Awakening Daily Information Panel, Become a True Immortal

Chapter 39: Dragon Blood Pill is in hand! Great harvest! [Please read on]

Wen Zhong wanted to shout, but found that he opened his lips but no sound came out.

Moreover, the internal energy that is perfect in the third-rate realm cannot be raised at all!


He saw an old man with a sallow complexion and a dog-skin hat appearing on the wall and jumping down to the ground.

The old man held a gleaming dagger in his hand, and his eyes were filled with murderous intent.

"No, don't kill me."

Wen Zhong's eyes were frightened and desperate, and he was screaming in his heart, but he couldn't make any sound.

As Li Hongfei's bodyguard, even though he earns a lot of money every month, if his life is really in danger, he will be the first to run away. What a risk! But now he is obviously poisoned and has become a lamb to be slaughtered.

"Li Hongfei's lackey has done many bad things. Go to hell!"

Qin Wang's eyes were full of murderous intent, and the dagger in his hand slashed across the throats of the two guards, blood splattered, and the two guards' eyes were horrified, dim, and dead.

If you want to get the Dragon Blood Pill and Tiger Blood Pill, kill them once and for all. It would be bad if something bad happens.

These two guards.

If you follow Li Hongfei, you may do a lot of bad things.

at the same time.

Two illusory figures floated on their bodies, and were collected by the soul-gathering bowl on Qin Wang's body.

Qin Wang walked towards the four large wolf dogs that looked like calves and killed them one by one. He found that four lighter shadows also flew on the bodies of the four large wolf dogs, which were sucked away by the soul-gathering bowl.

Qin Wang killed the two guards and the four big wolf dogs, and immediately went straight to Li Hongfei's alchemy room.

Li Hongfei is worthy of opening a medicine hall.

The other courtyard is very big.

There were many and luxurious rooms inside. Qin Wang went straight to a study at the back according to the information.

The study is three feet in diameter, with closets on two walls, and there are some books in them.

A picture of eight horses hangs on one wall.

Qin Wang stepped forward, opened a picture of eight horses, and saw a ring under the picture. Qin Wang immediately pressed the ring.

Roll, roll, roll!

There was a burst of mechanical sound.

The closet on one side of the study moved back, and a door appeared on the wall on one side. Behind the door were eighteen stone steps going down.

In the basement.

The design is very clever. There is light coming in from the four corners. Going down the steps, there is a long corridor one foot wide. There is a copper lamp embedded in the wall on both sides about one foot away.

On both sides are rooms.

"The Dragon Blood Pill is stored in the closet of the third alchemy room in the basement!"

"Push the copper lamp in the concierge on the right side of the alchemy room upward to open the alchemy room!"

According to the intelligence, Qin Wang immediately came to the door of the third alchemy room. There was indeed a copper lamp on the right side. The outside of this copper lamp was smooth and it looked like it was rubbed frequently. Qin Wang immediately stepped forward and reached out to push it upward!


As Qin Wang pushed the copper lamp, the door of the third alchemy room suddenly rang. Qin Wang hid aside and stretched out his hand to push. The door of the alchemy room was opened, and there was light coming from nowhere.

The alchemy room is three feet in diameter. There is a three-foot-high pitch black alchemy furnace on the ground. There are ashes in the furnace. There is a stone table and desk on one side. There is a built-in nanmu closet against the wall on the left, with a palm-sized circular cupboard on it. handle.

"The Dragon Blood Pill is in this closet!"

Qin Wang looked at the closet with fire in his eyes. He immediately stepped forward and followed the instructions in the intelligence, 'Press the closet handle three times to open it safely.' Press three times.


As Qin Wang pressed the handle three times, the closet door suddenly opened. Qin Wang opened it and saw four layers of grids inside.

On the top layer of the grid, there are three palm-sized white porcelain bottles with the words 'Dragon Blood Pill' on them.

There are also ten porcelain bottles on the second floor of the grid, with the words "Tiger Blood Pill" on them.

On the third floor of the grid, there is a porcelain jar with the words 'Qi and Blood Pill' on the lid.

In the bottom grid, there is a stack of silver notes, an ancient book with an extraordinary texture and yellowing, and a pile of gold bars with the words "Kangdi's third year" and "Zuchi" engraved on the bottom.

"Dragon Blood Pill!"

Qin Wang first picked up the dragon blood pill bottle and opened it. There was a red pill in each of the three bottles, and a strong medicinal fragrance spread!

"Grandma's, it's so big!"

Qin Wang took out the cloth bag he carried with him, swept away the Dragon Blood Pill, Tiger Blood Pill, Qi Blood Pill, banknotes, ancient books, and the gold bars and put them all into the bag.

He scanned the alchemy room.

The alchemy furnace was too big, so I had to give up because I couldn't take it.

Qin Wang exited the third alchemy room and found that there were many alchemy rooms next to it. He did not continue to look at them. It was best to leave first after getting the things.

"This old guy, Li Hongfei, wants to turn me into a boy and give it to Li Tianhe. This courtyard of his is a place for making medicine. It's best to burn it down!"

Qin Wang came out of the basement and came to the yard. He dragged the two guards and four wolf dogs into the room, poured the oil from the copper lamp on the quilt, lit it, then came to the yard, jumped up the wall, and walked up and down. go.

The fire gradually rose into the sky.

North of the city.

No. 12, Linjiang Villa.

A middle-aged man in green clothes with a long knife hanging on his waist quickly opened the door and walked in. If Qin Wang were here, he would definitely recognize this man as Zheng Kecheng, the chief arrest officer of Yanyun County's arrest department!

At this time, in the main room of the other courtyard, there was a man who was very similar to Zheng Kecheng and had an extraordinary aura.

"Brother, why didn't you tell me in advance that you were coming so that we could prepare food and drinks so that we two could have a good drink??"

Zheng Kecheng walked into the courtyard and greeted the man warmly. He was tracking down the Lord of Hundred Knowledge and had some clues. His elder brother, who served under General Li Jingzhong, had arrived at his Linjiang courtyard by divine eagle.

"Next time! I was ordered by the general to deliver a piece of material to Liangzhou. I passed by Yanyun County and told you a good news!"

Zheng Keshou looked at his younger brother Zheng Kecheng, who was obviously in a good mood.

"What news?"

Zheng Kecheng's eyes lit up when he heard it. "Could it be that my elder brother has made a contribution?"

"No, it's my nephew Lingyun. Because of his great contribution and good martial arts talent, he was adopted by the general as the thirteenth son!"

Zheng Keshou said in a deep voice.

"What? Lingyun actually has such a good fate!"

"This is great!"

Zheng Kecheng slapped his thigh when he heard it, and his eyes suddenly burst into a brilliance.

He was ordered to come to Yanyun County as a secret line. In order to conceal his identity, he married Li Chunxia but had no children for several years, so he married another wife in Jin and gave birth to Zheng Lingyun. When his only son Zheng Lingyun was sixteen years old, he followed General Li Jingzhong to fight everywhere under the guidance of his eldest brother.


He actually won the favor of General Li Jingzhong and was adopted as his adopted son!

You know.

General Li Jingzhong, with great strength, is one of the four guardians of Tianyun League-the Azure Dragon Guardian!

His son can become his adopted son, and his future is limitless!

"Yes, my Zheng family is a blessing from our ancestors!"

Zheng Keshou was also very happy and said again. "Second brother, it won't be long before Youzhou will fall. You have completed your mission, so hurry back. At that time, we brothers will follow His Royal Highness the King of Jin and make achievements together!"

"Well, I'll leave after I deal with a small fly!"

Zheng Kecheng nodded.

No. 88, West City Courtyard.

One mile away.

A luxurious carriage moved forward slowly. Li Hongfei, dressed in a green robe, sat in the carriage, thinking about what to do next?

He had dealt with all the medicine people and could not find any trace of them.

He was not worried about other things.

He was just worried about the people of the Shenbu Division.

"Oh no! The master is on fire!!"

At this moment, the guard who was driving the carriage suddenly exclaimed.

"What's the big deal about a fire?"

Li Hongfei frowned deeply. Why was he so surprised when someone else's house caught fire?

Suddenly, a gust of wind lifted the curtain of the carriage, and he saw that his No. 88 villa a mile away was on fire, and many residents were carrying wooden barrels to put out the fire.

"What? Is my villa on fire?"

Li Hongfei was shocked when he saw the flames in his villa soaring to the sky. His figure flashed, and he instantly unfolded his body skills and went to his villa.

Thanks to Lonely Qiu, A Little Devil, Fu Qiu, Qilin World

Reader 1677514043273764864, Nightmare King, Yu Wen Yi Hen and other brothers for their monthly tickets and support! Thanks! or2 or2 or2

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