Awakening Daily Information Panel, Become a True Immortal

Chapter 40 Li Hongfei vomits blood in anger, the elixir is initially released! Trap and kill Zheng K

"Strange, how could it catch fire."

Li Hongfei stood at the gate of No. 88 Villa, looking at the villa with flames rising to the sky, his face was extremely gloomy. "Where did Ding Gang and Wen Zhong, those two bastards, die? I wonder if the basement was burned."

It would be fine if the villa on the ground was burned.

What he cared about most was the things in the basement, which were his life's work.

A quarter of an hour later.

With the help of many residents, the fire was finally put out. At this time, the guard Jin Yuan came over, clasped his fists respectfully, and said. "Master, Ding Gang and Wen Zhong, as well as four big wolfhounds, are all dead. They were killed first and then set on fire."


Hearing the guard's words, Li Hongfei's heart skipped a beat, and he immediately walked forward. Seeing that the Eight Horses Picture and the closet in the basement were burned, revealing a door, he immediately ordered two guards to open the closet that was burned to charcoal and go to the basement.

"Fortunately, the fire was put out in time, and the basement has not been burned yet."

Li Hongfei asked the guards to wait upstairs, walked to the door of the third alchemy room, pressed the copper lamp three times, and opened the alchemy room. Except for the smell of burning, everything was fine.

Li Hongfei went straight to the built-in closet, which was his most important thing and the hard work of his life.

The moment Li Hongfei opened the closet, he felt his body shaking. The closet was empty, and there was nothing.

"My dragon blood pill! Tiger blood pill! My gold bars and silver notes!"

"It was that damned one, ah, pu!"

Looking at the empty closet, Li Hongfei's body was shaky, and he felt his heart was blocked. The internal energy was running wild in the meridians. He opened his mouth and spit out a mouthful of old blood, and fell down with his head raised.

The dragon blood pill was left for his grandson. His grandson was young, so he planned to give it to him later.

The gold bars and silver notes were his savings over the years.

In order to prevent anyone from plotting, he specially raised 4 big wolfhounds. The alchemy room mechanism and the poisonous arrows in the closet caught him off guard and he would surely die!


Even in this way, someone could take away the porcelain basin!

This is too hateful!



Two guards came down quickly and helped Li Hongfei up.

In the morning.

Eleven o'clock.

"Is this the Dragon Blood Pill?"

"After taking these pills, I should be able to improve my cultivation to the second-rate realm!"

Qin Wang squatted in the thatched grass in a secluded corner three miles away from the rented yard, looking at a pigeon egg-sized, light red pill in the white porcelain bottle in his hand, with expectation in his eyes.

Dragon Blood Pill, three pills.

Tiger Blood Pill, also pigeon egg-sized, also light red, a total of 10 pills.

Qi and Blood Pill Qin Wang directly brought the porcelain basin. It should be that Li Hongfei had finished refining it and had not had time to bottle it for sale. After counting it carefully, there were 132 pills in total.

There were 90 silver bills, all of which were 50 taels in denomination, totaling 4,500 taels of silver.

There were 30 small gold coins, each worth about 1 tael.

"The first solution to the elixir?"

Qin Wang looked at the yellowed ancient book he got from Li Hongfei, and a hint of joy appeared in his eyes.

This is an ancient book about elixir, which contains the methods of refining Qi and Blood Pills, Tiger Blood Pills, and Dragon Blood Pills, as well as a large number of small regular script annotations.


There were also some mountains and rivers drawn at the back of the ancient book, which seemed to be a map.

"It seems that Li Hongfei was able to become an alchemist and open Tongrentang because he got this book on the first solution to the elixir?"

"This time, it's really a big harvest!"

Qin Wang held this book on the first solution to the elixir, and his eyes showed satisfaction.

This time, not counting the elixir, the gold and silver alone were worth more than 5,000 taels!

Especially the Dragon Blood Pill and the Tiger Blood Pill, which were in short supply!

"Go rent a new house first, then come back and hide here to wait for Zheng Kecheng!"

"Get rid of this bastard!"

Qin Wang packed up all his things and left this hidden place.


Three o'clock.

Qin Wang rented a three-room green brick and tile house eight miles away from the original rental house.

After storing all his things.

He returned to the original yard to set up the plan and wait for Zheng Kecheng to come.

The third day.

Early morning.

[Daily information refresh! ]

[Today's information]

[1: You followed Zheng Kecheng yesterday and obtained relevant information. Zheng Kecheng will find your last rental house at 10 am today. Zheng Kecheng hates you to the bone and is ready to torture you to death after finding you. ]

[2: You obtained Dragon Blood Pills, Tiger Blood Pills and a large number of Qi and Blood Pills three days ago. You have obtained relevant information. You will be promoted to the second-rate realm after taking these pills. ]

[5: You followed Li Hongfei yesterday and got relevant information. Because you took away Li Hongfei's life's work, Li Hongfei was so angry that his internal energy was running wild and he vomited blood twice. He sent people to investigate who stole his Dragon Blood Pill. ]

[6: You followed Chief Constable Zheng Kecheng yesterday and got relevant information. Zheng Kecheng received news from his elder brother Zheng Keshou that his son Zheng Lingyun was adopted as the thirteenth son by the general Li Jingzhong because of his good martial arts talent. Zheng Kecheng was going to kill you and then go to the Tianyun League to serve the King of Jin and make achievements. ]

[7: You heard about the news of the King of Jin's righteous army yesterday and got relevant information. Li Jingzhong, the great protector of Tianyun under the King of Jin, has led 100,000 troops to conquer the three cities of Youzhou and will conquer Yanyun County in six months! ]

[8: You paid attention to the Chen family yesterday and obtained relevant information. After Chen Kun killed Zhang Aofeng, the Zhang family's business was divided between the Chen family, the Lin family, and the Su family. Chen Kun is considering secretly destroying the Lin family and the Su family to dominate Yanyun County. 】

[9: You paid attention to Li Hongfei yesterday and obtained relevant information. Song Lin, No. 98, the killer organization of the Blood Killing Palace, which Li Hongfei contacted, is looking for traces of Baixiao Shenjun in Yanyun County. 】

"10 a.m. today!"

"Zheng Kecheng, please enjoy my gift!"

Qin Wang looked at the first piece of information with anticipation in his eyes.

This Zheng Kecheng is so vicious, I can finally kill him and collect his soul!

"After taking the Dragon Blood Pill and Tiger Blood Pill, will I be promoted to the second-rate realm?"

Qin Wang's eyes lit up when he looked at the second piece of information.

This is also expected.

With 3 Dragon Blood Pills, 10 Tiger Blood Pills, and 132 Qi Blood Pills, it's really unreasonable that he can't be promoted to the second rate.

"Old guy, investigate me? Haha. When I get promoted to second-rate, you will die!"

Qin Wang looked at the fifth piece of information with murderous intent in his eyes.

"Zheng Kecheng's son Zheng Lingyun? Became the thirteenth adopted son of General Li Jingzhong under the command of the King of Jin?"

"Will Li Jingzhong conquer Yanyun County in six months?"

Qin Wang looked at the 6th and 7th pieces of information and frowned deeply.

The anti-king army is pressing down on the country, and the current stability will be broken, which is not a good thing for me.

"Li Hongfei is still contacting the Blood Killing Hall killer to find me?"

Qin Wang looked at the ninth piece of information and narrowed his eyes.

"Go to bed first, leave at five o'clock, rent a house before going, and wait for Zheng Kecheng!"

Qin Wang made up his mind and fell asleep.

10 o'clock.

Zheng Kecheng pressed the handle of the knife with his hand, followed by the head catcher Wang Jiang, and headed towards a small courtyard behind the street and alley.

"The chief arrester, that young man Qin Wang has changed rental houses continuously in a short period of time!"

"So cautious!"

"Could he have left the city in disguise?!"

Wang Jiang thought that he had been searching everywhere for renting houses in the past few days, but still found nothing, and his curiosity about the young man Qin Wang arose in his heart.

"Not likely."

Zheng Kecheng looked at the ajar iron gate of the courtyard of the green brick house in front of him and tightened the handle of the knife in his hand.

There are records of the four city gates entering and exiting the city, but there is no record of the little bastard leaving the city. Another thing is that the little thing’s sister has become a virgin of the Chen family and will be sacrificed to the River God in early April next year!

He intuitively knew that Qin Wang was definitely still in Yanyun County!

"The arrest department is looking for the criminal and needs to enter the house to search!"

Wang Jiang stepped forward, opened the door, and walked in with Chief Catcher Zheng Kecheng. No one responded in the room. Wang Jiang held the door open with a long sheathed knife in his hand. In the main room, there was an old square table and a few old wooden chairs. .

There was a plate of uneaten leftovers and an unwashed bowl on the table.

"Wang Jiang, go check out the room!"

Zheng Kecheng gave Wang Jiang instructions.

Along the way, in order to find the Baixiao Shenjun played by Qin Wang, they took all the detectives and searched every room from house to house.


Wang Jiang nodded and walked to the room on the left. Suddenly, he saw a cloth bag as big as a bowl behind the door, flashing with sparks, and said immediately. "The chief arrester. Plop!"

"Wang Jiang, you."

When Zheng Kecheng saw Wang Jiang fall to the ground, he was shocked and drew his sword. But as soon as he pulled out the long sword, he felt sore all over and couldn't lift it up, so he immediately sat down on the ground.

"Not good! It's poisonous!"

Zheng Kecheng immediately sat cross-legged on the ground, running his exercises to try to force away the poison.

at this time.

Zheng Kecheng saw a sallow-faced young man emerge from behind the half-open door, holding a dagger in his hand and stabbing him. He wanted to dodge, but found that all his internal strength was gone, his whole body was limp, and he was watching helplessly. That dagger slashed across his throat!

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