Awakening Daily Information Panel, Become a True Immortal

Chapter 310 The conspiracy of the witch clan elder! Wu Su's crisis!

[1: Your identity has been exposed. The Wuji Sect has received the news and arranged for strong men to come to the Witch Domain to hunt you down. 】

[2: Wu Su realized that the distraction she had left had dissipated, and guessed that you were in danger, so she accelerated her understanding of the ancient sword inheritance. Because the aura was leaked due to the accelerated comprehension of the sword's intention, the disciples of the Wu family will find Wu Su's hiding place in a week. 】

[3: Yesterday, you gave the Houtu mark to Wanyanmeng to obtain information. When Wanyanmeng enters the underworld, he will receive the guidance of Houtu's inheritance, and will participate in the fight for the reincarnation disk in the underworld in the future. There are ten inheritors participating in the fight for the reincarnation disk. Wanyanmeng is the tenth one and is currently the weakest one. 】

[4: You obtained the Chaos Stone yesterday and obtained information. If you use the Chaos Stone to condense the Chaos Golden Elixir, you will face the test of the thunder tribulation of heaven and earth. This thunder tribulation is the annihilation thunder tribulation, which has the ability to annihilate all life. It is very terrifying. . 】

[5: You met the leader of the Wu Clan, Wu Shenji, yesterday and obtained information. Wu Shenji hopes to tie you to the Wu Clan and has arranged for Jiu Zi to seduce you. As long as you are willing, you will be the next leader of the Wu Clan. 】

[6: You met the leader of the Wu clan, Wu Shenji, yesterday and obtained information. Wu Shenji sensed that his Mahayana opportunity is in you, so he will pay attention to you all the time, hoping to find his Mahayana opportunity. 】

[7: You defeated Elder Zhu Rong yesterday and obtained information. Elder Zhu Rong was seriously injured and needed a month of rest to recover. The Great Elder of the Wu Clan will take this opportunity to devour Elder Zhu Rong and frame him for you. 】

[8: You destroyed the resurrection ceremony of the Twelve Ancestral Witches by the Great Elder of the Wu Clan yesterday, and obtained information. The Great Elder of the Wu Clan hates you to the bone. 】

[9: You practiced the Star Body Tempering Technique yesterday and obtained information that Master Sima’s physical strength has reached the Golden Core stage, and he is valued by the Mingwang Sect of the Central Continent Sect and wants to recruit Master Sima into the gate. 】

[10: Your names Qin Tiedan and Qin Ba are widely circulated in the Witch Realm and Central Continent, and were mentioned 1 billion times yesterday. 】

Qin Wang looked at the information carefully and couldn't help but frown.

He also knew that the exposure of his identity would inevitably cause shock to all parties.

However, there is nothing we can do about it.

However, Wu Su leaked his aura because of him. This would put Wu Su into danger earlier.

This was something Qin Wang didn't expect.

Anyway, the Chaos Stone in the Witch Domain has been obtained. As long as the Chaos Golden Elixir is condensed and the Golden Elixir stage is reached, one can go to the Wu Family Sword Domain to look for Wu Su.

With the Zhulong Mark as a trump card, even if he can't defeat the strong men of the Wu family, it should be easy to escape with Wu Su.

As for the great elder of the Wu clan...

A sharp light flashed in Qin Wang's eyes.

Since the great elder of the witch clan is so stubborn, just send him to see the twelve ancestral witches.

Soon, Qin Wang made a decision.

He pushed open the door, came to Jiuzi's room door, and knocked gently.

Soon, Jiuzi's voice came from the room.

"Come in, the door is unlocked."

Jiuzi tried to keep his tone calmer, but when he spoke, he still made some vibrato involuntarily.

Even though the Wu Clan doesn't have as many red tapes as the Human Clan, a man knocking on a woman's door late at night still makes her very nervous.

What's more important is that Jiu Zi has used his spiritual consciousness to find out that the person outside the door is Qin Wang.

Qin Wang pushed open the door and entered.

The moonlight is like water, passing through the window and shining into the room.

Although the candles were not lit, Qin Wang and Jiu Zi's cultivation levels were still able to see everything clearly in such an environment.

Qin Wang found that Jiu Zi was wearing a thin gauze dress, sitting on the edge of the bed, his hands tightly tangled together, looking a little nervous.

"The Holy Son came to visit in the middle of the night. It must be for something, right?"

Jiuzi spoke first, breaking the silence.


Qin Wang nodded.

He took a deep breath, calmed his mind a little, and then told the news in a serious tone that the Great Elder of the Wu Clan was about to devour Elder Zhu Rong.

Of course, he did not say that the news came from the system, but that it was his own guess.

"Probably not? Although the Great Elder is not a kind person, he will not harm the interests of the Wu Clan. Even if he can frame the blame on you, it will cause huge losses to the Wu Clan."

Jiu Zi frowned and expressed his opinion.

"Yes or no, wouldn't it be better to take precautions before they happen? No matter what, I hope you can remind Elder Zhu Rong."

Qin Wang thought for a while and said.

"No, if this matter does not develop as you guessed, it will be like us being petty and making random guesses about the Great Elder."

Jiu Zi shook his head and refused.

"Then... how about we lurk around secretly? If the Great Elder takes action, we can stop it in time."

Qin Wang proposed again.

"For the sake of safety, I want to ask Elder Gonggong to help."

Jiuzi said slowly.


Qin Wang nodded in agreement.

Soon, Jiuzi asked someone to invite Elder Gonggong.

When Elder Gonggong heard that he wanted to protect Elder Zhu Rong, he immediately snorted coldly.

"We are doing this for the sake of the Wu clan. We hope that the elder can let go of his past hatred. The personal grudge between you and Elder Zhu Rong can be resolved later."

Jiuzi thought Elder Gonggong had a problem with Elder Zhu Rong and didn't want to help, so she hurriedly tried to persuade him.

Elder Gonggong waved his hand.

"The saint has misunderstood. I have no objection to this matter. If that old guy, the Great Elder, really takes action and we save Zhu Rong, wouldn't that mean that Zhu Rong owes me a favor? When I think of him owing a favor After that, I feel happy."

Elder Gonggong laughed loudly.

Fortunately, there was a soundproof cover to block it. Otherwise, Elder Gonggong's laughter would have spread far away and been noticed by others.

After Qin Wang and the others finalized some details, they immediately came to Elder Zhu Rong's residence.

Qin Wang and the others hid aside, concealing their aura.

I don’t know how long it took, but just when the sun was about to rise in the sky, a figure flew over from a distance.

The figure was hidden in the black burqa and could not be seen.

But his flyby was extremely fast and silent.

Soon, the figure landed in front of the house.


Elder Zhu Rong asked alertly.

As a strong person in the Void Refining Realm, even if he is injured, his consciousness is not damaged.

Because of this, Elder Zhu Rong discovered the figure when he landed in front of the door.

And Elder Zhu Rong sat up immediately and looked at the door of the room warily.

Visiting at this time, such an uninvited guest, must have an agenda.

Elder Zhu Rong quickly thought of Elder Gonggong, but was immediately rejected by him. He knew that even if Elder Gonggong wanted to kill him, he would not choose to take the opportunity to make a sneak attack.

Just because Elder Gonggong is an upright person.

So, who is that person outside the door? (End of chapter)

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