Awakening Daily Information Panel, Become a True Immortal

Chapter 53 Leaving the city! An unexpected gain! Sky-piercing kite?

[5: You rescued your sister Qin Xuemei yesterday and obtained information. Qin Xuemei learned that the Qishun Yi army had sealed the city and was surrounded by dangers. She was very worried. 】

[7: You burned down the Chen family yesterday and obtained information. There is an underground river connecting the Heijiang River in the courtyard of the Chen family ancestral hall. There is a 500-year-old salamander trapped in it. After taking it, it can improve the cultivation of immortals below the fifth level of the Qi refining stage. realm. 】

[10: You burned down the Chen family yesterday and obtained information. Chen Kun, the head of the Chen family, carried the spiritual light shield talisman given by the elders of the Immortal Sect with him. 】


Qin Wang looked at the intelligence reminder and became energetic.

Every update of information represents a new opportunity!

"Chen Kun will return in 4 days?"

Qin Wang looked at the first piece of information, his eyes flickering.

at present.

The county seat has been sealed off by Qishun. If nothing happens, I should be able to leave the city smoothly tonight!

"Old Witch Chen actually has a younger brother, Zhuo Qiuhang, who is a shepherd in Yunzhou?"

"The old witch's maternal nephew Zhuo Yijian is coming soon to take the old witch to Yunzhou to reminisce about the past?"

Qin Wang looked at the second piece of information and curled up into a sneer.

I am afraid.

Zhuo Yijian was about to run away.

The old witch is dead, and her soul has been collected in the soul gathering bowl.

Qin Wang always carries the current soul-gathering bowl with him. As long as he kills his enemy, he can actively collect the soul, so that the enemy can be reunited in the soul-gathering bowl.

"Qi Shun, Zheng Lingyun?"

Qin Wang looked at the 3rd and 4th pieces of information, and hehehe, he can leave the city later. No matter how Zheng Lingyun and Qishun are blocked, it will be useless!

"There is an underground river connected to the Heijiang River in the courtyard of the Chen Family Ancestral Hall, and there is a 500-year-old spiritual salamander? After taking it, can it improve the realm of immortal cultivators below the fifth level of the Qi Refining Stage?"

Qin Wang looked at the seventh piece of information with a look of excitement in his eyes.

This spiritual salamander is of extraordinary value. He is about to leave the city now and has no time to catch it. He can only wait until he obtains the immortal cultivation technique in the future and then come back to catch it.

"No wonder the spiritual light shield is not in the Chen family. It turns out that it was carried by Chen Kun!"

Qin Wang looked at the 10th piece of information with a thoughtful look in his eyes.

"Sister, it's almost time. Let's go. I'll wink at you, and you'll cover your face with this wipe."

After Qin Wang read the information update and saw that the time was almost up, he immediately took out a wet wipe and said to his sister Qin Xuemei who was waiting aside with a worried look.


Qin Xuemei took the wet wipe, with deep worry in her beautiful eyes, and held it in her arms.


The two of them picked up the package and headed towards the south gate, one after the other, under the faint moonlight.

at this time.

The south gate of Yanyun County is closed.

Beside the city gate, there were eight rebel soldiers sitting with long swords. Because the weather was very cold near the end of the year, these soldiers were wearing a lot of clothes and gathered around a large charcoal pot next to the city gate to keep warm.

Qin Wang and Qin Xuemei, a middle-aged couple dressed as a couple, had just walked five feet away from the city gate. Among the eight rebel soldiers, the square-faced sergeant, the leader, took a step forward, holding the handle of his knife, and shouted sharply. "It's curfew time! What are you doing here in the middle of the night?"

As the square-faced sergeant shouted, more than a dozen sergeants emerged from the ear rooms on both sides of the city gate and looked over.

"Gentlemen, our husband and wife are from Ariesji. We didn't make it out of the city during the day, and we don't have money to stay in a hotel. We plan to stay in the corner outside all night. It's too cold. Can we warm up by the fire here?"

"We can't stand the cold anymore."

Qin Wang stepped forward and clasped his fists respectfully at the soldiers.

Qin Wang lowered his head and looked around discreetly, and found that there were more than a dozen sergeants warming themselves in the side rooms on both sides.

"Go, go, there is a curfew now, and General Qi has ordered the city to be closed for strict inspection, so go ahead and don't make any trouble!"

Another sergeant frowned and waved his hand impatiently.

"Master Jun, okay, let's bake it, just once, okay?"

Qin Wang clasped his fists and stepped forward, with hope in his eyes, and said again. "How about we light a fire in your brazier, and I can pick up some firewood from the eaves over there. I can get a fire and go over there to keep warm, okay?"

"Borrowing fire?"

The square-faced sergeant thought for a moment, waved his hand and said. "Okay, then you guys go get the fire. Once you get the fire, hurry up and leave!"

"Thank you, Master, thank you, Master!"

Qin Wang immediately clasped his fists respectfully at the square-faced sergeant, took out a large cloth bag with a sea bowl in his hand, went to the charcoal basin to light the fire, and at the same time winked at Qin Xuemei.


Inside the cloth bag was a large portion of Beisu Sangong Incense, which ignited immediately when exposed to fire.

Qin Wang pretended not to catch it, and the Beisu San Gong scented cloth bag fell into the charcoal basin, and instantly a foot-high flame broke out. The sergeants around him frowned at Qin Wang and Qin Xuemei, who were dressed as a middle-aged couple. people.

"What are you doing?"

"Light up and leave quickly!"

The square-faced sergeant felt a little uneasy when he saw the flames in the charcoal basin. He immediately shouted and drove Qin and Wang away.

"Master Jun, I accidentally fell in, let's pick it up and leave!"

Qin Wang lit the Beisu San Gong Incense and felt calm, pretending to pick up the medicine packet in the charcoal basin.

But he knew it.

As long as this medicine is ignited, none of the soldiers guarding the city will be able to escape!

"Ah You."

"The charcoal basin is poisonous!"

At this moment, there was a burst of exclamation on the scene, and the sergeants closest to him fell to the ground one after another. The expressions of the more than 20 sergeants in the wings on both sides changed, and they ran out of the wings, trying to avoid the charcoal basin.

But they underestimated the power of Beisu Powder Incense!

More than 20 soldiers who came out of the ear room all fell to the ground, and piled up at the door!


Qin Wang walked up to a soldier who looked like the leader, searched around his waist, found a key, and walked straight to the city gate.

The city gate was closed, and a huge iron lock was hung on it.

Qin Wang inserted the key into the keyhole.


The iron lock bounced open. Although the iron door was heavy, Qin Wang was already a second-rate cultivator, so he immediately pushed the iron door open a three-foot gap!


From the ear room, another thin soldier stuffed his nose with a cloth towel, and his figure flashed and climbed up the city wall, but the next moment, he seemed to be exhausted and fell from a height of two meters, motionless, and actually fainted.

A yellow cloth bag fell out of his arms and landed two meters away from Qin Wang.

It looks like a book.


"This is."

Qin Wang looked at the soldier with a puzzled look.

How could a soldier guarding the city have such superb Qinggong?

A person with such superb Qinggong would never be willing to be a soldier guarding the city!

This person.

He is definitely a fake soldier!

Qin Wang immediately remembered the intelligence that the thief Zuantian Yaozi had killed a volunteer soldier, transformed into the appearance of the volunteer soldier, and lurked in the volunteer soldier. Could it be that this person is actually Zuantian Yaozi?

Could this yellow cloth bag of books be?

Thinking of this.

Qin Wang's eyes suddenly lit up.

If this is true, then it is really a treasure falling from the sky!

Qin Wang stepped forward, picked up the yellow cloth bag, stuffed it into the package, and searched in the fake soldier's arms again. He didn't find anything, so he immediately said to his sister Qin Xuemei beside him. "Let's go!"

After that.

Qin Wang took the lead and cautiously drilled out of the city gate.


Qin Xuemei nodded, followed Qin Wang and drilled out of the South City Gate.

Qin Wang immediately closed the city gate, carried Qin Xuemei on his back, performed the flying eagle technique, and rushed away.

Happy New Year, brothers!

At the same time, please give me some recommendation votes, brothers

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