Awakening Daily Information Panel, Become a True Immortal

Chapter 36 Zheng Kecheng's anger! The three great detectives

"Hundred Dawn God Lord!"

"Insult me ​​and slander me like this! How can I, Zheng Kecheng, let it go?"

"I, Zheng Kecheng, swear once again that I will catch Lord Bai Xiao to clear my innocence!"

Zheng Kecheng's bones cracked all over his body, his whole body was shaking with anger, and he shouted loudly. "Captain Lin, please inform the deputy chief culprit and all the captors to come to the arrest department and investigate the Baixiao Shenjun throughout the city!"

"Yes! Chief catcher!"

Lin Bao lowered his head, respectfully.

However, the moment he turned around, there was a flash of joy in his eyes!

Whether it was true or not, seeing Zheng Kecheng deflated made him feel very comfortable.

"I've seen the chief arrester!"

"I've seen the chief arrester!"

"Good job catching the boss!"


After Lin Bao had been there for about a quarter of an hour, Vice-President Ji Touji came quickly with more than forty Zaoyi policemen, clasping their fists in unison with respectful expressions.

"Why are there only more than 40 people?"

Zheng Kecheng frowned, feeling very anxious.

"The chief arrester, the others are either on missions or going to the big gathering. They won't be back until evening. At present, we can only gather more than 40 people nearby."

Ji Shun clasped his fists and said respectfully.

"Okay, I believe everyone has heard about the rumors slandered by Lord Baixiao last night about Zheng!"

"Shenjun Baixiao, you are so bold! How dare you disturb Tai Sui! Make rumors about me, Zheng Kecheng!"

"Zheng is in vain if he doesn't capture him alive!"

"Now, you follow me throughout the city to investigate Lord Baixiao! We must catch this beast!"

Zheng Kecheng gritted his teeth and spoke in a deep voice.

"Yes! Chief catcher!"

"As you command!"


Many arresters agreed and hurriedly left the arrest department.

In Yanyun County, in a mansion.

"The method of exposing Lord Baixiao is exactly the same as when he exposed Li Laocai in Qingniu Ji!"

"Could it be that this person once stayed in Qingniuji?"

"It seems that we need to investigate who came to Yanyun County from Qingniuji in the past two months! Who may have a grudge against me and Li Laocai!"

Zheng Kecheng put his hands behind his back. He remembered that at Qingniuji, someone had exposed his uncle Li Laocai at night. He immediately sorted out in his mind the people who might have had a grudge against him in the past six months.

The most important thing right now is to catch the Bai Xiao Shenjun.

He set fire to his uncle and exterminated his family, and he did it very secretly.

Even if he went to check, he was confident that he wouldn't find anything.

As for the chronic poison on his wife, it is a poison from southern Xinjiang that can slowly absorb people's vitality, making them weak until death. He also got it by chance and used it on his wife.

He specially took his wife to see the alchemist Li Hongfei, but he didn't see the reason. He just prescribed some Chinese medicine to replenish qi and blood. He believed that even the divine catcher from the divine catcher department would never be able to tell.

If we catch the Lord Baixiao, we can punish him for slander and slander!

Yanyun County.

North of the city.

In the courtyard of a villa.

Three middle-aged men wearing green clothes and with calm breaths were sitting in the hall.

One person carries a sword on his back, another person carries a sword on his waist, and one person has extremely large hands, with a calm and intimidating expression.

On the table between the three of them, there was a stack of case files.

"Brother Zhao, I don't know who this Baixiao Divine Lord is. According to our investigation in the past few days, Yue Quan, the holy envoy of the Snow Lotus Sect, came to Yanyun County, Ji Zhang, the leader of the Heijiang Gang, practiced bloodthirsty magic, Li Hongfei made medicine, and Uncle Chen The news he exposed about his affair has been confirmed!”

"If such a person can join our Divine Catcher Division, we will be even more powerful!"

The middle-aged man carrying the sword looked at the middle-aged man with extremely large joints in his hands, a square face, and a short beard, and murmured with curiosity.

"This Lord Baixiao can know so many secrets, it is impossible for one person to do it! Behind it, I am afraid there is a deeply hidden force!"

Zhao Yong glanced at Lin Kang and Su Jin, thought for a moment, and spoke calmly.

The three of them belong to the Youzhou Divine Catcher Division.

In the arena, there are nicknames.

‘Flying Swordsman’ Lin Kang, ‘Deadly Swordsman’ Su Jin, ‘Soul-Destroying Hand’ Zhao Yong.

The cultivation bases have all advanced to the first-class level. This time, they received a message from the informant Shenying in Yanyun County. Someone in Yanyun County broke the news that Ji Zhang, the leader of the Heijiang Gang, sucks human blood to practice martial arts. It is suspected that the Snow Lotus Sect is hidden in Da Cang. disciple.

A hundred years ago, the Snow Lotus Sect raised an army under the slogan "Heaven is dying, Snow Lotus saves the world" and occupied eight counties in the south of the Yangtze River for a while. Although it was eventually suppressed, the Snow Lotus Sect was deeply hidden and was never exterminated.

In the past hundred years, the Da Cang Dynasty has hated the Snow Lotus Sect deeply. As long as a disciple of the Snow Lotus Sect shows up, they will quickly send the gods to destroy them!

Their main mission here.

That is to kill the remnants of the Snow Lotus Sect.

"Brother Zhao is right!"

Lin Kang and Su Jin nodded in agreement.

"Let's ignore everything else first, find the Snow Lotus Holy Envoy, finish the business, and then deal with Li Hongfei!"

Zhao Yong spoke calmly, stood up, and walked out.

Lin Kang and Su Jinjin both followed.

East City.

Qin Wang was in the rented room, looking through the face-changing techniques in his hand, tinkering with the various rouges, hats, shoes, clothes, beards, small moles and other things in front of him.

[Appearance Changing Technique (Introduction)]

[Progress: (2/800)]

[Effect: Change your face, dress, behavior, and become another person. Diligence can make up for your shortcomings, and you can achieve success in three months. 】

"Well, it's pretty quick to get started with this face-changing technique!"

Qin Wang looked at the introduction to the face-changing technique on the panel with a look of satisfaction in his eyes.

This book of face-changing technique.

You can become another person by changing your clothes, shape, walking posture, voice, smell, face, and behavior habits!

After Qin Wang finished his breakfast in the morning, he bought the materials needed for the above and pondered at home.

Once you learn this thing.

It will be more convenient to buy Qi and Blood Pills.


Qin Wang suddenly remembered that he had missed one thing, that is, he had posted intelligence in Qingniuji and exposed Li Laocai. He also exposed it several times when he came to Yanyun County. He was completely addicted to exposure.

You know.

Zheng Kecheng has been to Qingniuji.

What if.

If Zheng Kecheng investigates in this direction, it is absolutely possible that he will find himself.

"Next time, don't use the name of Baixiao Shenjun, change it to Tianji Pavilion!"

"In this way, the person exposed will become a force, not just 'Baixiao Shenjun'! Disperse their investigation direction!"

"At present, I must use the face-changing technique as soon as possible to change myself into another person and make 'Qin Wang' disappear in Yanyun County!"

Qin Wang thought secretly.

Everyone is too proud. Since there is a chance that Zheng Kecheng might find out about me, I should familiarize myself with the face-changing technique as soon as possible, make myself another person, rent a new house, and make up for this omission.

I won't make the same mistake again next time!

After changing my identity, I will continue to mess with Zheng Kecheng until I kill him and collect his soul into the soul-gathering bowl.

Thinking of this.

Qin Wang immediately fiddled with his body, while changing, he looked at himself with a bronze mirror. At this moment, Qin Wang saw himself in the small mirror, and he looked at it and became a thin young man with a sallow face and a slightly lame leg.

"Let's change a house first."

Qin Wang looked at himself limping in the bronze mirror. Although the face-changing technique was not good enough, he couldn't find anything without looking carefully.

Although there were so many people in Qingniuji, it would take several days to check them one by one, but Qin Wang didn't dare to gamble.

At this moment.

On the long street in Yanyun County, the constables in black clothes began to visit and investigate at the place where Baixiao Shenjun posted the notice.

Zheng Kecheng went to the north gate of Yanyun County, which is the only gate for Qingniuji to enter Yanyun County. All people from Qingniuji who enter Yanyun County are registered.

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