Awakening Daily Information Panel, Become a True Immortal

Chapter 311 Devouring Elder Zhu Rong! Betraying the Wu Clan! Wu Shenji's thoughts!


Although the other party only answered with one word, Elder Zhu Rong still recognized the voice.

Elder Zhu Rong immediately rushed over and opened the door.

"Great Elder, please come in quickly. I didn't know it was the Great Elder, I'm sorry for not welcoming you."

Elder Zhu Rong said respectfully.

"No problem."

The Great Elder walked into the room.

At the same time, the door closed.

"I wonder if the Great Elder has any instructions for visiting late at night?"

Elder Zhu Rong was a little confused.

At this time, he was seriously injured and his own strength was only one tenth of what he had. Even if the Great Elder had any plans, he shouldn't come to him. After all, he really couldn't help.

"How is your injury?"

The Great Elder asked.

"If you want to recover, you still need some time to recuperate. I didn't expect that Qin Tiedan had a trick up his sleeve. I underestimated the enemy."

Elder Zhu Rong smiled bitterly.

Mainly, he didn't expect that Wu Su's wisp of distraction was so powerful that it could penetrate his attack and hurt him.

It can only be said that the human swordsmanship does have its merits.

Attacks such as swordsmanship and sword intent are only second-rate in the Wu clan, because the Wu clan worships the power of the ancestor witch and their own blood and body strength, and has not studied these sword moves and knife techniques thoroughly enough.


The elder nodded slightly, expressing his understanding.

"If the elder needs help, he can go to the elder Dijiang. The strength of the elder Dijiang is only second to mine, and he should be able to help the elder."

Elder Zhu Rong said slowly.

He was not shirking his responsibility, but really hoped to help the elder.

No matter what, he is on the elder's side, and it can be said that they will prosper together and suffer together.

"You can also help me, it depends on whether you are willing."

The elder said directly.

"The elder can speak frankly. As long as I can help, I will never refuse."

Elder Zhu Rong immediately made a promise.

"Since you said so, then please... give me your life!"

After the elder finished speaking, he immediately stretched out his hand and grabbed Elder Zhu Rong's neck.

Elder Zhu Rong subconsciously wanted to dodge, not to mention that he was seriously injured and it was difficult to dodge. Even if he was in his prime, he could not escape the elder's grasp.

It was only because the elder had activated the innate skill of the Zhulong bloodline, and time stopped.

At this moment, the flow of time around Elder Zhu Rong had stopped. He could only watch the elder pinch his neck and lift him up.

"Do you know why I want to stop time? Because I want to blame all of this on Qin Tiedan. Everyone knows that Qin Tiedan has the blood of the Candle Dragon and can activate the innate skill of time stop."

"But! No one knows that I can also activate the innate skill of the Candle Dragon, and no one even knows that my Candle Dragon blood is more concentrated and my innate skill is stronger than Qin Tiedan's Candle Dragon mark! Zhu Rong, didn't you just say that as long as you can help, you will never refuse?"

"Now, I need your help!"

The elder stared at Elder Zhu Rong with burning eyes.

Elder Zhu Rong immediately understood the elder's idea. The other party was actually going to devour him.

Damn it!

He had obeyed the elder's orders for these years and served the elder as a dog, but in return he was devoured.

If he could choose again, he would never follow the elder again.

Unfortunately, there is no regret medicine in this world.

A shadow appeared behind the elder, it was the shadow of the Candle Dragon.

The shadow of the Candle Dragon opened its bloody mouth and bit towards Elder Zhu Rong.

At this moment, the majestic magic power condensed into waves and rushed towards the house.

"Raging waves!"

Elder Gonggong pushed his hands horizontally, driving the condensed waves to rush towards the house, trying to interrupt the elder's swallowing.

Unfortunately, Elder Gonggong's action was still a step late.


When the waves broke down the house, the shadow of Zhulong had already swallowed Elder Zhurong in one gulp.

"Zhu Jingtian!!! You are so brave! You actually swallowed your colleagues!"

Elder Gonggong glared at Zhu Jingtian, the elder of the Wu clan.

Zhu Jingtian never expected that his act of swallowing Elder Zhurong would be discovered.

Or did Elder Gonggong and others have been waiting for a long time?

Zhu Jingtian didn't understand the reason, but he also understood that since he had been caught committing a crime, the Wu clan could not stay any longer.

Without any hesitation, Zhu Jingtian roared and burst out with all his momentum.


Powerful air waves rushed out in all directions, forming a shock wave.

At the same time, Zhu Jingtian directly transformed into the appearance of Zhu Long and flew towards the sky.

He had to escape, otherwise, if he was stopped by Wu Shen Ji, it would be miserable.

"Want to leave? Not so easy!"

A loud shout was like thunder, resounding throughout the Wu clan's ancestral land.

Wu Shen Ji made a move directly.

The majestic mana condensed into a giant hand covering the sky, grabbing towards Zhu Jingtian.

"Dragon Breath!"

Zhu Jingtian opened his dragon mouth and spewed out a powerful force.


With a loud bang, the giant hand covering the sky was broken by the dragon breath.

Zhu Jingtian immediately accelerated his flight, drilled out of the big hole, and finally disappeared in the night, unable to be seen.

Wu Shen Ji flew into the sky and watched Zhu Jingtian go away.

He did not chase him, but flew to Qin Wang and others.

As soon as he landed, Jiuzi glared at Wu Shenji angrily.

"Father! Why don't you go after him? As long as you chase him, no matter how fast he runs, he can't escape your grasp."

Jiu Zi was very angry.

After all, she watched Zhu Jingtian devour Elder Zhu Rong, but there was nothing she could do.

This feeling is really terrible.

"It's not that I don't want to chase him, but because I'm worried that he will collude with the human race. If the human race takes advantage of my departure and arranges for strong men to come over and kill him, wouldn't we, the Witch Clan, be in danger?"

Wu Shenji said helplessly.

Suddenly, something occurred to him.

"Why are you here?"

Wu Shenji directly changed the topic.

Jiu Zi rolled her eyes and didn't answer.

Elder Gonggong glanced at Qin Wang.

"Patriarch, it's because the Holy Son guessed that Zhu Jingtian would be harmful to Elder Zhu Rong, so we came to check the situation and wanted to stop Zhu Jingtian from committing the crime. What I didn't expect was that Zhu Jingtian moved so fast and didn't even give us a chance to stop him."

Elder Gonggong said with a wry smile.

Qin Wang nodded.

"You can actually guess Zhu Jingtian's plan. You have such a mind, which is very good."

Wu Shenji sighed.

"It's a pity that we still couldn't save Elder Zhu Rong."

Qin Wang sighed.

"I can't blame you. Since Zhu Jingtian has betrayed the Wu Clan, he will become the eternal enemy of our Wu Clan. He will immediately issue a wanted order. No matter life or death, whether he kills Zhu Jingtian or captures Zhu Jingtian alive, there will be heavy rewards. Together. Work, I’ll leave this matter to you.”

Wu Shenji ordered.

"Yes, patriarch."

Elder Gonggong took the order and left. (End of chapter)

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