Awakening Daily Information Panel, Become a True Immortal

Chapter 60: The tide has turned! Kill Lin Tong! Get the Five Elements Divine Light Jar!

"Lin Tong was chased by his two senior brothers. His left leg and left arm, his left eye was corroded by poison, and he suffered extremely serious internal injuries. His strength was only one tenth of what it was? He is currently hiding in a dilapidated temple two hundred miles to my left?"

"This bastard has been chasing me for so long, and now you have come to this day!"

Qin Wang looked at the first and second pieces of information, and his eyes suddenly became fierce. Isn't this taking advantage of your illness to kill you?

Lin Tong is currently two hundred miles to his left, a little off the direction of Jinzhou, but the general direction is the same. He chased him so badly before, and now this bastard is in a state of decline. It would be unreasonable not to kill him.

Moreover, the Three Corpses Gu King Jar is the mysterious treasure of Gu Zun, which can accelerate the cultivation of spirit insects. Finding the lid and the water of the five elements will give it a powerful attack and killing power!

The information shows that this jar is not called the Three Corpses Gu King Jar, but the Five Elements Divine Light Jar, which should not be an ordinary thing.

Must get it!

Skip the third piece of information.

"Li Qiye was taken away from the Red Sun Divine Art by me, but he actually got the chance to become an immortal again? This...this luck is too good, isn't it?"

Qin Wang looked at the 4th piece of information and was shocked.

"This fragment of mine once participated in the Ten Thousand Spirits War with its former owner?"

Qin Wang looked at the 5th piece of information and couldn't help but reach into his arms and touch the fragment. He was looking forward to this fragment.

A palm-sized piece can calm the mind and increase the spirit.

If all the fragments are gathered together and restored to a complete treasure, how powerful will it be?

"The immortal master Jin Guyun invited by the Great Cangyun Emperor? There is no hope on the road? Ready to enjoy the rest of his life?"

"Chen Kun sent people to investigate the disappearance of his sister? Will the investigation lead to me?"

Qin Wang looked at the 6th and 7th pieces of information and narrowed his eyes slightly.

"Don't worry about Chen Kun for now. He won't be able to catch up with me for a while. Let's kill Lin Tong first and get the treasure first!"

Qin Wang said inwardly with a thoughtful look in his eyes.

Three days later.


Youzhou border.

Linshan City, thirty miles away, Qingcha Mountain.

There is a Baiyun Temple at the bottom of the mountain road, which has stopped incense.

The dilapidated temple, three statues, the gold paint is falling and mottled, and the roof tiles are blown off by the wind. The sun shines through the holes, and you can see the three-foot-high dry grass in the temple.

There are large stones piled in the dry grass outside the temple.

A black-clothed beggar covered in blood, disheveled hair, and a weak breath, sat miserably in the dilapidated temple, chewing something in his mouth to satisfy his hunger.

One of his legs was broken at the root, one hand was gone at the shoulder, and one eyeball was gone, with a flash of pain in his single eye.


The beggar raised his head and looked outside the dilapidated temple. His only remaining right hand pressed on the hilt of the sword beside him, looking at the sallow-faced man standing three feet away from the temple gate, his voice hoarse. "Who are you?"

The man carried a black knife on his back and held a gray cloth bag as big as a millstone in his hand.

He felt that this sallow-faced man had bad intentions.

"Lin Tong, haven't you been looking for me for a long time?"

Qin Wang looked at Lin Tong, who was miserable as shown in the intelligence, with a cold look in his eyes. He held a huge medicine bag in his left hand and took out a fire stick in his right hand.

This Beisu Sangongxiang medicine bag is ten portions.

Lin Tong is a disciple of the Voodoo Gang, and his body is probably resistant to poison, so the amount is increased tenfold.


"You are the black market sheep-faced man who killed my four servants!?"

Hearing Qin Wang's words, Lin Tong's eyes widened immediately, and he subconsciously stepped back, leaning against the mottled statue. He didn't expect that he was originally a hunter, but now he has become the prey.

He is now seriously injured, his hands, feet and eyes are useless, and his internal injuries have not recovered. His strength is less than one-tenth of his peak. He has been eating grass roots, snakes and rats for a few days and is extremely weak.

Six servants were also killed when he killed the eighth senior brother.

Hiding in this deserted temple to heal his wounds is very secretive.

This sheep-faced man actually found this place.

It's really a broken house that gets hit by a rainy night!

"You've been chasing me for so long, now it's my turn to kill you!!"

After Qin Wang finished speaking, he instantly lit the Beisu Sangong incense medicine bag, and the flames were swirling. He stood five feet outside the temple and threw the lit medicine bag into the broken temple.


Lin Tong's expression changed drastically. He knew that this medicine bag was not simple!

He held the sword with one hand and wanted to use soft power to pick up the medicine bag and fly it out of the broken temple, but the medicine bag broke instantly, and sparks flew everywhere. He watched the medicine bag fall into pieces in the broken temple, and sparks were everywhere.

Lin Tong immediately held his breath through his nose.

He remembered how Jiang Hanyun and others died, and immediately reached into his arms, took out a white porcelain bottle, bit off the red cloth cork with his teeth, and poured it into his mouth.


At this moment.

A fist-sized stone, like a powerful arrow, made a sharp whistle and shot towards his face!

Lin Tong was shocked. He had no time to dodge, so he had to postpone taking the medicine. He tilted his head to avoid the blow, but the stone rubbed his face, and half of his face and left ear were directly rubbed off!

A burst of pain came!

Blood flowed!

The white porcelain bottle in his hand also rolled to the ground, and the detoxification pills were scattered on the side.

"Brother, wait a minute!"

Lin Tong endured the severe pain, looked at Qin Wang with one eye, and his voice was hoarse. "Let me go! I will give you the Three Corpses Gu King Jar, the treasure of my master, and my eight thousand taels of silver notes! The grudges between us are wiped out!"

While Lin Tong was speaking, he picked up the detoxification pills on the ground and stuffed them into his mouth.

At the moment of speaking, he couldn't hold his breath, and he felt that his body strength dissipated.


He just hoped that this man would be greedy and take the Three Corpses Gu King Jar.

There is poison on his package. As long as this person takes the Three Corpses Gu King Jar, he will be poisoned. At that time, he will have no choice!

"Kill you! I will take it myself!"

Qin Wang snorted coldly, picked up a big stone and threw it at Lin Tong. Lin Tong was a disciple of the Voodoo Gang and was full of poison. He dared not approach him. He would first kill him and then burn him.

The jar burned by fire should be safe.

Qin Wang threw stones with his second-rate middle-stage internal force, like a strong arrow. Although the aim was not very good, seven or eight stones fell down, breaking Lin Tong's right leg and hitting his chest. The powerful impact of the stone caused his chest to collapse. He lay on the ground vomiting blood and dying.

"I didn't expect that I would die under the stone."

Lin Tong's one-eyed despair was extremely aggrieved.

He didn't despair even though his hands and feet were broken and one eye was blind.

But now, he is indeed desperate.

The man in front of him was too cautious. He first poisoned him and then threw stones at him. If he didn't get close, he wouldn't have had the chance to poison him at all!

If he hadn't been seriously injured by the two senior brothers, he wouldn't have ended up like this!

Qin Wang threw a few more big stones at him, one of which hit Lin Tong's head and opened his blood.

A faint soul flew out of Lin Tong's body and was absorbed by the soul-gathering bowl beside Qin Wang.

"Finally dead!"

Qin Wang went to the side and chopped a pile of hay and firewood with the Soul-Shocking Knife, and threw it far away on Lin Tong and his package. He lit a torch and threw it far away to ignite it. Lin Tong's body and the hay and firewood on the package instantly burned.

Suddenly, the flames shot up into the sky.

The fire crackled like popping beans, as if something was burned and exploded.

"Get away first."

Qin Wang immediately moved away from the ruined temple. Lin Tong was full of poison. If he burned him, the poison would also be emitted, then it would be a big deal.

Watch from a distance, wait until the fire is completely extinguished, then come and get the Five Elements Divine Light Jar!

Just as Qin Wang turned around to avoid the ruined temple, a snow silkworm crawled out of the jar in the burning package and fled to the distance like lightning.

Brothers, I wrote it carefully, fearing that I would write something poisonous, so I wrote it slowly. I am a clumsy person, please give me some recommendation votes

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