Awakening Daily Information Panel, Become a True Immortal

Chapter 54 Jingshan Black Market! Maple Leaf Valley, Chiyang Magic Skill is obtained! [Please recomm

At dawn.

Qin Wang carried Qin Xuemei on his back and appeared in the fir forest fifty miles away from Yanyun County.

"Wangzi, please let me down, I can leave on my own."

Qin Xuemei lay on Qin Wang's back and said in his ear.

"Well, it's dawn, let's take a rest first."

Qin Wang nodded and carried his sister on his back for fifty miles. Even if he was a second-rate expert, he still needed a rest. After saying this, he put down Qin Xuemei, took out two kang cakes from the package beside him, and handed one over.

"Wangzi, what kind of medicine is in your medicine bag? Is it so powerful?"

Qin Xuemei took the pancake and ate it in small bites, with deep shock in her beautiful eyes.

She always remembered the shocking scene at the gate of Nancheng in the early morning.

Just that small bag, after being lit, actually caused so many sergeants to collapse to the ground!

It's so amazing!

"That's called the incense of mourning. If a first-class warrior smells it, he will fall to the ground and be unable to move within three breaths."

Qin Wang gnawed on the pancake and said angrily.

"No wonder you didn't panic at all. It turned out you were confident."

Qin Xuemei smiled sweetly.

She had also been worried about how Wangzi would lead her out of the city with so many guards at the city gate.

did not expect.

Wangzi solved the problem with a pack of medicine.

Qin Xuemei looked at Qin Wang with relief.

She suddenly felt that Wangzi had grown up.

"Chiyang Divine Art!"

While Qin Wang was eating the pancake, he suddenly remembered the yellow cloth bag he picked up at the city gate. He immediately looked around and took it out of the bag. Qin Xuemei looked at it quietly.

Qin Wang opened the yellow cloth bag, and inside was a yellowed book and a strange key.

On the title page of the book are written the four characters "Chiyang Shengong" in regular script.

Qin Wang looked at the book and opened it. Inside were diagrams of the meridians of the human body, all marked with red lines and annotated in small letters.

"It is indeed the Chiyang Divine Art!"

"Very good!"

Qin Wang was very satisfied.

To know.

This thing caused a bloody storm in the world, causing competition among masters from all walks of life. The number one master in Liangzhou, Yan Baifei, practiced this magical skill and suppressed the world in Liangzhou for thirty years!

Unexpectedly, this treasure was obtained just like this.

Currently, Qin Wang is practicing the Little Chiyang Kung Fu. According to the information, this Little Chiyang Kung Fu is derived from the Chiyang Magic Kung. If you practice this Chiyang Magic Kung by yourself, you can completely transform it with twice the result with half the effort!

It's a long way to go to Jinzhou, and the Chiyang Divine Skill can also increase one's strength, so it comes just in time.

The stronger the strength, the less dangerous it is.

"Wangzi, you. If you have time, can you teach me how to practice martial arts?"

Suddenly, Qin Xuemei approached Qin Wang and asked.

"Sister, do you want to practice martial arts?"

Qin Wang was stunned. Unexpectedly, his sister actually asked to practice martial arts.

"Well, after practicing martial arts, I can help you too!"

Qin Xuemei smiled and said.

It’s been a long journey.

She found that Wangzi had grown up and she had become the one who needed protection, so she decided to practice martial arts, not to mention how, at least not to drag Wangzi down.

"Okay, when I come back from a trip to the black market, I will teach you the Flying Eagle Body Technique!"

Qin Wang nodded and said.

The Chiyang Magic Technique is not suitable for my sister to practice, but the Flying Eagle Body Technique is.

Yanyun County.

South gate.

The city gate is forbidden to enter and exit. A large circle is made of wood and stones in front of the gate. In the middle of the circle is a large extinguished charcoal basin.

"All the more than forty sergeants were poisoned?"

"This poison is the same as the poison that destroyed the Chen family!"

"Could that couple be the murderers who killed Mr. Zheng?"

Qi Shun hung a knife on his waist and frowned deeply as he looked at the large charcoal basin in the circle.

He received reports from his subordinates early in the morning that at one hour last night, a middle-aged couple poisoned nearly forty soldiers with a strange poison and fled away.

Qi Shun didn't hesitate anymore and looked at the thin man who was about 27 or 28 years old and limp on the ground. "You are the master thief and the kite in the sky?!"

The man on the ground was silent.

"Second uncle! This man refuses to speak. I don't know if it is because of poisoning."

Beside Qi Shun, Qi Feiying said respectfully.


Qi Shun was stunned, stepped forward, stretched out his hand and poured internal energy into the young man. After a long time, the young man rolled his eyes and said with a weak breath. "I'll kill or chop you into pieces if I fall for you. Just listen. Do as you please."

"Why kill you? I'm just curious about that thing."

Qi Shun looked at the thin man, his eyes twinkling.

"Taken away by that couple"

"Haha. I didn't expect that Li Qiye, my flying kite, would be so frustrated!"

Li Qiye, the flying kite, laughed at himself, with a look of resignation in his eyes.

After all the hard work, he obtained the Chiyang Magic Skill and was hunted down by masters in the world. He hid in Yanyun County and transformed into a rebel sergeant. However, he was harmed by the couple and Chi Yu watched helplessly as the secret book was picked up by the couple. gone.

To know.

That Chiyang Magic Technique is the peerless magic technique that Yan Baifei relies on to become famous!

He himself avoided pursuit all the way and escaped death several times. He didn't even have time to practice, but he took advantage of the couple.

"Flying Eagle, send someone to investigate that couple!"

"At the same time, send troops out of the south of the city to pursue!"

Hearing this, Qi Shun frowned slightly and spoke in a deep voice.

If this Chiyang Magic Art is obtained, the Qi family will be greatly prosperous!

Be sure to get it!


Qi Feiying turned and left.

Just as Qishun was investigating the couple all over the city.

A man of about thirty-one or twelve years old, wearing white clothes and a white horse, followed by three old men with profound auras, a group of four, stood in front of the Chen family mansion that had been burned into ruins, and they all showed disbelief.

"Didn't my aunt send a message saying that my cousin Chen Yi was taken away to practice by the elders of Taiyi Sword Sect?"

Zhuo Yijian frowned deeply.

My aunt sent a message, and my cousin Chen Yi received a great fate.

His father was busy with work, so he asked him to bring three first-class bodyguards to congratulate him, and at the same time, he took his aunt to Yunzhou to live for a while. However, he did not expect that as soon as he arrived in Yanyun County, he heard that his aunt's family had been wiped out.

Only his cousin Chen Kun and his nephew from the Taiyi Sword Sect survived.

If he hadn't asked the residents nearby, he would have thought he had gone to the wrong place.

"My eldest son, this matter is important. You need to send a message to the master quickly! At the same time, help track down the murderer!"

An old man with a red face wearing a gray robe said in a deep voice.


Zhuo Yijian nodded.

The aunt was killed and the Chen family was destroyed. However, there were cousin Chen Kun and nephew Chen Yi who helped the cousin's family at this time. When cousin Chen Yixian came back from the Xianmen, just a few words would be enough for the Zhuo family to prosper for a hundred years!

This thigh must be held firmly!

Two days later, Qin Wang took Qin Xuemei to Maple Leaf Town, a suburb of Qingyun County. They rented a farmhouse and settled in his sister Qin Xuemei. Qin Wang took the silver and the Soul Gathering Bowl to the Jingshan black market.


It is located at the junction of Huxiaoji and Qingyun County, about a hundred miles away from the county seat.

This is a continuous mountain range.

Under the mountains, there is a large crescent-shaped lake called Yingyue Lake, with white rocks all over the lake.

"Intelligence shows that if you take the black market certificate and go to Jingshan Diaoyutai, you can know the exact location of the market opening."

Qin Wang stood by Tianyue Lake. There was indeed a huge natural stone platform beside the lake, but it was sparsely populated and almost no one could be seen.

"Brother, did you bring your market entry certificate?"

Just as Qin Wang was looking around, a man in gray clothes wearing a tiger mask emerged from behind a large rock. He was holding a stack of masks in his hand. He looked at Qin Wang, cupped his fists and asked.

"Brother, please bring me your voucher."

Qin Wang also clasped his fists and handed over the certificate obtained from Zheng Kecheng.


The tiger-faced man in gray clothes took the voucher, looked at it, handed it back to Qin Wang, took out a sheep-faced mask, handed it to Qin Wang, and said. "The black market will open at six o'clock tonight, in Maple Leaf Valley, ten miles away from here."

"Thank you!"

Qin Wang took the voucher and the sheep mask and clasped his fists at the tiger-masked man.

"You're welcome!"

The tiger-faced man waved his hand, turned around and hid behind the white stone.

Ten miles away from Diaoyutai, Maple Leaf Valley is covered with yellow maple trees. The ground is covered with rotten leaves, exuding the smell of rotten leaves.


Six o'clock.

Qin Wang arrived outside Maple Leaf Valley with a package containing ten packs of Beisu Powder Incense and some silver notes. He was wearing a sheep mask.

One after another, figures with powerful auras were galloping towards Maple Leaf Valley.

These people are all without exception, wearing tiger masks, bull heads, sheep masks, etc., and no one knows who they are. The only thing that can be judged from the aura emanating from these warriors is that most of them are third-rate perfect, second-rate Realm of warriors.

Qin Wang even discovered that there were several first-class warriors.

He followed the crowd and entered Maple Leaf Valley.

At the entrance of Maple Leaf Valley, there were two tiger-faced warriors who were in the late second-rate realm, checking their credentials.

Qin Wang took out his voucher and entered the valley.

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