Awakening Daily Information Panel, Become a True Immortal

Chapter 49: Destroy the Chen family! Rescue sister Qin Xuemei!

"With these 10 packets of Beisu Powder Incense, you should be fine!"

Qin Wang took out 10 packs of Beisu Powder Incense from a package beside him, which he had prepared for the Chen family.


Chen Kun, the head of the Chen family, left the family to hunt down Su Dingfeng. This was his good opportunity!

time flies.

Eleven o'clock at night.

The entire Chen family was dark, with only the mourning hall and Mrs. Chen's wing having faint lights.

Qin Wang stood up from a hidden corner, holding a fire stick in one hand and a Beisu Powder Incense in the other. Like a civet cat, he sneaked into the Chen family's mansion along the corner.

Chen family.

mourning hall.

Four coffins were placed in a row inside. In front of each coffin, there was a large wreath with the word "Die" written in the middle.

Seven or eight young people, wearing hemp and mourning, were sitting in the mourning hall. There was also an old man sitting on the side with his eyes closed and regulating his breathing. The whole mourning hall was filled with a gloomy atmosphere.

"Dad, when the person who poisoned me is found, I will cut him into pieces and torture his family to death and feed them to dogs! I will avenge you!"

A slightly fat man, with vicious eyes, blood-red eye circles, and gritted teeth.

Chen Zhong is Chen Bolin's son and one of the three second-rate masters currently in charge of the Chen family. His father and the head of the family went to the Su family last night and were poisoned and plotted by the 'Oriole'. His father and four other second-rate masters all had their throats cut. And die.

Chen Zhong thought that his father's hatred was irreconcilable, so he immediately stood up and walked outside.

"Old Qi, where are you going?"

At this time, on the side of the mourning hall, the gray-haired old man suddenly stopped Chen Zhong.

"My father was killed, I can't wait, I want to go find the 'Oriole' myself! Avenge my father!"

Chen Zhong held the sword at his waist with a firm look on his face.

"Old Qi, now, our Chen family has lost four second-rate masters, and only three of us are left. The head of the family is not here, and we must stay in the family. Once you go out, the family has a strong enemy, and your Uncle Wen and I can't stop it. Stay, then it’s over!”

"The head of the family has already gone to capture Su Dingfeng, and I believe he will be back soon! I understand how you feel, so you should put the overall situation first!"

Chen Baishu looked at his nephew Chen Zhong and comforted him in a deep voice.

Right now.

Five feet away from the mourning hall, a ghost-like black figure lit a fire in a deserted corner, lit a cloth bag in his hand, and threw it into the mourning hall.


Seeing a large cloth bag with a sparkling mouth falling into the mourning hall, Chen Baishu and Chen Zhong all drew their swords and looked around cautiously.

Several other young men guarding the mourners in the mourning hall also drew their swords and showed vigilance.

"No, the bag is poisonous!"

When Chen Baishu thought that the four masters of the Chen family died of poisoning last night, his expression suddenly changed and he shouted. "Get out quickly! Enemy attack! Someone is coming!"

Chen Baishu immediately jumped out of the door, but as soon as he jumped into the air, his internal strength stagnated and he fell to the ground, face-first like a dog eating shit.

at this time.

Chen Zhong and several other filial piety disciples were also so weak that their steel swords rolled to the ground, looking horrified.

"Brother, where is the enemy attack?"

At this time, a hundred feet away, a thin old man came galloping with a sword in hand. He saw his eldest brother Chen Baishu lying motionless at the door of the mourning hall.

He immediately stopped and looked wary.

Chen Bowen was also in the mourning hall. He had just gone to the toilet to urinate urgently. As soon as he started to urinate, he heard his elder brother's exclamation and rushed over.


Suddenly, a gray thing with sparks flying towards Chen Bowen!


Chen Bowen dodged and avoided the gray thing. The gray thing landed three feet behind him. Just as Chen Bowen was dodging, another gray thing with sparks 'pop'!

It landed not far from him.

Sparks flew everywhere.

Chen Bowen was wary, stepped back three feet and shouted loudly at the same time. "Who is pretending to be a ghost? Get out of here!"

As soon as Chen Bowen finished speaking, he felt his internal energy stagnate and his body swayed. His face changed wildly. He sat on the ground and started to use Zi Yang Kung to force out the poison.

The next moment, he was shocked to see an old man with a sallow complexion walking out of the shadows.

The old man with a sallow face picked up the sword of his nephew Chen Zhong, and the sword edge passed across it. The nephew Chen Zhong, who was a second-rate cultivator, had his head missing!

Immediately afterwards.

The eldest brother Chen Baishu was also beheaded by the old man with a sallow face. In less than ten breaths, all the other filial disciples were killed.

"Yellow oriole!?"

When Chen Bowen saw his eldest brother and nephew being killed without any resistance, his eyes suddenly became horrified, and he remembered what the head of the family had said about meeting the 'Oriole'.


His mind was shaken, and he could not calm down to suppress the poison. His internal energy became stagnant, his whole body was weak, and he fell to the ground.

"go to hell!"

Qin Wang stepped forward and bowed Chen Bowen down.

at this time.

Because of the movement in the mourning hall, other members of the Chen family woke up from their sleep and ran towards the mourning hall.

Qin Wang lit the mourning hall, threw five sad medicine bags and the dead people into the fire, and then headed towards the Chen family's backyard.

The fire in the mourning hall gradually started to burn!

Qin Wang knows.

These five Bei Su San Gong sachets are extremely poisonous. As long as the Chen family gathers around them, they will all be poisoned and fall to the ground like moths fluttering into a fire.

Just wait until you rescue your sister Qin Xuemei to a safe place, and then clean up the Chen family.

Chen's backyard.

Five feet away from the courtyard where Mrs. Chen lives, there is a quiet courtyard with rooms on all sides and a large patio in the middle. The wall is more than ten feet high and a heavy lock is hung on the iron door!

"This is it!"

Qin Wang kicked him directly, and the iron gate of the courtyard was kicked open and the wall collapsed.

"Information shows that the virgin lives in a room with two people. The elder sister and a girl named Xiao Zi live in a room on the left."

Qin Wang's eyes flashed, and he immediately walked to the room on the left. He walked over, knocked down the wooden door with one punch, sending debris flying everywhere, and strode in.

"Who are you?"


The room was not small. There was a wooden bed against the wall on both sides and a wardrobe. When the two girls on the bed heard the sound, they both woke up and sat up, looking at the sallow-faced old man who broke into the room with horrified eyes.

Qin Wang saw that the girl on the bed on the left was his sister, Qin Xuemei.


He did not step forward to recognize her immediately, but said in a hoarse voice. "They are all dry and skinny and tasteless! Everyone in the Chen family has been killed. Before I change my mind, everyone should get out!"

Qin Wang knew it in his heart.

Although the entire Chen family has been wiped out, there is still a first-rate Chen Kun. He is currently in a second-rate realm and cannot kill Chen Kun.

Not to mention there is Chen Yi who joined the Immortal Sect!

If you reveal your identity, rescue your sister.

When Chen Kun comes back, he will be able to accurately trace the clue that he rescued Qin Xuemei to himself as soon as possible!

He decided to pretend that he didn't know his sister Qin Xuemei in front of outsiders, and secretly took her away in a deserted place, so that it would be difficult for Chen Kun to find her!

The Chen family has many maids and servants.

At that time, the Chen family was robbed by a mysterious man, and all the maids, servants, and girls ran away. How would Chen Kun investigate?

"Thank you so much, hero!"

"Thank you!!"

In the house, Qin Xuemei and Xiao Zi heard this, and their eyes suddenly showed hope. If the Chen family was really gone, they would no longer have to be virgins.

The old man in front of me must not be lying.

They had already heard the screams, cries and screams outside. It looked like there was a fire.

As virgins, the two girls had nothing to deal with, so they immediately thanked Qin Wang profusely.

Qin Wang ignored the two of them, turned around and released the other two virgins, Xiaolan, and said, "Why are you so thin and tasteless? Get out of here!" ’ words.

He used Qinggong to fly over the heads of the four women and leave.

Immediately at the place where the four women had to pass, a hundred feet away, a punch knocked down the wall more than ten feet high, and then quietly turned around.

Followed behind the four girls.

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