Awakening Daily Information Panel, Become a True Immortal

Chapter 304 Chapter 318319 Elder Hou Tu vs Elder Di Jiang! The third battle, Qin Wang takes action!

At this time, the arena has been reduced to ruins.

But this does not affect the battle between Elder Houtu and Elder Dijiang.

It can be said that the battle between the two was completely one-sided.

Elder Houtu skillfully used the earth element to defend himself, allowing Elder Dijiang to attack, while he hid behind the thick earth element shield like a shrunken turtle.

Such passive fighting made Elder Dijiang very unhappy.

"Houtu! If you have the ability, come out and fight me!"

Elder Dijiang roared angrily.

"I don't have the ability."

Elder Houtu replied with a smile.

The more calm he behaved, the angrier Elder Dijiang became.

"In that case, don't blame me for being ruthless!"

After Elder Dijiang finished speaking, he suddenly thrust forward with both hands.

The target of this stab was not Elder Houtu's protective shield, it seemed to be empty.

However, as a powerful person at the peak of his transformation into a god, how could he make such a meaningless move?


The majestic mana spurted out from Elder Dijiang, forming four wings behind him.

"Open it for me!!!"

Following Elder Dijiang's roar, the void in front of him was torn open, and a crack appeared.

You can faintly see the turbulent flow of void flowing and surging in the cracks.

Seeing this situation, Jiu Zi in the distance couldn't help but sigh.

"Elder Houtu lost."

Jiu Zi smiled bitterly and shook his head.

Originally, when she saw that Elder Dijiang was unable to break through Elder Houtu's defense for a long time, she couldn't help but feel a glimmer of hope. She hoped that Elder Houtu could defeat Elder Dijiang and win.

As long as Elder Houtu wins, there will be no need to compete in the third game.

Unfortunately, it seems now that that hope is nothing but a luxury.

It is simply impossible for Elder Houtu to defeat Elder Dijiang.

In the final analysis, Elder Houtu's bloodline concentration was too low, and he only had a trace of blood connection with Houtu, one of the twelve ancestral witches.

At the same time, Elder Dijiang had already penetrated into the space crack.

After he entered, the power of space quickly repaired the cracks.

Moreover, within the protective shield of Elder Houtu, the space power began to twist.

It was obvious that Elder Dijiang had successfully broken through the protective barrier of Elder Houtu through the space crack.

Elder Houtu did not hesitate and chose to give up.

"I surrender."

Elder Houtu spoke directly without hesitation.

This made Elder Dijiang, who had just come out, stunned.

He finally traveled through space and reached Elder Houtu, but Elder Houtu immediately admitted defeat, making him feel like he had hit cotton with a full blow.

He was so angry that he almost vomited blood.

"So what if you admit defeat? Die for me!"

Elder Dijiang roared angrily, clenching his fist and hitting Elder Houtu.

Elder Houtu didn't make any resistance, turned around and ran away, not caring about the fist behind him.

However, his escape speed was not as fast as Elder Di Jiang.

Seeing that Elder Dijiang's punch was about to hit Elder Houtu's heart.

With this punch, Elder Houtu would have to lie on the bed for at least a year and a half.

"Gonggong, save me!"

Elder Houtu shouted loudly without caring about his face.

Elder Dijiang was slightly startled by this sudden shout.

He didn't want to face that lunatic Elder Gonggong.

Just when Elder Di Jiang was stunned, Elder Hou Tu had already distanced himself and returned to Jiu Zi.

Elder Di Jiang wanted to continue taking action, but when he saw the stern expression of Elder Gonggong in front of him and the eyes full of murderous intent, he retreated.

The onlookers nodded secretly when they saw this result.

They had known for a long time that Elder Houtu could never be the opponent of Elder Dijiang, so they were not surprised by this result.

In the two battles currently going on, the Saint and the Great Elder won one and lost one respectively, and then came the most critical third battle.

Jiu Zi looked at Qin Wang beside him, hesitated for a moment, and finally sighed.

"Otherwise, you'd better admit defeat."

Jiu Zi looked at Qin Wang seriously.

"Don't have confidence in me?"

Qin Wang raised his eyebrows and looked at Jiu Zi teasingly.

"Yes, to be honest, I regret letting you fight in the third battle. Obviously, in the third battle, the Great Elder will definitely send Elder Zhu Rong to fight. Elder Zhu Rong is very strong. If it is Elder Shebishi who fights If so, there might be a chance of winning, but you... I'm afraid not."

Jiu Zi bluntly pointed out the key and directly said that Qin Wang couldn't do it.

"A man can't say no. Don't worry, I'm sure."

Qin Wang said with a smile.

The elder Gonggong on the side snorted coldly.

"Stop wishful thinking. You said you are sure. Where does your confidence come from? That guy Zhu Rong is in the Void Refining Realm like me. Although he is only in the early stage of the Void Refining Realm, he is definitely not a little guy like you who is not even a golden elixir. The doll can handle it. I know that you have many adventures and have reached the level of a peerless monster, and you can defeat the ordinary gods. But the gap between refining the void and transforming into gods is like a gap.

Elder Gonggong said coldly.

"I know all this, but I'm still sure."

Qin Wang spoke very seriously.

At this moment, Wanyanmeng, who had been silent all this time, finally couldn't bear it anymore.

"Otherwise, let's forget about this battle. It's okay to sacrifice me. There's no need to fight so hard for me."

Wan Yanmeng looked at Qin Wang with a pleading look in her eyes.

"Silly girl, what are you talking about? I have already said that I am sure that I will win this battle. Don't worry."

As Qin Wang spoke, he reached out and rubbed Wanyan Meng's head.

At this time, Wan Yanmeng was able to barely control the power of her own curse, at least not hurting others with a simple touch.

However, she would still feel disgusted if someone touched her head.

But Qin Wang's action gave her a very reassuring feeling.

"All right."

Wan Yanmeng bit her lip and made a decision in her heart.

If Qin Wang falls into danger, she will detonate all her curse power.

No matter what, Qin Wang cannot be injured.

At this time, the high priest of the Wu clan had already begun to make announcements.

"Next is the final battle. On the Great Elder's side, Elder Zhu Rong will take action. On the Saint's side, the Holy Son will take action!"

As soon as these words came out, people were stunned.

According to everyone's thoughts, the Saint should send Elder Shebishi to fight.

Although Elder Shebi Shi is said to be weaker than Elder Zhu Rong, this is not absolute.

What if Elder Shebishi can make a comeback? Maybe.


The saint actually sent the saint to fight.

Is this really funny?

Although the Holy Son is invincible, it is only compared to the cultivation level below Nascent Soul.

And with Elder Zhu Rong's cultivation reaching the heavens, how could he lose to the Holy Son Qin Ba?

Or is it that the Saint intends to give up directly, which is equivalent to admitting defeat?

Elder Zhu Rong couldn't help but laugh when he heard the high priest's announcement.

"Hahahahaha, it seems that the saint also knows that the situation is over, so she arranged this battle to show her goodwill."

Elder Zhu Rong said with a smile.

Other elders agreed.

"Yes, it seems that the saint is not simply stupid."

"Do you think the saint is doing this to consolidate her own status?"

"It makes sense. It means that the saint doesn't want to have a quarrel with us."

"As expected, the saint is a saint, and this move is beautiful."

The other elders said with a smile.

However, the great elder of the Wu clan frowned slightly, his face looking a little ugly.

"Why is the Great Elder not happy? Could it be that he doesn't like the way the saint behaves?"

Elder Jumang looked at the great elder of the Wu clan with some doubts.

The Great Elder thought for a moment, and then looked at Elder Zhu Rong.

"Zhu Rong, don't take it lightly, just attack and defeat that kid."

The great elder said in a deep voice.

"It doesn't have to be like this, right?"

Elder Zhu Rong was stunned for a moment and looked at the great elder in surprise.

According to his original thinking, since the saint has begun to show her goodwill, he doesn't need to kill them all and completely break her face. With the idea of ​​​​good for you, me and everyone good, he prepared to fight Qin Wang twice, and finally defeated Qin Wang and won the victory.

In this way, it can be regarded as giving face to Jiuzi and Qin Wang.

The great elder's face was gloomy.

"This is an order."

The great elder said in a deep voice.

"All right."

Elder Zhu Rong shrugged his shoulders and had no objection.

Since the great elder said so, he could only do it.

The most serious thing is that he is at odds with the Holy Son and Holy Maiden, nothing more.

Thinking of this, Elder Zhu Rong walked towards the ring.

At this time, Qin Wang had already come to the ring and was waiting.

"Elder Zhu Rong."

Qin Wang raised his hands and saluted Elder Zhu Rong, and the gesture was naturally a junior's salute.

When Elder Zhu Rong saw Qin Wang being so polite, he couldn't help but feel a love for talents.

After all, the other party is the Holy Son of the Wu Clan and a rising star of the Wu Clan.

The future of the Witch Clan still needs to be led by the generation of the Holy Lady and the Holy Son to continue moving forward.


Let the water go a little bit to prevent the Holy Son from losing too badly?

"Junior knows that he is not Elder Zhu Rong's opponent, so I hope Elder Zhu Rong can make a move first. After one move, no matter what, junior will admit defeat and leave. Is that okay?"

Qin Wang looked at Elder Zhu Rong with bright eyes.

Hearing this, Elder Zhu Rong couldn't help but raise his eyebrows.

In this case, it seems okay?

Just when Zhu Rong was about to agree, the voice of the great elder of the Wu clan came.

"Zhu Rong, why don't you take action?"

The great elder of the Wu clan said in a deep voice.

Zhu Rong couldn't help but sigh when he heard this order.

"It's not that I don't want to, but the great elder has an order, so I have to take action. If the Holy Son wants to improve in the future, you can come to me. I will definitely give you more guidance."

After speaking, Elder Zhu Rong raised his hand and prepared to make a move.

When Qin Wang saw this situation, he called Zhulong directly without any hesitation.

"Time stands still!"

Qin Wang shouted sharply.

Zhulong said nothing and activated his own innate skills.

With Zhulong Xuying's current strength, he can control the time of five breaths below the Transformation God, but against a strong person in the Void Refining Realm like Elder Zhu Rong, he can only stop the time of one breath.

This breath is enough!

Qin Wang took out twelve small Qingyou swords to form the Qingping Sword, and then held it in his hand.

He didn't take the opportunity to swing his sword, but was gathering momentum.

A breath of time passes quickly.

Time around Zhu Rong resumed its flow.

He didn't understand why Qin Wang didn't take advantage of the moment to attack, but just took out the sword and held it in his hand. What kind of move was this?

Although he didn't understand it, he could still sense the danger.

Qin Wang's sword is weird and very dangerous!

far away.

The great elder of the Wu clan was furious.

"Zhu Rong! Why don't you do something?!"

The great elder of the Wu clan roared angrily.

He keenly discovered that Qin Wang was the variable.

No wonder after the end of the first game, the Tianwu Elders launched a sneak attack on the Gonggong Elders regardless.

No wonder that in the second battle, the Houtu elders adopted passive fighting methods to delay progress.

All this is because of the variable Qin Wang.

Damn, I should have thought of this a long time ago.

The problem is, he has ordered Elder Zhu Rong to defeat Qin Wang as soon as he comes on the stage, why has he delayed it until now?

Could it be said that this variable is already large enough to affect the final result?


It must not affect the resurrection ceremony of the Twelve Ancestral Witches!

No matter who it is, it won’t work!

When Zhu Rong heard the order from the Great Elder of the Wu Clan, he took action without any hesitation.

A ball of flame flew towards Qin Wang.

At the same time, Qin Wang also swung the sword.

"One sword opens the sky!"


A sword light flew out.

This sword condensed all Qin Wang's strength, drained all his mana, and even consumed most of his spiritual consciousness.

This is the strongest sword he can wield.

This is also a sword full of variables!

In the face of such majestic sword intent, Elder Zhu Rong's flame was so weak.

It was obviously a full blow from the Void Refining Realm, but he couldn't block the sword.


The sword light passed by and the flames split into two halves.

The flames passed by Qin Wang on both sides without causing any harm to Qin Wang.

But the sword light directly hit Elder Zhu Rong.

To be precise, it hit Elder Zhu Rong's raised right hand.

At the last moment, Elder Zhu Rong raised his right hand and blocked it in front of him.

It was this block that caused a sword mark deep enough to be seen on his arm to appear.

Blood flowed out, dripping to the ground, causing the stones on the ground to burn, and finally turned into lava, flowing in all directions.

Zhu Rong looked at the sword marks on his arm and his face turned pale.

He never expected that he would be injured, and that he would be injured by a junior.

What a shame, absolutely a shame!

If he really underestimated the opponent and allowed the opponent to accumulate strength and then attack, it might not just be as simple as a scratch on his arm, I'm afraid...

Life and death crisis!

This is definitely a life and death crisis!

Elder Zhu Rong never expected that Qin Wang would still have this trick.

Fortunately, there was no time for the opponent to gather momentum.

Elder Zhu Rong was a little scared.

the other side.

Jiu Zi and others were also stunned when they saw this scene.

Jiuzi knew that Qin Wang had this move. After all, Qin Wang had used this move to save Houtu Wan'er before. But she didn't expect that this move would be so powerful.

Elder Zhu Rong is a strong man in the Void Refining Realm!

"What a pity. If that guy Zhu Rong had underestimated the enemy and given in this move, the Holy Son might have won."

Elder Houtu sighed and said helplessly.

Elder Shebishi nodded subconsciously.

If it were him, he probably wouldn't be able to catch the sword just now.

However, after this sword blow, will Qin Wang still have a chance to swing the next sword? (End of chapter)

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