Awakening Daily Information Panel, Become a True Immortal

Chapter 314 Breakthrough in the Golden Core Stage! Something went wrong with the Zhulong Seal!

Jiu Zi was stunned when she heard Wu Shen Ji's words.

Annihilation Thunder Tribulation!

The Thunder Tribulation that will only be encountered when breaking through to the Fusion Stage!

Then why did Qin Wang encounter it when he broke through the Golden Core Stage?

"But... why?"

Jiu Zi asked subconsciously.

"It can only mean that the boy is too evil, so that the Heavenly Dao begins to envy him. Doesn't the human race have a saying called... what Heaven?"

Wu Shen Ji answered with emotion.

"Heaven is jealous of talents."

Jiu Zi helped immediately.

"Yes, yes, that's what Heaven is jealous of talents."

Wu Shen Ji said while flying in the direction where Qin Wang left.

Soon, Wu Shen Ji and Jiu Zi saw Qin Wang on the cliff in the distance.

At this moment, Qin Wang stood alone on the top of the cliff, looking at the calamity cloud in the sky.

The calamity cloud was still brewing, but the thunder dragon in the cloud had already revealed a scale and a claw.

The thunder dragon was no longer the gold or white of ordinary lightning, but a black color that had never been seen before, full of a deadly atmosphere.

Wu Shen Ji did not dare to approach.

He looked at the calamity clouds in the sky and couldn't help but sigh.

"It's really the annihilation thunder tribulation."

Wu Shenji murmured.

"How should we help him?"

Jiu Zi asked directly.

"We can't help. The thunder tribulation can only rely on himself. If we rashly help, it will only increase the intensity of the thunder tribulation. More importantly, the thunder tribulation he is facing now is the annihilation thunder tribulation. If I help, will the thunder tribulation become the thunder tribulation encountered when breaking through the Mahayana period?"

Wu Shenji said slowly.

Jiu Zi couldn't help but clench her fists when she heard this.

She also understood this truth, but when she really encountered this situation, she was still very unwilling.

On the cliff.

Qin Wang looked at the calamity clouds in the sky, and his heart was full of fighting spirit.


Qin Wang directly summoned the shadow of Zhulong.

Zhulong was waving his fangs and claws at the calamity clouds in the sky, full of fighting spirit, and even a hint of anger.

Qin Wang was keenly aware of this and was a little confused.


Logically speaking, the shadow of the Candle Dragon is just an energy shadow born from the inheritance of the Candle Dragon, and it should not have any subjective emotions. Why is the shadow of the Candle Dragon angry?

Could it be that there is a deep hatred between the Candle Dragon and the Thunder Tribulation?

This thought flashed through his mind, and Qin Wang did not continue to think.

The most important thing now is to survive the Thunder Tribulation.


The Barbarian God Shield appeared!

Twelve Qingyou small swords condensed into the Qingping Sword!

Not only that, Qin Wang also mobilized the power of the stars and used the Star Body Tempering Method to increase his body strength by one level.

At this moment, he has taken out his strongest means to meet this Thunder Tribulation.

This is his own Thunder Tribulation!

"Come on!"

Qin Wang clenched the Qingping Sword in his hand and shouted sternly.

Boom! ! !

A terrifying roar broke out in the sky.

A dark thunder dragon rushed out of the robbery cloud and pounced on Qin Wang.

The dark thunder dragon exuded a deadly aura all over its body, like the god of death from the Nine Nether Hell, who wanted to harvest lives.

And it had only one target, and that was Qin Wang.


The shadow of the Candle Dragon roared and rushed towards the dark thunder dragon.

The dark thunder dragon opened its dragon mouth and spewed out a dark dragon breath.

At the same time, the shadow of the Candle Dragon also spewed out dragon breath.

The two dragon breaths collided with each other.

Unfortunately, the dragon breath of the Candle Dragon Shadow was completely unable to block the dragon breath of the dark thunder dragon and was easily pushed back.


With a loud bang, the shadow of the Candle Dragon was smashed by the dark dragon breath, exploded into countless fragments, and turned into streams of light and dissipated.

The dark dragon breath hit the Barbarian God Shield and was blocked.


The dark thunder dragon roared and rushed towards the Barbarian God Shield. With just one claw, it broke the Barbarian God Shield and continued to pounce on Qin Wang.

Qin Wang saw this situation and knew that he had to take action himself.

He clenched the Qingping Sword in his hand and flew up.

"One sword separates the world!"

Qin Wang's entire body and the Qingping Sword turned into a sword light and flew towards the pitch-black thunder dragon.


Qin Wang passed through the pitch-black thunder dragon and came to the air.

The pitch-black thunder dragon was pierced through, and then turned into flying ash bit by bit, dissipating between heaven and earth.

All this seemed extremely fast, and the victory or defeat was decided in just a moment.

Obviously, Qin Wang won the final victory.

However, he also paid a very serious price for this.


Qin Wang spit out a large mouthful of blood, and many wounds appeared all over his body.

These wounds were all emitting black smoke, and there was a lot of annihilation energy entangled in Qin Wang's wounds, destroying his body and making him unable to recover in time.

Qin Wang took a deep breath, and a large amount of heaven and earth spiritual energy gathered and formed a vortex, which was swallowed by him to repair his injuries.

However, the heaven and earth spiritual energy in the witch domain is extremely thin.

If he only relied on the spiritual energy of heaven and earth to nourish himself, he would need at least a year to recover to his peak state.

This was really hard for Qin Wang to accept.

It was a waste of time.

He needed spiritual power to recover.

Since the spiritual energy of heaven and earth was thin, could he set his sights on the calamity cloud?

Because Qin Wang had survived the thunder calamity, the calamity cloud was slowly dissipating.

Qin Wang looked at the calamity cloud in the sky and smiled slightly.

"Don't leave now that you're here!"

After Qin Wang finished speaking, he rushed directly into the robbery cloud.

The robbery cloud felt Qin Wang's provocation and immediately became furious. Originally slowly dissipating, it now directly burst out a large amount of thunder and blasted towards Qin Wang.

However, these thunders were no longer the previous annihilation thunder tribulation, but ordinary thunders.

Boom boom boom!

Boom boom boom!

Countless thunders fell on Qin Wang, blasting his clothes into pieces, but they could not hurt him at all.

On the contrary, after being bombarded by thunder, Qin Wang's body appeared charred black, and after the charred dead skin fell off, the jade-white skin was revealed.

These thunders not only failed to hurt Qin Wang, but also made his body burst into new vitality.

After all, thunder, in addition to the dead silence that killed everything, contained a strong vitality.

As the saying goes, things will turn around when they reach their extremes, and good times will come after bad times. This is the truth.

When the last thunder of the robbery cloud hit Qin Wang, it failed to kill the provocateur, and the robbery cloud disappeared because of the exhaustion of energy.

The sky was clear and there was no cloud at all.

At this time, Wu Shenji and Jiu Zi flew over.

The two looked at Qin Wang carefully.

"Are you okay?"

Jiu Zi asked with concern.

"What can happen to him? This is the first time I have seen a Jindan cultivator who can withstand the annihilation thunder tribulation. After going through the thunder tribulation, he did not feel weak at all, but his aura became stronger. This is the first time I have seen it. You kid, it really exceeded my expectations."

Wu Shenji said with emotion.

It is precisely because he is already a strong man at the peak of the fusion that he knows how terrible people like Qin Wang are.

If Qin Wang is an enemy, he must not care, and he must personally suppress and kill him to prevent him from growing up.

Now, Qin Wang is his future son-in-law, so there is naturally no need to shout and kill like this.

Fortunately, fortunately.

Wu Shenji secretly rejoiced.

Qin Wang glanced at the Zhulong mark on the back of his hand and couldn't help but frown.

A dark scratch appeared on the Zhulong mark, and it couldn't be removed.

Could it be that there was something wrong with the Zhulong mark? (End of this chapter)

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