Awakening Daily Information Panel, Become a True Immortal

Chapter 315: Soul Pond! Power of the Soul! Heading to the Underworld!

Wu Shenji and Jiu Zi noticed Qin Wang's abnormality, followed Qin Wang's line of sight, and immediately saw the Zhulong mark on the back of his hand.

"Why is there a black mark?"

Jiuzi exclaimed.

She had seen Qin Wang's Zhulong mark before, and clearly remembered that there was no such black trace on the mark.

"Could it be that... it's because the candle dragon's shadow was shattered by thunder just now?"

Jiu Zi quickly thought of something.

Qin Wang tried to summon the candle dragon shadow, but there was no response.

In fact, he couldn't feel the existence of the candle dragon's shadow.

The candle dragon mark on the back of the hand is invalid!

Qin Wang frowned.

The candle dragon shadow helped him a lot. If he lost the candle dragon mark like this, it would definitely be a big loss.

"It's because of the annihilation thunder tribulation."

Wu Shenji said directly.

As soon as these words came out, they immediately attracted the attention of Jiu Zi and Qin Wang.

"Father, do you know what's going on?"

Jiu Zi asked hurriedly.

"I have some guesses, but I can't tell the specific situation. Qin Tiedan, can you summon the Zhulong?"

Wu Shenji asked very seriously.

"I can't. In fact, I can't feel the candle dragon's breath."

Qin Wang shook his head.

Wu Shenji nodded when he heard this.

"It seems that my previous guess was correct. It was caused by the Annihilation Thunder Tribulation."

Wu Shenji sighed.

"Father, please tell me quickly and stop being so pretentious."

Jiu Zi said anxiously.

Wu Shenji was very helpless when he saw his daughter's attitude.

He also wanted to control Qin Wang, at least to make Qin Wang take the initiative to ask for help. This would also make Qin Wang owe a favor. As a result, the daughter turned her elbows outward and directly helped Qin Wang speak.

Wu Shenji felt helpless about this.

"The annihilation thunder calamity can annihilate all vitality, especially for life without foundation, the damage is greater. The Zhulong mark is just a mark left by the ancestral witch Zhulong, which is equivalent to a ray of distraction. Normally, it is exhausted The energy only needs to be replenished before it can be summoned again. But the Annihilation Thunder Tribulation is swallowing up the energy of the Candle Dragon Mark bit by bit, sealing the Candle Dragon Mark. After a period of time, the Candle Dragon Mark is sealed. It will be swallowed up completely and cease to exist.”

Wu Shenji slowly explained.

"Ah? What should we do?"

Jiu Zi exclaimed, eager to know the solution.

Wu Shenji did not speak, but looked at Qin Wang.

Naturally, this kind of information cannot be said without reason.

Even if my daughter begs and begs, it is of no use.

Qin Wang knew this.

It was obvious that Wu Shenji wanted him to express his position.

"Clan leader, don't worry, I am a member of the Wu clan, now and in the future."

Qin Wang said very seriously.

"Hahahahahaha, good, good, good."

Wu Shenji looked at Qin Wang with satisfaction.

"Actually, it is very simple to eliminate the influence of the Annihilation Thunder Tribulation. You only need to enter the underworld and find the Spirit Transformation Pool, which contains a large amount of divine soul power. Use the power of the Divine Soul in the Spirit Transformation Pool to eliminate the influence of the Annihilation Thunder Tribulation. , that’s it.”

Wu Shenji did not hide it and answered directly.

When Qin Wang heard this, he nodded subconsciously.

It seems that we still need to enter the underworld.

Fortunately he was prepared for this.

"In that case, I will leave first and go to the underworld."

Qin Wang said very seriously.

Wu Shenji was suddenly startled.

Qin Wang is going to the underworld? Does he have the means to enter the underworld? You know, the underworld is not Kyushu, and you can enter and exit at will through the teleportation array.

Originally, Wu Shenji wanted to take advantage of Qin Wang by entering the underworld. Now it seems that his plan completely failed.

"I also need to go!"

Jiu Zi said subconsciously.

These sudden words stunned Qin Wang and Wu Shenji.

Neither of them expected that Jiu Zi would also want to follow him into the underworld.


Qin Wang and Wu Shenji said in unison.

Compared with Qin Wang's calm tone, Wu Shenji's tone was very exciting.

"Why not?"

Jiu Zi pouted, very unhappy.

Qin Wang did not speak, but looked at Wu Shenji.

In his opinion, Jiu Zi followed him into the underworld, which was very troublesome. Not to mention whether there is danger in the underworld, just because of the various secrets in his body, it is not suitable for Jiuzi to follow him. More importantly, he went to the underworld not only to restore the Zhulong Mark, but also to help Wanyanmeng seize the Houtu inheritance.

With Jiu Zi by his side, wouldn't he be a dragster?

Wu Shenji's idea was very simple. How could his precious daughter venture into the underworld?

"Jiu Zi, don't be ridiculous. There are many dangers when Qin Tiedan goes to the underworld. If you follow him, wouldn't that be a hindrance?"

Wu Shenji said unceremoniously.

Jiu Zi opened her mouth, wanting to argue.

But she couldn't find a reason to argue.

Indeed, although her cultivation level is higher than that of Qin Wang and she is already a Nascent Soul stage monk, her strength is completely incomparable to Qin Wang's.

"All right."

Jiu Zi's mood was a little low.

Wu Shenji secretly breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that Jiuzi had given up the idea of ​​going to the underworld.

He looked at Qin Wang.

"If you want to enter the underworld, I can..."

Wu Shenji was about to say that he would help Qin Wang enter the underworld.

However, he was interrupted.

It was not that Qin Wang interrupted him, but because the ground was shaking.

Wu Shenji noticed that a powerful demon was coming out of the soil.

Boom! ! !

With a loud noise, the ground cracked.

A huge red body rushed out of the mud, exuding the pressure of a ninth-level demon beast.

It was the ten thousand-foot blood crocodile!

Since his identity had been exposed, Qin Wang summoned the ten thousand-foot blood crocodile back without hesitation.

After several days of drilling in the ground, the ten thousand-foot blood crocodile finally returned to Qin Wang's side.

Qin Wang flew and jumped onto the head of the ten thousand-foot blood crocodile.

"Chief, I have a way to go to the underworld, you don't have to worry about that. By the way, please ask the saint to help rescue Hou Tu Wan'er. Hou Tu Wan'er should have been captured by the guards of the Wu clan's treasure house. I don't know where she is imprisoned. You can go and look for her."

After Qin Wang finished speaking, he drove the ten thousand-foot blood crocodile away.

Wu Shenji and Jiu Zi watched Qin Wang leave, and both of them sighed.

Wu Shenji glanced at Jiu Zi beside him, shook his head, and said nothing more.

Jiu Zi thought of Qin Wang's instructions to rescue Hou Tu Wan'er.


I haven't seen Hou Tu Wan'er for so many days. I was wondering where Hou Tu Wan'er went before. It turned out that she was caught by the guards of the Wu Clan's treasury.


Why did Qin Wang know this?

Jiu Zi didn't think much about it.

After she returned to the Wu Clan's ancestral land, she immediately went to the Wu Clan's treasury to ask the guards, and then found Hou Tu Wan'er in the dungeon.

At this time, Hou Tu Wan'er was wearing clean and tidy clothes, standing in the center of the cell, and was not insulted at all.

She was very happy to see Jiu Zi coming to save her.

"Jiu Zi, how did you know I was here?"

Hou Tu Wan'er asked curiously.

"Qin Tiedan told me."

Jiu Zi replied. (End of this chapter)

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