriedly returned the gift.

"These are all things I can do."

Qin Wang said with a smile.

"It seems that you are really stubborn. In that case, there is nothing more to say."

Seeing this situation, the great elder sighed and shook his head.

The great elder waved his hand, and the elders behind him immediately surrounded Qin Wang, Jiu Zi and others.

After all, now including the Great Elder himself, there are nine people in total, while Qin Wang and Jiu Zi only have five people, which is almost double the number.

"Let's take it easy, we won't make things difficult for you. As long as the resurrection ceremony is over, we will let you go."

The great elder spoke slowly.

"So, are you determined to start a war? Can you afford the responsibility of dividing the Witch Clan!?"

Jiu Zi narrowed her eyes slightly, stared at the great elder, and asked in a deep voice.

As soon as these words came out, everyone on the Great Elder's side suddenly hesitated.

Such guilt is simply not something they can afford.

"You are overthinking. I am only temporarily restricting your actions. I am not trying to split the Witch Clan."

The great elder's tone was very calm, and he was not angry because of Jiu Zi's words.

"If that's the case, then you can explain it to the clan leader yourself."

Jiu Zi snorted coldly and took out a ball.

The surface of the ball in her hand is transparent, and the terrifying energy contained in it can be seen constantly moving around.

Suddenly, the ball exploded, and the energy inside rose up, condensing into a person who looked like a strong man.

The strong man was a foot tall. At first glance, he looked like the Cyclops Qin Wang saw in the Ancestral Hall, except that this strong man had complete facial features.

Is this the leader of the Wu Clan, Jiu Zi’s father?

Qin Wang looked at the figure who appeared curiously.

At the same time, the terrifying pressure spread out and swept away in all directions.

Qin Wang had to take two steps back to avoid the sharp attack.

The other elders also subconsciously took a step back.

Only the great elder stood there, looking at the figure of the strong man who suddenly appeared.

"You are just a ray of consciousness, can you represent the clan leader?"

The great elder stared at the strong man with bright eyes.

"How brave, how dare you talk to me like this!"

The strong man snorted coldly, clenched his fist and smashed it towards the great elder.

The fight started at the first disagreement, which made Qin Wang feel that the other party was not the leader of the Wu clan, but the leader of the barbarian clan, which was really too barbaric.

"Well done!"

The great elder's eyes were bright, and he immediately clenched his fist and punched it out.

The two fists collided with each other.

boom! ! ! ! !

A terrifying shock wave swept out.

The other elders were well prepared and immediately deployed their defenses to resist the shock wave that erupted.

At this time, Qin Wang didn't have time to summon the Barbarian Shield, so he could only choose to resist on his own.

Fortunately, the third level of the Star Body Tempering Technique was powerful. Even if Qin Wang chose to resist the shock wave, he was not injured. But he took three steps back again before stopping.

It's really too strong!

Fortunately, the place where the two fists were fighting was in mid-air. If it were on the ground, I'm afraid the ground would have sunk into a large area.

This is just the power of the shock wave.

The strength of the two of them is really too strong.


The leader of the Wu clan retracted his fist and looked at the great elder with interest.

"You are stronger than before."

The tone of the leader of the Wu Clan was slightly solemn.

The great elder retracted his hand and hid it in his sleeve.

Because he didn't want people to notice that his arms were shaking after the fist fight just now.

Although it was just a slight tremor, it was enough to show that there was a big gap between him and the leader of the Wu clan.

What's more important is that what appears in front of him now is just a spiritual clone of the leader of the Wu clan.

"Still not as good as the clan leader."

The great elder answered slowly.

"Hahahahaha, you are still young. If you practice more, you will catch up with me one day."

The leader of the Wu clan patted the great elder on the shoulder as he spoke.

"Clan leader, you have no idea what he wants to do. He actually used the guests I brought back as sacrifices to the twelve ancestral witches!"

Jiuzi complained.

"Oh? Is there such a thing?"

The leader of the Wu clan looked at the great elder, his face changed a little.

"If the clan leader doesn't allow it, then forget it."

The great elder spoke directly.

The leader of the Wu clan thought for a while and quickly made a decision.

"My witch clan has always respected martial arts. Since you have a disagreement, let your subordinates compete. Whoever wins will listen to whoever wins. I believe even I will agree with this method."

The leader of the Wu clan said with a smile.

He is just a spiritual clone, but he also acts according to the ideas of the leader of the Wu clan.

"But there's one thing, you two can't do anything, do you understand?"

The leader of the Wu Clan said solemnly.

"Everything follows the patriarch's arrangements."

The great elder nodded in agreement.

Seeing this situation, Jiu Zi could only agree.

The two quickly agreed to have a competition tomorrow, sending a total of three people to fight three times to determine the winner.

After making the agreement, the great elder took the people away.

Qin Wang put Wan Yanmeng down directly from the altar.

In this regard, the great elder did not stop him.

Wan Yanmeng couldn't run away anyway, so continuing to tie her up would have no practical effect.

Qin Wang, Jiu Zi, Wan Yanmeng and others returned to the Holy Girl's Mansion.

Qin Wang returned to the guest room to wait for the early morning intelligence update.

Hope to get useful information from the new intelligence.


Early in the morning.

Qin Wang opened the intelligence panel.

【Information refreshed daily! 】

【Today’s information! 】(End of this chapter)

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