Awakening Daily Information Panel, Become a True Immortal

Chapter 303 The furious Elder Gonggong! Press him to the ground and rub him!

This sudden attack took everyone by surprise.

Even the great elder of the Wu clan didn't expect that Elder Tian Wu had hidden this trick.

Originally, according to his plan, it didn't matter even if Elder Tianwu lost the battle, since the first battle was meant to be given up anyway.

Moreover, in his foresight, Elder Tianwu did not make a sneak attack after the defeat.

Could it be that there is some deviation here?

The great elder of the Wu clan noticed something was wrong.

On the other side, Jiuzi and others saw this situation and wanted to remind them, but it was too late.

At this time, the eight tails were like sharp arrows, hitting Elder Gonggong's back.

Bang bang bang bang...

A series of muffled sounds came.

Elder Gonggong was staggered by the sudden attack.

He suddenly stepped out and stood firm.


The ground is full of cracks.

"God! Wu!"

Elder Gonggong roared lowly and turned around slowly.

The eight tails fell directly without letting him hold them.

At this time, people discovered that there was a faint layer of moisture on the surface of Elder Gonggong's body.

Obviously, this is Elder Gonggong's body-protecting moisture.

Because of this, Elder Gonggong was not injured.


Such a sneak attack also made Elder Gonggong furious instantly.

He never expected that Elder Tianwu would dare to attack him secretly, and then admit defeat directly after agreeing on three moves.

And now?

But it was a sneak attack.

This was clearly toying with him, trying to get him under control.

boom! ! ! ! !

The terrifying momentum burst out instantly, and the air waves rolled like a strong wind, sweeping in all directions.

"You're looking for death!!!!"

Elder Gonggong roared angrily, and at the same time, dark snake scales appeared on his body, and even his head turned into a snake head.

Elder Tianwu was completely stunned when he saw this situation.

Originally, he didn't want to sneak attack Elder Gonggong. According to his and the Great Elder's plan, he would admit defeat directly after three moves. Although he lost, he could still save his face.

However, when he saw Elder Gonggong turning his back to him, he suddenly made a sneak attack by mistake.

By the time he came to his senses, it was already too late and he regretted it.

Unfortunately, there is no regret medicine in this world.


In a flash, Elder Gonggong disappeared.

When he appeared again, Elder Gonggong had already arrived in front of Elder Tianwu.

"Elder Gonggong, please listen to my explanation. I just...well!"

Elder Tianwu wanted to say something else, but Elder Gonggong didn't give him this chance.

Elder Gonggong stretched out his hand, grabbed Elder Tianwu's throat, and then lifted him up as if he were lifting a chicken.

Elder Gonggong lifted Elder Tianwu high and slammed it to the ground.

boom! ! !

With a loud noise, Elder Tianwu was smashed into the hard ground, and even a human-shaped pit appeared on the ground, surrounded by traces of cracks.


Elder Tianwu spit out a large mouthful of blood.

" me..."

Elder Tianwu still wanted to speak, but Elder Gonggong did not give him this chance.

Elder Gonggong lifted Elder Tianwu up again and smashed it into the ground.

Smashed several times in a row.

Bang bang bang!

Elder Tianwu felt that he was about to be smashed into pieces.

He never expected that Elder Gonggong would be so violent and would not even give him a chance to explain or apologize.


Elder Gonggong smashed Elder Tianwu into the ground for the last time, and then let go.

Elder Tian Wu secretly breathed a sigh of relief. Although he was seriously injured now, it would be fine as long as he was not dead.

However, Elder Tianwu thought wrong.

Elder Gonggong clenched his fists and stared at Elder Tianwu.

"You are looking for death!!!"

Elder Gonggong roared angrily, swinging his fists and hitting Elder Tianwu on the head.

Continuous fists hit Elder Tianwu's head.

Bang bang bang bang, bang bang bang bang!

The ground was shaking, as if someone was constantly bombarding the ground.

People around him felt shuddering when they saw this situation.

It's really scary.

not far away.

Elder Houtu sighed.

"It seems that Elder Gonggong is really angry."

Elder Houtu said with emotion.

"The last time I saw him so angry... well, it seems like I've never seen him so angry."

Elder Shebishi told a joke.

They knew that although Elder Gonggong was angry now, he had not lost his mind and did not really want to kill Elder Tianwu.

After all, for a powerful person who transforms into a god, any injury to his body can be recovered as long as it does not damage the foundation of his true soul, but it will only take a lot of time.

Although Elder Gonggong's attack was fierce, he did not use magic power and did not damage Elder Tianwu's true soul foundation.

However, this situation is really too ugly, especially for the great elder, who feels a bit embarrassed.

Even if the sneak attack failed, he was still pressed to the ground and rubbed.

The great elder snorted coldly.


In a flash, the great elder had disappeared.

At the same time, Elder Gonggong felt someone grab his wrist.


The tone of these two words is very plain, but full of power and shocking.

Elder Gonggong was suddenly startled and looked over quickly.

He found that the person who grabbed his wrist was the Great Elder.

No matter how hard Elder Gonggong tried, he couldn't break free.

"This matter ends here. I apologize to you on behalf of Elder Tianwu."

The Great Elder said in a deep voice.

The scales on Elder Gonggong's body gradually dissipated, and his head returned to normal.

"Since the Great Elder has come forward, I will let him go."

Elder Gonggong said slowly.

"Thank you."

The Great Elder let go of his hand, nodded to Elder Gonggong, and then turned and left.

Elder Gonggong narrowed his eyes slightly, stared at the Great Elder's back for a while, and turned to walk towards Jiuzi.

The Wushenwei who had been waiting for a long time saw that the matter had been settled, and hurried over to carry away Elder Tianwu, who was covered in blood and no longer in human form.

In this way, although Elder Tianwu did not die, it would take at least ten years for him to recover.

Moreover, this battle has seriously hurt Elder Tianwu's heart. If he becomes a demon in his heart by accident, he may never be able to enter the realm of refining emptiness in this life.

The chief priest of the Wu clan did not care about the impact just now and continued to speak loudly.

"In the first battle, Elder Gonggong won!"

"In the second battle, the saint chose Elder Hou Tu to fight! The elder chose Elder Dijiang to fight!"

When everyone heard this, they immediately burst into a commotion.

It seems that the elder put the strongest elder Zhu Rong in the third battle.

In this case, Elder Zhu Rong will win the third battle.

So this second battle is the most critical one.

The problem is that Elder Hou Tu is famous for being the bottom among the twelve elders. Will there be suspense in this battle?

On the other side.

Seeing this situation, the elder secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

In his opinion, the sneak attack of Elder Tianwu before was just a small variable and did not affect the final result.

That's enough.

Resurrecting the twelve ancestor witches, no mistakes are allowed! (End of this chapter)

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