Awakening Daily Information Panel, Become a True Immortal

Chapter 301 Chapter 314315 The intelligence panel is refreshed! The order of appearance for three wi

In the early hours of the morning.

Qin Wang opened the intelligence panel.

[Daily intelligence refresh! ]

[Today's intelligence! ]

[1: You signed a battle agreement with the Wu clan elder yesterday and obtained intelligence. The Wu clan elder will ask you to write down the battle order of the three people in advance and then start the battle at the same time. If you don't agree, the Wu clan elder will force the resurrection ceremony. In the eyes of the Wu clan elder, it takes time for the Wu clan leader to come out of retreat. As long as you take advantage of the Wu clan elder to resurrect the twelve ancestors before the Wu clan leader comes out of retreat, you can gain an advantage, even if you have to tear your face with the Wu clan leader. ]

[2: You signed a battle agreement with the Wu clan elder yesterday and obtained intelligence. The Wu clan elder will send the weaker Tianwu elder to fight against Gonggong, the strongest person on the side of the saint, in the first battle, so that the saint will win the first game first. ]

[3: You signed a battle agreement with the chief elder of the Wu clan yesterday and obtained information. The chief elder of the Wu clan will send the stronger elder Dijiang to fight against the elder Houtu on the side of the saint in the second battle and win the battle. ]

[4: You signed a battle agreement with the chief elder of the Wu clan yesterday and obtained information. The chief elder of the Wu clan will send the strongest elder Zhurong to fight against the elder Shebishi on the side of the saint in the third battle and win the final victory. ]

[5: You signed a battle agreement with the chief elder of the Wu clan yesterday and obtained information. The chief elder of the Wu clan is the elder Zhulong, who has the blood of Zhulong and can travel through time and space in a short period of time. It is precisely because of traveling through time and space that he was seriously injured and did not recover for a while, and his own strength was only one hundredth of what it was. ]

[6: You pretended to be injured yesterday and obtained information. Houtu Wan'er knew that you were seriously injured and had not recovered, so she decided to sneak into the Wu clan's treasure house to get the healing treasure for you, Qingmu Holy Water. Qingmu Holy Water can revive the dead and regenerate bones. As long as the soul is not dispersed, it can be resurrected. However, Hou Tu Wan'er was discovered when she sneaked into the Wu Clan's treasure house. She has now been captured and imprisoned in the Wu Clan's water prison. She will only be released after the battle is over tomorrow. ]

[7: You pretended to be injured yesterday and obtained information. The Wu Clan's elder got the news from the spy and knew that you were seriously injured and had not recovered, so he did not consider your appearance. This is consistent with the future he foresaw. He did not realize that you are a variable. ]

[8: You comprehended the sword meaning yesterday, opened the sky with one sword, and obtained information. The Wu family's sword domain was affected by this sword meaning, causing the sword domain to vibrate. The head of the Wu family decided to conduct a large-scale search of the sword domain and it is expected that Wu Su will be found in two weeks. ]

[9: You comprehended the sword meaning yesterday, opened the sky with one sword, and obtained information. Wu Su's inheritance time will take three weeks to complete. Once the inheritance is interrupted, it will lead to the failure of inheritance and the inability to condense the body of the Heavenly Sword. ]

[10: You touched the cloth bag that Qin Xuemei had sewn for you yesterday and obtained information. Qin Xuemei's negotiation with the Medicine Sect went smoothly and the crisis of the Wanhua Immortal Sect will be resolved in a week.]

Qin Wang was stunned when he saw the new information.

It seems that according to the original development of the world, the great elder of the Wu clan successfully resurrected the twelve ancestors of the Wu clan, and then went to war with the human race, causing great suffering to all living beings.

However, all this has changed because of the appearance of Qin Wang.

"Great elder, it seems that your luck is not good."

Qin Wang chuckled.

However, when his eyes stopped at information [6], he sighed helplessly.

He never expected that Hou Tu Wan'er would be arrested for sneaking into the Wu clan's treasury to steal the Qingmu Holy Water.

No wonder Hou Tu Wan'er disappeared after nightfall.

Should we rescue Hou Tu Wan'er now?

Qin Wang thought carefully for a while and finally decided to talk about it tomorrow.

Rescuing Hou Tu Wan'er will definitely show his strength, so that the elder will find that he is not injured.

Once it affects tomorrow's battle, it will be troublesome.

For the sake of the overall situation, Hou Tu Wan'er can only be wronged temporarily.


The next day.

Qin Wang and Jiu Zi came to the holy land of the witch clan.

It has been crowded here for a long time, even more lively than yesterday.

After all, not all the people of the witch clan are willing to watch the resurrection ceremony, but now it is the saint and the elder who are tearing their faces.

This battle is enough to change the current situation of the witch clan.

It is precisely because of this that people are so excited and looking forward to it.

Although most of the people of the witch clan support the elder, hoping that the elder can win, revive the twelve ancestors of witches, and restore the glory of the witch clan in the past.

But there are still some people who support the saint.

Not for anything else, it is because the saint cares about the people's livelihood and the stable life of people. It is a bit difficult in the witch domain, but it is not impossible to survive. There are still many people who are willing to live in such an environment instead of going to war with the human race.

Qin Wang and Jiu Zi came to the altar and immediately saw Elder Gong Gong, Elder Hou Tu and Elder She Bi Shi.

The three elders saw Jiu Zi and Qin Wang and went to meet them.

"Saintess, Saint Son, you are here."

"Finally you are here. The Great Elder said that if we win two out of three battles, we will suffer a loss, so he decided to fight with the candidates arranged in advance."

"Saintess, Saint Son, what do you think?"

Although the three were asking for the opinions of Qin Wang and Jiu Zi, Jiu Zi was the one who made the final decision.

After all, the three of them, in the final analysis, valued the Wu clan leader standing behind the Saintess.

"Arrange the battle order in advance? The three strongest elders on the Great Elder's side should be Zhu Rong, Di Jiang, and Tian Wu, right?"

Jiu Zi asked.

Elder Gong Gong and others looked at each other and nodded.

"Don't worry, Holy Maiden, I'm here to fight Zhu Rong, and I will definitely beat the shit out of that kid!"

Elder Gonggong pinched his knuckles and made a clicking sound.

"I also have confidence in God Jiang to win."

Elder Shebishi hesitated for a moment, and finally spoke to assure himself.

Finally, Jiuzi looked at Elder Houtu who was silent.

Elder Houtu sighed.

"I can't beat Elder Tianwu."

Hou Tu was a little helpless.

After all, he has a clear understanding of his own strength.

In the Elders' House, his strength is at the bottom, similar to Elder Jumang. They are just barely qualified to become elders, rather than relying on hard power to get there.

It is really difficult for him to defeat Elder Tianwu.

Elder Gonggong snorted coldly.

"It doesn't matter. With me and Elder Shebishi taking action, we can win two out of three battles. It's already a sure thing. At the worst possible outcome, we should give up on Elder Houtu's battle."

Elder Gonggong said proudly.

Elder Houtu secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

"I follow the saint's orders."

Elder Houtu said hurriedly.

"Then let's let Elder Gonggong fight first. We will win the first battle and get off to a good start. Elder Houtu will fight in the second battle. Even if we lose, it doesn't matter. The third battle will be left to Elder Shebishi. .How about this arrangement?”

Jiuzi said very seriously.

The three elders Gonggong looked at each other and nodded.

Just then, a voice came.

"I disagree."

As soon as these words came out, Jiu Zi and others were stunned.

Elder Gonggong looked at Qin Wang rather unhappily and glared at him.

"What do you think of the Holy Son?"

Elder Gonggong's tone was quite unkind.

Although he called Qin Wang the Holy Son, there was no respect at all, but a touch of ridicule.

In the opinion of Elder Gonggong, Qin Wang was just lucky enough to become the Holy Son.

Because of this, he disliked Qin Wang very much.

"I think I should be the one to do the third battle."

Qin Wang spoke slowly.

"Let you come?"

Elder Gonggong couldn't help being stunned when he heard this.

Soon he was laughing loudly.

Even though a soundproof cover was installed when Jiuzi announced the plan just now, such loud laughter made people wonder whether the soundproof cover could not completely isolate Elder Gonggong's laughter.

"Hahahahaha. Who do you think you are? Just a little guy who doesn't even have a golden elixir, and you want to fight on behalf of Shebishi? When I call you the Holy Son, do you really think of yourself as the Holy Son?"

Elder Gonggong said coldly.

Elder Shebishi looked at Qin Wang in confusion. He didn't understand why this young man suddenly became so arrogant. He originally had no prejudice against Qin Wang, but now it seems that this young man is still a bit arrogant. Perhaps this is a common problem among all young people.

Shebishi felt that Qin Wang could not be allowed to continue to be so arrogant.

"You have to know that the elders in the Elders' Court are not simply transformed gods. Each of them is at least a powerful person at the peak of the transformation. The two strongest elders in the Elders' Court are generally recognized as Elder Gonggong and Elder Zhu Rong. , both of them are strong men in the Void Refining Realm. Do you really think you can defeat them? Even if you have the Candle Dragon Mark and can summon the Candle Dragon Shadow to help you, it is impossible for you to defeat the other elders. "

Elder Shebishi said with seriousness and sincerity.

Qin Wang did not answer Elder Shebishi, but looked at Jiuzi.

"Believe me, I won't make fun of Wanyanmeng's life."

Qin Wang spoke very seriously.

He knew that instead of wasting time trying to convince Elder Gonggong and Elder Shebishi, it would be more direct and simple to persuade Jiuzi directly.

Jiu Zi hesitated for a moment, and finally nodded.

"Okay, then I'll let you play the third game as you said. Elder Shebishi, you play the second game."

Jiuzi immediately changed his original plan.

Elder Houtu secretly breathed a sigh of relief when he heard this.

At least he doesn't have to participate in the battle, which is the best outcome for him.

Seeing this situation, Shebishi could only nod.

In his opinion, the worst he could do was use his ability to win the second game.

Anyway, it was a win-win-win-out-of-three series. After winning both the first and second games, it was okay for Qin Wang to play casually in the third game.

At this moment, Qin Wang shook his head again.

"No, the first match must be Elder Houtu."

Qin Wang said very seriously.

As soon as these words came out, even Jiu Zi became a little angry.

"Qin Tiedan, what on earth do you mean?!"

Jiu Zi subconsciously said this name instead of the "Qin Ba" pseudonym used by Qin Wang in the Witch Clan.

"Jiuzi, trust me, okay?"

Qin Wang looked into Jiu Zi's eyes.


Jiu Zi suppressed the anger in her heart and asked.

"This...I can't tell you the reason. But please believe me."

Qin Wang smiled bitterly.

It is impossible for him to tell the system. This is his biggest secret and must not be known to the second person.

"Enough! Saint, I've really had enough. What do you care about such a person? Just drive him out."

Elder Gonggong shouted sharply.

At this moment, the eyes of Elder Houtu, who had been silent until now, lit up.

"Are you Qin Tiedan?!"

Elder Houtu looked at Qin Wang with some excitement.

After all, after arriving in the Witch Realm, Qin Wang changed his appearance and name, and even his breath was hidden using techniques.

So no one else knew Qin Wang's last alias.

If Jiu Zi hadn't yelled at him, Elder Hou Tu would never have recognized him.

"You know him?"

Elder Shebishi looked at Elder Houtu with some doubts.

Elder Gonggong also subconsciously looked at Elder Houtu.

"Of course I know him. This name is very famous in Central Continent. After all, he has single-handedly controlled many famous sects, including the Wuji Sect in Central Continent. He is really too powerful."

Elder Houtu said with emotion.

Elder Gonggong and Elder Shebishi were both stunned.

They didn't expect Qin Wang to have such glorious deeds.

Although they have never been to Central Continent, they have heard of the Wuji Sect.

The strength of one Wuji Sect alone is equal to the power of one of their Ancestral Witches and Witches. The Wu Clan only has twelve Ancestral Witches and Witches, but there are dozens of sects like Wuji Sect in Central Continent.

Not to mention the ten holy places in Central Continent, as well as the Immortal Dynasty of Dayu, which is known as the strongest immortal dynasty.

These are all manifestations of the strength of the human race.

Now, they were surprised to find that the young man in front of them was able to sway the Wuji Sect and many other famous sects.

From this point of view, they really underestimated the young man in front of them.

"No wonder you are confident that you can participate in this battle."

Elder Shebishi said with some emotion.

"Even so, if you want to replace Shebishi in the third battle, you are still not qualified."

Elder Gonggong said coldly.

Qin Wang looked at Jiu Zi helplessly.

"Trust me, okay?"

Qin Wang said very seriously.


Jiu Zi nodded.

Not only the three elders Gonggong, but also Qin Wang were stunned by this sudden agreement.

No one expected that Jiuzi would agree so directly.

"Are you serious?"

Qin Wang looked at Jiu Zi with some surprise.

"Of course. I believe you are obsessed with saving Wan Yanmeng, so I am willing to give you a chance."

Jiu Zi said with a smile.

Elder Gonggong sighed when he saw this situation.

"That's all, just follow the saint's arrangements."

After Elder Gonggong finished speaking, he turned and left.

Elder Shebishi and Elder Houtu looked at each other and followed Elder Gonggong away.

Jiu Zi and the Great Elder of the Wu Clan each wrote down the names of those who fought on three jade slips.

The competition venue is in the open space in front of the altar.

There is an altar array protection here, and the ground is extremely hard.

And there is no need to worry about damage to the altar in the aftermath of the battle.

If he couldn't even withstand the aftermath of the battle, how could the altar owner resist the energy fluctuations generated during the sacrifice?

"In the first battle, the one fighting on the saint's side is Elder Gonggong! The one fighting on the great elder's side is Elder Tianwu!"

"Please ask the two elders to start fighting."

The high priest of the Wu clan said loudly.

Although his hair and beard were all gray, his voice was loud and spread throughout the Holy Land of the Witch Clan.

This battle can be said to be the focus of everyone’s attention!

Jiu Zi and others frowned.

They realized something was wrong. (End of chapter)

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