Awakening Daily Information Panel, Become a True Immortal

Chapter 312 Absorbing Chaos Stone! Wujimen's pursuit! Wushenji's son-in-law!

Wu Shenji encouraged Qin Wang a few words and then left.

After Qin Wang sent Jiuzi back to the Holy Girl's Mansion, he also returned to the Zhuyin Witch Club.

In fact, at the moment Zhu Jingtian made his move, Qin Wang could summon the phantom of Zhu Long and unblock the time freeze to save Zhu Rong.

There are two reasons why Qin Wang did not do this.

Elder Zhu Rong is powerful and can be said to be the third master of the Wu clan after Wu Shenji and Zhu Jingtian. Of course, the third master also includes Elder Gonggong, and they are equally matched.

However, Elder Zhu Rong was on Zhu Jingtian's side after all. Even if Zhu Jingtian defected to the Wu Clan in the end, Elder Zhu Rong would not be able to support Jiu Zi's side, and the same was true for other elders.

In Qin Wang's view, if he is not a friend, he is an enemy.

Naturally, the weaker the enemy's strength, the better.

The second reason is that Qin Wang needs to make this matter a big deal so that Zhu Jingtian can't look back.

Otherwise, given Zhu Jingtian's former reputation in the Wu clan and his previous hard work and achievements, if no one was killed, it would probably be nothing more than a painless punishment such as thinking about his faults.

Now, Zhu Jingtian has devoured Elder Zhu Rong and defected. No matter how loyal Elder Di Jiang and others are, they will not have any illusions about Zhu Jingtian. Even Elder Zhu Rong can devour him. Who knows if Zhu Jingtian will devour other followers?

As a result, Zhu Jingtian can be said to have been betrayed by everyone, and his foundation in the Wu clan has been wiped out.

This is the result Qin Wang wants to see.


After dawn, the news of Zhu Jingtian's defection from the Wu Clan spread throughout the entire Wu Clan's ancestral land, and spread to other parts of the Wu Clan at an extremely fast speed.

From then on, Zhu Jingtian was the enemy of the Wu clan.

Qin Wang didn't pay attention to these things because he had more important things to deal with.

That is the Chaos Stone.

After staying at the peak of fake elixir for so long, it’s time to take a step further.

Qin Wang looked at the Chaos Stone in his hand, took a deep breath, and calmed down his inner excitement.

Then, he began to absorb the energy from the Chaos Stone.

Buzz! ! !

The chaos stone vibrated slightly, and the chaotic energy inside escaped, entering the meridians from Qin Wang's palm, and finally entered the dantian.

The dark chaotic energy was absorbed by the fake elixir, causing the originally white and flawless fake elixir to gradually become dyed black.

The black becomes darker and thicker, and more and more areas are stained.

By the end, the entire fake elixir was completely dark with no light at all.

Not only that, it is also able to absorb the mana scattered in the dantian, allowing the mana in the dantian to be completely condensed into the dark fake elixir.


Qin Wang felt a sense of hunger.

To be precise, it was the hunger coming from the fake elixir.

Not enough mana!

Without any hesitation, Qin Wang took out a large number of spiritual stones and piled them next to him.

Buzz! ! !

The spiritual power in the spirit stone turned into a whirlpool and was absorbed by Qin Wang.

After these majestic spiritual powers entered the dantian, they were immediately swallowed up by the dark fake elixir.

However, after the ten million spiritual stones were drained of their spiritual power, Qin Wang still felt that his hunger was not relieved.

He needs more spiritual power!

Qin Wang took out the spirit stone again.

This time, he took out all the spirit stones in the storage bag.

A full 100 million spirit stones were piled up in the room, almost filling the entire room.

Qin Wang was like a greedy beast, constantly devouring the spiritual power in the spiritual stone.

As the spiritual power was exhausted, the spiritual stones also turned into fragments and scattered all over the ground.

An hour passed.

The energy of the spirit stones in the room was swallowed up by Qin Wang.

He still wasn't satisfied.


Qin Wang suddenly burst out with momentum and shattered the entire room.

"Zhang Fujiang! Take out all the spirit stones!"

Qin Wang shouted sharply.

Zhang Fujiang and others outside the house saw this situation, looked at each other, and immediately took out all the spiritual stones and piled them aside.

Ever since the Wan Zhang Blood Crocodile survived the thunder tribulation, Qin Wang had no chance to use the spirit stone. So he let Zhang Fujiang and others keep the spirit stone. After all, the space in each storage bag is limited. It is impossible for him to have more than ten storage bags on his body just to store the more than one billion spiritual stones, right?

Now, nearly one billion spiritual stones are piled up in the courtyard, making the concentration of spiritual energy in this courtyard comparable to that of the Paradise Cave.

Such a concentration of spiritual energy has never been seen in the Witch Realm.

For a time, it attracted the attention of everyone in the entire Wu Clan ancestral land.


Saintess' Mansion.

Jiuzi looked in the direction of the Zhuyin Witch Club in confusion.

"What's going on over there? Could it be that something happened to Qin Tiedan again?"

Jiu Zi hesitated for a moment, but finally flew up and flew towards the Zhu Yin Witch Club's station.


Wu Shenji glanced in the direction of the Zhuyin Witch Department.

"This kid has made so much noise even by condensing the golden elixir. Forget it, let me help you again."

Wu Shenji sighed and stood up.

He did not fly in the direction of the Zhuyin Witch Club, but came into the air and released his momentum.

boom! ! !

The momentum at the peak of the combined body was released, stirring up the sky.

Soon, three figures flew over.

The clothes of these three people all have the marks of Wuji Sect, and the leader has reached the realm of refining the void.

"Chu Wusheng of the Wuji Sect has met the leader of the Wu Clan."

Chu Wusheng, a master of Void Refining, bowed his hands in front of the Witch God Machine.


Wu Shenji responded and looked at Chu Wusheng coldly.

Chu Wusheng looked like a middle-aged man, but the two powerful gods behind him looked like old men.

"We, the Wuji Sect, came to your place in the hope of capturing Qin Tiedan, the wanted criminal of our sect, and we also hope that the leader of the Wu Clan can make it easier for him."

Chu Wusheng spoke slowly.

Although he only had the early stage of Void Refining, facing the peak of the Wushenji, it could be said that he was no match for the Wushenji among ten.


He, Chu Wusheng, is from the human race. How much more powerful is the human race than the Wu race?

It was precisely because of this level of identity that Chu Wusheng was able to talk to Wu Shenji on an equal footing.


Wu Shenji spoke directly.

When Chu Wusheng heard this, he couldn't help being stunned.

He never expected that Wu Shenji would be so rude.

"Wushenji! What do you mean?"

Chu Wusheng stared at Wu Shenji angrily.

"I told you to get lost, don't you understand?"

Wu Shenji looked at Chu Wusheng with a sneer, without giving him any face.

"Don't you, the Witch Clan, want to start a war with my human race?"

Chu Wusheng shouted sharply.

Wu Shenji picked his ears with his fingers.

"Don't put such a big label on me. You can't represent the entire human race. Besides, Qin Tiedan, who is wanted by your Wuji Sect, is the holy son of my Wu Clan and the son-in-law of my Wu Shenji. Do you think I will let him Did you hurt him?"

Wu Shenji looked at Chu Wusheng with disdain.

Chu Wusheng was suddenly startled.

He never expected that it would be like this.

When did that kid Qin Tiedan become Wu Shenji's son-in-law?

However, none of this matters.

The important thing is that Wuji Sect has nothing to do against Qin Tiedan now.

After all, the Wuji Sect alone cannot confront the Witch God Machine head-on.

what to do? (End of chapter)

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