Awakening Daily Information Panel, Become a True Immortal

Chapter 35: Face-changing Technique! I ate my brother-in-law and wiped out his family? [Please read

Information No. 8, the old witch of the Chen family has festering legs, but Qin Wang ignored it.

This old witch probably got her retribution for doing too many bad things.

"The Snow Lotus Saint Envoy Yue Quan of the Snow Lotus Sect has controlled the Lin family? Will he control the Su family, the Lin family, or even the Chen family next?"

Qin Wang looked at the information No. 9 and No. 10, with a thoughtful look in his eyes.

The Snow Lotus Sect seems to be quite powerful, but the news that the youngest son of the Chen family was taken away by the elders of the Immortal Sect has spread.

I wonder if the Snow Lotus Sect dares to provoke it.

If it is possible.


He can use the information to instigate the Snow Lotus Sect to deal with the Chen family and destroy the Chen family.

Only when the Chen family is destroyed can he take the opportunity to rescue his sister Qin Xuemei.

"This time, it's a big harvest!"

"But the bigger harvest is Du Xiang's treasure house in Liangzhou!"

Qin Wang counted the harvest from Du Xiang.

A book is a map to Du Xiang's treasure in Liangzhou, and the key is to open the treasure.

A complete book of the 12-style flying eagle body movement.

There are 25 silver notes with a face value of 50 taels, totaling 1,250 taels of silver.

"Let's go to Ding Dian's house!"

"On the way, expose Zheng Kecheng's dirty deeds, and then try to provoke the Chen family and the Snow Lotus Sect!"

Qin Wang hid the secret book and silver notes, took out the information about Zheng Kecheng that he had written in advance, supplemented the information about the poisoning of the old lady of the Chen family, took the soul-gathering bowl, put on black clothes, and sneaked to Ding Dian's house.

Ding Dian rented a house in the back yard of East Street in East City.

He also lived alone.

It was 2:30 in the morning.

Ding Dian sat on the bed, pressed his crotch with both hands, his face showed pain, and muttered. "Damn, it's all that bitch's fault, ah. ah, it hurts me to death!"

"How could this happen, won't it be useless? I haven't married yet, ah. ah."

Ding Dian rolled on the bed in pain, and he applied hot water but it didn't work.

"Ding Dian, you've done so many bad things, and now you're getting your retribution!"

At this moment, Ding Dian suddenly heard a cold voice behind him, and he shuddered all over. It was the middle of the night, could there be a ghost?


Ding Dian's expression changed, and he wanted to turn around, but he felt an iron-like arm tightly strangling his throat. He wanted to open his mouth and shout, but he could only make a sound of "ah ah ah".

A piece of disgusting rag was stuffed into his mouth, and then a rope tied his hands and feet, and he lay on the ground like a shrimp on the shore.

"Mr. Ding, aren't you going to find me to offer to Li Hongfei as a virgin these days?"

Qin Wang put the dagger against Ding Dian's throat and smiled. "I'm here today to rob money. Take out the silver, and I'll spare your soul."


Hearing Qin Wang's words, Ding Dian's eyes widened immediately. He remembered the young man Qin Wang who applied for the medicine boy!

"Where is the silver?"

Qin Wang thrust his dagger forward, and Ding Dian's throat suddenly felt sore, and blood flowed out.

Under Qin Wang's coercion, Ding Dian handed over his savings, 37 taels of silver, and hid them in the straw under the bed. Qin Wang opened the small package and found a dirty, tattered book inside, and his eyes lit up immediately. "The art of changing appearance?"

Qin Wang flipped through the tattered book, which was covered with colorful paints and rouge pastes. It was a book that taught people how to hide their tracks and become another person.

"This is really a pillow when you are sleepy!"

Qin Wang looked at the tattered book, put it in his arms, and looked at Ding Dian, his eyes shot with murderous intent.

With this, it will be much more convenient to buy Qi and Blood Pills in the future.


Ding Dian saw Qin Wang put away the 37 taels of silver and the art of changing appearance, his eyes showed murderous intent, and he immediately struggled. He didn't want to die. Qin Wang said that if he handed over all his savings, he would spare his life.

He got this face-changing technique from a wandering man.

"Don't worry, you won't die!"

Qin Wang stabbed Ding Dian in the heart with a knife, whispered, and took out the soul-gathering bowl.

Ding Dian's eyes showed despair and fear, and his eyes gradually dimmed.

At this moment.

He regretted it very much. He thought that this boy was a soft persimmon, but he didn't expect that he was so fierce!

Qin Wang saw it.

From Ding Dian's body, a faint soul exactly like Ding Dian flew up and was sucked into the soul-gathering bowl. Qin Wang dragged Ding Dian to the bed, lit a fire stick, ignited the quilt, and disappeared into the night.

Not long after.

Ding Dian's house was on fire, illuminating the night sky.

The next day.

Qin Wang woke up at seven o'clock.

After washing up, he went to the street to eat chicken noodle soup.

[The Lord of All Knowing, Knows Everything]

[Zheng Kecheng, Chief Constable of the Yanyun County Arrest Division: In order to seize the property and land of his elder brother-in-law Li Chunli, who died unexpectedly, he killed Li Chunli's wife Fei Feiyan and son Li Tianyi the day before Li Chunli's burial, and burned the mourning hall, framed the tenants of Qingniuji, tortured the tenants into confessing, and poisoned his wife Li Chunxia with chronic poison in order to inherit Li Laocai's property. In addition, Zheng Kecheng's mistress Qu Wan went to Youzhou Shenbu Division today to make arrangements and bribe in order to join the Shenbu Division.]

[Chen's old lady Zhuo Qiumei went to Jiang Temple to be poisoned by cartilage. It was sent by Ji Zhang, the leader of the Black River Gang. The Black River Gang joined the Snow Lotus Sect and intended to annex and integrate the power of the big and small families in Yanyun County.]

[The Shenbu Division has sent out Shenbu to secretly investigate Chen Hao and Tongrentang Li Hongfei, the Black River Gang! 】

Last night, he exposed three pieces of news and posted fifteen photos in total.

Previously, his photos were posted in teahouses and bars. He was worried that someone might be waiting for him there, so this time he only posted them on the outer walls of some intersections.

"After more than ten days, Lord Bai Xiao has taken action again! This time, it was Zheng Kecheng, the chief constable of the Arrest Division, who was exposed!"

"My brother-in-law Li Chunli died unexpectedly. In order to wipe out the family, he set fire to Li Chunli's wife and only son at night, and also gave his wife a chronic poison. As the chief constable of the Arrest Division, he actually did such a dirty thing. It's so vicious!"

"As the chief constable of the Arrest Division, he knew the law but broke it, and was tortured into confessing. I really feel sorry for those poor tenants!"

"Keeping a mistress in a golden house, bribing, eating out the family, and being tortured into confessing, Zheng Kecheng's crimes are heinous. He is finished this time!"

"Did the Black River Gang actually defect to the Snow Lotus Sect? Was the poison that the old lady of the Chen family was poisoned by Ji Zhang's people?"

Good news doesn't go out, but bad news spreads a thousand miles. Lord Bai Xiao has taken action again, and the street has already spread it.

"I wonder how crazy Zheng Kecheng will be when he sees his dirty deeds exposed?"

In the native chicken clay pot noodle restaurant, Qin Wang ate the chicken leg in the bowl while listening to the discussions of the diners around him, feeling comfortable and expectant.

County government office.

Zheng Kecheng sat in a lobby, flipping through the case files in front of him. He was about to be promoted to the Shenbu Division, and he was going to clear some old cases.

"Chief Constable, no. It's not good!"

At this moment, a middle-aged black-robed constable came in quickly and put a piece of paper on the ground with a panicked look.

"Lin Bao, why are you so panicked?"

Zheng Kecheng frowned deeply. It's not unreasonable that Lin Bao is still an ordinary constable in his middle age. He can't keep his temper at all and is not useful.

His wife is really stuck in cow dung.

"Chief Constable, look."

Lin Bao respectfully placed the paper in his hand on the table in front of Zheng Kecheng.

"What? Lord Bai Xiao revealed that I ate my brother-in-law's family?"

"Asshole! Slander! Total slander!"

"I'm so angry!"

After reading the intelligence, Zheng Kecheng was furious, and his powerful aura swept all over the world. The table in front of him was broken into pieces, and Lin Bao was pushed back five or six steps by this aura!

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