Awakening Daily Information Panel, Become a True Immortal

Chapter 302 Provoking Elder Zhurong! Dharma-like Heaven and Earth! The sinister Elder Tianwu!

Among the eight elders on the side of the Great Elder of the Wu Clan, Elder Tianwu can be said to be the third-ranked elder and the strongest.

But comparing the strength of Elder Tianwu and Elder Gonggong, they are not on the same level at all.

Let Elder Tianwu fight against Elder Gonggong. It is obvious that the great elder has chosen to give up the first battle.

Perhaps for the great elder, this is a good start.

But for Jiu Zi, Elder Zhu Rong, who appeared later, was unbeatable.

A simple arena was built in the center of the square in front of the altar.

After all, these elders are all experts at the peak of divine transformation. No matter how elaborate the arena is, it will still be destroyed.

What's more, the Wu clan is already poor and there is no need to pursue those flashy things.

Elder Gonggong came to the ring and looked at Elder Tianwu opposite.

"Just admit defeat. This battle is meaningless."

Elder Gonggong spoke coldly, without giving Elder Tianwu any face.

Although everyone understands that Elder Gonggong is much stronger than Elder Tianwu, but directly pointing it out like this still makes Elder Tianwu lose face.

Elder Tian Wu sighed, quite helpless.

"Actually, I don't want to fight this battle either."

Elder Tianwu said bitterly.

"Then you go down and let Zhu Rong come up."

While Elder Gonggong spoke, he looked at Elder Zhu Rong in the distance.

"Zhu Rong, do you dare to come up and fight!"

Elder Gonggong said loudly.

As soon as these words came out, everyone looked at Elder Zhu Rong.

For Elder Zhu Rong, such a direct challenge was no different than pointing at his nose and scolding him.

If possible, he really wanted to rush forward and fight Elder Gonggong.

Fire and water are incompatible.

Since ancient times, there have been many conflicts between the Zhu Rong Witch Tribe and the Gonggong Witch Tribe. They have even fought each other and attacked each other in many cases.

However, the great elder next to him glanced at Elder Zhu Rong, which immediately made Elder Zhu Rong stop trying to rush over.

"This battle is about the fight between the Saint and the Grand Elder, and it is definitely not a fight between you and me. If you want to fight, then you are welcome to start a fight at any time after this battle."

Elder Zhu Rong responded.

His response did not lose his arrogance, and it also gave people a feeling of putting the overall situation first.

"Humph, coward."

Elder Gonggong snorted coldly, then looked at Elder Tianwu, becoming a little impatient.

"Why don't you go down? Are you waiting for me to beat you down?"

Elder Gonggong sounded quite unhappy.

"Elder Gonggong, please be merciful. Although I also know that I am not your opponent, it doesn't make sense to admit defeat without even making a move. How about this, you give me three moves. After three moves, if I can't defeat you You, I'll give in automatically. This saves me some face, okay?"

Elder Tianwu looked at Elder Gonggong with some anxiety.


Elder Gonggong agreed directly.

"Thank you."

After Elder Tianwu finished speaking, he bowed his hands to Elder Gonggong.

At the same time, Elder Tianwu activated his own Tianwu bloodline.


Along with a roar, Elder Tian Wu burst out with powerful momentum.


A shock wave stirred up the dust on the ground, and majestic mana spurted out, forming a shadow that appeared behind Elder Tianwu.

The shadow behind him is in the shape of a tiger, with eight heads, each with human facial features, and eight tails behind him.

This is the true body of Tian Wu, one of the twelve ancient ancestral witches.

Under the ring.

Elder Houtu was very moved when he saw this situation.

"It seems that Elder Tianwu also knows that he is no match for Elder Gonggong, so he went all out from the beginning. This method is so good that it is no wonder that he can be ranked in the top five among the twelve elders."

Elder Houtu's tone was a bit envious.

"Faxiang Tiandi? I wonder if Elder Houtu knows this trick?"

Qin Wang was a little curious.

"I don't know how. If you want to condense the ancestral witch Dharma, you must have two conditions. One is that you are strong enough, and the second is that your ancestral witch blood is strong enough. In our Houtu Witch Department, only Wan'er can Meet the second condition."

Elder Houtu smiled bitterly and shook his head.

no way.

Houtu's bloodline is really too thin. There is only one direct bloodline, and only Houtu Wan'er is left.

When Qin Wang heard this, he nodded subconsciously.

In the arena.

Elder Gonggong looked at the Dharma image condensed by Elder Tianwu with a relaxed look on his face.

"Then let me see how much power you can get from the Ancestral Witch of the Wind."

After Elder Gonggong finished speaking, a circle of water vapor circled up and enveloped him.

Since I told Elder Tianwu to give up three moves, he naturally needed to give up three moves.


Tianwu Faxiang roared angrily, opened his big mouth, and spit out a wind blade.

Eight heads spit out a wind blade at the same time.

The wind blades gathered together again halfway, forming a huge wind blade.

Such a terrifying wind blade flew towards Elder Gonggong.

But Elder Gonggong didn't even blink and just let the wind blade hit him.

boom! ! !

The huge wind blade slashed at the water vapor cover, and was immediately stirred into pieces by the rotating water vapor, shattering instantly.

"The first move."

Elder Gonggong clasped his hands on his chest and looked at Elder Tianwu proudly.

Elder Tianwu's expression suddenly changed.

He knew that there was a gap between him and Elder Gonggong, but he did not expect that the gap was so big.

In that case...


Tianwu Faxiang roared again, it jumped up, stretched out its tiger claws, and grabbed Elder Gonggong's water vapor shield.


With a muffled sound, Faxiang Tianwu was shaken back.

"The second move."

Elder Gonggong continued to speak.

Elder Tianwu knew that it would be too embarrassing if he didn't come up with the ultimate trick.

You can't even break through the opponent's shield. Isn't that embarrassing?

"Elder Gonggong, be careful!"

Elder Tianwu said sharply.

At the same time, Faxiang Tianwu opened his mouth wide and roared to the sky.

Roar! ! !

The terrifying spiritual power gathered together and formed a tornado.

And there are many wind blades on the surface of the tornado.

"Blade Storm!!!"

Elder Tianwu roared angrily and pushed the tornado with numerous wind blades towards Elder Gonggong.

Seeing this situation, Elder Gonggong's expression finally changed a little.

He put away his original relaxed expression and replaced it with a hint of solemnity.

"Well come."

Elder Gonggong raised his hand and pushed forward.

The water vapor that was originally swirling around his body immediately turned into a stream of water and washed away towards the blade storm.

boom! ! !

The water flow and the blade storm collided and finally exploded together.

On this move, it was a tie.


Blade Storm has become Elder Tianwu's most unique skill.

Elder Gonggong just struck a random blow.

Who is strong and who is weak has long been known.

"Elder Gonggong is still too strong. I have tried my best."

Elder Tianwu said with a bitter smile.

"As long as you know."

Elder Gonggong said calmly.

After saying that, he put his hands behind his back and turned to leave.

At this moment, Elder Tian Wu's eyes flashed with a fierce light.

Swish, swish, swish!

The eight tails behind Tianwu Faxiang split instantly and attacked Elder Gonggong! (End of chapter)

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