Awakening Daily Information Panel, Become a True Immortal

Chapter 50: Killing Old Madam Chen, Qingyou Little Sword! [Please vote for recommendation! ]

"Ah! Sister Xuemei! This wall has collapsed!"

"Very good!"

When the four girls came to the collapsed high wall, Xiao Zi exclaimed and the four girls were overjoyed.

If you go through the main entrance, you have to walk for a long time. It's great that the wall has collapsed.

"Sister Xuemei, Xiaozi, Xiaoqing, the Chen family has been destroyed, we finally don't have to sacrifice to Jiang Shen!"

Xiaolan was holding the small package and looking at the Chen family's fire behind her, looking very happy.


Qin Xuemei turned back and glanced in the direction of the Chen family's mourning hall, and couldn't help but speed up her steps.

The hero just said that everyone in the Chen family was killed.

I no longer have to be a virgin.

You can go back to Qingniu Ji, and together with Wangzi, you can use the 20 taels of silver to build a house and live a good life.

"How can we take my sister away without alarming the other three girls?"

Qin Wang followed Qin Xuemei's four daughters with a thoughtful look in his eyes. He had to go back to the Chen family to kill the old witch Chen and the Chen family members who had not yet been killed.

But sister Qin Xuemei can't stop where she is. Where will she find her then?

"Xiao Zi, Xiao Qing, Xiao Lan, it's not a big deal for us to run around in the middle of the night. If we manage to escape, it will be over if we meet a bad guy. Otherwise, let's wait under the awning of the noodle shop in front of us until dawn before leaving. ?”

At this moment, Qin Wang, who was following behind, heard his sister Qin Xuemei's suggestion.

Noodle restaurants usually start kneading noodles on the fourth day of the week.

"Well, what Sister Xuemei said makes sense, let's go over there and wait until dawn."

Xiao Zi, Xiao Lan and Xiao Qing all agreed.


The four girls sat down in a corner under the awning of Chen Kee Noodle House, snuggling together to keep warm.

"They are waiting here for dawn. Just in time, I will go and kill the Chen family!"

Qin Wang took a deep look at the four women hiding in the corner of the noodle shop, then stood up and headed towards the Chen family.

at this time.

Chen family mourning hall.

The flames shot into the sky, and the Chen family members who woke up quickly called the servants to put out the fire.


They were all poisoned and collapsed outside the mourning hall, lying in a circle.

"Oh my God! The head of the family is not at home, and the only three second-rate masters in the family are all dead!!"

"What kind of poison is this? Is it so terrifying? Can it make people collapse to the ground instantly?"

"Hurry and report to the old lady for your decision!"


Further away, many Chen family maids, servants and Chen family members did not dare to approach. They watched the fire in the mourning hall soar into the sky and screamed again and again.

If you start a fire, you are afraid of poison. If you don't start, the fire will get bigger and bigger.

Right now.

A masked figure in black clothes flashed and appeared in front of everyone. His sharp eyes swept the whole place and he said in a hoarse voice. "The Chen family has done many evil things. I will do justice for God and kill all the Chen family members to eliminate harm to the people! If you don't embarrass your servants, you will leave within three breaths! Anyone who does not leave will be treated as a member of the Chen family and killed!"

After Qin Wang finished speaking, he flashed his figure, rushed towards some of the people in luxurious clothes, and shot directly to kill them.

There are more than a dozen of these Chen family members who are in the third-rate realm, but when they meet the second-rate Qin Wang, almost every move they make will kill one of them, and blood will flow out!

For a while.

The screams and cries were shocking.

I saw the man in black killing the Chen family members decisively and ruthlessly.

All the slaves and maids who were preparing to put out the fire looked horrified. They dropped their buckets and ran away. They only regretted that their parents had lost two legs.

Some members of the Chen family began to flee.

Outside the Chen family mourning hall, Chen family members continued to fall.

at this time.

The backyard of Chen's family is very quiet here. The ground is paved with bluestone slabs and landscape trees are planted around it.

"Spring grass. Spring grass!"

In the side room, on the brocade couch, an old woman with snow-white hair and skinny bones looked out the window and shouted weakly.

This old woman is none other than Zhuo Qiumei, the old lady of the Chen family.

There was a fire in the direction of the mourning hall today.

She asked her personal maid Chun Cao to check on the situation.

But she didn't expect that Chun Cao hadn't come back after being out for so long, and the other three maids were nowhere to be seen. The bursts of screams coming from the direction of the mourning hall made her worried.

"No need to shout, all the Chen family's maids have escaped!"

At this moment, a masked man in black with a dagger in his hand stood at the door, his voice cold.

"Who are you!"

Suddenly, Mrs. Chen looked at the masked man in black clothes who appeared like a ghost at the door. Her heart suddenly pounded. She wanted to sit up, but she was unable to lie down.

The Chen family suffered a setback at the Su family last night, and four second-rate masters died suddenly.

In order to give an explanation to his clan members, his son Chen Kun went after Su Dingfeng. The family still had three middle-class second-rate men, Chen Bowen, Chen Boxu and Chen Zhong, to guard him.

The man in black entered the Chen family's mansion, and the three of them didn't stop him?

"Kill your people!"

"Old witch, you have done many evil things, and I will take your life today!"

"By the way, let me tell you that all the Chen family members are dead! Your Chen family is finished!!"

"Do you have to be grateful to me for being able to let you see the destruction of the Chen family before you die?"

Qin Wang looked at Mrs. Chen, who was lying on the bed and was as thin as a stick, with a cold murderous intent in her eyes, and gritted her teeth.

This old thing is so disgusting!


"You must die a good death! My dear grandson is already an immortal! He will never let him go."

After hearing Qin Wang's words, Mrs. Chen gritted her teeth, stretched out her hands like chicken claws, and wanted to get up. She also pinched Qin Wang before she died, but she slumped down on the brocade couch with hateful eyes and shortness of breath.


"I have good news for you! You cannot enter reincarnation!"

Seeing that Mrs. Chen was still so arrogant even when she was about to die, Qin Wang chuckled and raked the dagger eighteen times across Mrs. Chen's body.

The last two cuts cut out the old lady's eyes!

This is the last scene to completely eliminate eye reflection!

A faint soul flew up from Mrs. Chen's body and was sucked into Qin Wang's portable soul gathering bowl.

"This old thing is the old lady of the Chen family. She should have a lot of money. Search it!"

Qin Wang killed Mrs. Chen and immediately looked around the wing.

In the room, there is an elegant nanmu cabinet, sandalwood table, sandalwood chairs, and two sandalwood boxes inlaid with iron buckles on the corners and carved with dragons and phoenixes on the walls.

Qin Wang stepped forward and opened the box.

In the first box, there were a pair of gold bowls, two pairs of gold chopsticks, gold and silver jewelry bracelets, a few jade pendants, and a pile of silver notes.

In the second box, there were two sets of red clothes and two pairs of embroidered shoes. They were draped in phoenix crowns and glow, and they looked old.

"This old witch was born into wealth."

Qin Wang looked at the phoenix crown and Xiapei and thought to himself.

As far as he knows.

Fengguanxiapei is the attire of ancient aristocratic women and married women who were granted imperial titles. Women from wealthy families would also wear it when they got married to show their honor.

Qin Wang put the gold and silver in the first box into a cloth bag, pulled off the beads from the phoenix crown in the second box, and Xia Pei picked it up and threw it aside.


"What's this?"

As soon as Qin Wang threw away the Fengguanxia Phi, he discovered that there was an elegant box under the box.

There is a small sword that is green in color and about three inches long. This kind of small sword is too short to be used as a dagger. It is completely reduced in shape of a sword and is very light.

"This sword is collected by Old Witch Chen. It should be good. Take it!"

Qin Wang immediately put away the small sword and searched the house again, but found nothing, so he immediately lit the fire.

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